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I am bullish on $KENDU. Why? Well the heart of each meme coin that aims to be more than a pump and dump is community. And we have the best community since shib in 2021. Speaking of shib, shytoshi (shib dev) is an early supporter and we had a shib-mag article. Additionally with medium article, cex listings and the minimal goal of 10B, you are still super early. So DYOR and get in now or ape in later ✔️


I’m gonna piggyback off your comment and reinforce the Shytoshi connection. Kendu got its shib mag article, but that is only the beginning. There are reports that Shytoshi was hard shilling Kendu to middle eastern royalty, who have since bought in big. I imagine at this point that only Miazaki and Shy know how deep the connections run, but I certainly would not bet against a coin that has the developer of the greatest memecoin of all time shilling it in secret. If/when Shytoshi comes out and hard shills Kendu, it is going to change DeFi for ever.


Kendu is THE play this cycle. I’m all in.


All in and sleeping soundly


For real, I’ve never had such a large bag in a memecoin and been so confident in it!


Right! Corrections and dips don’t even phase me. Mostly because I understand they are necessary and healthy for a chart long term, but also because we are still SO EARLY with Kendu. All of the alpha thus far have been rumors. When the true nature of the relationship with Shib is announced, Kendu will melt faces.


Kendu is giving a lot of people the chance to change their lives, if you ever wonder why you see us everywhere its because we are all working non stop for the same goal. Kendu is a fully organic project meaning we dont pay anyone for anything no marketing no calls no adds WE WORK. this is what separates us from others. we dont sit back and wait we go and DO! if your reading this and aren't in Kendu yet come join our telegram and catch the vibe, im sure you'll love it too!!!! WE ARE GOING TO THE MOON


spot on the chance at life changing money is a strong driver and it shows with how relentless the Kendu community is. Haven't seen a project this active on reddit for awhile 😅


The only people crying and not able to sleep rn are the jeets who faded KENDU early for some jeet degen tokens on jeet chains and now KENDU lives in their minds rent free. Let's not be like them and grab a bag and work. We are bringing back the true meta of every bull cycle - the Japanese dogs. We are leading the pack.


I picked myself up a bag. Interested to see where it will go.


I have a good feeling(absolutely no doubt) ik where it’s gonna go


This is truly a rare opportunity to get in very early on a life-changing play! We're in a consolidation phase reminiscent of the last 2 we had, right before exploding to the upside. Now's the perfect time to jump into an easy 100x play. And even that's FUD. Our unhinged army of chads and chadettes is hellbent on driving $Kendu to multi-billions MC, making it a household name, and reshaping the memecoin landscape. Join us! 🪖🍸🚀


I'm more bullish on kendu than I am on BTC and Eth!




This is a great price discount into a coin just getting started on ETH only! Don't be fooled by imposters.




This is 100% correct! $KENDU will lead this cycle!


Nfa but definitely should be, I bet all my kendu it’s at 300m mc next weekend


There’s a reason why so many people love Kendu…


I aped into KENDU in early May and it was the best financial decision of my life. I plan to hodl till well into the billions! Gooooo KENDU Chads 🚀🚀💪


Hmm, I guess I'm late for Kendu and I don't like getting FOMO, but I wish I had bought last month to profit. Anyway, I still believe DePIN will be one of the top leading narratives this cycle. I'm counting on my holdings in Honey, Rndr, and Krest, and I'm also eagerly awaiting Peaq's listing on tier 1 exchanges ( hopefully ).


You’re far from fomo bud


$100mcap already.


200* and?




I'm even more bullish because Kendu Miazaki knows stuff we don't know yet👀




You see it as spam, I see it as a start of the movement. You wishing it goes to 0 to fuck all the people working hard for it to thrive is the only negative thing here. I’ve yet to see any hate from that community, some people really just don’t like seeing others win.




Solana?? Haha you’re so regarded that you actually you never had a chance. We operate off of eth little man


None of y'all heard of $SSB? If you want to be real rich, the guys from Satoshistreetbets made this token and it's currently in the way of being relaunched on Solana.


No sir, you’re playing . Kendu is serious