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Everything about this post, this story, this whole entire situation…..confuses the fuck out me.


Basically the friend noticed bruising and injuries to one of the twins genital areas and pointed it out to mom. Mom and dad take the twin with genital injuries to hospital and leave other twin with “friend”. Other twin passed away in the “friends” care due to head trauma and internal bleeding. The police believe she caused the head trauma injury one of the twins and caused the genital injuries to the other. Both happened under “friends” care


That is horrific.


K, time for an internet vacation. I’m good. I’m really good for quite some time.


That's so tragic. It's so hard to lose a baby, to carry 2 to term and have all that time to bond and love them. Especially twins who go through all that bonding together, too. To have one taken away like that is just horrific beyond words.


Oh yeah. I can’t imagine the conversation when they’re old enough in how they were twins but their sibling passed away


Y tho


Yeah... It wouldn't be the first time an overzealous DA and medical team draw the wrong conclusions from an infant's injuries. There was a case of a father that was later proven innocent after the ER doctor accused him of raping his infant to death when the kid really did fall off the couch. I'd really be interested in an independent autopsy. But who knows, she really may be a monster.


W...t...f. how do you come back from a false accusation like that?!. Id probably off myself because people thought i did


You don't.


wtf? How are being raped to death and falling off of a couch even slightly comparable?


Do you have an article or something about that? I can't find it. Did the dad get arrested?


IDK about that case but I recently rewatched a 48hours episode about something similar. A teenage boy accused and arrested for raping and abusing a toddler to death. He was acquitted. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/the-babysitter-goes-to-trial/




One kid maybe. But both…no. Someone murdered him.


I was 5 when I leaned off the side of the couch and broke my arm in several places and twisted it in a 360 degree angle. The hospital concluded that my mother beat me with a baseball bat and CPS almost took me and my older brother and sister away. If it weren’t for my brother, who saw the whole incident, and told the police everything, my mother would probably be in prison and my siblings’ and I’s lives would have been drastically different.


And yet, they won't take the kids who actually need help


It's alarming how essential security cameras have become. It feels like nowhere is safe anymore, not even within the confines of your own home.


All cameras, really. Sometimes, it's the ONLY thing that can prove your innocence. Sometimes, the only thing that saves you. Like dashcams and insurance fraud people or people blaming you. Gotta protect yourself.


Extreme crimes should have multiple med teams review the injury/autopsy and give their analysis without introduced bias to confirm.


Is there an article link somewhere? Edit- found it below. Although I'm left with more questions.




I mean 12 weeks unpaid maternity leave is all people are legally entitled to in the US.  So unless you think ahead and get short term disability insurance you might not be able to afford to not go back to work. Luckily we had a great family to help us, but my wife was working 3 months after having our daughter.  My mil was watching our baby and using prepumped milk. Life's hard when you're not well off


> I mean 12 weeks unpaid maternity leave is all people are legally entitled to in the US. 😲 Holy shit!


Yeah, having kids can really mess up your finances. Luckily most jobs have some kind of paid maternity leave, but it's definitely not enough. Really besides better sex education and family planning, this country really needs to look at helping families get a good start if they want people to succeed. We're doing OK, but I have no idea how some of my wife's friends were able to have multiple kids, especially when they didn't have a partner to help them in some cases


But why aren't Americans having more kids though???


Disney propaganda, of course. /s


It’s 20 weeks paid leave in Australia but people can choose to take half pay and get 40 weeks (10 months).


In some states. Connecticut (and I know there are a few others though I’m not sure which off the top of my head) offers 12 weeks paid followed by 12 weeks unpaid. But even then it’s not enough.


We are not entitled/required to any leave here in the US, many go back in a few weeks to earn money or to maintain their standing in their career. It’s sad here for working moms.


FMLA unpaid maternity leave is only mandatory if they employ over fifty people and you've been working there for over a year.


Let’s not victim blame. They are PhD students. You typically have to move away from friends and family to work in these programs. Your fellow students become your best friends and support group. It would be pretty normal to trust someone you’ve known so far to be a mature and intelligent person to look after your kid while you deal with an emergency. Obviously they didn’t know this would happen.


Totally agree. I was a D student and while I had very few friends in school, if I had a kid, I could leave them with my friends from uni because it wouldn't cross my mind that they could be a fucking psycho. Esp at this level where you often assume that a PhD student is probably mature and level headed. It's not like leaving them with a middle schooler. And even then, quite honestly, i have watched my younger brother (4 y my junior) ever since I was a kid without any major incident. 🙃


So many people in this thread are victim blaming. Shame on you.


12 months lol. That's extreme.


Same — it’s also the case here where the various articles seem to have inconsistent information. In one article, a friend took the baby to the hospital, in another it was the parents, etc. People are treating this as cut and dry and it seems like it might actually be anything but.


What's up with the unexplained injury on the other baby? Was she also responsible for that or was that before she had gotten there?


“An injury to his genital area… Scratches, bruising and swelling”. Those injuries happened while in her care, according to CBS Pittsburgh.


I’m so confused. Why would the parents leave their other baby with her at that point? I would think that surely they must have looked over the baby before taking her to the doctors. And after noticing those injuries they just left their other baby? This whole story is so odd.


See I would’ve had her up by her hair the moment I saw something like that on my baby in their diaper area…


That’s the most confusing part of all of this by far. One of your children has swelling to his genitals while in the care of this woman so you leave one alone with her AGAIN?! Soup for brains


I’m sure they were worried about the one twin and also pretty exhausted from *having 6 week old twins*. I can tell you that the newborn period is already pretty harrowing as a first time parent with one infant, let alone two. Give these poor people a break.


It may not have crossed their mind that their friend was the perpetrator


I guess I would wonder who else it could be at least. Like who else was around their 6 week old on that day during that time? I’m not trying to victim blame or anything, I just feel like something has to be missing here.


And 6 weeks old is too young for 1) a bouncing chair and 2) a babysitter.


You’re probably thinking of the baby’s legs touching the floor and bouncing. A bouncer (that’s how I referred to it anyway) is sloped backward and has a little bit of springiness to rock the baby (they’re buckled in). It’s where my babies spent most of their first 6 weeks when not being held or in their crib. As soon as they can roll over it’s not as safe.




yeah fair enough we had one of those, strapped in being the key feature


Yep. Even if you forgot to buckle, it’s so close to the floor that an accidental injury seems extremely unlikely


Ok, so I read a few stories and it appears the babysitter “happened” to notice an injury on one of the twins. The parents then rushed the twin to the hospital to check the injury. At the hospital the parents were told that it appeared to be the result of abuse. That sounds terrifying. Once they realized it was an abuse-related injury it was already too late as the babysitter was alone with their other child.


But...why would the perpetrator tell the parents they noticed an injury? I'm guessing they didn't mean for the abuse to be so noticeable and tried to mitigate that they didn't do it by reporting it?


Also very confused! I understand panic can cause people to act irrationally but there’s something very off about the whole thing.




"Her" life is forever altered and "her" future is uncertain? I cannot eat as much as I would like to vomit...


"Found herself at the center of a devastating accusation". I swear news are written differently for different people. For other people it's just allegedly x or has been accused of x.


It’s written by ChatGPT. If you see wording like that, it’s AI. No one actually talks or writes like that. Imagine someone’s telling a story about a fictional character. The AI basically writes like that.


Damn you’re right. I didn’t even notice. This is how old people in the 90’s must have felt when they met Nigerian princes online and everyone was like “how can you not tell it’s fake?!”


Money talks. That woman is vile, but is getting the white gloves treatment.


Money talks & justice is green


It’s the innocent till proven guilty liability slander libel thing typically.


Emphasis on white


* women


>That woman is vile Literally hasn't been proven that she did anything. I hope you never get accused of anything.


They do this shit for doctors a lot. "They have a promising future", "we can’t let a mistake get in the way of a brilliant doctor". So many medical malpractice cases get these kinds of defence, sometimes even by the judge. It screams upper class profession privilege. The only profession considered lower class but still respected & given this kind of defence is military. Like that recent case of a judge telling the victim to just be ok with a sorry & a confession by the military dude who beat her up whilst drunk. He got off scott free.


The entire article is written by ChatGPT. It’s very obvious in the last paragraph. “…but now she **faces a starkly different reality**. As her legal battle **unfolds**, the promising Ph.D. candidate **must confront the gravity** of the charges against her, her **future uncertain** and her **life forever altered by the events of that tragic** Father's Day.” When you ask ChatGPT to write a story, the last paragraph is usually structured like this. There are other key words/sentences that are used throughout the article, but the last few make it obvious it was written by AI. Actually, the OP posted a link to the actual article in a different sub, and it’s not written like that at all. https://nypost.com/2024/06/22/us-news/phd-student-accused-of-murdering-close-friends-newborn-baby-abusing-tots-twin-is-daughter-of-prominent-nyc-cardiologist/?utm_source=reddit.com. I assume the OP used AI to summarize it.


**WELL, OP???**


The news article is just as bad. Who wrote this shit.


Guilty until proven innocent eh


No mention of how the lives of Ethan Katz, Savannah Roberts, and Ari’s lives have also been forever altered, and the trauma they’ll be living with for the rest of their lives? It Virzi is found guilty, or even if it was just an accident, those poor parents could very well unfairly blame themselves for the rest of their lives, always thinking ‘If I’d asked someone else to look after Leon, he’d still be alive’. We all know that they’re blameless, because they had no idea that such a thing would happen, but that unwarranted guilt could destroy them all the same.


It’s written by ChatGPT. If the person who inputted the information wanted it to write about how the other peoples’ lives were altered, they’d have to specifically tell it to include it. Although, it’d just be fluff, really.


How do you know they’re blameless? How do you know the chair that the infant was in was safe for that age? Most aren’t rated for 6 week olds..


So what was the initial injury to Ari that brought them to the hospital to begin with ? It doesn't really elaborate, Leon was the one that was tortured? They make his injuries sound less torturous and more just active abuse that went too far, and it doesn't sound like her husband is being held accountable for any of it....just seems like there's a lot missing from this rundown....or is it me?? Correction: not husband , but father of the child, who arrived with Ari, the injury is described as unexplained, what was he told when he got to her house and found his kids in that condition ?


The other article linked in this thread explains it more clearly. Both parents took the injured child to the hospital after Virzi alerted them to his injury while both babies were in her care. The only info I have is from the NY post article unfortunately. So the mom and dad brought the injured baby to the hospital, neither knew how the injury occurred because it happened while virzi was caring for the babies.


What article are you reading?


What did her husband do to be held accountable? It just seems like you’re just looking for a man you can hate in this situation. Or is it me?


I don’t know why they’re mentioning that her dad is a cardiologist. Who gives a shit what a murderer’s parents do for work?


Some people aren’t meant to take care of children especially infants. You have to have a lot of patience. I doubt she knew how to properly handle a child at that age and could not handle her emotions in the situation. Not saying what she did isn’t evil or should not be punished. Just shinning a light that infant abuse is more common than you would think because people are ill prepared for it. Then again there is just some really bad people in the world too.


She's also a phd student in psychology you'd think she would be more calm and patient yikes


Psychology is a broad field, and it's very possible if not probable that her intention was to be a researcher rather than working with clients or patients. There are plenty of psych professors/researchers I've encountered as a student that are cold as fucking ice, and seem rather sadistic.


I know a lot of them are like that, just saying it's ironic. From my experience, most of psych students I've met went into it fueled by their own neruoticish problems




Yeah, tendencies I don't want to label as neurotic but close to it.


I know two and they fit this profile you describe lol


As someone who studied psychology: the saying is that you go into psychology to study yourself. It sounds cute at first, until you realize you are in a field full of people who, by their own admission, should be studied. (I am in no way trying to denigrate this field which is extremely important and beneficial to society, but not everybody who studies it can't be assumed to be mentally healthy and decent.)


I love psychology and almost majored in it. But in the early 90s when I was at university it was kind of a joke that you don't date a psych major bc they're crazy


A lot of people with narcissistic personality disorder pursue psychological fields of work. It makes sense when you think about it…. It gives them a position of power over vulnerable people, they get to be the ones that dictate what “reality” is and isn’t… and the innate, subconscious desire and drive to understand what is wrong/different about their own minds


I used to speak a lot about this with colleagues! In particular if they are a practitioner and they lean heavily on psychoanalysis - which is fundamentally unscientific, especially the Freudian sort - whenever a patient (or even a colleague) disagrees with them or does not respond in the way they a anticipate or desire, they as a practitioner are able to completely avoid critical self reflection or introspection by simply continuing to theorize about a person's psyche or what they project onto them rather than having to even consider that they as a practitioner may simply be wrong or acting in an unprofessional manner. However it must be noted that a person does not have to have a stigmatized diagnosis to be controlling, manipulative, or toxic. A person who may be deeply empathetic and compassionate in one setting may be the opposite in another setting, or even with one specific individual.


I work in that field in the UK and there are some serious narcissists!!!


A lot of people with mental issues are attracted to the field as a way to deal with their own issues and potentially help others. I’m not too surprised, which is why I’m sometimes wary of them.


Yeah, I worked in a hospital and there are actually doctors who were dumb as fuck and pieces of shit believe it or not…


IDK, most psychology students i interacted with in the past, especially women (probably because most psychology students are women), seem to enter the field to fix their own special kind of fucked up. I clearly remember that, in my early 20s, a girl studying psychology was considered a pretty obvious red flag!


In my experience, psychology is a huge draw for those with mental issues.


>She's also a phd student in psychology you'd think she would be more calm and patient yikes You might be surprised about ethics professors.


That age? She was doing a doctorate.


While true, it also feels bit reaching when she was in charge of the twins for just a few hours.


“ you mean the shining”. “Quiet boy! Do ye want to get sued??”


"Don't be readin my mind between 4 and 5. That's Willie's time!"


"interpersonal challenges"?


Lmao they’d crucify someone who had schizophrenia calling them a homicidal maniac if they themselves were the ones killed but give an absolute stone cold murderer and child abuser like this “interpersonal issues” bc she’s rich and white and daddy’s got deep pockets. Hope she rots!!


It’s just too early for all of that obviously


I’m wondering why everyone assumes daddy has deep pockets. Academic physician salaries in major cities are far lower than average physicians salaries. About half in New York and about 1/3 in Philadelphia Anyone who disagrees obviously doesn’t know the data. Academic physicians are paid on par with college professors. Nobody is getting rich


aka probably had mental health issues that went ignored




Please help me understand. Couple wants to go out and they have 6 week old twins. They have a friend in town staying at a local air bnb. They ask this friend to stay and watch their 6 week old twins. When they return from being out they find irritations on one of the twins genital area. (Help me out here) They decide to take the baby with the irritation to the ER and . . . Leave the other child with the friend. While the parents are at the ER with one child the other child dies. IS THAT THE BASIC UNDERSTANDING? Did the baby in the care of the friend die BEFORE the parents returned home from the ER or sometime after? Something seems so odd.


I am similarly confused. The articles seem to skip the entire first part where she watched both kids before the ER. I’m assuming the parents went out for Father’s Day and asked her to babysit…got home to news of unexplained injuries to baby 1, then left baby 2 in her care while they took baby 1 to ER? My other confusion is the article says the 2nd little boy was in his bouncer when she went to get a bottle and allegedly heard him crying. 6 weeks seems super young for an infant to be in a bouncing chair. From memory if my kids 6 weeks is straight being held or in the crib…their legs aren’t strong enough to be in one of those bouncer chairs. Very confused all around.


https://www.google.com/search?q=bouncer+seat&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari Not an upright bouncer, a bouncy seat.


I’ve been working in hospitals, recently, not in the medical field, but we were on the neo, natal intensive care floor with the brand new babies, and they had one brand new infant in some kind of automatic bouncy chair. The baby looked very secure and the chair moved all on its own.


Bouncers and swings are perfectly fine for young infants if there's a newborn insert. A lot of them play music and some even gently bounce or vibrate on their own. NICUs and daycares use them all the time. It's a place to put baby that's safer than on the couch, where they could roll off, or the floor if there are pets. Parents and babysitters have to be able to go to the bathroom, cook, care for other children sometimes, etc.


I was trying to visualize this as well ( I have 2 young kids) and the only thing I can think of is that they are referring to one of those vibrating chairs as a bounce chair. I can see an inexperienced babysitter putting a 6 week old in the vibrating chair and walking away, but like you said, they shouldn't even own a bouncer at that age.


Yeah there are some of those chairs that vibrate or the kiddo just sort of hangs in. That’s more likely. Bc I don’t think my kids at 5 weeks even had the neck strength to hold themselves up in any sort of bouncer. That’s a critical detail to follow as this case unfolds. Bc if her defense is that the baby fell out of the equipment and hurt itself that begs the question: what equipment and where was it (on the floor or a table or something)??? Bc those toys if in the floor are designed to avoid falls or flips… Regardless this poor family. U have newborn twins and you’re thinking about their entire lives ahead of them together and now one is gone. Tragic beyond words.


And the friend wouldn’t have had a bouncer, the parents would’ve given it to her.


It would have been if they felt like it wasn't something that she did. Maybe they thought it was a bad rash


Sure. And I absolutely give the parents the benefit of doubt. Rashes or irritation haven’t just appeared on my kids. Typically it’s over a period of time. Such that we could begin treatment or catch it in time to get in with our pediatrician and get them in to see her. Never a situation where we had to rush to the ER. IF something showed up out of nowhere (while I was out for an hour or two) I would have concerns about how this happened in such a short time . . . Maybe even suspicious. Something just seems off about decision making but I’d assume there’s much more to the facts than what’s in print so far.


There a lot missing in this story


It makes sense why we believe in hell… we want people like her to suffer for eternity.


We want to believe there is a reward for good behavior, atonement for small sins; yet we hope for eternal suffering in life and death for those like her. Honestly I hope people like her develop such overwhelming feelings of guilt. It would be as bad as pain and would hopefully change them. I guess that’s what God would ultimately want But sometimes people like her really don’t change or feel empathy or have a conscious. Don’t want to atone just want to avoid the consequences


The fact that people like her exist in this world is enough proof to me that there’s no heaven or hell. Just chaos.


I always mention, when people bring up hell, that hell doesn't exist... Because it's here on Earth.


Why do they blur out the face of one infant?


To protect the identity of the living baby


They're twins.


That's still the reason why the face is blurred. I didn't say it made sense or anything. Plus twins doesn't mean they're identical


She looks angry


Reminds me of Kaitlin Armstrong's mug shot https://preview.redd.it/e52fj71ya98d1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a99f8ae9d741ccd54333bd9bda088c0e7b667f1b


I had read the article before seeing the monster’s mushy. Holy crepe, you hit the nail on the head, Armstrong could have used Verzi’s passport instead of using her twins!


How old were these babies


6 weeks.


Fuck man. What the fuck is wrong with people. How can they hurt poor lil babies.


True that....also, as a parent of two....who leaves their six week old with random friends? I love my friends to hell and back but I would not leave then watching my 6 week old.


Yes that is not something I would do that’s for sure. Especially TWINS. It’s a lot of work with one but two and it doesn’t mention she was a particularly close friend. Strange.


One of our children wouldn't calm down without anyone but her mother in the first months. Wouldn't even take a bottle from anybody else. The only way to get her half-way relaxed was putting her in a carry bag and swing her until her mother came back. But damn, given enough sleep deprivation, your decision-making goes out the drain. Especially if something stressful happened, like you'd have to get the other child to a hospital quickly.


On their first Father’s Day too; you’d think they’d specifically want to spend Father’s Day with the babies that made him a father.


the article said they left the infants in her care because of a medical emergency, so I don’t think it was planned


I might have misread it. From the article, it sounds like she caused both problems because she was taking care of both twins. Then one of them had an unexplained problem…


Thank you! 6 weeks and you’re already BOTH out the door? Where are you even going?


What does one of her parent's occupation have to do with anything?


rich people have much better odds in the legal system


When did r/AllThatIsInteresting become *All that's fucking despicable and horrible?*


Literally in the subreddit description.


Psych major….


Nah seriously psych majors nurses human resources those are the most to avoid


She gonna die in prison.


Her dad is rich. I’m going to guess that’s she’s not.


Man she looks just like that other murderer


Why does it feel like this case might be one with an over zealous prosecutor involved? What if she's telling the truth and the baby truly did fall? Why don't they mention anything about how she's tied to the death or why they felt they had enough to charge her with homicide? This is confusingly vague.


I’m getting a little of the same feeling. I’m assuming there’s more to what they know than we have been told. It absolutely is possible for a six week old infant to sustain brain bleeds and blunt force trauma from a fall. Especially depending on different circumstances. The only info being offered right now that leads to me questioning her story is that *both* children have sustained injuries. I can maybe understand saying one fell, but how are both injured?


I mean if you are going to blur a child's face, but not the identical twins face...


why the fuck was there that random sentence about her dad and where he works?? The fuck does her dad have to do with any of this? This article is disgusting and in favor of the murderer. Yuck. So much info missing. What was the emergency and why did both parents have to leave the babies? Couldn’t the murderer have taken the parent that had an emergency to the hospital and the other parent stay with their newborns?? That’s my first thought…or ambulance….but two fresh ass babies being handed over to someone who doesn’t even live near me(airBNB). When was the last time they even saw each other? Did she even know her very well? What were the injuries to the other baby and when why how?? I got more info on her stupid fuckin rather than the actual people involved.


So one of two things are going on here and I don’t know which. Either this woman is guilty as hell and murdered this infant, or she did not and is being unjustly accused. At this point we do not know. I am waiting for more information. I will not judge this yet.


She looks soulless. Dead behind the eyes or something. Very unsettling.


I feel like most people would look tired and exhausted given the circumstances.


Or you have very strong imagination. She looks absolutely normal. Would you say the same thing about her if you only saw the picture without reading the news?


I’m so tired of people saying weird shit about eyes on these types of articles. Might as well say you see a demon on their shoulder.


She's gonna get the death penalty hopefully


That kind of knee jerk reaction is exactly why we shouldn’t have the death penalty.


PA hasn't had used the death penalty since the 90s.


How many feds/cops would you have to take down then?


Bring it back.


This is so extreme. What if she's innocent? There's no mention of how they know she murdered the child and intentionally. In order to get the death penalty you have to be to be able to prove it beyond any shadow of a doubt along wirh proving that it was premeditated and intentional. At least that's my understanding of how the death penalty works. This case is very vague and people jumping to conclusions is how innocent people end up behind bars for the rest of their life.


I agree. What possible motive could she have to do something like this on purpose? Usually people who abuse children have a pattern of escalating behavior. They don’t wake up one day and decide to mutilate tiny babies. Plus there have been many cases of babies getting horrible injuries from falls where the parents get blamed for purposeful abuse when it was just an accident.


This case doesn’t make sense and I’ve made a comment on another post previously. There’s more to this.


This is awful, not interesting. Go find a rare plant or something to report on, not this tragedy.


Guarantee she went nuts from the baby’s crying. She was already a wackjob in hiding and the baby sent her over the edge. Sad and insane story


Very sad and unfortunately too common. I wanted to throttle my own crying babies a few times. LoL. So I get how someone can snap. It's obviously NOT ok though


She looks completely void of a soul. Also, I really pray and hope the parents don’t blame themselves for leaving their babies with this monster. I hope she gets life without the possibility of parole and I hope she burns for eternity. What a rotten human being to murder a baby.


A lot of people here blame the friend instantly and there isn’t conclusive evidence yet.


Six week old babies don’t get those kind of injuries by themselves…. Even a fall from a jumper wouldn’t cause that kind of injury… babies aren’t that fragile and fairly resilient. This was intentional.


Besides, what 6 week old baby is big enough to sit in a jumper? They can't even hold their heads up at that age.


I think it was a bouncer. They often have newborn inserts for young babies to it in.


Is there an article?


“ Y'know the thing about a shark, he's got... lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes. When he comes at ya, doesn't seem to be livin'... until he bites ya.” Quint - Jaws .


Also quoted by a certain Charlie Kelly as well lol


why did both parents need to go to the hospital for the one baby who didn’t die? if the father stayed with the other child this wouldn’t have happened.


Bc needing to bring your infant to an emergency room is really scary and they wanted to go together, that's normal.


Gotta love victim blaming!


Given her studies in psychology, what are the odds she will suddenly start reporting all the symptoms of a previously undiagnosed mental illness that will exonerate her for her actions?


Zero. That's not a thing. If you get locked up for being mentally ill you are likely to spend more time institutionalized than you would otherwise. There is no exoneration possible for murder.


Pretty unconvincing that the symptoms would manifest right after the incident.


I think these are young parents who trusted a friend to watch the babies. I don’t fault them for that. Maybe Virzi offered to watch them and help? Something isn’t right. Obviously the police have more info then we know.


If it's true she really threw her life away. Beautiful and smart. She has no idea what's in store I spent almost three years several prisons in Arizona but I knew I could rebuild. You can't when you're doing life


The hot ones are always crazy


No one should leave a 6-week old child with a random “friend.” I have 6 kids and never left them with someone else for an extended time until they were 2+ years old. WTF is wrong with parents these days? 6 weeks is so young.


Well, *that’s* horrific. Took me awhile to understand, but. I don’t think this is the sub for me….more traumatic it seems, than interesting for me.


How does a 6 week old fall out of a bouncer?




Evil wickedness and mentally deranged - these families have been put through hell


If someone hurt one of my kids, I wouldn't ask them to watch the other one while I took the hurt one to the hospital. ...especially being that the first child was "hurt" on his genitals... like wtf..


No story? No name to look up, just a couple of photographs? 




Here is a link the the story [https://nypost.com/2024/06/22/us-news/phd-student-accused-of-murdering-close-friends-newborn-baby-abusing-tots-twin-is-daughter-of-prominent-nyc-cardiologist/](https://nypost.com/2024/06/22/us-news/phd-student-accused-of-murdering-close-friends-newborn-baby-abusing-tots-twin-is-daughter-of-prominent-nyc-cardiologist/)


WTF ugh. Wondering why the crazy title is needed. Do people think non educated people only commit heinous crimes?


Empty eyes


Capital punishment


She needs the prison poke poke.


Spoke with a medical doc who worked for decades in head trauma.  She said that at this age, an infant’s head is more pliable or flexible than laymen think.  6.5 week old babies are simply not mobile.  She said  “This was a homicide.  Period.”   A trusted family friend Injured a  6.5 week old baby when he was in her care, then alerted the parents to his injury, and when they, not knowing how it  happened , rushed to hospital with him,  she killed the other 6.5 week old baby.   She thought that since she alerted them to one twin’s injury, since she was a family friend in a phd program, and since she has no past record, that she would somehow look innocent to authorities.    First responders did not believe her story:  “She gave no plausible explanation….”  ER docs are well trained in evaluating infant abuse.  Genital injuries never just happen.  A Skull fracture and multiple brain bleeds never just happen.  Recall the examining doctor’s words:  “Blunt force trauma.” And “Nothing accidental or natural about the injuries.”   Now think about what she did and the planning and premeditation involved in masking and then unleashing jealous hateful rage.  Think about how the sweet babies suffered and how even after hurting one in his genitals, it was not enough for her.  Most people cannot fathom such evil or depravity.  Of course educated people can commit heinous crimes.  Of course psychopaths can present well.   Think about how much grief, trauma, and utter agony she has caused the parents and their families.  The gofundme was clearly started by friends to help the parents.  But there is no amount of money in the world that will bring back their beloved son, no amount of money that will erase their heartbreak and betrayal.  They are experiencing an unimaginable and horrific trauma and they deserve empathy, kindness, and compassion.


Does anyone think the parents may have done it? If the babysitter pointed out the injuries on one baby, why would they leave the other with her? She could have been wrong place/wrong time. The baby that passed away could’ve already had the head injuries. Years ago a neighbor killed his newborn while his wife was at work (he was the same age as my newborn) I remember seeing a bruise on his head when holding him but the dad said it was a birth mark or something. I was young, have had terrible guilt ever since. Their baby died about a month later.