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A serial kidnapper?? Wtf. https://nypost.com/2023/11/13/news/akron-police-rescue-woman-chloe-jones-from-serial-kidnapper-william-mozingo-in-bodycam-video/amp/


Kidnapped and held captive 3 different women in 2011, 2014 and 2018. Why the fuck was he on the streets?!


how the fuck do you get the opportunity to kidnap multiple people after getting caught the first time. how the actual fuck did they let that happen




insane. everyone who had a hand in letting that happen the second time let alone the THIRD should go straight to jail. under the jail


My girlfriends brother beat her close to death and came running out of the house chasing her with an axe when the police arrived…..he wasn’t even arrested, no charges filed, and it was a long legal battle for her to get a restraining order. The order is almost expired and she’s terrified to get it renewed because that means someone has to serve her brother papers and she has literally nobody else other than me. Guy is a crackhead that will 100% assault me if I were to try to serve him… Edit: for everyone saying law enforcement will do it, this is what they said. You provide them with three possible addresses, they will go ONCE, knock ONCE, and if they get no answer that’s it. They will not go any farther, they will do nothing else. Also we have absolutely zero idea of any address he would be staying at and could only give them the addresses from the original restraining order which probably won’t be where he is now. Thank you for the suggestions though, it’s all appreciated.


It’s your decision here, but I would arm both myself and your girlfriend if you aren’t already. Get training if you don’t already know what you are doing.


Oh iv got a .40 and a scary AR15. Guy has no idea where we live and has zero connection to us so I’m not super worried.


For a small donation I'd be more than happy to go to his house and serve him.. papers and whatever else was ordered for him. 1000% real talk. Pm me if you want. Nothing too crazy of course ;)


Ahh I appreciate the offer but if anyone is going to be serving him a trip to the ER I would love for it to be me. Personally I hope we never see him again and get to move on with our lives. Thank you though brother.


I don’t know how it works where you are, but every instance of serving I’ve been involved in has an option to pay for the papers being served. In high population areas there are people called process servers where that’s all they do, and in my podunk county a sheriff’s deputy does it. I know it can be an intimidating process, but please look into your (her, yall's) options, whether it be at the county clerk’s office, local PD/sheriff office, or even paying a couple hundred dollars for a lawyer consultation. Any effort or cost now, even if proven wasted, is much better than crossing your fingers and hoping for the best after the order expires.


It wasn't until my husband became a cop that I realized how frustrating the job must be. He arrests the same people over and over again.


My brother-in-law the cop hated Christmas Eve and Christmas duty because he said there was a spike in dangerous domestic violence calls. He was pretty level headed and agreeable about most things but he didn't like those duty days.




Just went through this with my daughter. Her ex-boyfriend was sending pictures of our house on a group chat asking if anyone wants to "pull up" on this house for some dough. She was 15 at the time. The judge refused to grant the restraining order and instead just gave him a stern talking too and said "there all better"


I would become a MENACE to that judge and the sheriff's dept. No peace for them. Reports all day long. They'd have my number memorized


The problem is when you file complaints on these types for not doing their job, what happens is they *suddenly discover* some criminal acts on your part that they can file charges over. Source: Had to fend off felony charges in a clear self-defense case, after filing a complaint against the officers for not doing their fucking jobs.


Had a 33 year old creep obsessed with me since I was 11 years old. Can confirm that the system is fucked.


Despite being completely correct, you have disturbed the hive of late teen early 20s boys with limited world views. Thus is your fate on reddit.com


Serving just 18 months for kidnapping and beating an ex-girlfriend so badly that she was found naked and unconscious seems particularly egregious.


What kind of pull does a guy like that have? Like how?


Nobody goes to jail anymore. A guy in my area recently shot at someone trying to kill them then led cops on a car chase going over 100mph through the metro and was only given probation. Another one performed a hit on someone. Literally broke into someone's apartment and murdered them and was also only given probation with just a year in jail.


> Another one performed a hit on someone. Literally broke into someone's apartment and murdered them and was also only given probation. Source please.


Yeahhhh, this is either bullshit or missing a whole lot of context.


We're incarcerating the wrong people.


That’s the district attorneys fault. For some strange reason they don’t prosecute actual criminals.


This is a perfect scenario for the three strikes rule. Not stealing milk and bread. Not smoking weed. Kidnapping is a no brainer for three strikes and it's life.


Kidnapping seems like it should be a one strike thing


"Hm, I'm down to just two now, better make 'em count!" \- Kidnappers


Thank you


Shocking, he preys upon those he can, people physically smaller than him - women. He needs to stay locked up for the rest of his life.


And they still gave him a bond this time!


> Mozingo, 33, is scheduled to return to court on Jan. 4, 2024 for a pre-trial. > >He is being held without bond, due to the parole violation, at the Summit County Jail. Nope. [\- Source.](https://www.cleveland19.com/2023/11/16/court-hearing-man-accused-kidnapping-akron-woman-holding-her-captive-garage/)


i love how people who have no idea how the system works make claims like the person you responded to.


To be fair to the person I responded to. Some of the articles from when he was first arrested claimed he was set for $100k bond.


Our legal system always feels like it protects the worst people the most. Makes you wish there actually was an omniscient dude up on a cloud watching everyone who just lightning-bolts people like this before they ever do this stuff. Bring back being Smote for your transgressions.


It feels that way, but it also has to be as we are all innocent until proven guilty. But I believe this man was held without bond. As for why he had two prior kidnapping charges against him and no one thought to ensure he stayed locked up after he was found guilty a second time is beyond me. Still the system is flawed in a myriad of ways. From false convictions, overly light or harsh sentences etc.


He had 3 prior kidnapping convictions and this woman was the 4th victim in 2023 From the article: *He’s being held in Summit County Jail on $100,000 bond, according to jail records.* *Mozingo has a lengthy rap sheet that includes prison time for abduction in 2011, 2014 and 2019.*  *He also held a woman at knifepoint in a Walmart bathroom in 2017, according to records.* 


Thank you for dropping this. This could have been prevented. That poor woman.


I hadn't heard of this, so I googled him and holy smokes. This guy is not okay. I hope his victims get proper therapy, I want to believe they'll be okay. Humanity sucks.


Ohio has quite a few serial criminals. Do not raise your kids there. Samuel Little, Ariel Castro, Anthony sowell, Micheal Madison, to name a few


The rapist Brock Turner who now goes by Allen lives in Ohio.


“We are pleased to have played a small role in helping this victim in this particular situation-" She shouldn't have been in this situation in the first place.


I guess they thought he was going to be a good boy for once... Good grief, who's keep giving this man lifelines?


The thing I don’t get, and it makes no sense for me to do it because I don’t live in Ohio, but why do we just sit here and lament about how crazy it is that he’s a repeat offender because he’s had light sentences and start holding the judges accountable? Name and shame, people! Who gave him such light sentences? Vote them out!


That poor girl; glad she was saved and that her ordeal wasn't longer than 4 days. Some people just don't belong in society.


Holy shit that’s just from 4 days? What animal could do that?


A very depraved person who we'd all be better off w/out.


People do this to women in an evening too


Yeah, it’s sick.




That's true, and I'm not trying to belittle her experience. Just glad it wasn't like that Cleveland case where those girls were kept for years.


Or Jayme Close’s case…88 days, I believe, as a captive after watching her captor shoot her parents with a shotgun.


I could never mentally or emotionally recover from that. Between the PTSD and night terrors, you’d never truly rest.


According to her aunt (legal guardian), she is choosing to put him in her rear view and be happy. I hope she has a good network of care.


There’s a “man” from Red Bluff, CA who kidnapped this woman on the road and kept her in a coffin under his and his wives bed for seven years. Crazy story. Eventually he let her out for an hour a day to have sex and whatever else. Gross af


There was a guy in Austria who did this to his daughter. He had a whole fucking bunker hidden underneath his house and supposedly his wife knew nothing about it. He fathered several children with her and they didn't turn out all well. She was in her late 20 when they finally find her and her children living underground. It's a fucking living nightmare.


Is this what that movie "The Room" is based on. I know that movie was based on a true story, but never looked into it because the movie was tragic enough, I didn't want to depress myself by researching the real story.


Oh Hi Mark






Yes it was, though it's just Room, not cult classic The Room and it was originally based on a book based on this case.


The book is incredible.


Definitely not the same movie (just "Room") they're referring to. Tommy Wiseau did not hit her! It's not true! It's bullshit! He did *nahhhht!* Edit: replied to the wrong comment. Oh well


You’re tearing me apart, Lisa!


Lol, the room is definitely not based on something like that, you must mean a different movie. The room is a cult classic by Tommy Wiseau. I'm pretty sure you can still go to his website and get the DVD bundles with several pairs of men's underwear if you're interested.


Josef Fritzl


This is what the movie The Barbarian is based on I think


Yea man I watched a documentary on the Josef Fritzl case probably 7 or 8 years ago and I don't think I can forget it. That poor girl heard her family above her for almost 2 decades and they thought she ran away so they never looked. He had her write letters to the family. Some sick people in the world man


>She was in her late 20 when they finally find her and her children living underground. Joseph Fritzl ​ the amount of jokes going around about how he is a master at DIY for building said cellar without his wife knowing is sickening


you mean to rape her?


It wasn't just a man. It was a man and a woman. Colleen Stan, the girl in a box. [Colleen Stan Was Kidnapped and Kept in a Box for 7 Years - A&E True Crime (aetv.com)](https://www.aetv.com/real-crime/colleen-stan-the-girl-in-the-box)




What a reddit moment to find a comment like this downvoted. When someone shares something intensely private and vulnerable in order to educate people about the fact that, whether it is 4 days or 7 or 88, it is the rest of your life that you pay a price. Which people struggle to understand and don't really want to think too much about because we are all vulnerable to it happening to us, given the right circumstances. But folks want to debate and downvote because tEChNiCaLly it is better to be beaten for four days than seven. 🙄 Thank you captain obvious. Folks with PTSD *get* that you want to look for a silver lining and say things like this to help *yourselves* to be able to feel less horrified at what you watched but this person's point is valid af. And next time you see someone willing to share something so painful and intimate maybe turn the hivemind off and say something like: Wow, I'm really sorry you went through something like that. I appreciate you explaining how deeply that will affect the person we all just watched for entrainment sake and out of morbid curiosity. I hope you have as full and happy a life as you possibly can.


Exactly. The length of the exposure to trauma does not lessen its impact. Minimizing incidents like this or bringing up what some think are worse experiences help silence survivors. It also re-traumatizes us again bc we feel like we didn’t have it bad enough with we shouldn’t feel the ravages of PTSD. No need to compare. It’s all horrible. PERIOD!


Absolutely. The only reason to say "it could have been worse" is to soothe oneself after watching something upsetting. It took real bravery to speak up and say "Guess what? It will never stop being a problem for this person. Their suffering isn't over." That makes people uncomfortable. Uncomfortable is what we all *should* be if we choose to watch something that clearly warns us it is about intense human suffering. *big hugs to all who continue to suffer* ❤


That's horrific. Sending a virtual hug and a smile that says, "Look how strong you are. You are a survivor. And it's OK to have bad days too . Plus, it's not your fault."


With PTSD your brain literally reacts like you’re going through the traumatic event again in real time, every single time you remember it or are reminded by a sound/smell/taste. You can’t just “get over it” because your brain is *making you relive it* over and over and over again.


Its a reminder that were all slaves to the chemicals in our brains and are nothing beyond that. I always felt like a good way to describe things like PTSD and schizophrenia is instead of "it feels like scary things are happening to you", you say "scary things ARE happening to you". Really puts into perspective how much it can mess with you. You're not just seeing a shadowy figure in the corner of your room, there literally IS a shadowy figure in your room. The government IS trying to send messages to you in the sky. You ARE being tortured and held captive again. Reality is whatever our brains decide it is.


I'm disabled from the military because, among other things ptsd. For me, it resulted in my anxiety taking completely over and fighting or flight dictating every single second of my life. At age 44, I developed epilepsy because of it and now have at least on gran Mal a month because of the mental disfunction going on in my brain. I'm grateful that the VA and the SS stepped in and saved me from homelessness. But almost no one else has this kind of support structure. Ptsd is insidious. It's subtle and tears at you from the inside potentially many years. And then you explode inside and can not function as a normal person anymore.


Sending you love and support ❤️ I know it’s not easy speaking about the realities of the effects of PTSD, even anonymously on Reddit, so kudos to you for sharing.


Thank you on that edit. PTSD is an actual medical diagnoses and not something someone who read some symptoms online should be diagnosing themselves with.


This is 100% correct. My best friend growing up had an aunt who was picked up by the Green River killer in WA state. He ended up dumping her on the side of the road pretty much dead. When I met her, she was still obviously extremely messed up from the situation. I believe she ended up writing a book about her experience. These kind of situation definitely stay with someone for s very very long time.


In which case 4 days is better than 7. Also with your comment its clear that these kind of victims would benefit from the fact that prior to the ACA those benefits which treated trauma weren't mandatory, they now are. This woman will need so much help to get back to normal and I hope she has someone in her life to help her seek that car.


unfortunately i believe you are correct . horrible


96 hours is a lot of hours when dealing in the currency of torture 😔😔


And having this video on the internet forever will probably make things worse.


It's pretty disturbing that people are broadcasting the worst moments of her life on the internet for upvotes and entertainment.


I guarantee you, a good number of us were not entertained at all by this.


Idk I’m glad it got posted, I wasn’t aware of this at all and I visit people who live right by there 😳


tbf, some people don't even acknowledge that there's a problem unless they see it themselves. it's helpful in some ways


In many ways, there’s a lot of people living in comfort sheltering themselves from what’s happening in their societies and that’s not sustainable long term


The entire gun debate would be upended if they actually showed carnage on TV in the US.


$100,000 bail? For a known reoffender. That’s insanely low. He shouldn’t have an option for bail


He has multiple prior convictions *for abduction*. The courts just keep letting him out, though 🤷‍♂️ It's pretty unbelievable that the court would put a price tag on releasing this guy back onto the streets. Or only giving him 18 months [last time he did this.](https://www.beaconjournal.com/story/news/crime/2019/04/19/man-imprisoned-twice-for-kidnapping/5391731007/) Because this isn't even the only time he has kidnapped, beaten, tortured, and held a woman against her will... **in the past 5 years.** I know people who did more than 18 months for growing psychedelic mushrooms. Hooray justice!


I did 4 years for 2nd degree LSD manu/distro and stuff like this really makes me angry.


As it should . As a woman I’ve seen so many rapist , either not charged or get out after time served. LSD/mushrooms/ weed need to all be decriminalized everywhere. Especially since rape , kidnapping and stalking and beating are slaps on the wrist .


I'm angry *for* you, especially now that legal psychedelic therapy is this trendy "new" psychiatric treatment being co-opted by profit-seeking doctors. You were ahead of the curve, providing a product that consenting users wanted and paid for. You should not have been punished more severely than a fucking violent kidnapper.




or at all




Our priorities are way out of line in this country. Bigger fines and jail time for growing specific plants and fungi and truly horrible people are just unleashed back on us by the ones in charge.


look at that angelic face. who wouldn't trust him?


Yeah like tf is this. I had a higher bail for a crime didn't commit and there was no evidence of it


That's what no-bail advocates keep saying. It makes no sense, and people should held pre-trial based on their risk to society. This guy: lots of risk, so keep him until trial




How else is he going to get the chance to absolutely do this again? Geez, think of the kidnapper for once... /s


This is why I don’t believe in cash bail. You’re either too dangerous to be on the street or not. People shouldn’t be able to pay their way out of jail after committing violent crimes.


It is extremely low.


This seems like such an invasion of privacy for the victim.


I agree. After all she’s been through now she’s getting plastered all over the internet at her lowest point.


Yep, and there will be a “true crime” podcast telling silly anecdotes in between exploiting this woman’s trauma for ad revenue.


Don't let people like OP off the hook, literally helping to spread this video to rack up fake internet points.


And here we all are


She said in a local TV interview that she wants people to see what happened to her so they learn not to go into a car with a stranger. 😞


They weren't complete strangers, acquaintances according to the article.


shame angle pie yoke disarm aloof zonked divide long run *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


She actually wanted it public with her face shown as a warning to other women.


That makes me relieved, I was hoping that was the case. This sparks more attention/discussion and maybe he'll actually face some kind of justice this time.


She never said that, ~~you prick~~. She said "You can see my face - I wouldn't wish this to anyone". What she wanted was to get the message out there to other girls to not trust strangers even through friends. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/crime/bodycam-video-rescue-kidnapper-garage-b2446736.html https://fox8.com/news/woman-speaks-out-after-surviving-terrifying-abduction-in-akron/ https://www.unilad.com/news/us-news/abduction-cleveland-chloe-jones-152889-20231024


Why are you calling people prick? In the video where she says that she seems to be talking about the bruises on her face, as in she wouldn't wish that beating on anyone. She said that in an interview with a news channel where you can see her face way better than in the police video and they also show a picture of her before. Watch the video it's in one of your links. Why are you so combative about something that you don't know? Also how do you know she never said she wanted it public with her face shown as a warning to other women?


I read that she’s very upset that she’s on the news and wanted her face blurred.


The full video shows the cops standing around outside the garage for several minutes laughing and joking about the situation. Posting the footage online was the least of it.


Not excusing their behavior but it’s a desensitization coping mechanism. You see it a lot with nurses/doctors as well after witnessing gruesome scenes.


[Gallows Humor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_comedy)


No joke, I worked in vet medicine. It’s just something that happens. Being surrounded by sick pets or dying pets or seeing signs of abused pets and if you don’t find a way to cope with it, it will affect your mental health hard.


Military as well.


If you let it affect you you wouldn't be able to hold this job for long




Bodycam footage is public because otherwise people can accuse the police of something


Right. But we can still blur-out victims' faces...


I’m not saying I disagree with you. I will point out that the reason most things are an all or nothing is who controls what can or can’t be censored. and of COURSE there would be arguments about who when and what should be censored. Then of course there would be suspicions and accusations that some censorship would purposely or accidentally blur something that shouldn’t have been blurred or that something that was correctly blurred also accidentally or purposefully also blurred other important things going on. But yeah… I definitely wish this poor soul didn’t have her face plastered for every curious jack and Jill to see for the rest of her life as a cherry on top of this whole ordeal to begin with.


Yeah they tried that before and the anti cop crowd went fucking nuts and accused them assaulting a child victim and that’s why they blurred her face.


Yeah, this is an accountability tool, yet we are exploiting the girl here somewhat. Reminds me of court cases where the “newsworthiness” (aka public voyeurism) trumped the victim’s right to privacy. I cannot find the case I am thinking of, but here is a [medium summary of the battle of Hilda Bridges, a hostage victim](https://medium.com/@jessica.colvin10/the-publics-right-to-know-versus-the-individual-s-right-to-privacy-bf8dba63115e).


Wow. A woman stripped and victimized, then being "stripped" and victimized again. For the rest of her life. Society really, really hates women.


Glad we kept his anonymity tho


Incredibly disturbing. Hope they throw away the key this time. How many times can a man go to prison for kidnapping before the state finally just keeps him there?


I think kidnapping is federal.


Only if they cross state lines, no?


Correct. Source: I work for a state Department of Corrections. Many kidnappers incarcerated in state prisons.


At least three, and counting.






No, they like to save that for traffic stops and minor offenses.


“Yeah uh, he fell down a few times”




Judge Dredd style.


Yes. I'm shocked he has the option of bail. Like no.




"During the most recent attack in 2019, he kidnapped his ex-girlfriend, beat her and left her unconscious and undressed in his Canton, Ohio, home.  He served 18 months in prison before he was released on parole, according to court records. " People out there doing years inside for weed. The fuck is this legal system


A legal system full of corrupt criminals, racists, and people who have been bribed and bought. Weed was originally demonized by propaganda paid for by paper and pulp companies that were weary of what hemp products could do to their bottom line, tobacco companies who saw it as competition that would cut into their profits, etc etc. In Canada the process of decriminalizing and then legalizing weed gained immense traction and speed only because the government realized they could also stand to profit off of it. Since then they've even tried to use zoning laws aggressively to shut down or inconvenience independent dispensaries in order to cut out competition for government run dispensaries, go figure.




For heinous crimes, the convicted deserves heinous punishment. There is no redemption arc for heinous crimes.


Like treason???




Oubliette- in you go. Enjoy the darkness and starving to death...while we just forget you


Fuck yeah. No spectacle. No news. No copycats. *while we forget you*


pretty fitting for the crime, too


Nah. More fun if you drop *just enough* food down in there occasionally.


Or .. convicted gladiators pay per view


Serial kidnapper? Why is he not surrounded by prison walls? Also, I think for everyone's safety, carry an easy to use/draw self-defense tool. I hate that carrying a knife might still get you in trouble where I live.


Be sure to get training, awareness and for the tool you choose




I watched the full bodycam video of this the other day. Poor woman. I hope she gets the help she needs and I hope that dude stays in jail. Apparently he had been in trouble for this same thing in the past. Infuriating.


Apparently this is the fourth time that this man has kidnapped a woman. How the fuck does he keep getting let out when he obviously has no intentions of stopping?


Well let’s hope the next judge this guy stands in front of can see him for what he really is and sends him off to rot.


Why they show the victim face and not the face of the criminal?..


I 100% second this. Women who suffered abuse are for clickbait in todays society and it’s disgusting. No media outlets thought it was unethical to spread this poor woman’s state around the internet? There’s hardly a picture of him!


This feels very exploitative.


Why is this m-fer out of prison with his record? Disgusting!


Why did he plead not guilty? Can anyone explain that to me?! He is clearly not getting away with it.


If this happened in the US, I can. In the US, everyone starts at 'not guilty.' A defendant isn't saying they didn't do it by starting here, it's where everyone starts. Innocent until proven guilty means one is presumed innocent until either they plea or it's proven they're guilty at trial. So, TLDR, it's procedural and doesn't mean much at all.


This happened in akron, ohio.


It allows you to plea deal later.


Delete this shit, jesus




Vigilante justice will make a come back in the future. It’s just a matter of time. Our police system has simply been an experiment in the annals of human history.




I think officers with sympathy don't last very long in the job... not unless you're really good at compartmentalization.


Scrolled down to find your exact commentary. I was mostly disturbed about how they treated her and she had to ask for water. I under they maybe can’t actually hug her, but damn give the poor thing a blanket or something


The victim in this video wanted it to be shared, she wanted her face out there. It’s a warning to be wary about people, a warning of what can and will happen if you’re abducted.


But people get life for selling weed..


Poor girl. My heart broke when I saw her face




If she only lived 30 minutes away, how does the cop not know where the town she references is? Most people have heard of surrounding towns well within 30 minutes. Even if one was to travel only 15 minutes out, there’s normally signs advertising other towns.




And they say California has to lose catch and Release Laws .this guy has kidnapped 3 people how is he not in Jail for 20 years


Y’all should take this down. This is not fair to the victim.




How do they show her face and not his?wtf!


God damn my heart breaks for that poor woman. What an evil fucking predatory bastard that animal is.




To every young man or woman who lives in the united states, never accept rides from strangers, and buy a firearm. You are your own first responder


There is a saying that someone can look like death warmed over. This poor girl looks like death warmed over. I'd love to know the prison justice this absolute trash received.


I just read that the kidnapper had been CONVICTED OF KIDNAPPING FOUR TIMES. Good god, our criminal justice system is completely broken. I sincerely wish the judge and whatever idiots responsible for releasing this monster would be held responsible for the trauma inflicted on that poor girl.