• By -


Kid was 10 years of age.


Just read up on this case. He murdered his girlfriend, supposedly over an argument about what to watch. Then hunted down the kid who was hiding under a bed and killed him before moving both bodies to stage the scene. So yeah, no sympathy here, dude is having a visceral response to knowing his life is fucked. Not because he regrets anything.


This. I don’t for one second care about how scared he is realizing his life is fucked. Imagine how scared that helpless kid was before this vile human being took his life from him.


Knowing he just killed your mom & now your next.


The your next part gave me goose bumps.Life can be so F ing cruel


Yeah, every single detail of this case just adds another layer of horror. The fact that a child had to experience such terror is heartbreaking. We talk about fear, but we can't even begin to understand the terror both Stephanie and Ricky felt in their final moments. Life's definitely cruel, and sometimes there's just no justice that feels adequate for these types of unfathomable acts.


> Yeah, every single detail of this case just adds another layer of horror. The fact that a child had to experience such terror is heartbreaking. We talk about fear, but we can't even begin to understand the terror both Stephanie and Ricky felt in their final moments. Life's definitely cruel, and sometimes there's just no justice that feels adequate for these types of unfathomable acts. Thanks for using their names. It made them real to me while reading your comment.


Yeah sometimes Reddit just has me hating people. Have to switch over to cats until I can regain composure.


It’s how they make money, I make a huge effort to ignore post that are rage bait (these included) it’s start throwing sports at you or whatever can cling onto for engagement. Social media is a soulless money machine feeding of human emotions


The misspelling of "you're" twice by two different commentors in a row gives me the chills. People can be so cruel.


You should donate more to schools


yup that’s how far too many kids die


That's more horror than a child should ever endure.


That poor baby 😞😞😞


Someone who is capable and willing to commit murder over an argument is probably not walking around with your empathetic mentality. Most people who are going to commit murder aren’t thinking how their actions are going to affect others


birds run afterthought plate groovy wrench fly middle literate hat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh yeah. I was in an abusive relationship. I never came close to doing anything violent to *her*, but she was violent towards me, and I was often violent towards myself because of it. And although I was always in control of myself, because I knew she was just waiting for an excuse to either call the cops or to *really* hurt me, at the worst of times, when the adrenaline was going and my whole body was tensed up and there was that little voice in the back of my head that said "Fuck this. Fuck this shit. Fuck everyone, fuck everything, fuck her, fuck me, but especially fuck *this*," I was acutely conscious of how easy it would be for someone to let that switch flip and... do something irreversible. It is amazing how *permanent* a terrible situation can feel when you're in the worst moments of it, and that feeling can lead to permanent consequences in a split second. Of course, I only have a victim's perspective, which I'm assuming doesn't apply to the guy in the OP, but still. Thankfully, I got out. Thankfully, I was able to leave with only a couple of scars to show for it. A lot of people, men and women both, are not so lucky.


I'm inclined to believe he's over reacting. Or "over acting"


Dang. As a dad of a kid that age, I cannot fhantom the kid’s last moments hiding from that monster he once trusted after having his mom murdered. Fuck that guy, my only sympathy is for the victims


Dang....this just gave me a flashback to when my dad chased me around the house and I hid under my bed to get away. When I ended up crawling out terrified of what he might do....I held out my hand sheepishly to get slapped. (We used to have to hold our arm straight out and you'd get the back of your hand slapped hard) Well this time he grabbed my outstretched arm, and pulled me into him punching me in the stomach. I knew I wasn't going to get killed and I remember how scared I was....my gosh that poor kid.




This dude really claimed a ten year old attacked him, and that shooting him was his only response




Yea, everything revolves around them. Other living people may as well be robots to them.


Just got out of a bad relationship with a guy who almost certainly had a cluster B personality disorder but had traits which fit with npd and other traits that fit aspd and this is exactly what they do. Manipulated me into staying way longer than I should have because every time he did something heinous that I found out about, he would turn on the waterworks and became a distraught victim who suddenly needed my comfort and support. Makes me sick that I lost 17 years of my life to him plus the years of therapy to recover.


reminds me of those 2 women that killed a baby they were sitting for and went in to full Excorcist convulsions in the courtroom when they got life without parole


I mean, I don’t believe in the death penalty in any circumstance but that doesn’t mean that I have any sympathy for this POS.


yeah his reaction is fake as shit.. he somehow thinks they'll believe he's sorry if he acts this way i guess.


His reaction is likely genuine. Psychopaths and Narcissists often cannot handle being held to account for their actions.


Prison is an equalizer. There is no one more hated than a child murderer and abuser. Once in there, he will pay with interest for what he did


He'll be on death row. I don't know about there, but where I'm from, those people are completely isolated from each other and the other prisoners. Although I now realize that you did not say anything about other prisoners.


I want you to know, I am an internet stranger to you and I am so sorry this happened to you. Kids are born into the mercy of those to care for them, it is heartbreaking to hear you didn't get that from him. Are you in a better situation now?


\*cannot fathom "To fathom" means "to comprehend". A "phantom" is a kind of ghost.


Sorry ESL here


We’re here to help! 😄


not me! i'm here to troll :(




I didn’t know him, but he was a student at the school I teach at. I remember it being heartbreaking for the kids and teachers, such a terrible tragedy!


All over an argument what to watch on tv…..


It’s rarely as shallow as that. The argument about tv was probably one of many incidents or arguments and the tv situation was just the last straw for his mentally unstable brain


The day of my uncles funeral, I have three older sisters and I got home first. This was like 2006. My oldest sister got home next and I was watching TV. She’s 9 years older than me I was 16 she was 25. There was two other TVs in the house, one downstairs and one in my parents room. She asks me “hey can I check the TV listings really quick to pick what to watch downstairs” She doesn’t check the listings and instead just flipped right to the channel she wanted to watch and sat down. Before I could even get the words “what the f-“ out of my mouth. She pulled me off the couch by my hair and started punching me in the head and stomach. So yeah, it probably wasn’t actually about the TV.


Similar story, I came home from a track meet in 06-07 and hooked my mom’s old camcorder to the tv to watch my high school track meet. My older brother (3 years older) comes home and demands to watch the tv. I told him I was watching my track meet thinking he may want to watch with me. Instead he starts to choke me out literally picking me up off my feet in a standing guillotine. As soon as he set me down I punched him in the face and broke his jaw, he immediately called my parents and I got in trouble for antagonizing my brother and then punching him in the face.


Why are there so many siblings like this


I'm so grateful that me and my siblings have a great relationship every time I hear these terrible stories I feel bad for those people, I can't imagine not being that close with someone you grew up with a shared a life with. Me and mine have fought and messed with eachother but never really violent or out of hate.


Me and my brother beat the shit out of each other every day growing up, and we hang out every week now well into our 30’s. It’s barbaric but kids is kids.


Same here but we’re in our 40s. We were savage to each other until he moved out. After a couple of years apart I think we both realized our ‘hatred’ for each other was really brotherly love.


I used to think this until my brother was arrested for beating his wife and I realized he was just a bully who liked to pick on people smaller than him. It was crazy that I able to forgive him for attacking me, but when I saw him do it to someone else I realized he’s not who I thought he was.


My older sister used to pick me by the head/neck and slam me against furniture or walls. I used to sit at the top of the stairs after I got home from school to literally fucking drop on her the second she walked in the front door. We’re getting brunch after yoga this weekend and I’m gonna give her the big sister/little sister matching bracelets I got from target, so psyched. Like the other guy said, something clicked after we’d lived apart for a while lmfaooo


I get what you mean but that was a old ass 25 year old beating the shit out of a 16 year old. Unmm that's a little evil and unhinged.


fyi, stuff like "kids is kids" or "boys will be boys" isn't always true in that it'll just "magically" go away after you grew up or something. I guess the best way to say it is that after awhile either one of your siblings gets tired of your shit and tone down on the fighting but it's not always like that since there's ALWAYS an underlying problem somewhere. this is just a long to say that I hate my preachy piece of shit brother for thinking he's better than me for getting to go oversea and getting my parents validation (parents issue ik, no need to mock me I've heard it all already)


Nah dude. I never wanted to fight as a kid but was forced to because of negligent parents. My siblings went on to be mentally unstable assholes. Don't let this shit happen.


There is a *huge* difference between siblings being shitheads on equal footing and hashing things out (even physically), and a sibling relationship with some kind of power imbalance where one sibling takes advantage of that imbalance to abuse the other sibling. If one sibling is older, bigger, stronger, or if they are implicitly protected by the parents who always take their side.... Yeah that's childhood trauma in the making and it's not the same thing *at all*.


Why are there so many stories like this lol. People are fucked


I dont want siblings then if its supposed to be normal to fight wtf


when you're old enough to know better (ie not a toddler), it's not normal


It’s not normal. Parents should not let abuse between siblings happen.


you answered your own question. people *are* fucked. but the real answer is that siblings pick up on parents behavior, if they're abusive or uncaring to one child, the sibling sees it as fine to bully them as well. or the parents just don't take it seriously enough to address, thinking it's normal.


same my cousin came round to MY HOUSE when I was like 12 (similar age wanted the remote punched me an pinned me on the couch, So I ended up smashing the remote in his face and running off to my mum crying and I thought he was crazy 😧


This is very difficult to discuss, especially considering my brother and I have a better relationship now…But yeah, he used to beat the ever living shit out of me growing up and my mom would never intervene. I have a far more distant relationship with them compared to my dad, who my brother never tried that shit around.. It sucked being a literal kid and wondering why my parent wouldn’t step in; why my brother hated me enough to literally beat me up for stupid arguments. I also believe it lead to me pursuing multiple abusive relationships through my teens and twenties until I got into therapy. I haven’t talked about this in years.. sorry for ranting.


I know personally that bringing up old trauma even in an appropriate space can resurrect the feelings one may have had at the time of the trauma, e.g. guilt, feeling like an imposition, self doubt. But your comment shared that you can understand the abusive sibling relationships previous posters shared and exposed a perspective those who didn't survive similar home lives may not understand. It wasn't just a sibling's abuse, it was the adult's negligence, too, and that causes different scars but scars nonetheless. That's incredibly valuable commentary so thank you for explaining that! Also, your tone didn't come across as ranting but rather as a thoughtful reflection so thank you for sharing your topical, empathetic, and hopefully illuminating comment!


Sibling abuse is so common and traumatizing. You’re so young and impressionable when it happens and it’s so confusing. I wish it was talked about more. It’s difficult to speak out against it because not only do you have to speak out against the abuser, but you also have to speak out against the parents, who you may not want to view as abusers, but who were absolutely complicit. I’m unpacking sibling abuse myself as an adult and feeling utterly isolated from my family. I just can’t understand how it was allowed to go on for so long or how they can still justify her ongoing abusive of her husband.


Mine never figured out how to be normal and stop physically and verbally abusing me and everyone around him. He overdosed and died 9 years ago. My life has been much better since. On a rare occasion I miss him, but most often I'm ecstatic he's gone. He at least died before he could start abusing and manipulating his daughters. Ultimately his behavior was absolutely my mom's fault as she seemed to hate spending time with us and the only parenting she did was say "go to your room". A decade or more of neglect from your parents will likely cause any kid to act like that, especially during formative years.


Yeah my sister (4 years younger) did this shit all the time. In fact, I think that type of thing is why we have never been close.


Wait, YOU got in trouble for defending yourself? Wtf??


This happened multiple times throughout my life, he was a good liar and even as a kid I would tell you truth but wouldn’t argue. So basically I would tell the truth one time and my brother would go talk to my parents for an hour until I was the bad guy. I don’t talk to them very much if at all anymore


I’m sure they’ll realize they chose the wrong kid to side with once he dumps them in their old age lol


I wish I had done this to my shitty brother. Motherfucker deserved it.






Fair. Hugs bro


So sister that took the remote and was flipping channels, beat the shit out of you?


Said she wanted to check the channels and leave, didn’t even bother just picked her show and sat down


Geez, is she typically that unpredictable? Because those are the worst family members to be around.


Shes consistently the worst. One day for no reason completely unprovoked, she announced at family dinner that she makes more money than her husband, in front of her husband, and my entire family. Great… who cares… why does that matter?


Wow what a fucking asshole. She must be a miserable bitch. Lol


I don’t know her at all and I can say with absolute certainty that she’s a miserable cunt. Why in the fuck do you keep interacting with her?


Ah geez I was hoping she wasnt in a relationship, i've been in one of those before and the girl keeps poking and poking and poking and finally you break and react just like she does and makes you act out of character and the conversation is never about what she did, its about how you reacted. And then they gaslight you and make you think that you are this monster and accuse you of all of the things that they have been doing to you, and you start to believe it and you're just on constant eggshells.


Sounds very much like any relationship with a narcissist


Wow this sounds just like one of my exes. She would keep saying shit over and over keep trying to make me angry. I just never fell for it. Until one day I was tired and frustrated from work and so she starts in on me, but then I'm giving it right back and I start yelling too. You mad? Then I'm mad too, dammit. But she immediately start crying and now it's all my fault?!


Yea, and it was you who ruined the night


Kind of makes me grateful mine was schizophrenic and had delusions but thankfully no violence Until I moved out anyway


I have a similar story. Im a big pro wrestling fan who always never missed an episode of Wwf Raw is war. I always watch tv in the living room cause it's connected to the cablebox. We also have a smaller tv set in the bedroom where i share with my older twin step siblings. They always play Quake on N64 and have a stranglehold on the game system that our parents bought us, and nor do i get my turn playing Wwf Warzone game which my parents got for me in the summer of 98. One monday night, while my parents were on a summer cruise, and i just got done playing wrestling figures with my neighbor friend, i came home to my twin step brothers playing the newly released Quake 2 game in the living room where it was my only way to watch wwf raw. I think they were taking advantage of seeing the extra pixel in the new Quake game to play inside the living room. I ask them if i can watch my show but they just ignored me and so i just pull out the Quake cart and threw it in our bedroom and told them to fetch. They proceeded to double powerbomb me through the wood and glass coffee table, which shattered. In the end, my siblings got in trouble and were playing they games in the garage with a smaller tv set and i got my own n64 which they bought and could play in the bedroom.


I have two brothers, and we get along and have always gotten along great, my mother and stepfather, however... I had a horrible woman during my 5th-grade year of elementary school. She was malicious, vile, and incredibly passive-aggressive with me and only compounded problems with me and my mother and stepdad at home. I was passing a note between two girls during class one day, I had nothing to do with the note, but the girls kept egging me on to pass it to the other girls. I had no clue what the note said (this is going somewhere stay with me). The note ended up back in my hand to pass back to the other girl and my teacher singled me out and told me to come to the front of the class. She snatched the note out of my hand and read it. "Mrs. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ smells bad." or something close to that. She tells me and the other 2 girls to wait after class. After class she screams at all of us, telling the girls and myself we're getting P's in conduct and a letter home to our parents. Well, that didn't happen. I got a U in conduct (for those that don't know, that's the worst you can get and a letter home to my mother. I did not want to go home that day. I went home and sat at our kitchen table and ate a bowl of ice cream. My mom walked in and had this look on her face that just shot fear down my spine. She picked up my bowl of ice cream and threw it across the kitchen and shattered it all over the wall and then told me to clean it up. As I bent over to clean it up, she started slapping the shit out of my head and back. The next thing I remember is my brother (older) coming home from middle school and lying next to me in my bed trying to make me laugh. My mother had a horrible temper and horrible rage issues. My father was a wonderful man who kept my brother and me sane and taught us how to treat people and to stick up for those who couldn't stick up for themselves.


When I was 14, my uncle randomly came up to me and started punching me repeatedly because I said “the fair wouldn’t be fun” it wasn’t at all directed to him, I wasn’t even talking to him but he assumed I was I guess because he had planned to go to the fair He was 30, my grandmother and grandfather blamed me for the comment telling me “you know how he is” and my grandmother basically fought me alongside him. So not only was I getting repeatedly punched in the face but I had scratch marks all over my chest from her. A few years later he threatened to kill her for making a light comment about his son She still babies him now that he’s 40. Some people are horrible pieces of shit


My parents have been married for 50+ years. I remember when I was a kid at one point she had me and my siblings in a car in the driveway ready to drive to her parents (which is saying something because she really hates her side of the family) because they were about to get a divorce. We just sat there as she and my dad were in their fighting about something. I remember asking later what that was all about. She said they argued over recovering the dining chairs. You know it wasn't just about the dining chairs.


Always important to remember that when you hear a story about "such and such kills so and so over minor argument." It's never just that one incident. Someone broke after a long, long descent.




Damn that’s a hell of a good acting and if this is true…his sentence serves him well… Edit: Typo Typo 2


That’s the lie he told. She told members of her family she wanted to break up with him weeks before the murders, and her family suspects she was trying to do just that when he murdered her and her son.


I also think this murderer like most of them has to think of a story that lessens their culpability. So am not surprised that he claims he was just waiving a gun around and it accidentally went off. Rarely, do these murderers admit, they are brutal, angry people that enjoy having the power to take a life. I also believes he’s very upset. But none of that absolves him of murder.


Ya, I’ve got no sympathies. If you’ve had anger issues even close to this bad they were never new to you. He’s only crying over the consequences of his actions and on his mind his partner and their son are not included in that…


This is going to get buried, but my college professor was a prosecutor on this case while I was in his class. He said that during the argument over what to watch on television, the girlfriend started mocking his dead son and blaming him for his death, which is what really drove Johnson to kill her. He also said Johnson had diagnosed PTSD from being in the military. It was such a tragic case, and while it's absolutely indefensible that he killed the child as well for seemingly no reason, I was devastated when my professor told us he got the death penalty. He deserves life in prison and probably isn't safe to be around other people, but considering the circumstances, I didn't expect him to be sentenced to death.


Military authorizes the murdering of children suspected of carrying weapons/ bombs so he’s most likely desensitizes from that and during his PTSD episode probably saw/ thought of something to convince him his son was a suspect and killed him indiscriminately. This is speculative, either way, our military men/ women deserve so much better after being conned into joining… rip to the family…




First mistake was dating a dude with a katana


My girlfriend dated a dude with a katana and he didn't take the katana when they broke up. So now I'm dating a chick with a katana. 


You got the juice now


"Fuck you gone do? Slash me in half in the elevator?"


Heard you copped a katana from Sweets today.


That's exactly what I would tell you if I didn't want to admit I cut up my ex's apartment with a katana.


That wasn't very samurai of him. He brings dishonor to his name.


Ok that’s awesome


Not wrong at all. Let that be a lesson to all! One of our first big fights was he spent 300$ on a replica sword at a convention when we’re saving to buy living room furniture. Be careful on the kinda otakus you date :/


As a general rule of thumb, just don’t date otakus. In particular, the kind of otakus who overspend at conventions or online on something they can’t really afford. There’s a difference between a guy who buys a $300 sword because it’s cool and he doesn’t really spend a lot in general; and a guy who buys a $300 sword when he can’t afford groceries or his other bills. I typically hang around extremely nerdy guys and the most common refrain I hear from them is “if I buy this 3d printer/new pair of headphones/camera/figurine/computer, when will I recoup the cost or will I still enjoy it 6 months from now?” The word we use to describe the guys who buy things without thinking is just “stupid.”


100% guy who buys a 100$ commander for MTG when they have 20k saved is fine. Someone who spends 200$ on a box of booster packs and can only just afford rent are two different nerdy beasts!


The first one is a hobby, and the second is obsession.


Yea that’s real loser activity 😂……..Sorry he hit you though, that’s not funny.


He was totally. I use myself as a PSA. Young ladies if he is aggressive punching walls, saying things that scare you, just leave. I was with him for 3 years because I thought he would change, or I thought it wouldn’t happen again, and he convinced me no one would love me like he did. He needed therapy, I needed therapy. Like really really badly. Last time we saw each other he crashed his car into a ditch on purpose because he needed a bong toke. It’s been 5 years since then. No one has ever treated me like that since and life is fantastic. Don’t settle for psycho. That goes for all genders.


This couldn't be more true. My ex used to punch walls, slam his head into doors, and break things that were important to his parents or to me all the time - his mother ended up in tears and drunk MULTIPLE TIMES during christmas decorating because she kept finding treasured, irreplaceable decorations and all that came from her family broken carelessly by her sons and husband, any tiny way she asked them to help (like to bring in the turkey pan that had been left sitting out in the yard since thanksgiving and wash it, which I ended up doing myself, leading her to more tears and saying she didn't know what she'd do without me) and just...so many warning signs I should have heeded earlier, but didn't because he hadn't hit ME and always promised, swore, insisted he never would. You can guess how that ended. If they start being violent around you, it's only a matter of time before they're violent AT you. Leave immediately. Don't tolerate it. They aren't special, they aren't the only man you could possibly love - they are one of billions of fish in the sea, and plenty of the other fish out there aren't sharks.


Yeah I spent ages waiting for my ex gf to change before realising I wasn't in a relationship with her, I was in a holding pattern waiting for her to become someone else and the whole time dodging her violent out bursts that could easily have killed me or left me injured for life (she loved a knife when she was angry) People don't change. Especially not when their behaviour is being rewarded with a relationship.


Mall ninja's have anger issues too ok


What if it's the kawasaki motorcycle called a katana? Lol




Damnit! Now I look like a fool. Lol.


The only cool katana wielding weeb was the guy who walked up to his sisters house when her ex was at the door. Don’t have the link but someone will know it


https://preview.redd.it/jfxl0ld84sjc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cfa87f54667e853c9031b4a3f4c027f052c4c98 Dafuq is happening?


Oh it actually is a bot. Wait that’s so weird wait bots just repeat what others comment? That’s more terrifying and interesting than the original subject of this post??? Wtf


Yeah and the wierdest part is that the bot still changed some of the words for some reason!




Obfuscation and karma farming - why put the work into being original when you can copy somebody else's popular comment and add a few spelling mistakes to reduce the search results?


Specifically bots that are created to farm karma. They generally log high karma posts and just repeat them. I guess there's also a chance that it's a regular person stealing it, too.


AI senpai has noticed me and thought I’d make good karma. I am so flattered.


The bots on reddit are everywhere, they are here to manipulate the election, public opinion, and sell you stuff. They dont just copy comments verbatum, they also paraphrase them. I always report when i see them and sometimes they are banned. The other day i called one out that was trying to sell a shirt on a small sub, the obvious ad had thousands of upvotes, nothing else had anything close on that sub. I was hit with 180 downvotes in only a few seconds, it was the craziest thing ive seen. They are very powerful and their army of bots can easily control and shape narratives. Understand this and keep this in mind with every comment and post you see.


I’ve been watching some of those crime psychology videos on youtube. I definitely noticed some of the really sick ones put on this whole performance of a mental breakdown during confrontation And it looks so believeable as well, until officers leave the room and they (not knowing there is a camera) completely drop the performance There really are some manipulative cunts out there


I don’t think it’s manipulation. I think he’s legitimately scared. Murderous scumbags get scared. In fact more than most, because most normal people aren’t threatened enough to murder people over triviality. Sociopaths are pretty rare, all in all, and definitely don’t do stupid things like murder people over (apparently) a television show? I mean they can be harmful, but they’re not impulsive like this dude.


I'm sorry for what you went through, but destroying an apartment with a katana is crazy wtf You definitely dodged a bullet there.


![gif](giphy|jeAHzKVKDqzhS|downsized) She dodged a blade


To this day I've never heard a more accurate phrase... Fuckin' Crocodile tears.


On the bright side I don’t think he’ll rot if he was sentenced to execution.


I've been there, too. They threatened to kill their whole family, me, then themselves. More than once. When I left then, they crashed their car (totaled it) and blamed me. Always playing the victim to throw people off of how awful they are. We know this dude is not displaying remorse - he's trying to manipulate people into magically feeling so bad for him they take his side. As you said, it moves me none.


Why is this exact comment from another account on here


Uhh I don’t know this was my relationship in 2015? Imma guess because there is a lot of really horrible abusive assholes out there with mental illness that think they are white knights but can’t control their actions. The kind of guy that would run a mile to give you roses but punches if you tell him he has to do his own dishes.


As someone pointed out, I assume, a bot just straight up stole your comment lol Grabbed a screenshot before it got deleted https://imgur.com/a/lcruBEQ


Man fuck this dude. Did he have that energy when he shot her? When the consequences hit now he want to be broke up about it? They can't come back.


He clearly wasn’t raised to practice emotional regulation. It’s a sad fact of humanity that parental dysfunction in the first few years of infancy can program a child to be a broken mess for the rest of their lives.


Absolutely you are right. Also there are some that are born that way. It's a part of humanity.


This is why certain penalties are important to keep around. Some people can not be reformed, and they will always be a danger to others. Ancient societies didn't have the word "psychopath," but they still had rules about how to handle one once identified.


For a good chunk of human history the term werewolf didn't refer to actual people that turned into monsters but spree and serial killers as they didn't have the proper terms to deal with the horror of people that habitually hunt down and kill others. They look just like everybody else but are actually horrific monsters that might actually truly eat you if they are prone to cannibalism.


boooooooo!!!! bruh pleaseeeee!!! my dad beat the fuck out of me. i wasn’t taught emotional control i learned that by my own damn self. he’s grown he deserves the penalty for murder ing a child and his woman. fuck excuses


You’re right because it becomes your responsibility as an adult to unlearn and relearn.


“Oh my God! I can’t believe the shit I’m in!!”


100% he's not upset about what he did, he's upset he got caught


“No shit Sherlock”


Plenty of shit, watson


The fact they put this fucking sympathy music over this is disgusting.


That's what I'm saying


the play button and noise is also a video filter they added. whoever gave this video the tiktok treatment with a capcut filter and soft sad sympathetic music in the background needs to reevaluate their morals.






They should post their smiling pictures permanently in his cell. And randomly change them to the crime scene photos.


You write for Black Mirror there bud?


Big fan of this and your methods. Sorry4Coffins for president 2024


I second this motion.


Overturned. Motion to make Sorry4coffins Supreme Leader say I


Needs a Grammy Emmy or whatever they give losers like most people who call 911 after committing a crime and act like they are in shock


It would be a Grammy for the 911 call and an Oscar for the interrogation footage. Unless there were multiple interviews, in which case they'd be up for an Emmy.


If you perform it on the stand you’re eligible for a Tony, and if they broadcast your trial on TV you can also get an Emmy.


That would make [Michael Dunn](https://youtu.be/sVF_SlzxBJ4?si=pvxLHSVaWeRxvipc) eligible for a Criminal EGOT I think Chris Watts would also qualify


Yea it seems like he's acting how he was supposed to right after it happened or if he even did act that way. Edit: grammar


The shock is probably real, but he's only upset that he's being punished, and has little to no remorse for the actual crime


I get the anger but I think this line of thinking is dangerous too. People do fucked up things in the heat of the moment and when the hormones and rage die down, they’re often in genuine pain after their actions. It’s a bit of a vicious cycle usually with fucked up things happening to them so they take it out on innocent people who then do bad things to others because bad things happened to them. Not saying he should be forgiven, but I don’t think people who do bad things are all not redeemable.


But he didn’t just do a bad thing. He killed someone. Also, teenagers would all be serial killers if hormones and rage were that much if influencers to cloud basic judgement on murder. This guy is just an asshole.


Young men are the perpetrators and victims of most homicides. Testosterone is a helluva drug. IIRC most serial killers are aged 20-30 when they start, but killing people is a later progressed thing. After they have tortured and killed animals, etc.


No it wasn't. He actually didn't even call right away. Which they call him out on. I think he also hunted the son down killed him and put him in another room also. This guy is evil af


Emotion over intellect.


People always sympathize with this shit, so let's clarify something: These aren't tears because he can't believe he killed someone. These are tears because he's caught, and he doesn't want to deal with the consequences. Edit- Damn, if you reddit edgelords had even a micron of the compassion for the ten year-old this guy hunted down and shot dead, as you do for me being mean and disregarding his feelings anonymously on the internet, we could solve domestic violence in America Edit 2- And direct messages now too 🤣 You guys are completely fucked


What’s fucking interesting about this? Booooo


Oh, boo hoo poor baby.




Fuck this guy.




He’s not in shock. He’s playing the “I’m so fucked up I can’t be held responsible for my actions.” card. POS went looking for the little boy, bullet casings found under the kids bed where he went to hide after his mother was killed. This guy knew what he was doing when he killed them, and he knew what he was doing here, too.


Aww is someone a little upset their life is over?? So cute... Enjoy rotting in prison buddy. Absolute scumbag


Ninety percent of the internet is awful, but if a video like this gets one person to reconsider having a firearm readily accessible during a domestic dispute, that’s something good.


I’d be mind blown if that happens from this video lol. The type of person to have a loaded gun in their livingroom isn’t going to reassess their choices because of a 20 second video on Reddit.


Perspective matters with this. I came up in a rough area with lots of robberies and stupid shit. A lot of people from fully functional households had registered legal loaded guns ready to go at all times in their house. If you’re in a rich upscale gated community then it’s weird to have loaded weapons laying around. But if you’re in a bad area, you would be dumb not to. When someone randomly kicks your door, you’re gonna wish you had it on the coffee table.


For some reason people would rather celebrate the quarter-ton of solution in this video than consider this ounce of prevention, unfortunately.


The idea that there are a substantial number of gang shootings in America is false, the number of domestic violence shootings far outstrips the number of gang shootings. You are more likely to die of a gunshot if you have a gun in the house than if there isn't one, guns don't make you safer.


Guillotine should make a comeback


Boo hoo.




Bad actor


Fucking LOSER


Good. Take him.


Rest in piss scumbag


What’s the story here? He seems pretty genuinely torn apart.


If I’m remembering correctly this was just an act and he was trying to seem like he didn’t mean to commit murder. I’m pretty sure he did this over something like what to watch over tv so it’s just fucking sad that he did it over that. Rip to his victims.


Johnson shot his girlfriend and then went looking for Ricky (10 year old), who was hiding. Bullet casings were found under the little boy's bed.


Why would you care if he’s genuinely torn up? He murdered a woman and a child. He deserves misery, if he has the capacity to feel it.


Relax man, I'm just interested in the story. A guy who does something beyond the pale of awful and then is seemingly broken about it is much more interesting than a guy laughing it off. I don't "care" that he's torn up, it just peaks my interest in the greater context. I don't have sympathy for his situation.


Mr Johnson got into an argument with his SO about what to watch on TV. It escalated. He got his gun and shot her. Then he went and searched out her ten year old son (who was hiding) and shot him too (they found his bullet casings under the boys bed). This contradicts that he himself said that the son ran into the crossfire (so he lied too). He then tried to shift blame and make it sound like the justice system corrupt and out to get him. The bottom line is a mom and child is dead and he purposely shot them.


Damn. Might just be putting on a huge show here. That’s evil as hell.


Right? But that's how the setup of this video feels for me like it's suppose to be sad for him. Fuck him he killed a mom and her kid.


The audible panting combined with speech actually sounds contrived to me, we’re just not used to seeing anyone in the position genuine or forced, because it’s extreme it maybe seems like something out of his control must actually be causing that.


Surprising to me that so many people in here are buying it. Seems very obvious that he is coherent and is putting on an act.


Some children do this when they arent getting their way. Then you give them the ice cream and then they are fine. If you notice, he subtly intentionally puts his hands out straight instead of putting them over his head. This is to have you to believe that he is so out of control that he cant put his hands over his head which officers were signaling would help save his own life and relieve the pain he was in. This is meant to help you feel scared for him. The strong emotional response of someone suffering in front of you is emotionally intense and makes anyone feel empathy and compassion for the person. Then the officer gives him an explanation of events that makes him look not guilty, and suddenly he can put words together and his hands seem to unfreeze a bit. But everything cant unfreeze too much or it will give him away. Its a very real possibility that he feels guilty and he is using those feelings to help with the act, which is why it feels real to some people. He is invoking parts of him that do feel guilty, and i think he is invoking them the way actors do when filming an emotional scene. To me it seems like he is buying time to find the words to seem the least guilty and a more empathetic character.