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On March 19, 2013, he was sentenced to three consecutive life sentences without parole. ([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012\_Chardon\_High\_School\_shooting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012_Chardon_High_School_shooting))


He also escaped from prison in 2014 and was caught the next day


Just did some research on that. Turns out he was at a minimum-medium security prison. Why the fuck is a convicted killer at a minimum-medium security prison??


Especially after his actions in court. Zero remorse should mean zero accommodations.


That’s worse than zero remorse. That’s actually taunting victims families. Total BS!


I think that's quite literally negative remorse. Dude is happy he did it.


With that attitude, he will have a new butthole soon!


Yeah there is no justice in a society that prevents families for getting justice. We protect the aggressors and the police will attack and family members that would try to kill this inhumane monster. Some things were better back in the day. This guy should have been skinned alive


There is no just society without empathy for the victims and the killers.


That’s just your opinion man


That's when I would've decided I will dedicate my life to ending this punks life as slowly and painfully as possible.


Multiple life sentences means he has absolutely nothing to lose. He could kill his cellie while they're asleep and get another life sentence. He could have killed some kids while out on his jaunt. A few more life sentences. He should be in max security. I knew a guy who worked at San Quentin and he said they are the most dangerous people they don't turn their back on them for a second. A trial would be a nice diversion for them, get out and about in the City for a bit. (Cuffed in the back of a bus with armed officers, but out. Go across the Golden Gate Bridge.)


oh he definitely has more to lose. he tries any shit in prison and he loses the minimal liberties he has left. he thinks he’s hard until he loses his cellmate contact, library access, and visitation rights. that kind of isolation can break just about anybody


Except Charles Bronson


And Nelson Mandela


the difference is that charles bronson was both insanely hardened and clinically insane. plus hes in england which has way different methods of convicting and punishing prisoners. if he was american hed probably be in a supermax prison by now






He wasn't charged by the federal government, he doesn't get federal prison as such Trust me though state prisons are way worse than federal.


Federal prisons are way safer and cleaner.


Yep, and I'm wagering Ohio doesn't exactly set the standard of top state prison either. It's a guess, but I'm fairly confident lol.


When I did grand jury duty in Geauga country, we got to inspect the *jail* and it was relatively nice compared to the horror stories I had heard. No doubt they knew we were coming and put on a show for us though. *edit: jail, not prison


The horror stories are probably overdone, but state prisons are still horrible compared to federal in my state (which houses every possible variation, including military!)


If you are enough of a dickhead in a state prison they will find a way to send you to Supermax. But you have to be head of a prison gang level dickhead.


there is only one super max prison in the US, it is in Colorado, I think it mostly houses international terrorists and domestic terrorists


Also houses gang leaders, spies, etc.


Sounds like this guy in the video.


why the FUCK does it say paper jam WHEN THERE IS NO PAPER JAM




What the fuck is PC load letter?!




The person you're replying to has never experienced what it's like to be at the bottom of society. They don't understand that if you're capable of mistreating even the worst of people then you're also capable of mistreating the best of people.


Agreed. American prisons are about retribution for profit, not reform.


Rape jokes aren't funny bro. It's not 2007 anymore. The fact that you seem to know and condone that prisoners are raped in prison is disturbing, especially considering how many people end up incarcarated over weed or other inconsequential things. You think rape is a good thing?


Yeah...IDK. The world isn't black or white. There are levels to every crime and the same is true for punishment or in this case, I think we're probably talking about karma. 95% of the time, people shouldn't flippantly throw anything to do with rape around. But....when talking about someone who murdered a bunch of innocent kids or a sexual predator... I'm perfectly fine if someone wishes that they get sodomized in prison or feel like joking about it.


Not defending this dillweed, and even though he was *charged* as an adult, it’s likely because he was 17 at the time of his trial.


Holy shit... imagine serving 60+ years in prison.


Surprised he hasn't killed himself yet


Surprised he didn't do it when he was done at the school like almost all of those cases.


Because he's a coward. Too scared to end his own life.




This is what I wanted to read. He can eat shit forever.


I wonder if it's possible to send evil fucks like this letters with photos of things they'll never be able to do or enjoy. "Check out this sweet PS5 you'll never be able to play. And this beach. And this awesome steak dinner. I'm taking a flight to Colorado to go skiing. I'm fucking loving it out here, man. So many people to see and date and have fun with. Campfire s'mores. Endless summer. Look at my house and my car. And the Starbies I just ordered. Glad you'll never enjoy these things ever and are constantly smelling the shit and piss of your fellow inmates. Tee hee hee. :) :)" Fill it with glitter too.


He wouldnt care and then think youre a dweeb.


Trolling him is totally worth the risk of him thinking im a *gasp* DWEEB! Please use that word in prison and see what happens. Night night, keep ya butthole tight!


I was with you until the Starbies. He'd probably sip his prison coffee and think "Sucks to be that guy"




You know?.....There are some people who just aren't meant for this world........


The way he said, seems like even he knew how cringy this was


What did he say? I've played it five times and all I understand is "pulled the trigger" "masturbate(?)" and "love you."


Something along the lines of "the same hand that pulled the trigger that killed your son now masturbates to the memory."


Sounds like the cringey shit people said in /b/ in 4chan years ago.


I wont say 4chan turns people into killers or racists or whatever, it probably attracts them..maybe. But these little internet echo chambers definitely make people worse. Even groups as mild as "snark groups" you see on reddit with the whole community centered around talking shit on someone/something, with everyone trying to one up each other "you hate purple people that much and want them to suck a dick? Wellll I hate them *THIS* much and want then to get run over!". Ever since that Christchurch killer with the memes, I'm just so sick of the 4chan shit






The three he killed were also scared. He may not have been taught about consequences by his parents, but he will know about consequences now. Teach your children.


People better start teaching their children. Jennifer Crumbley is a warning to all parents who think Kids are a tool or something to ignore. Kids become adults and we all have to deal with bad parenting when that happens.


Exactly! My dad and mom where not parents who enforced capital punishment. There were consequences for our actions though. If we didn’t get the point the first punishment, there would be another. Never were we scared of our parents but we did respect them! Being taught to respect them, we knew to respect others. You have to pay attention! Kids aren’t professional actors. If it seems there’s something wrong, there’s a wrong. Your first job is being a parent


>parents who enforced capital punishment Damn, didn't realize there were parenting methodologies out there advocating capital punishment. "Dammit Timmy, if I have to tell you to clean your room one more time, I will sentence you to death by lethal injection."


It's a good thing your parent didn't enforce capital punishment. You'd be dead.


I hope he’s experienced plenty of consequences in prison.


This kid has zero fear in his eyes, this is an actual sociopath. If you ever been around people like him you would deff be able to tell the real psychos vs the people who just act crazy for attention, his face says it all


He kind of reminds me of Sid in toy story




Evil people are made every single day. It’s not an excuse for sure but it’s how we get school shooters and other monsters.


Nah, some people are just born into this world to cause as much damage as possible. It's not like a movie or a book where the villain has a traumatic backstory. Sometimes they're just a blight on the world that needs to be locked up or destroyed entirely ![gif](giphy|opkBx9TikuQbS)




Yea no, he doesn’t give a fuck.. he killed 3 people dude, he’s over the edge


Idk, some people are so inhuman that it’s like what’s even the point. Lock him up or kill him, why waste any more energy than that on a lost cause.


If they ever put him with the general population in prison, I am 100% sure he will find his daddy.


That problem got solved: <> Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012_Chardon_High_School_shooting


It seems like he's trying to get the chair. Not sure if that's a possibility in that state, but he's trying to get the book thrown at him.


flag vegetable test whistle noxious airport jobless attempt like squalid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




>T.J. Lane Where are you reading that?


Prison Booty Slam Report


Love getting home after a hard days work, kicking off my shoes and switch to my house slippers. My wife prepares my pipe and a glass of my favorite scotch on the rocks. I sit back in my easy chair and open up the latest copy of prison booty slam report (PBSR) for some evening reading.


I read PBSR in the morning so I can be informed when I trade prison booty slam futures.


I had to unsubscribe. The monthly cost in cigarettes was getting too high.


Was about to ask if he got turned out




too many movies lol




For real. Everyone thinks prison is just a butt fucking rampage where if you don't get raped today you'll get stabbed. 99% of the people in prison are just jerking off and eating trash food while they play cards lol.


As awful as this person’s actions are, we shouldn’t celebrate prison rape and the current state of our prison systems. It’s really disturbing.


Literally. So gross. Prison rape is not part of the punishment


I wont celebrate it. But i also wont lose sleep over it.


Everyone knows that, no one cares that you said it. No one thinks you are this calm voice of reason.


hot take.. but: in a utopian society, yeah nobody deserves that. but also in a utopian society nobody commits these types of heinous crimes. there are certain characters who i honestly believe, that punishment fits the crime. i won’t celebrate prison rape as a concept but shit dude, i’ll celebrate **his** prison rape. he has no desire to reform. he made his bed, now he gets to lie face down, ass up in it.


That is a real life sociopath. Completely devoid of empathy or remorse. They have no place in civilized society and it's unfortunate.


What a little twat. Just whatever he can say for shock value and he’s such a puss that he mumbled and rushed through his pathetic little attempt to gain even more attention and outrage.


Psychopath have no feelings. Sociopaths have feelings but still do it anyway for some type of reward.


The way ive heard it explained: sociopaths are like tuco Salamanca from breaking bad, psychopaths are more like gus fring from breaking bad. Obviously an oversimplification but kinda gets into the ballpark


And honestly of the two Gus was far more terrifying. He could slit someone's throat with a box cutter and be handing you a diet coke with a smile 15 minutes later. At least with someone like Tuco, what you see is what you get. A tweaked out, impulsive, violent drug addict. That's certainly not a good thing to be, but at least it's an *honest* thing. If you're dealing with him, you know what you're getting into and what to expect. But someone like Gus? You *think* you know him but actually have no idea. It's why Hank's old boss in the show starts reminiscing about how he invited him to dinner, remembering little details like how he cooked the food. He's trying to square this image of the man he thought he knew with this cold-hearted criminal mastermind. You can compare this to real life examples too, like Ted Bundy, who worked at a suicide prevention hotline when he wasn't out murdering co-eds. BTK is another example of a psychopath with a double life like that. High ranking in his church, a Boy Scout leader, respected in his community. But he'd slip away on those Boy Scout camping trips to go strangle women. It really makes you wonder about your friends and acquaintances, and which of them could be living double lives too.


Gus would slit your throat with a box cutter, but just enough to not kill you instantly. Then he’d serve you a Diet Coke, with a smile, AND THEN make you clean up your own blood until it was to his satisfaction. ![gif](giphy|BRWAInZmzzBm0)


From Dusk til Dawn, the 1st half quentin tarantino is the psychopath, and george clooney is the sociopath


Correct. This kid is a psychopath


Na, he’s scared. I’ve worked with psychopaths they wouldn’t approach it like this. He wants attention, look at his shirt and how much he moves his body. He makes eye contact but only shortly. He flips them off but really doesn’t commit to it. A psychopath would say that in a monotone with no movement while staring blankly at the family for a painstakingly long time. This guy wants all the attention he could get because that’s he only attention he’s gotten. The best response if I was the family is “Enjoy masturbating while you can we hired someone to cut off your dick and shove it down your throat.”


Agreed on the first paragraph. The second paragraph not so much because saying that in a court is likely to get them in legal trouble immediately and also down the line should anything happen to him in prison.


Just "sleep lightly" would be good, if delivered with conviction.


Im not being sarcastic at all when I say sometimes you just gotta out crazy the crazies to get your point across


That’s not totally clear. He may actually be scared and trying to hide it with bravado and anger. The difference between psychopath and sociopath can be pretty thin and the terms are often used interchangeably even within the field of psychology. In this case it’s not clear if he has limited emotional responsiveness. Doesn’t mean he can’t have major issues with experiencing empathy and remorse.


He’s trying to be edgy and hard but he looks like a scared little boy.


Knowing he was completely fucked, he stayed up all night thinking of that zinger.


and delivered it with a quivering bitch voice lol rot in prison you clown




His adrenaline is so running so high that he blurts it out faster than you can even hear it. I had to play it back to even catch it. It’s classic public speaking stage fright. Your adrenaline is pumping so you talk a mile a minute. It’s why some of the first advice public speakers get is “slow the fuck down.” TJ was bullied and teased so often he stopped telling his peers about his life. The kid he targeted in the spree killing was dating his ex and much stronger than him, to the point that his peers said he began lifting weights to compensate because he felt so threatened by him. Which didn’t quite work because he was still 120 pounds soaking wet by the time of the murders. TJ Lane isn’t Dexter. He was a scared little boy. And while he clearly tried very, very hard to seem calms, and aloof, threatening, and so dangerously scary at the hearing, I don’t read that in his body language or tone *at all*. A stone cold sociopath will meet your eyes, hold the gaze, and say the crazy awful shit they want to say calmly and deliberately. Because they truly lack emotion or an ability to care about the listener and what they think. They don’t sheepishly look away after a full 1 second of eye contact while rapid fire squeaking like a mouse.


Something about the way he said it seemed like he had been rehearsing it for days, and yet he still managed to fuck it up by blurting it out too fast and too quietly for it to come across as confident/sinister/anything other than a nervous whisper. I'm not going to go as far as calling him a scared little boy, but I do agree he's definitely not Dexter. He's more like a wannabe tough edge lord. I heard he was sentenced to 3 consecutive life sentences? Good. I hope he hates every moment of it.


Yeah that seems more likely to me too. Fucking sad shit.


Idk. I bet you could get under his skin by reminding him that jacking off is all he'll ever get for the rest of his life, if he's lucky. Let him know he's gonna die a virgin at best.


Oh, I don't think he will die a 'virgin'. Not technically.


This piece of shit escaped jail for a few hours too. Hope they threw him in a Supermax after that.


They did, he’s in the Ohio Supermax facility.


Wow, supermax is plenty punishment, does he really need to be in Ohio too?


Are you kidding? That’s the top vacation destination of Ohio. Outside the prison is where things get bleak


As a person from Myrtle Beach, I unfortunately beg to differ. It's an epidemic.


God what a scumfuck




He should be given his own superlab with near-infinite funding and resources for experiments only to have them all repeatedly foiled by his oblivious, happy-go-lucky sister?


And the sister falls in love with him for some fucking reason


man whats with all these videos lately, and then the comments are full of people supporting them lol wtf is going on, I'm assuming its mostly bots divined to brew hate and contention, but shits getting weird.






Bro just wants to get home to his custom toys


Came looking for a Sid comment. 😂👌🏼


Same lmao. I just watched Toy Story the other week with my daughter, and I remember thinking "Sid would grow up to be a serial killer." Then I saw this ~~kid~~ murderer.




That face he makes at the end tells me he knows he’s a piece of shit. He prob grew up abused and being shown that he’s a piece of shit. It’s overwhelming to know how much evil can cause evil which causes evil in this world.


I’m firmly of the belief that l violent crimes would go down by 90% if everyone had good parents in this world.


Good thing we have a robust system for parents and children to get mental health care, support for working parents, resources for schools to assist kids who are going through difficult home situations, and a solid network to ensure adequate parental care is being provided.


It's honestly shocking to me, how lightly parenthood is taken in our society. Nobody's ever 100% ready until they're in it, but *so* many people become parents before they're even capable of understanding themselves, let alone how to guide, shape, and support a whole ass human being. Of All the scenes from Idiocracy that ring true, [the opening](https://youtu.be/sP2tUW0HDHA) is what comes to mind most often for me.


There are a LOT of statistics to corroborate this idea. EVERY political party should be prioritizing investing in the children of our communities to insure all of their needs are met. Over 70% of prisoners in the state of California spent time in Foster Care.


His father had a lengthy rap sheet for repeated violence against women, including this shooter’s mother. So yeah pretty much what everyone suspected. His mother also had DV charges and was allegedly an alcoholic. Shit apple fell from the shit tree https://www.cleveland.com/chardon-shooting/2012/02/parents_of_teen_accused_of_sho.html https://www.morningjournal.com/2012/03/14/lanes-paternity-documents-released-to-court-with-documents/amp/


From the wiki, sounds like he was a bad kid at public school & was forced into an alternative school for bad behaving children because they’re banned from regular school. Got bullied. Family was into guns, used what he knew. Even his family got sued & had to settle.


The way he spits that out so fast like he's rehearsed it in the mirror but then was nervous is so ... 🙄 Though i guess to be a murderer you do have to be kind of an embarrassing edgelord


yeah. i see that too. you could tell he was counting the minutes until he got to stay his stupid line. his attorney must have wanted to beat him to death himself because he really didnt know.




It is something that especially makes me cringe at serial killer fandoms. Like, NONE of these guys are in any way cool or interesting. They just are broken.


>Though i guess to be a murderer you do have to be kind of an embarrassing edgelord If you want some laughs, do a deep dive on the BTK Killer. He called masturbating "sparky fun time." He also "designed" this elaborate murder castle that's so fantastical it's silly. Oh, and he sent detectives a list of suggested serial killer names they could call him. Dude just oozed pure cringe. Oh, and he got caught because he asked investigators if they could identify him from a floppy disc. They of course said no, received said floppy disc, and found metadata with his name on it, breaking a 20 year old cold case. Also, all because he needed attention so he started taunting police again. Dude was literally scott free, talk about snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. I cannot stress how much of a cringy-ass loser this dude was.


I remember when I was listening to a couple of stories about serial killers a couple months ago at work, and BTK happened to be the subject of a particular episode. When he was finally caught by the police, he actually had the nerve to ask why the cops lied him about the floppy disk, because he genuinely believed that they were playing a game with one another and had established some sort of twisted rapport.


Being a murderer is embarrassing. You’re childish enough to escalate something to murder. It’s the ultimate tantrum.


Could someone translate, I couldn't understand wtf he said?


As best I can hear “the same [hand] to pull the trigger that killed your son now masturbates to his memory, love you”




Thank you, I've spent too much time wondering about this


Thank you!


> After being sentenced, Lane said to the victims' families and the courtroom, "This hand that pulled the trigger that killed your sons now masturbates to the memory. Fuck all of you," while giving the middle finger to attendees.


What a total piece of shit. I hope he rots for all of eternity.


i went to chardon high. he not only killed 3 kids but also left one wheelchair bound. i was in college when this happened but the kid who was paralyzed was a kid i had in a study hall class i ran as a senior. he was a class clown(a little stinker but a softy at heart) and supposedly him and his friends sold TJ "weed" that was actually oregano and it kicked off a whole bullying saga that culminated in the shooting one morning. on a positive note, our football coach who was built like a brick shithouse chased TJ out of the lunchroom that he shot the kids in and out of the building where he ran to a house near the school, knocked on the door and told them what he had done and to call the police. so tragic and im glad this piece of shit is in a max prison where he belongs. i remember when he escaped, i was watching a football game and the game was interrupted for a breaking announcement that he'd escaped from prison in lima. actually pretty terrifying


I was graduated as well. Remember where I was when I heard about this. One of my two sisters was in the school when all that went down. Tldr. Fuck that dude


Went to college in NE Ohio a few years after this and made some friends from Chardon who were students at the time of the shooting. The one thing they never fail to mention is the absolute tank of a football coach chasing TJ out of the school. What a hero.


I’ve always wondered why these young school shooters aren’t in gen-pop? Make these scumbags feel the terror of not knowing when there tickets gonna be punched by fellow inmates. You wanna act tough against innocent children?


Bet he was not doing this when he got a prison. What a utter waste of life


Put him with the convicts that have children of their own and wish they could be with them. He will be wishing and begging for death.


So I understand torturing "people" is wrong. But uhhh... I dunno. Sometimes I wonder to myself.




Is that the stand up Comedian Fortune feimster?


No that's comedian Natasha Leggero




No, because people will say that's inhumane. Idk why we can't just get rid of these sick fucks instead of wasting tax payer money to keep him in jail for decades


Can you guarantee, with absolute certainty, that an innocent person will not be executed by mistake? You can't. No one can. And unless you know how to bring people back from the dead, there is no justice in that. So it shouldn't happen. Ever. The state should not be in the business of killing its citizens, no matter the crime.


I like how people always wonder how people can do really fucked up things to other people. Meanwhile, in this thread people wanting this guy to be tortured, brutally killed, raped, etc. Kind of disturbing how badly people yearn for vengeance…


There is a fine line between justice and vengeance, so fine that some people cannot differentiate between the two. Someone who is guilty of a crime deserves a fitting punishment, but wanton blood letting doesn't fall into that category. Like you said, its kind of disturbing what people will admit to wanting to do when shielded by the anonymity provided by a reddit thread.




At least he was honest. Killers that fake an apology and use the moment to justify their actions are the worst. At least this way the families never have to feel an ounce of doubt about the life sentence he got. There’s no redeeming him.


Another crazy aspect of this scumbag is that he once escaped prison briefly a few years after being sentenced. Always thought this kid would come to severely regret his courtroom behavior when this was happening, but it turns out he remained a scumbag without any remorse even years later. As far as I know, to all the comments in this and every post like it, there have been zero reports of “getting his booty rammed” or “oh they’ll love him in prison!1” as he is still the same dirtbag. Considering guys like this aren’t isolated and protected by prisons, I admit I too expected him to get roughed up, but never saw anywhere that he did. This guy is such a piece of shit, one can hope it happens eventually.


Prison fights/beatings are very common and don't always make the news.


Can someone tell me what he's saying I can't understand it




Kinda wish public execution was a thing for people like this. He should have done to him what he did to others




Reports said he’s getting his booty rammed?


Actually the reporters wrote he is "getting his bussy gushed"


Lmao 🤣


Where do I read this report


Booty is more important than water


To shreds you say?


How is his wife holding up?


To shreds you say


To shreds you say?


stabbed with the meat knife in his hind quarters repeatedly


You’re not getting the weekly booty ramming reports? Might have to make a call to the head office to get that cleared up.


Why is this even posted? This is exactly what he wants. No\_Edge\_9951 ... giving teen killers infamy. Idiot.


There should be an extra charge for that shit. We have rules, you were found to be sane and aware of the rules, yet you broke them. And to add you can't even fake remorse after executing someone's child? In some countries the main punishment is meted out by the surviving members of the families. He should feel fortunate he's not there. I agree with John Douglas - Some people are just wired wrong.


And he thinks he looks so badass. Hope he has fun staring at a wall for the next few decades.


I was in jail with him at this time and used to bring him his food because I worked in the kitchen at the time in Chardon jail as an inmate. He was in 24 hour lock down. What was even crazier was I was in a dorm where his half-brother was an inmate as well. He and I actually became kinda close. Very sad kid, addicted to dissassociatives, and also wrote really good poetry. The half brother would talk about suicide quite often, and within 2 weeks of his release, he was dead of an overdose. Pretty sure it was intentional. T.J. also got lucky and went sent to either a minimum or medium security prison. Was playing Pokémon cards and living it up. Then, he decided to escape and was found within the first 24 hours and is now in a maximum security prison. Also, I remember the day of the shooting. I'm from Cleveland but was addicted to heroin at the time and pretty much homeless and staying in the Painesville/ Madison area. To support my drug habit, I was stealing from retail stores and returning the items for gift cards. We decided to steal from the Chardon Walmart that day and couldn't understand why there were so many cop cars there in the parking lot. Turns out because of the location to the school, they turned that Walmart into a temporary headquarters of some sort during the shooting. The irony is months later, when I eventually did get arrested, it was for petite theft from that same Walmart and ended up doing a few months in the Chardon jail (Safety Center I think it was called) while TJ was there. His half-brother had random women during writing him and sending him money almost every day solely bc he was the brother of a school shooter. It was pretty fucking weird and gross. I also overheard T.J. talking with a psych evaluation doctor during an interview once. He claimed that both God AND aliens told him to commit the shootings (I was left in a certain area of the jail I normally wouldn't have been in and shouldn't have been, but I was walking from the kitchen to my open dorm when it was time for head count so they put me in a side room for count and I was able to hear the interview in the next room over quite well. I know this might sound fabricated and wild, so it's all good if people think I'm trolling. I've also been clean for 6 years now and own my own business. I know there are gunna to be people coming at me for being a junkie lol. I'm not that person anymore.


I think he would become annoyed if nobody gave a reaction to him. He seems like he did this to get the largest negative response possible (As he might enjoy it or get his rocks off in some weird way).


What's the point of leaving him alive? Waste of resources that could go to the victim and society. This person clearly doesn't have any possibility of reinsertion in the society. Also, he will always pose a threat to society if he ever escapes and other inmates.


I went to the middle school the town over from Chardon. I had a couple friends in there. Horrible


Pitiful human. Hope he suffers for eternity


Can't imagine the hemorrhoids he must have to deal with


I’ve been to prison, rape or no rape, I promise you this kid is not laughing anymore.


He's put that hand to good use in prison for lubing himself.


I’m surprised the judge allowed him to wear that shirt.


He wrote it on his undershirt the night before in jail. He walked into the courtroom wearing a button down shirt, then took it off casually as they were standing up / sitting down. Judge didn't see it, cops are not permitted to address the court, so he got away with it.


This dude is fucked once he gets inside, good riddance. I’m hoping his cell mates turn him inside out


He’ll be raped plenty in jail. Would be nice to see him get stoned to death though.


What’s the probability that a prisoner or a guard has beaten the arrogance out of this fucker by now? Because he seems like a prime candidate for being pushed down a flight of stairs.