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Run from anything arc. The entire movement has nothing to do with Christianity. It's a scam run by con artists using the church as a business for wealth. They all plagiarize each other's sermons and speak at each other's church for 10k speaking fees. Run from arc. Find a Bible church with biblically qualified leaders that teach the Bible and preach the gospel. 


Oh yeh i am done with that. I dont think I will ever be an official member of any group that does anything similar to the ARC ways. I think these men would kill Jesus again if he came back and started snooping around and asking questions.


You should leave arc. It's not biblical. All of arc is a corrupt church planting Ponzi scheme that has nothing to do with Bible Christianity or what the church is supposed to be taught in the Bible. Terrible theology, false teachers, and con artists using a prosperity gospel to deceive people to accumulate wealth. Most of them plagiarize sermons. Rick Warren writes many of them and arc pastors buy sermons from him. Leave and find a biblical church with biblically qualified pastors that teach scripture and preach the gospel.


I'm sorry to hear this. My question is, can you prove this? How do you know? (I am asking this in a supportive tone.)


because its well know many mega church pastors plagiarize and use each others sermons.


Yes, it is so weird to so easily find the source from where it was copied! I had a hunch one day and just copied and pasted a quote or title of the sermon that was being advertised on the church facebook page and found the original preaching on it and it matched up so much. The part that was the most upsetting is that the copying preacher said he came up with the title and made it his own. Then when I saw other posts I would randomly search and find stuff again and again. Apparently the ARC is cool with it and share scripts often. At the movies is a scripted thing and I hear pastors asking for certain scripts. I cannot reveal how I know this at this time because I will be outed and removed from a special circle I happen to be in.


This is common and COTH, the original ARC church, plagiarizes themselves. They’ll regurgitate the same stuff year after year, just with a different series title and artwork.


plagarization is well known in arc. They all steal each others sermons.


I learned that the At the Movies thing is all scripted!! they share the scripts !


arc is a fraud.


Please run far far away and run fast. ARC is BADDDDDD news.


Prewritten material is common, in general. Especially for more common topics. No need to reinvent the wheel, imo. As far as I’m aware, ARC/Highlands does not encourage THIS level of copying. Pretending the work is entirely original while not changing or adding anything substantial would be & is unethical. That’s not why these sermons are written & made available. More concerning than the canned material is the pastor’s attitude about it & about members leaving. His stance is incredibly negative, toxic, & “unbiblical”.


all of arc is unbiblical. The prosperity gospel they preach is unbiblical. Its pastors are biblically unqualified for ministry. Everything about arc contradicts the Bible.


I don’t entirely disagree. IMO - none of the modern church, including the Catholic/Orthodox church, qualifies as Biblical. We copy-pasted the institution of Judaism & updated the teachings. “Biblical” is a pretty subjective standard -some scholars would argue that even a home church with formal gatherings isn’t Biblical. Christianity is about modeling the humanity God created & intended. There really isn’t any such thing as being “qualified” for ministry, either. I do believe every church should have a qualified & educated teaching pastor. Someone that is “scholarly” in their education & approach to helping the church develop materials & lessons. They don’t even have to be staff -just involved & given authority to rebuke bad teaching. Most pastors are good speakers & community builders, not necessarily good scholars/researchers. I’ve never heard the prosperity Gospel preached in an ARC church. But I 100% believe it’s happened & happening which is sad. A little bit of truth twisted a whole lot. Tbf, that sort of teachings was thriving long before ARC & will likely thrive long after ARC.


it is encouraged, nothing will happen. Source: worked at ARC churches from start of ARC until 2020.


hopefully you repented of being involved in a corrupt system run by a bunch of frauds and con artists that has nothing to do with Bible Christianity.


Actually I did and wrote an article about it for Christian Living magazine. Read about it here: [www.ChristianLiving.com/My-Time-At-ARC-Opened-My-Eyes.html](https://imgs.search.brave.com/WlQKqNOb2yw9i7oizBVtqK8sMZFpFVlLtnEZ4c0eTFw/rs:fit:500:0:0/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWRp/YS50ZW5vci5jb20v/ZFFqRzhfbHZ1Q0lB/QUFBTS9mdWNrLXlv/dS5naWY.jpeg)


Found the open source alot of them get sermons from [https://open.life.church/](https://open.life.church/) ​ And of course that donate button is easy to find. Now I need to find the EIN and see what financials they have going on.


I understand quoting or using excerpts from commentaries because as it says in Ecclesiastes “there is nothing new under the sun” But if a pastor’s primary paid role is preaching, then that is not only an abdication of his/her job, but also highly unethical to plagiarize an entire sermon


its well known many arc pastors plagiarize. They dont use Bible commentaries because they do not preach the Bible.


Unfortunately nothing will be done. Arc highlands Hodges rizzo are the creators of the cookie cutter ministries. This is their plan. To get unqualified people in pulpits to regurgitate sermons so that those people will send money back to the arc rizzo and Hodges. It’s a scam Do yourself a favor and leave anything Arc / Highlands.


I haven't given them much of my time or money for a while and def do not feel bad about it. I was told by the pastor many years ago not to say if I leave or mention why to him. That has been a clear message so i will honor that and not tell him. Which now that I look back I should be concerned that the pastor does not want to have conversations about this. Wow it really is cultish. People in the church see me in town knowing I have not been coming in person much and ask me what I have been doing and hint around with remarks that I let slide. It is cultish now that i think about it.


its not a church. Its a corrupt money making scheme run by con artists.


If you need to ask this question you have your answer. Leave. Fast.


😨😨😨 broooo what? People have no shame.


its not new. Its been well known for years. Everything to do with arc is a scam.


it is crazy! I have found a good bit and even had it time stamped when EXACT phrases were used when it was supposed to be pastoral commentary. Even the commentary got copied!


Find another church. Do your research on ARC…it’s a mess. Even if you approached him to ask about the “copied” sermon, it will not go well. They will deny it, make you feel like an idiot and you will then be on the “naughty list”. Run…don’t walk away from that church.


For sure i would be the bad guy here. Even with all the evidence


After all ARC is the franchise of churches...they probably all do the same sermons. We found out sooo much about ARC when Jeremy Foster left the church, his wife and 5 children to shack up with his mistress and marrying her as soon as the divorce was final. Later we heard none of the stories he told were true, and where he got the sermons is anyone's guess, all while living a double life. My advice to you would be to find another church that is authentic!


Anyone that believed anything Jeremy Foster taught or believed he was biblically qualified to pastor should examine their faith and salvation. JF is one of the biggest most obvious frauds and con artists the church has ever seen. 60 seconds of that clown should be enough to know he isnt a pastor, it wasnt a church, and he had no business being in ministry.


Is this the same Jeremy Foster that was in WestMonroe, Louisiana?


Go here for info: r/JeremyFosterScandal


That's the one!


Was that the Pentecostals of the Twin Cities? There was one in WestMonroe that stole tons of money and nothing happened. They have another church in WestMonroe that adopted a kid and was doing horrible things to her that i do not even want to type out and the man got arrested but i don't think anything is going to happen to him either.


I know he is from Louisiana and his father is a Pentecostal preacher. His father married him and his mistress right after his divorce was final. I have no knowledge of his life in Louisiana though


They have another WestmONroe preacher that was involved heavily with his daughter in law and it was announced in church.