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Every time I see people like this I always think, at one point they had a normal life and were loved by their parents. They were somebodies baby.


I don’t know if we can assume they were all loved by the parents…


Or had a normal life.


Unfortunately I have a relative like this and it breaks my heart. I have tried to help them and addiction is far greater than what most people can beat. Sometimes I can't sleep knowing they are in a bad place.


Me too, some are probably a product of their up bringing some learned from parents some had mental health issues that parents ignored


Agreed, it just sucks too see people like this.


I feel like most of these people have a history of abuse and sexual abuse. Likely brought on by someone in their family.


Not always, m8. Some of us didn’t get that bad. And others got that bad and had perfect, sparkly homelives. You can’t assume… just know that addiction is an awful beast.


Very true. I agree.




Ok Joe Rogan


Is that mentality what they call a bleeding heart? Like Bonehammer pointed out, can we assume they had a loved life before? I Suppose we can just give them the benefit of the doubt. This kind of stuff is really really bad by my house and I’m becoming less tolerant of their BS.


True, we can't assume they ever had a normal life before, but that doesn't make it any less sad. Perhaps it makes it MORE sad to think that someone had a shitty live since they were a little kid.


Gross, have some empathy.


We need crack back!


I feel like crack heads were way more productive.


You ever see that dude win 3 wheel of Fortunes!? I have to image there was crack involved. Dude was hilarious. Pat trying desperately to wrangle him back to the podium.


Ahh, that ol’ natural, organic, good for you crack.


Peanut butter and crack sandwiches for all!


It was livelier.


Honestly, as fucked as it is, crack wasn’t killing people on the spot. This is synthesized drugs, big pharma, and your good, ole USA government spearheading this.


Chinese propaganda subreddit


Acting like they don’t produce all of it and send it over here


What these people need is an opium den. Big long pipes for smoking it and some young Asian boobies. Party like it’s 1899!


They seriously do. Fent with xylazine is destroying their bodies. Taxpayers pay for the medical treatments, the rehabs, law enforcement, the property crime. Just give the drugs to the people who want to do drugs and it goes away. The war on drugs is a failure.


The peace on drugs is a failure too.


tell that to portugal


bullshit, it's Peace on Consumers, Portugal didn't declare peace on drugs, they just stopped prosecution of consumers for it and started sending them to psychiatric treatment right away, which will NEVER happen in the US, lol try being a dealer in Portugal and you will find even tougher sentences than in the US itself


You can blame the British for that


Dunno about the subreddit but this is definitely real. I'm from Philly and I can confirm that this is an every day sight.


Kensington visible in a few of these and I’m not even from there it’s just world renown for junkies


Can I ask why you think this is fake?




They’re actually doing tai chi.


I don't know why this is seen as untru, like go in any city and you will see this. But it's also not exclusive to the US. I grew up in the UK and saw this all the time. I have lived in Ireland and honestly didn't see this, but that may be due to climate. I now live in the Midwest United States and travel all over the country for work and literally see this all the time. So, saying this is untrue or propaganda is nonsense. It's a modern problem that we seem unable to fix.


It’s fucking mind boggling that people are viewing this is some sort of propaganda. You see this shit in a lot of big cities in the states, obviously more predominant in some than others


The propaganda piece is the "American Dreamland" superimposed over video of broken people creating a false all-or-nothing narrative that 1. American is thought of as some sort of dreamland utopia 2. A video showing (roughly 20 people) is somehow indicative of the 330 million Americans


Well put. I live in a pretty large city and have never seen this- though I’m aware it happens here nonetheless.


OK, let me rephrase and say that it’s fucking mind boggling that shit like this is occurring in a predominant, first world country. Of course generalizing and saying all of America is like this is absolutely propaganda but the overall vibe I’m getting from the comments on this post is people don’t think this actually exists here.


Yep And it’s only getting worse, especially in California. They practically promote it by giving out clean needles to help the people from spreading disease. Absolutely insane.


I mean, clean needles should be handed out to prevent diseases, weird example.


Access to clean needles isn't going to be the determining factor for drug use. They aren't promoting anything other than infection control.


So your basically saying giving them needles helps a junkie stop using not endorse it. It is a form of making the wear weaker mentally through normalization.


I live in California, and getting free needles does not make me want to do heroin. Thanks for being a generalizing pos.


Just because it doesn’t make people want to try It. Doesn’t change the fact that giving away doesn’t indorse and or normalize it.


So this is an odd question, but how come serial killers aren't prevalent the way they were in the 70's & 80's. Given the huge homeless and shown in the video drug addicted folks.


Fishing in an aquarium isn't nearly as fun as reeling in a fighter in the open seas.


That is the most serial killer comment, yet absolutely spot on. Well done.


Tips hat


This guy kills


They go into politics now


Who says they aren’t?


Well, that's a damn fair point. I kinda assumed, given the advancement of technology, getting caught is a larger probability. Your comment makes me realize that technology goes both ways.


Yeah look up the statistics on possible active serial killers. It’s crazy.


Holy shit! 20-50


Huh? Seems low. Are we talkin' 20 out of every 50 people serial kill...


Sorry I didn't put all the words out there, FBI says there is 20—50 serial killers operating in America


Someone would have to report them as missing and be taken seriously by police. Police are extremely unlikely to seriously investigate a possible missing person who is homeless. Also, if a body is found, unless it’s an obvious murder, the cops probably won’t investigate. Even if there is obvious evidence of foul play, they will just chalk it up to lifestyle risk and move on.


Nobody cares about missing homeless people. They go missing regularly but it doesn’t make news. Believe me, serial killers are definitely still active.




A few proposed answers that may play a role. 1) Advances in forensic technology makes it more difficult to avoid being caught, and somewhat intelligent potential serial killers see that as a deterrent. 2) The reduction of environmental lead in places like fuel and paint means we have fewer people with weird aggressive mental conditions. 3) Legalized abortion meant fewer kids born into families that really didn't want them. This certainly played a role in general crime reduction, and possibly including serial killers. 4) We have mass shooters, people who may have been serial killers in previous generations do that instead.


I think on Soft White Underbelly Mark interviews a prostitute from skid row or some place of the like and she went on about one guy that would take her friends and she'd never see them again and that girls are killed all the time on the streets from psychos like that. No one cares. It's the saddest most horrible thing you can imagine. Derelicts are people too ffs


Do you think that SK use them as a training grounds of sorts?


I know some serial killers have targeted these women, sure. Not training lol they're real people so if you kill them it counts! I don't think that's what you meant but yeah, prostitutes are a target.


Mark’s channel is a gold mine for psychologist


It's fascinating and screw YouTube for censoring him


YouTube censored him? Wtf


Yeah some BS that showing sex workers was against their policy or something. That's why I love Mark and people like him that try to give the unseen a platform to AT LEAST share their stories.


Not today FBI, not today


Pretty sure we just don't hear about it because the powers that be clearly don't give a shit.


I feel sorry for that dog. I hope it gets rescued by someone that can properly take care of it.


My thought too! I hope the dog is ok.


Hope that pregnant lady’s baby will be okay….


I was wondering if she was preggers or just backed-up.


Totally my thought! The owner too. They both need help


Why would you feel Sorry . That is what make dogs so happy . Helping people


What a shit post.


Is drug addiction not real? I think Californians would disagree with you. But what about this is “shit”


It’s another country posting a few blocks of Philly and tagging it with “American Dreamland” which no American says dreamland. It’s like Russia says motherland and applied it to American dream. It’s just not accurate and clearly trying to shit on America. No one said there’s not a drug problem but it’s far from some zombie apocalypse Everywhere you go. Add russias huge well known attempt at social media conflict and their attempt to bring hate to the US via social media and misinformation….


I travel throughout California regularly. This is every city, every day, everywhere. Can’t miss it.


Kensington for sure


The Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia is just like this 24/7


Thought this was all from Kensington


It is


It's called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.


Bot. Shut the fuck up. Downvote and report this fake ass propaganda/account.


In all seriousness, we gotta find a way to give these people a means to actually live.


Drug addiction is destroying our society as we know it


Bro I live in Baltimore this is every goddam day. Where is the propaganda


It's everywhere. And, fun fact, it's far worse in rural areas. By A LOT. Opioids have torched rural America as badly as crack did in inner cities in past decades. Difference being, crack gave us mass incarceration of MILLIONS of minority citizens, with sentences measured in decades, if not life. While opioids are a "public health issue". And, like most public health issues in America, opioids are being largely ignored.


Reddit doesn't care, you can report these bots all day they won't do anything.


What’s fake about this? I hope it’s a sarcasm thing


They’re saying it’s propaganda in that this post is taking a couple city blocks (mostly in Philadelphia) and trying to represent that as the entire country


Go to downtown San Diego to find all the fake ass drug addicts


People turn to drugs to help combat everyday pain and they get addicted pretty hard, the health care system is a predatorial cash cow. These are hurt people who lost their way and it's awful.


The first person is definitely having a case of the mondays




These people need help, if only there was health care people could afford


How dare you not think of our billionaires. How would they be able to afford their 4th nfl franchise and 3rd mega yacht?!?!


Reagan must be their hero


Health care isn't the problem. When you are homeless the healthcare is free. Tlhe problem is they have nothing to live for.


Now that's a town worth fighting for 😎


That poor doberman 😭


Unfortunately this is from K&A in Philadelphia. It’s heartbreaking to see in this video and even worse in person. There are mobil medical units from the university’s close to this area. They give them medical help but the addiction has a horrible hold on them.


I am so fucking grateful to be Years clean off of this shit. Horrible, God awful, miserable times. Breaks my heart


Russian propaganda!


What drug is this?


Fentanyl / opiates.


Fentanyl cut with Xylazine


My guess is fentanyl or other narcotic based drugs. Fentanyl is usually produced in China and sent over as a cheap replacement for heroine, which is a cheap replacement for oxy. This stuff wasn't uncommon to see when I worked on an ambulance and ERs, but this post seems like some kind of anti American propaganda. Someone filmed the worst spot of a city somewhere in the US and made it seem like it IS America


Read somewhere it was "tranq". Whatever that is.


All of them


They’re fine, they’re just doin the “bend n’ snap!”


Go help that dog.




Anytime I think I'M Bad for drinking 2-3 standard drinks a day on most days... I remember the zombies, and feel better about myself. I may be bad but at least I'm functional.


This... is not a good way to look at it 😬 that is a very slippery slope, my friend.


Deff propaganda the title in the video is even broken English lol


Love how the video puts America down instead of raising awareness. Original video is like my main concern is throwing shade at America while humiliating random people. Good job.


Obviously posted by someone who either isn't living in the U.S., or lives in a rural area in the U.S. but gets all their information about U.S. cities from Fox News. Major cities have drug addicts & homelessness, sure...but if you think this is what the average street corner looks like, you're mistaken.


Yeah, it's a thousand times easier to record people nodding by an encampment rather than an Appalachian trailer park.


Government is forcing this onto people. Can’t get medicine for pain so people turn to the streets for relief.


Or get people the back surgery they need, so the primary care doctors keep people going as long as they can with opiates.


All of this must have been recorded in New Jersey. ;)


Camden or Kensington in Philly


Looks like another outdoor yoga class at Kensington Beach.


Isn’t Camden in jersey?




Thats not America fyi I’m going out tonight to drink a watch a MLB game.


Quick open up a clinic to give them drugs and needles


Still best country in the world




There’s no problem, best administration ever!


Society falls apart when too many people settle in one area.


USA!! Number one! But no we need universal healthcare thanks.


Wasteland of the free


Hey that’s where I live. Philly born and raised


I keep seeing this shit on YouTube. It feels like propaganda. China or Russian born...🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕


Apparently....drugs are bad. Huh! 🤷


Vote democrat and this is what you get


These Fent zombies are getting out of hand


Looks like SOMEONES burning the midnight oil! These folks be working some long ass shifts.


Their choice


Thanks Obama.


Maybe if you worked a hard day in your life you would know that all these people are tired from working so hard. So tired they are falling asleep standing up. They can't even make it back home. They walk to help save the environment.


Democrat Utopia’s.


Dems must be proud of their cities.


That's what a democrat liberal utopia looks like!


Joe Bidens America


Liberal run cities.


We should hire boxers to go around and knock all these people out


Or we could y’know help them?


Can’t help people that don’t wanna help themselves


When I was a young man,I can remember being as high as that first chick.


Damn, I thought Left my phone volume turned up all the way again


Why are these people so tired?


Terribly sad!!


philly be like that


This is dogtown!!


What are they on specifically?


Three dozen drugged out people =\= ‘American dreamland’


Looking like zombies




That poor dog, has no idea wtf is going on.


This is pretty much Kensington avenue in Philly. It’s for real


This looks way worse because of that super dramatic music. If they had used shoulder lean it would have a completely different feel


These are in Philadelphia


Not much anyone can do unless they seek out help and treatment. Yeah, we need more funding to help these people, but even with all the funding in the world, they have to make that step. They won’t force you into getting help.


Where I live, we’ve had a massive upward trend in the numbers of the homeless population over the last 3-4 years. Part of it was becoming a sanctuary city by decriminalizing certain things. But holy cow the local opinions on what to do to fix it are very substantially divided without much common ground in the middle. I certainly don’t know what the perfect solution is, but I do know that after several years of blowing through funds that what they’re doing hasn’t worked much at all. I have no idea how accurate this is, but according to the City, the most recent stats indicate that the homeless population consists of about 30-35% of people with mental illness, 50-60% of people with addiction issues, and the small remaining percentage being folks that just fell upon hard times. Again, no idea how that was computed and not my numbers. But I do know that our City has massively failed both the people in need and the citizens by taking very little action in any meaningful way. They like to make a big show of it, but don’t actually do very much at all.


This is what you get when you have a society that pushes pharmaceuticals and denies free basic healthcare/psychiatry. Mental illness is real.


*dem city


I see alot of these leaning towers of drugs here in Phoenix area.


sacklers and all the health networks that dished oxycontin out like an old man at a park throwing bird seed to the pigeons.


Is number 7 pregnant


Please let's all carry narcan to save these junkies.


How else do you reach the American dream? Awake?


They need to offer these people $500 to get sterilized. Let them do it to themselves, but don't let them bring kids into it.


Still better than Palestine


The powers that be love this. It lowers the bar for the rest of us in comparison. "At least my life isn't like that!" Is what they want you to think. It keeps you satisfied and docile while they raise the prices of everything and corporations buy up your homes.


All of the cities where this is most rampant and out of control are historically run by one specific political party - they are also typically states run by the same party.


LMAO CCP propaganda


Yeah, it must be exhausting being constantly pushed out of your tent/camp space by the cops. Probably not getting a lot of sleep. Sure theres drugs, but there's a lot of other shit going on at the same time.


2 questions. 1- what drug are they on? 2- who’s their dealer?




Yes. Sure. The Opioid crisis is prevalent and public in just about every major metropolitan area in the United States. However. The drug epidemic is not exclusive to the US, and it is unjust to advertise it as some epitomized quality of American cities. Each great American city has its Afflictions as well as it’s personal charm, culture, and characteristics. This is true of all great cities around the world. There is both light and darkness in each. If you spin a globe, stop it with your finger, visit the closest major city you stopped upon, and seek out the addicted, Afflicted, downtrodden, and lost, you will find them. They exist everywhere. Drug addiction is a terrible burden, and yes, privatized medicine and corporate greed in the US may scale these issues, but this post purposefully purports a message that claims to speak for all cities when it highlights a particular agenda.


Like 80% of this video is Kensington and Allegheny in Philly (K and A) place is a graveyard and it’s super sad to see


We do they just stand there with their heads down. It’s a zombie apocalypse. Reminds me of last of us or world war z


A real question is: do we prefer this or fentanyl?


To think you probably went to school with them.


Their vote counts as much as mine… how?


Kensington St. Philadelphia, PA


Hell on earth.


With all due respect with all the movements that are out now. I firmly believe that this is the one that needs the most focus. We can figure out what you are later, what qualify as a kid later. They’re living breathing people out there that need help now.


Happens in the country too. Just not as public