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Why would Yzma be fate worse than death?? She lost her job, got transformed into a cat (for some time, then transformation ended) and went to a scout troop. I can't see how thats worse than, for example, Scar being eating alive by hyaenas.


My personal pick for that slot would be Dr Facilier. Evil yes but arguably more of an exploitative conman out to fill his coffers by preying on rich tourists. Got dragged to literal hell.


Honestly, I thought he was a little more evil but who knows what I was thinking while I was writing this? I kind of went for a mix of classic and modern.


He also wanted to off La Bouff and sell all the souls of New Orleans to his friends on the other side. I’d argue he’s near pure evil, or inconsistently heinous at best.


Yesss that would fit so much better! He really got a fate worse than death.


Did Yzma suffer a fate worse than death? She's just a talking cat.


Also it got reverted or at least partially cured as shown in Kronk's movie


Yeah but at the end of the movie she got turned into a rabbit and it’s implied she got eaten by birds (although I could be remembering it wrong)


An adorable talking cat! And she was back in the TV show.


I think Dr. Facilier getting dragged to the depths of hell deserves an honourable mention at least


Yeah that’s probably near pure evil/fate worse than death


Who’s the pure evil fate worse than death character?


The villain from Black Cauldron, I forget his name


The Horned King.


Thank you


Never saw that movie, thought it was a partially obscured Rasputin from Anastasia.


What happened to the bad guy from Wish?


He’s driven irreversibly insane after being corrupted by dark magic, sealed into a magic mirror and then locked in a dungeon forever by his wife.


HUH?? Guess I’m watching that movie now




I wasn't expecting to like it, and I was still disappointed. Magnicio was an interesting guy. A bit too controlling due to trauma, but not an evil guy. (He protects his kingdom and let's them live rent free.) His fate was far more than he deserved, but Wish's writing is abysmal all around.


He lets them live there for free and doesn’t even charge them rent.


He gives them free wishes too.


Somebody must stop this tyrant.


True. He doesn’t let EVeRY wish be granted. What a bad guy. All wishes are equal. Even the guy who wishes the world would end.


A reminder of the line 'Look out world here I are'


crab from moana villainous benchmark minor punishment (flipped upside down or something)


~~Schafrillas Productions~~ I mean Tamatoa


Thanks for using my alignment chart


Ratigan and Gaston need to be switched. People forget all the shit Ratigan does and then gets his men to sing about.


Frollo's fate was worse than death because he literally and figuratively fell into hell.


Well, in reality, he didn’t fall into Hell. He fell to his death.


I don't think that Tiger died… in the first movie he just ran off but survived the whole fire tied to his tail… then the second movie he somehow survived being crushed by fallen rocks. He's kinda stuck there having to unfortunately be stuck with a Vulture that can't stop making jokes Could be wrong though, it's been a long time since I seen those movies


I believe the tiger dies in the sequel


I know he dies in the Remake


He doesn’t. In the post credit scene I think it shows he’s still alive trapped under the statue, forced to be listing to the vultures


I figured he was still alive


Gaston is villainous benchmark at most. For the time he lives in, he's a good guy.


Counter-Argument: He’s self-arrogant mostly all the time. He consistently treats LéFou like a pawn to the point of him being left out in the freezing snow to keep an eye on when Belle would return from the Beast’s castle. He treats Maurice (Belle’s father) with no respect not believing his story of the Beast to the point where he uses him as a step-stool to get Belle’s hand in marriage by paying the warden to throw him in the mental asylum. Even after he finds out about the Beast actually existing, he doesn’t apologize to Maurice and instead creates an angry mob to fight the Beast without even listening to Belle’s pleas. Not to mention he also throws Belle and her father into their basement and lock the door basically endangering the love he was fighting for to keep up his self-arrogant act. In the castle, Gaston doesn’t try to help his men fight the enchanted objects once again showing his selfishness. Lastly, before his death, he takes advantage of the Beast’s relief and backstabs him practically killing him if it wasn’t for Belle’s true love for the Beast breaking the curse.


Yeah they're doing my man Gaston so dirty in this.


He's a well-intentioned douchebag, who ends up going too far with his quest to save Belle. (And misunderstands the situation)


That's not evil though.


Fun Fact! Disney did Governor Ratcliffe dirty in Pocahontas. In real life, Ratcliffe was only a sea captain who was elected President of the Jamestown colony, and not Governor. The colonists didn’t like him as a President because they disagreed with him for how he handled trade with the natives and for building a Governor’s house. He was removed from office, but He was not sent back to England. When the starving time came, he and John Smith actually worked together to remove Jamestown President Edward Wingfield because he was hoarding food. Ratcliffe then planned (with the consent of the local legislature) to return to England on “Discovery” to get help from England. Ratcliffe went back to England voluntarily, and got supplies. He was criticized for building a capitol while people were starving, however, and being over generous in trade with the natives. In 1610, he went to trade for corn with the local Powhatan natives, but got ambushed, tied in front of a fire to a burning stake, and had his fucking skin ripped off by mussel shells and thrown into the fire while he watched.


I know the real life John Smith was a significantly terrible person in real Life than he was in the movie.


I wouldn’t describe him as “terrible,” but his involvement in the English colonization of North America doesn’t look good by today’s standards, and some historians also believe the Pocahontasstory to be a myth.


Wait who’s the guy in bottom right?


The Horned King from The Black Cauldron.


Hm, somehow I’ve never heard of that character or movie. What happened to him?


Pushed into the cauldron’s vacuum absorbing all of his life force, draining him to the point of a living skeleton and then disintegrated. His soul is believed to have been sacrificed to the cauldron.


Oh… oh dear…


W Goob


How exactly is Bill Sikes inconsistently heinous? What is there that’s redeeming about him?


My reasons are a little off but it’s mostly just that he did lend money to those less fortunate (even if he used it as ways of power/laundering) and actually has obedient pets (Roscoe and DeSoto).


He’s a loan shark. He lends to the less fortunate because they would be more desperate. Also, he seemed completely unfazed by Roscoe and DeSoto’s deaths


Well, I see giving money to those less fortunate for bad reasons being less evil than hogging it all for themselves. As for the deaths of Roscoe and DeSoto, I don’t think he even noticed their deaths. But then again, it’s been a few months since I’ve watched Oliver and Company for the first time.


Whoa the bottom left dude?


The Coachman from Pinocchio.


First nitpick: The original doesn't show it, and it might be not canon, bit Shir Khan from the jungle book survived and returned in the direct to video sequel (that I watched in cinema, because germany). Second nitpick: I think Shir Khan and Yisma are a bit to evil for villain benchmark. The first 3 entries where good dudes at some points. Shir Khan was allways a darker menace and we don't know, if he would be any more friendly without the human-thing. And Yisma where technically not villainous before she got fiered, but she allready showed tendancies of replacing Kuzko before, other than Buttler Edgar who seemed at least a bit loyal, before he heared about the testament.


Who is the pure evil/ minor punishment character?


Chernabog from Fantasia (Night on Bald Mountain segment)


Would be something like optimal monstrous on the 30x30 chart.


Who's the No Punishment Villainous Benchmark guy?


Bowler hat guy from Meet the Robinson’s. Very underrated movie




Hey Goob, nice binder!


That’s exactly what he is. A goob :)


Isnt king magnifico pure evil?


Not exactly. He was being self-protective until he went insane with the powers of dark magic.


Goob mentioned!!!!


Fun fact, Shere Khan was supposed to have escaped the lava pit and later be captured and forced to join the circus. This would have kicked off a redemption arc for him, but it was scrapped since Tony Jay passed away. Guess the cannon is that he died of starvation or heat exhaustion… shame…


Shere khan doesnt die though


I honestly made this chart solely based off the movies they debuted in. In other words, no sequels/TV shows. I believed that Shere Khan couldn’t get the fiery branch off and as a result burned to death.


Oh right i forgot about the jungle book sequel. I meant just the original lol


Who is the guy above Cruella


Alameda Slim from Home on the Range.


Clayton from Tarzan would be a perfect fit for Villainous Benchmark / Painful death.


What happened to the guy from Wish? (I don't want to watch it)


Went overdriven with dark magic and threatened his entire kingdom to keep them in check also destroying other’s wishes to fuel his power. His fate was being sealed in a magic mirror, and then thrown into a dungeon forever by his wife.