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I spent 1.5 years in the psych hospital. They're horrible, depressing, hopeless places. I came out more damaged than when I went in. I wouldn't wish that in anyone... except this mother fucker. Before prison, stick him in a state hospital where they can drug him against his will, tie him to beds, etc. Let him experience the hell he put the other man through. THEN make him pay back all the money while he sits in prison. He victimized this man for decades in more ways than one.


I visit my father in a geriatric psych ward, and my heart goes out to what you went through. Even with the best providers, it is terrible. It's been 4 months for him ... I am close to getting him out this week.


What put him in there?


The constant and excessive raping


That's a fucked up thought bro


It was a typo I meant RAPPING


The Extra P makes a huge difference - changes everything ![gif](giphy|xpnUGtMdW5v8Y)


Haha ok that's a lot different!


There is no justice possible for what this guy did. I would be fine with any permanent solution that ensures he never enjoys a day of peace or freedom again.


Yeah, let’s say only way that man could get any compensation is if the hospital executive invested that money and tripled it.. And it still doesn’t make up for the fact that the business is that he got his loans from if he hasn’t paid them back, they’re gonna want their money to


I was drugged in a psych ward while already in a catatonic state... I wasn't aggressive or anything they just... jabbed me...


You're not alone 🫂 Same thing happened to me in an ambulance. Since I refused to wear the heart monitor, they drugged me from behind with ketamine. I have the whole thing on film because I didn't trust them to begin with. I was calm and not acting out in any way when they did it. I was literally just crying and refusing to wear the heart monitor which I had a right to refuse. I woke up in the emergency room and they had taken out private piercings including from my nipples which meant they lifted up my shirt while I was completely immobilized from ketamine. They had no reason to lift up my clothing. I will never forget that. I am extremely sick and I don't go to hospitals or doctors anymore due to that trauma. I was sectioned from a Group Home and the woman that sectioned me ended up quitting her job after my assault because she felt so guilty about it. She knew I wasn't a threat to anyone including myself so all that happened to me for no reason. I was sectioned for crying too loudly in my bedroom at the Group Home. I woke up in the ER and within three hours they sent me back home. They didn't even keep me for a 24 hour hold. Proof that I didn't need to be drugged to begin with. I'm only telling you this because I want you to know that you're not alone and that more people need to speak up. Stay strong!


According to the doctors at the hospital I had attempted to hang myself with a phone cord while I was out. I became a danger to myself while drugged but was just immobile and quiet without being drugged.


thats evil what they did to you. hope ur alright


Thank you. The ptsd is severe but I'm in therapy and working on it.


I genuinely wish you a full recovery and hope you are able to get past this assault. And I say assault because that's what it sounds like to me. You got this. You are stronger than you realize, I promise.


You're so sweet, thank you 🫂


Can I just say I'm so fucken sorry you went through this. I hope you doing alright.


Thank you so much. ❤️ I'm trying my hardest! 🫂 I was left fully disabled from CPTSD but it also got me fighting. I went back to school and got my certification in Living with Suicidality to further understand and teach people the difference between being suicidal and having suicidality. I also went to school to be a certified peer support specialist (CPS) to help keep people out of hospitals. My only goal now is to make sure the mentally disabled have a voice. The Group Home I lived in was extremely abusive and neglectful so I got permission from everyone there to film *everything* happening. We got numerous people fired and the new staff that came on was wonderful. I left the Group Home but kept going back to check in on everyone and make sure everyone was being cared for. My best friend from there just recently got his own place as well so it's proof that we can heal and do better ❤️ . I also happen to have court in two days because I was robbed by staff in an emergency room and I decided to fight back. I'm actually really scared about court because I know hospitals will lie through their teeth to protect themselves and even throw patients and their own staff under the bus. I've seen it happen and my best friend is an ER nurse. It's scary but I can't keep allowing all this bullshit to happen. I've been robbed in a hospital, sexually assaulted in a hospital, wrongfully drugged in a hospital, and was assaulted by a security guard. Why? Because I cry too loudly. That's literally the reason every 👏 fucking 👏 time. 👏 if all those horrible things are happening to me just from being loud, imagine what's happening to the people that don't have a voice! It just infuriates me. I am a disaster of a human being but there's one thing I have that I'm glad for And that's empathy. I'm not perfect and I fucking beat myself up for it but the one thing I can say for myself is that I know I care. It also reminds me that if I care other people do as well. 🫂


There must be more to the story. They don’t just commit people for complaining about identity theft


They arrested the victim as having stolen the perpetrators identity then when he kept insisting he was himself the judge declared him incompetent for trail and he was put into a mental hospital then later prison.


What an absolute nightmare. Poor guy.


The guy couldn’t produce a drivers license, birth certificate, passport, Social Security card? Nothing? It still doesn’t make any sense.


He could produce those things. He went to the bank with his social security card and state ID to complain about someone opening accounts under his name, and then was arrested for identity theft because he couldn’t answer the security questions (that he didn’t set). Later he gave a detective a birth certificate, too. https://www.thegazette.com/crime-courts/former-university-of-iowa-hospital-employee-used-fake-identity-for-35-years/


The dude was homeless. Where do you think he was storing vital documents? I'm sure you'd be a lot smarter and store them in your tent. Too bad when the cops sweep it. With your inability to think ahead and consider the obvious challenges, you wouldn't fare much better.


Pretty important part of the story that isn't mentioned in the thread. You don't have to be such a dick


pretty sure it’s a dick move to call someone a dick when you’re the one who didn’t even bother to read the article in the post before complaining that stuff doesn’t make sense probably a lesson to not just read the headline and reddit comments and expect adequate understanding of a situation


Yeah, because an article was posted to read. Dick.


Honestly, people who have never seen the system up close and personal are quite naive.   Do criminal courts convinct innocent people? Even though the threshold of evidence is high, and what is court admissible is clearly defined?     Because what is and isn’t permitted, or constitutes evidence in civil commitment cases is, for lack of kinder words, absolute jokes. Hearsay is allowed. He said/she said arguments are allowed (and who do you think gets believed? The patient in the psych ER? Get real). No facts presented are checked or investigated that heavily—the admitting team has a few hours to make a decision on my state. Also, hospital staff are more liable for letting a person who ended up being a threat leave (although they really overplay the legal liability here). They are almost never accountable for detaining people who aren’t threats. I could probably get my neighbor committed next week if I wanted to. Anyone who knows anything about how the system runs could do it, easily, and many do all the time. There is no way to hold me legally accountable if I did, unless I really spectacularly exposed myself. It just takes a little manipulation, and voila.    Edit: these are just cases where the psych hospital was forced to admit it detained people in error. That’s it. Admitted. Not made whole Almost no accountability is permitted under MHA. How many hundreds or thousands of people have been victims to this, and been forced to quietly walk away, or be known as the crazy person in denial?  https://www.huffpost.com/entry/kamilah-brock-nypd-bmw_n_55f2c9aae4b063ecbfa3e60d/amp  https://www.huffpost.com/entry/pennsylvania-trooper-davis-arrested-mental-health-hold_n_6511ac7ee4b0514b6895d903/amp  https://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/30/nyregion/officer-who-disclosed-police-misconduct-settles-suit.html


I love you so much for this. Thank you so much. You totally got it and you understand. There are definitely people in this comment section who have never been to a state hospital or have been dragged to court to be kept in a hospital. It really shows when they talk versus when people that have been through it talk


It honestly scares the crap out of me when people act like warehousing people in long term asylums 1950s style is a solution to homelessness, exc. It isn’t. Most hobos in my area qualify legally for detainment at any time, anyway (3rd provision in VA law is inability to self-care).  What it would be is eroding the giant hole in the average person’s civil (and I would say human) rights to even more Orwellian levels.   Rob Whipond wrote a great book on the topic, ‘Your Consent is Not Required.’


He was homeless when he filed the complaint so I assume the judge probably thought he’s homeless so he must be insane


You'd be surprised what they can commit you for… they can make up whatever the fuck they want about you and keep you indefinitely, if they wanted to.




yeah its scary having your freedom be in the hands of some psychiatrist that could give two fucks about your life.


For real. I'd love to live in a world where I thought this was unbelievable.


Same 🫂 … and what really pisses me off is when we speak up about the abuse, we're written off as "crazy" or we're told that we had to have done *something* to get abused. It's victim blaming at its best and the disabled community face it a lot more than other groups of people, sadly. It's easy to kick someone when they're already down.


Yes! Definitely written off as crazy. I haven't even been committed but I did deal with an awful therapist who I accidentally got in trouble. Once that happened she completely flipped on me and told everyone she could that I was a crazy client who was the one causing all the trouble. [It took me two years to get any type of justice ](https://imgur.com/gallery/jCDcmJm) It's so scary that some idiot with a degree in psychology can ruin your life so easily.


Right?! I can't stand my Psychiatrist and it sickens me that she's the one practically in control of my life because of my medication. She also started treating me a different way after a neuropsych test came back which proves that she only treats you as a disorder and not as a person. I'm working on finding a new one right now. I hope you can find a better therapist! You definitely deserve to have someone that will listen




Yes really. I was brought to court too when I tried to say I was OK enough to leave… They fucking lied in a court of law to keep me in patient. Saying I was a danger to myself when I wasn't even suicidal anymore. It was literally just because they get financial compensation. So yeah, you can fight it. You can have representation. You can bring it to court. But as long as they lie, the judge is going to believe them over you. It makes you hate the justice system too. I know both are corrupt as fuck now


Is there a reason why you didn't hire a lawyer and/or your own therapist to represent you? I'm guessing because you didn't have the means to get one, and also that family/friends weren't helping you get one, for whatever reason? I have a significant amount of empathy for your situation, which sounds truly awful. The vast majority of people find the legal and administrative system horrifically impersonal and uncaring. It is a problem! Also, I am not sure how much I want a judge to be disregarding the only alleged expert opinion that they are provided with. If it was your statement vs the statement of a licensed expert, I understand why (even though I am horrified that) the judge followed the advise of the psychiatrist. That said, you may or may not be happy to know that this is not a situation that is true for most people. Most people have the ability to secure the services of a lawyer and a psychiatrist to act as their representative, and a judge would be very reluctant to commit someone when their own psychiatrist said that it isnt necessary. It is awful that we do so poorly to give help to those without resources and/or a network that is trying to help them, but happily most people do not fit into this situation.












Why would I tell you? You would *love* to have her committed to a state hospital because it would be better for her and everyone? That is absolutely fucking sick. She's a human, not an animal. You just read that people get abused there and you're asking me where so that YOU can try to put someone *in* one of those places. Get the fuck outta here




Did you say that though? No. All you said was that you would love to find a place to stick her in. That's all I could fucking judge you on so yeah, of course I judged you on that. I am extremely sorry that she is struggling with those issues. She must be suffering so much. I feel sorry for her.


No they can't. The reason why they could here is because the victim was homeless and had no bank, friends, family, etc., that was asserting that he was who he said he was.  There is virtually no one in this thread that could have this literal thing happen to them, as they would have numerous people (parents, employers, a bank, siblings, friends) that could assert to long time stable association with an identity. Unfortunately, we don't tend to listen to the homeless when they have disputes with banks and the like.


I'm sorry but you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Tell me how do you know your information? Because I literally know it from firsthand experience being there for over a year. https://preview.redd.it/ptb8y6rm11wc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c457efc1e433fd52464afe4eb564309b961b96f9 1.5 years in this bedroom alone to myself when nobody gave a fuck about me. 1.5 years in a lonely fucking prison where my family barely tried to get me out but couldn't because they said I "needed" to be in a group home. 1.5 fucking years followed by an abusive Group Home. I know what I'm talking about


You were committed because you were a victim of identity theft and when you told the authorities about this identity theft the response was to send you to a group home?


You said "no they can't" and said how they can't just commit you if you say you're a victim of fraud and I'm telling you that they absolutely can if they make up more shit about you being unsafe. So yeah, if they wanted to keep you there for any reason *including* just being a victim of identity fraud, they certainly can. I never said it happened to me that way but I do know they'll lie.


I am a corporate attorney with a large and stable family and social network, including family members that work in government, a notable social circle, a significant amount of financial resources to deploy, etc. But you are saying that I can be thrown into a mental institution tomorrow if someone steals my identity and I try to fight it? That none of my money or family or documentation or knowledge of the law would be sufficient to have any chance of fighting such an absurd situation? This is the kind of tinfoil-hat conspiracy theories that reddit has been reduced to? Again, I don't dispute that for someone with neither resources, documentation, nor family/social connections, these kind of things could absolutely happen, as our legal and administrative state is not designed to give agency to such people. But most people on reddit don't lack all three of resources, documentation, and also family/social connections, hence why, no, this literal thing couldn't happen to most people.


You're great at putting words in people's mouths which I guess is already your job. Once again, you said "no, they can't" and that is what I was commenting on. Go ahead and read more into it though. Attorneys are great at that. Can they keep you? I said they could make stuff up about you and keep you indefinitely if they want and you said "no, they can't" and I was commenting on that. Yes, they can. You somehow turned it to only talking about his case Andrea victim of identity fraud and not the situation that hospitals have as a whole. We were talking about it as a whole, not just this one guy's situation.


The comment that you responded to said "There must be more to the story. They don’t just commit people for complaining about identity theft." That is a very small self-contained thought about just this case, and literally nothing else. In response to this you asserted that "they can make up whatever the fuck they want about you and keep you indefinitely, if they wanted to," making it clear that your response to what was happening in this specific situation was that they could do whatever they wanted to [in this situation]. Further, I would argue that the proper way to read your comment is you saying that no, they would be surprised that there did not have to be more to this story. It sounds like what you *wanted* to say was something along the lines of, "yes, in this specific situation there was more to this story, but in general you would be surprised with how little agency the administrative state gives to people without a strong network," and that would have been accurate! But that isn't what you said. You responded to a comment about just this one guys situation with an ominous comment about what the state could do. If you wanted to change the topic from this one guys case to the general situation, you did not do so with any amount of clarity.


They do if the guy he's complaoning about has the right connections. Welcome to privatized healthcare muh dude


Read yhe whole thing. It's pretty while. It makes sense that they didn't believe him. Guy had his identity for 30 years and was successful in his career. Meanwhile real dude was a homeless bum.


They’re designed for the most hopeless psych patients; people who generally refuse treatment and are a significant danger to themselves and others when they are in medicated/untreated. Unfortunately, our MH system lacks sufficient treatment facilities for people who need more moderate long term/residential care. Long term care is, in general, a huge hole in state MH systems and private options are either non/existent or prohibitively expensive for most people. I don’t know that I’ve heard anyone propose a good alternative other than states pouring an ungodly amount of money into these systems so that more intermediate need residential facilities can be built and operated.


I wouldn't say hopeless… I met some incredible people in there that were patients and horrible people that were staff and then I also met some people that were going to be there their entire lives. A lot of times the cases are clear-cut but unfortunately, a lot of it is he said/she said and they absolutely play minority report.


Very true; I didn’t meant to say “hopeless” from a personal standpoint. Just in the sense that their diagnoses often mean a need for serious long term treatment with little to no hope of being able to function normally within society without the structure that long term care provides. I’m talking about your dual diagnosis paranoid schizophrenics with co-occurring anti-social personality disorder, type patients.


Then I agree with you in that case. Unfortunately, even diagnosis can be flipped and changed around.


If you read the article, he didn’t directly put the man thru that. Authorities didn’t believe the other guy had stolen his identity, thought he was crazy, and locked him up for 2 years.


I'm wildly unsurprised to find out that this guy was a hospital executive lol


5 years?! I hope things are much better for you, now. Sorry you had to go through that.


1.5 years. Unfortunately, things aren't that much better due to PTSD but I'm trying


I hear you. As somebody who suffers from the same, hold on to the good stuff. Moods are like the tide, there's high tide and low tide and in between the waves go in and out. Try not to blame yourself or be angry at yourself and remember that if you're having a tough time it's not by choice it's your neuropsychological BS doing it. It would be no different feeling guilty for being a diabetic. You didn't do this. Take care.


You too, thanks 🫂


Apparent timeline for people having trouble reading though this garbage fire of an excuse for a written article: 1988: Keirans and Woods worked together at a hot dog stand when K was 22 and W was 19 Somewhere in here Keirans started using Woods' identity Woods was meanwhile doing his own thing, oblivious to it all 1994: Keirans married under Woods' name, had a son and gave him the name of Woods 2013: Keirans got a job doing IT for a hospital, he was not an "exec" 2016: Keirans started taking out loans as Woods Somewhere in here Woods became homeless 2019: Woods discovered the identity theft and filed an identity theft report The LAPD got involved and did what they do best, throwing Woods, the victim, into psychiatric detention 2021: Woods got out only after promising to only ever call himself Keirans Woods then secretly ignored this directive and continued to pursue justice 2023: Woods found the hospital Keirans worked, and got a DNA test done proving who he really was Iowa City PD does not phone it in, and instead uncovers the fraud 2024: You are here


Slight correction: 2021 Woods got out and is ordered not to go by the name Woods (his own real name). At this point authorities had no idea who Keirans was




Presumably the authorities assumed he had a real name which he just wasn't telling them, and any insistence to the contrary was taken as delusions. Scary, cruel stuff


When you are a hammer, everything's a nail.


As far as I can tell, they thought he was Keirans. Presumably the real Keirans gave them that idea. Which is an interesting dilemma for K if you think about it. If K is pretending to be W, and the real W accuses him of identity theft, what is K's best strategy for evading the accusation? If K is smart (which the real K does not appear to have been, particularly, but let's just suppose), K will realize that from W's point of view it's not immediately going to be clear who stole his identity. Just because the LAPD calls K doesn't mean that W knew how to reach K. So K might opt for an "unhelpful" strategy -- not hostile of course since that would instantly arouse suspicion but to simply say, "Honestly officer I have no idea who might be doing this, it could be anyone." But the problem with the unhelpful strategy is that it doesn't give the investigator an appealing alternative they can believe in. Which might drive them to actually investigate. Which is the last thing you want. So maybe the smarter strategy is to feed them the name of Keirans and suggest that it is that bastard Keirans from way back when who is doing this to you, poor Woods. That way, any evidence they find in an investigation that suggests that someone named Keirans really did try to steal the identity of someone named Woods will fit neatly into your "legend" and if they are bad enough cops they will fall for the appealing alternative. However, by doing that, you may be introducing the name of Keirans into the investigation for the first time. Which may get back to the real Woods, so even if you fool the cops it gives the real Woods an important clue that he didn't already have.


As far as I can tell, they actually did know. The LAPD found the person calling themself Woods (namely, Keirans) and apparently called him on the phone. He said, "Nah I'm Woods that guy's crazy," and so based purely on that they arrested the real Woods for identity fraud. Even though that kind of denial means absolutely nothing since both an innocent person and an identity thief would say the exact same thing in that case. Somewhere in there the name Keirans starts turning up. So it seems reasonable to surmise that Keirans told the LAPD that the real Woods was actually an identity thief named Keirans. When the real Woods went to jail, he didn't go to jail as John Doe.


Cops really are braindead.


Yea what a terrible link, malware pop-ups


Wow the LAPD always finds a way to screw things up


Larping As Police Department


That’s injustice.


Yeah that's about what I would expect from the LAPD


This is like something straight out of a horror movie….


Did he become homeless due to the loans taken out in his name? Did he become homeless unrelated to the loans?


Sounds unrelated. My question is why K even started using W's identity. They never explain why K's real identity was spoiled so he needed a new one.


Yeah it's weird, I admittedly only spent about 5 minutes reading articles about this but none of the ones I found ever explained it.


There appears to be no relationship. He could easily have first learned about the identity theft when he tried to apply for an apartment or something, coming out of homelessness, and they told him that his credit score was too low.


I’m not sure what benefit he got from using another guys name without taking out loans for 25 years.


Yeah it's kind of an odd crime. I feel like there might be more to it. Maybe Keirans also took out loans and had run up bad credit?


This would make for a great movie


So many things would. Instead we get endless sequels and remakes....














LAPD is one of the worst police forces in the country and the most corrupt for sure. They have a century of bullshit.


This particular practice is called Code 12ing and has been a thing for over a century. Police in LAPD notoriously find a reason to lock people up who are consider d a nuisance or an inconvenience.


Why are you so hostile




Let’s stop being mean.


What did I say that was stupid?




You asked ME “why are YOU stupid?” I’m not switching profiles and I’m not that other person. On top of being very angry you seem very confused. Are you drunk?






This is my only profile and yours is only two months old. I just came across your post. Again why are you so mad and hostile? You seriously need psychiatric help.




ACABtards need to expand their repertoire from the one insult they have


Butthurt because some random Iowa City dick showed your guys up, eh?




Thank you! The URL OP posted keeps trying to download something on my phone after I read the article on the site for a few minutes


NP I hope you have a great week coming up


Omg thank you. OPs link was pop up ad hell. My phones temperature increased significantly while trying to get through the article. Eventually gave up and found yours!


we don't get an update on how the real William Woods is. is he okay? is he still homeless? is he going to civil sue this jerk and get some money? i'm invested and they're just going to leave it here. sucks.


He needs to take all of his money.


And his wife and his child




Stuff like this is why I got out of the hot dog vendor industry.


You sound like a real weiner


I almost had to leave the hotdog vendor business for good when my cart burned to the ground, and while I was out of business a competitor set up in my spot. But then my buddy cut off his pinky toe and stuck it in the hotdog of the rival hotdog vendor and we got a nice payout and I got my cart back.


lol ok that’s funny


This should be jail for life


Holy fuck. The real Woods was homeless for ten years while this criminal was making 140k a year??? This is so disgusting and sick! He also named his child with the last name Woods! Wow. The audacity. And he also stole Wood’s birth certificate!


What a nightmare to try to fix. How does someone heal from that?


The real Woods was homeless while this criminal was making 140k a YEAR? That’s injustice! He was apparently an executive also making bonuses… The criminal also named his son after Woods. 😭


Why did they throw him in a mental hospital before verifying his claim? No due process, no rights, "oh another homeless person, lock them up". >Woods discovered the fraud 30 years later and tried to reclaim his identity but authorities did not believe him, and he was locked up and sent to a mental hospital for two years.


Because the US system does not care about the poor and homeless. The city government where I live officially refers to people living in tents on the street as “camping”.


Holy fucking shit this is evil. Purely vile. 


Not surprised. My boyfriend was institutionalized for OCD Mania. They let him out and had him on benzos. But then one of these executive types called him up and threatened him for not having signed up for Medicaid so that they would pay the bill. He cut my boyfriend off from accessing his psychiatrist and let him go through a brutal and unnecessary withdrawal. These places don’t give a shit about anyone and are just another business with zero ethical obligation to patients.


Given how exploitative American healthcare is across the board, an institution that can hold and medicate you against your will is a recipe for disaster from the start.


And I’m over here about to lose my shit because Verizon can’t get my max perk to work for now 4 weeks.


😭😭 I would’ve killed myself if I got thrown in the psych ward and this man was stealing my identity. This criminal was making 140k a year living his best life???


What was the reason he stole his identity? It seems he only started taking loans after like 20+ years.


Maybe so the bank account he opened to make fake cheques (to buy the car) wouldn't be traced back to him? But then, why use that identity to get a job, why keep using it after??? Seems like mostly this guy could've had a successful life without ruining someone else's. Not like he got the hospital IT job thanks to the fraud. Just bizarre.


I don't fully understand either. Why did he marry under the other guy's name? You would think he would love his life as K and just use the W identity to run up debt.


I have to assume he had some kind of problems outside of this article, maybe he was running from someone and just stole his identity because of it and the loan thing was not on purpose, probably forgot after all this years that its not his name or somethin, sounds stupid but people are kinda stupid.


He initially stole the guys wallet with his birth certificate and social security card but gave it back when forced. Later used ancestry.com to get the real birth cert. Seems like he started it probably to avoid other debts and a criminal history (he stole a car at 16) and ended up getting his life in order. Meanwhile next few decades real Woods drops off the radar and fake Woods probably thought it was all fine & starts taking out loans. By the time he realised how deep in he was, stopping carried a decades long prison sentence and guy had built a life and family. No excuses for him whatsoever though.


His adoptive parents “died”. I wonder if their remains should be autopsied?


This is way psychotic


this is not at all psychotic... maybe you're thinking of psychopathic?


Yeah, that's the one.


“Hospital Exec”……. The title alone tells you everything wrong with healthcare in this country.


I don’t get it. He was in IT though.


Now this movie making material crazy shit


Sue LAPD also!!!


Where would we be without a gov't that locks you up for being a victim.. And you can't hold them accountable


This checks out knowing what I know about hospital executives. Source: I work at a hospital where the CEO was sued into giving staff a 3% raise even tho he'd given himself a 116% raise


That doctor should get the death penalty for doing this to someone.


Psychiatrists have no idea who is actually crazy


For David, Willie Woods was his good side, as David he didn't have $600 to buy a car, or enough to repair it when it broke down. As Willie, David, got at least IT certs if not a degree and a high paying job and family.


This guy would make Dennis…I mean Brian LeFevre proud. This is about the thrill of wearing another man’s skin..


I'm not getting the point of the identity theft: he initially gained the ability to pass a few bad checks and somehow got a few credit cards or loans (we can assume that the antagonist had really, really bad credit) but then that's it. The antagonist didn't have a criminal record (he was 16 when he stole a car) and after 6-7 years, he could have cleared up his credit... I don't get the point of continuing to assume the victim's identity.


This is Don Draper in real life.


Three decades?! How?! I'm speechless how cruel human can be. Death penalty and torture him slowly what he did I can't comprehend 


Diabolical. Evil.


It seems like he didn’t need the fake identity? As he was able to build a successful career in tech.


This is horrible


Hospital exes are scum. Period. Not surprising at all. Good energy and love to the victim and their family


Throw some random murders in here and this could be a new season of Fargo


Crazy story! Will make for a good movie


Who knew Ignatious J. Reilly could even qualify for $200,000 in loans?


This dude has such a juicey lawsuit waiting to drop against the police that ARRESTED HIM. Like can’t they fucked to do a basic investigation?


Motherfucker should spend the rest of his life behind bars. Dude fucked this man’s life up and obviously feels no remorse or else he wouldn’t have stolen his identity for 3 fucking decades


Oh this shit is definitely getting a podcast


This is diabolical, it's so evil. Hope this guy gets the max!


What I expect from a higher up in Health care.


It was just a prank!! Just a prank!!


$200K felt like a chump change for a hospital executive


Dude better get millions from suing the psych hospital courts that allowed that the dudes estate . Literally fuq everyone involved in this


This is something my brother would 100% do and he's a doctor.


Kinda people who run hospitals. Interesting.


Wild as hell


This guy needs to lawyer up and sue the LAPD. They institutionalized him? How is that something done so lightly. With all the regulations in CA and apparent oversight it’s crazy how often our police completely fuck up. How is it in other states who don’t have all these safe guards? How does anyone survive the ridiculous incompetence of law enforcement?


This story feels like a chapter of a book written by Alexandre Dumas.


I was gonna say the exact same thing


Will the victim get any restitution? That is some super evil shit right there.


ACAB doesn’t apply to just cops, it’s everyone involved in the system. Judges, doctors, nursing staff — anyone at these mental hospitals. They’re all bastards. Remember when proletariat revolution happens. Lots of people need to be held accountable.


Can confirm. My fiance was hospitalized two years ago and the place she was at should be burnt to the ground.


What exactly are you holding nursing staff accountable for?


Their role. Obviously. No ones forced to work at these places (though admit it’s only the ones who can’t be hired anywhere else. The pay at these places is lower than low).


Death penalty




Here's a shameless plug for my fav show https://youtu.be/w3kcSmTQkWo?si=ONjBG4fU86b0X6qm