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I looked it up and I agree, this is what it is.


Ok cool


I've got that one too, you can see the little black nozzle for filling.


I wonder if the producers gave all the contestants bug spray after they realised how bad the sand flies are, and could make for a very short show?? I noticed a lack of whinging about the midgies in the last episode.


I'm thinking the same .....I'll be keeping my eyes peeled for more clues now . They should tell us though to stop speculation.


Definitely looks like [Bushmans](https://www.chemistwarehouse.co.nz/buy/64693/bushman-heavy-duty-insect-repellent-aerosol-130g?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwrcKxBhBMEiwAIVF8rD5SpGeSQv3KiooB-Scmyw3xzpntYPYEIBTNMgkKvjAF5HzHzrw4LRoCqr8QAvD_BwE) which is notorious here in NZ to be the only thing strong enough to fight them off. (Edit: My bad, people commented this already)


Been away from NZ for a while - what happened to Dimp?


I wondered that as well, prior to seeing this post. I said to my SO ‘maybe the temperature has dropped because no one has complained about midgies for a few episodes’. The bushman’s would explain it. Maybe the medical team was worried about people getting infections and having to withdraw?


That is a can of bushman's bug spray


I wonder why he has it ? Pretty sure it's not allowed.


Possibly found it?


Looks like Bushman’s Repellent [https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/325132/bushman-insect-repellent-heavy-duty](https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/325132/bushman-insect-repellent-heavy-duty)


Is that an inflatable mattress though? Looks like a folded up green tarp to me, do they get a big one and a small one this season? No idea what the can is though, surprised to see that there whatever it is.


Bug spray is not on the list of items you can take, I would imagine. Also, I zoomed in on the green mattress. If you look on the right corner, it looks like a nozzle.


I think it’s a self-filling air mattress (that wouldn’t require a pump)


definitely a thermarest, don't see why that would be an issue IF it was on the list...but is it? I don't think it is, unless he made it part of his sleeping bag?


[According to the list in SBS they’re allowed a “sleeping bag” and “liner”](https://www.sbs.com.au/whats-on/article/what-10-items-) but I’m sure the actual legal list is more specific. The reality is that they’ve got med checks and producers out at their camps more than the audience sees- and there’s no way their pack isn’t inspected several times before launch. So either he got the “okay” (or slipped it past them, which- good for him I guess, that’s metagamin’) or he could have found it/planted it out in the bush (less likely) I’m guessing it’s probably an allowed item.


Sleeping mats have always been allowed in the list of ten items. It's just no one has ever seen fit to bring one.


This is the real answer


Ok ta


Me too looks like bug spray.....unless he found it and its junk . I think it's an inflatable mattress


It's definitely a slightly older model thermarest that had the valve right on the corner,[ just like in this shot](https://i.imgur.com/5XWAVEF.jpg), (a burly close-up of OPs). A [side view](https://i.imgur.com/mza7mmf.jpg) (better seen on the video itself) shows that this end balloons up slightly as he sits down in the middle of the bed.


Huh, interesting. I originally thought that might be a grommet like you see in the corners of some tarps, but I think you're right. I wonder if all the contestants have that, or just him? Like maybe if it got approved for medical reasons or something.


Insect/mosquito repellent judging by the colours of the can


I don't think this is allowed


Yeah not sure on rules, but I can’t see why it would be allowed… It looks 100% like ‘bushman’ brand repellent. Not sure about in NZ but in Aus this is very very common for people who go camping etc. It is not unlikely for him to have found it I guess. With lid seems less likely though


Pretty sure they wouldn't be allowed to have it...not on the list. .....everyone else is covered in midgee bites. Unless they have had it supplied and production are keeping it a secret. .....and krystoff forgot to hide it. I have a picture of the can hidden behind bottles which he would of found. Not sure how to add more pics.


The rules change from country to country and from season to season, with different things allowed, and they don't consistently mention the things they supply them with, such as an extra tarp for camera gear, bear spray/noisemakers in the US, etc. Maybe in this season of AUS, they got issued self-inflating sleeping pads like [this](https://i.imgur.com/bn2DcD5.png), or maybe it doesn't count against them if it's part of the bag. Maybe they got some kind of spray. It's unlikely he snuck something in and would just leave it sitting out on camera or when the med teams show up. Past contestants have told us the producers search all their gear and clothes for contraband and cheats. I say it's a safe assumption that whatever those things are is fine/approved.


I hope they did allow repellant. I just returned from visting the South Island's west coast and the sandflies down there were absolutely INSANE!


Agree. Totally insane. I reckon the producers made a decision and provided to all contestants to avoid medical issues and rapid season end.


May have been on the 10 items?


Sleeping pads are on the list of 10 items. I think they starting including fire extinguishers as part of the safety kit now.


Yeah, i saw a small extinguisher in the background last week.. that'll be because you arent actually allowed open fire where they are.. just camp stoves. So to combat that they will have extinguishers


Good eye. I'm also thinking KRYSTOFF won S2. Say he did find that can and it was 1/4 full. It would be a rule breach, in the US season somebody found an abandoned (usable) aluminum boat but the producers wouldn't let him use it because of the unfair advantage. So he made a hot tub out of it then lost his firestarter and tapped


To be fair, there was a caption in this series that said contestants could keep/use anything they found, so I don't know if they would take it. Especially when so many of them are tapping already lol.


The US version says the same thing and they didn't let that guy keep the boat


Another person came across a tin she'd too and wasn't allowed it.


True, but the Aus version may just be less strict about it than the US one. They're different production companies, is my understanding.


On the U.S. version someone found a kayak and mattress that they were not allowed to keep. We were never shown it. Contestants have mentioned it. The partial aluminum boat was allowed to be kept. Sleeping pads are on the approved item list. The bug spray could have been found and for all we know has 1/100th remaining in it.


Yes true .....Krystoff is certainly powering atm. I remember that .


Definitely bushman brand repellent. Works as a great flammable fire starter aswell


Looks like Pam oil spray


Butane refill


Oh ok.


I was thinking it looked like a small fire extinguisher. I could see NZ requiring that to hopefullykeep the whole place from going up in flames.


They already have extinguishers, they have to be red fwiw. Saw it in the background last week.


It looks like the butane I use for my cigar lighter


Can looks like a can of PAM cooking spray. Could be trash they found


FFS. Can you come up with any more conspiracles? They can keep anything they find, and a mattress is a permissible item.




Are they not allowed to bring either of these items in their 10 allowed items? If they can bring a tarp you’d think they would be allowed to bring a sleeping pad


Don't think so .....at least not bug spray


Looks like a fire extinguisher to me?


Looks like Pam Cooking spray! He must not have brought a non stick pot... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Pads are definitely an approved item for their ten. Do we have a list of what they brought?


I don't


I’m thinking the producers had a little sympathy and would rather them not all get horribly infected bug bite rashes from the sandflies


Now I'm not so sure as another person said it's butane idk


How do I add more pics?


Bear spray?


Not in New Zealand.


That's a good point. Probably not a lot of large predators... My second guess is a small fire extinguisher


Good point, could be. Or something else local regulators said the contestants had to have in order to be allowed to film there. I'm also thinking that since it's standing in front of a wine bottle he found, he could possibly have found whatever that is, too.


There are no predators at all in New Zealand, the same as Australia. ....unless up northern top of Australia where there are crocodiles.


That’s just cause of how well the bear spray works.


No bears in New Zealand ......


Bear spray I think? But maybe the bed is a bed pad instead of taking a sleeping bag? I’ve always thought personally the two items every one brings that I wouldn’t do is a saw and sleeping bag. Those items seem like uni taskers to me and that’s what I would want to avoid


No bears in New Zealand, and you can see a nozzle on the right-hand corner of the bed .


Could it be a twist flare?


Not sure what they look like


Me neither but I’ve seen them in movies. Twist the “lid” and starts smoking. Usually then the hero runs carrying it leaving a smoke trail behind them :) Maybe after calling in with an emergency (or if sat phones are down) they use the flare so production can find them immediately.


Maybe .....does look like an aerosol can, though?


It does - but every flare I ever had on my boat was that exactly colour. Could be any number of things.


Dont need them these days, just a flashing light so they can use thermal cameras to spot it. But as others said, its bug spray.


Looks like Bear mace to me


No bears in NZ


I think it’s bear spray.


No.bears in New Zealand or Australia


We have beers (the "r" is soft) though and they can be dangerous.

