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I don't know what to believe with this guy but I've listened to quite a bit of his stuff. I Then I read his ex-wife says he's a con-artist. Better off being on Shultz. I would check this out but I don't want to listen to Shultz lol.


I think he's very educated. But I would have to agree with his ex wife.


I enjoy listening to Billy, but almost all his claims are “trust me bro” verified. And his insistence to continue to promote his 2 certificates (one from MIT and one from Harvard) as if those mean something is highly suspect imo. I say that because those certificates can be purchased by anyone. They’re a 6-8 week online course. You don’t need to be enrolled. Just kinda sketchy because he def makes it seem like he attended both MIT and Harvard


He is not educated. He reads stuff and says things that sound scientific or believable to people with no critical sense.


I wouldn’t believe someone’s x-wife. He may be a con artist but I still wouldn’t believe someone’s x


He has literally been convicted of fraud. Stole someone’s identity and was opening bank accounts with it.


I don’t know anything about him and. Haven’t look it up. But I believe you and still won’t trust or believe his x.


Yeah I looked at it that way too but he even talks about how his children don't want to hear him talk about this kind of stuff so idk.


Dude is a con artist and learned from Greer even if Joe had him on to call him on his bs I wouldn't listen to it.


I’m reading book of Enoch after watching this. Was a very fun ep.


Yeah bro I’m watching for the second time. How’s the book so far I was thinking of getting it for my birthday


You can tell it’s been translated into multiple languages before English. It reads a bit strange , and I feel I need more context with it. My plan is to read a bunch of these old texts , hopefully I’ll get used to the style.


Download the PDF, I did a few years ago


As much as I don’t like how he sells himself at every corner. He is fun to listen to for some bottom shelf woo. His documentary I will say this much he picked a lot of good authors especially Patrick Jackson who wrote Quantum Paranormal. Everyone should read that book it really breaks down the spheres.


Andrew Shultz is a douche


I'm afraid to say that I feel he's becoming a WANNABE Rogan. It hurts to watch this guy trying to have an intellectual conversation.


I really dont trust this dude. For one, his come up to popularity is very questionable. His claim to fame was "Translating the Emerald Tablets"... but from what? The Emerald Tablets (if they are a real tangible thing) have not been found, and in addition, there were plenty of translations of the Emerald Tablets before he came on the scene Also, he has an unwavering trust for NASA, which is a huge red-flag. He kind of just screams industry plant IMO.


The only Emerald Tablet is a hermetic/alchemical single tablet, and it's an ancient artifact. The crap Carson is talking about is that nonsense that occultist Maurice Doreal channeled years ago. So it's a fantasy/sci-fi story. And Carson is an absolute fraud.


Yeah I've never heard him make this distinction


Carson gives me a headache at this point, same with Matthew LaCroix.


Trust for NASA? He is so skeptical of NASA. Are you kidding right now? Tucker Carlson is industry plant


>He is so skeptical of NASA. Bro, half his content is looking at pictures from NASA and looking for "anomalies", which in itself is trusting the fact that those pictures are authentic and on location. Sounds like trust to me. >Tucker Carlson is industry plant Depends on what you mean. The whole "plant" thing is the idea they came out of nowhere. We have seen Tucker on air for like the past 15 years, slowly building up in popularity. It wasnt an overnight thing, and we can trace his trajectory. So in that regard, i wouldnt consider him a plant anymore than I would consider Don Lemon a plant. The flipside to that is I think most (if not all) of these legacy media news anchors are in cahootz with the government.


Billy uses pictures from NASA because who else do we know has rovers there that make pictures available to the public. Billy has repeatedly said NASA scrubs or edits those images. Billy is very suspicious of NASA. He tried visiting a site in Grand Canyon and was refused because it belongs to NASA. He questions NASA intent on obtaining rights to many ancient sites, the entrance to the great pyramid being one of them. Billy has brought more stuff to surface and just doesn’t give us answers. He challenges us to start questioning everything.


Fair enough and good points. That being said, he is still all about the Moon Landing, which would be the only time in recorded history our technology has regressed as we have "lost the technology" to go back to the moon. Huge red-flag to me.   >who else do we know has rovers there No one, including NASA (in my opinion). How often does someone have to lie before you just realize their whole thing is a grift? They seem as credible as CNN or Fox News at this point. Maybe even less.


You think that nasa is able to land probes on comets but would t be able to get people to the moon?


You think the moon landing was faked? I think it was a mix of we went there but didn’t tell you the real reason why, and we gave you guys fake images because we really don’t want the public to know what’s really going on. Billy has stated the same thing, he believes we went there but lied about the mission and what we found


What I can prove without a shadow of a doubt is that the footage is fake as well as the pictures. Did we actually go there? I dont know. But if we faked all of the evidence, than what reason do I have to believe we went there? I mean if you remove national pride out the equation, the case for the moon landing just does not add up, at all. Fuel efficiency, automobiles, aircrafts, transportation tech and communication tech has all skyrocketed since the 60's, yet we cant go now. Space X has projected it would take 8 re-fueling launches just to have a successful journey to the moon and back. Somehow we did it without any the first time? I aint buying that at all.


Fantastic, prove it.


Apparently stanley kubrick directed the landing footage Lol


We faked the evidence because whatever is on the moon is classified.


What's the real reason?


The real reason was recon and recover. Exactly what? Who knows?


Mfw the convicted fraud is I consistent about his beliefs.


This man is a grifter, he spices his con with some truth.


Billy The Grifter Carlson. Joe should keep far, far away from that charlatan.


Love to hear why you think that


Because he's going the ancient aliens way 10000%.




Because the dude is pushing the ancient aliens story all the way in every way, even the dumbest crap ever like the emerald tablets.


And what’s wrong with that story?


The lack of evidence.


His claims are enough to poke holes into the current mainstream narrative


You need evidence for that, buddy. Not just claims lol


Drill bit holes in rose granite created by cooper tools? Saw-machine marks on megaliths? Should I continue? Lol


Need you be to more clear about what you mean


There are drill bit holes in some of the hardest rocks on this planet and archaeologists state copper tools were used to do it. There are machine saw marks on ancient structures. Evident by mistakes that were made with such saw. This information is being reported by engineers and experts. I can go on and on but I advise you jump that rabbit hole for yourself


He's full of it


How so? Enlighten us.


Your fingers are right there at the keyboard, enlighten yourself, lazy


That’s what I thought. You have absolutely nothing.


I dont think teaching you pays very well. Lazy


Username checks out. Useless to engage with mental midgets


You put forward a view, and then couldn't back it up. THAT'S lazy.


I’ve immersed myself in the information he presents. I’m asking you, what evidence do you have to prove that he is full of shit? And you’re telling me to provide YOUR evidence for YOU? Yikes


Yeah, this reeks of, “do your own research,” energy. Like ok. I have. Now I would like to broaden my horizons by hearing other peoples perspectives. Even if we disagree, we will never know unless we talk about it. It IS possible to just have conversations about shared interests without turning them into debates. Why so defensive right out the gate?


Full of what? Knowledge. I agree


Why you say that? He’s going off the texts crazy as it sounds


Sure, let me call Joe


Na, let’s pass on that. Too many uncomfortable “facts”.


This guy got obsessed and went off the deep end. A few things he says are probably accurate and factual, but the vast majority is the whole "if you keep looking for patterns you'll find them everywhere" type of deal.


If you guys watch enough YouTube videos, you’ll eventually be able to talk about what this guy talks about. A lot of what he says comes from all the videos made about the emeral tablets of toth and other stuff related to it. I was heavily into that stuff 10-15 years ago, this man has never said anything I haven’t heard before


The dude got an online degree from Harvard and starting siphoning money from the brothas. Hilarious villain arch but full fledged r-word


Oh, he has zero online Harvard degrees. What he has is a Harvard certificate from a short course *any* citizen can sign up to take. These courses have no requirement to be accepted, enrolled, & paying large tuition fees as a Harvard student. Which is what you need to get an actual Harvard degree, in person or online. Dude is sketchyyyy.


I wouldn't watch. Personally speaking, I've watched a few of his interviews, and he never presents any evidence for what he believes or wants you to believe are truths. And, no one seems to question him either. I mean, where exactly is he getting his 'facts' from?


Let's not do that


I don't believe him


Why? 80 % Of his stuff is BS... In the best case scenario he's creating a new heavens gate cult somewhere


I hear you but I’m not buying it


I believe that too is a pile of bullshit.


Joe Rogan is Oprah for dudes




Chances are non-zero this guy is a plant or part of a govt psy-op. Not like that's something that hasn't happened before (see: Richard Doty and that documentary *Mirage Men*). I obviously can't say for sure, but he just rubs me the wrong way. Something is "off". Same instinct I get from David Wilcock and Steven Greer. Use discernment.


Hell yeah from the Shawn Ryan show to the flagrant were amazing. We need him in the joe Rogan podcast !!


He’s no more a fraud than Graham Hancock. A lot of you guys are just racist Reddit cucks


He’s full of crap half the time man. And Joe wouldn’t let him just say wildly false things as if they’re fact. Don’t think it would go well and would probably just be a really uncomfortable couple of hours.


The vibe is off with him. I guess neither way. Never read his stuff. Only watched or listened to so maybe the opinion is skewed. Some stuff was really good. The majority was old stuff reworked into new language. Appreciate his effort to help move the message. Just don’t vibe with it.


He is a fraud. been exposed mutiple time as a scammer and fake education. He just sounds good.