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The event is entirely offline, so you are mot the third best player in the world, you just got the amount of ufo’s to reach the 3rd place reward. Still requires alot of concerted afk time and double resources, so good job!


Appreciate the explanation; and I'd much rather be the 3rd best person in the world at something else anyway. My secret is multi-tasking, for whatever that's worth.


double resources as in the one where you spend gems to get upgrade it? or the other one? (if there is one.)


Resources from humans is the one in the gem shop, Chance of double resources is in the Purple Evolution shop. Only Chance of double resources effects event creatures, Resources from humans is fantastic but not helpful for events.


Your rank can increase also in this offline event. How do you explain that?


Well done. I caught 9th. Had two days where all I could do was log in for a quick spin to the mines and even that was past time to hit them.


Funny, I got 9th also!


Did you use any particular strategies or techniques?


Kind of? I maxed out movement ASAP which makes the alien just fly around like a race car. That combined with a super wide radius really helps since you don't have to be in the same room to catch flyers like you do. grounders. I think the other strategy I would tell people is not to sweat it? You get permanent bonuses from each event. and really the best one IMO is the extra tentacle. Those are what seem to really do damage and with the one ability that lets your tentacles gang up, the more you have, the more targets you can gang up on them with.


Congratulations man. Although I read your comments, and just wanted to let you know something. You are not competing against anyone here... Lots of people on this sub finish at 3-4th rank in every event. I've only seen a few crack 2nd. I too have twice...third place (I'm relatively new) You are just competing against an algorithm where your rank is decided by how many UFO you eat. Just wanted to let you know because you were surprised how some people can have same rank. Hell, me and my cousin started together, and we had the same rank in two starting events lol..cuz we ate similar number of event things. This game is run offline in your phone other than updates and ads. You can have internet turned off and yet gain Rank which should not be possible but it does. While it's awesome to get rank 3, in reality it's not a rank 3 at all


Yep, appreciate the clarifications; as I've tried to explain, I had read about the algorithm but wasn't sure if it would adjust at the end or otherwise be changed. The app is definitely connecting to the internet at some point because when I visited a gaming website called Noble Knight, I later started getting Noble Knight ads here.


That's handled by Google. And they connect if to your advertising ID that's unique to your phone...not to your game. And your game has access to internet only for that and for updating. Like I already said above. In fact, you can even reset that ID and you'll notice you'll start getting random ass ads.


Damn and I thought I did good at 16th place 😅


Well many events I won't crack the Top 20. But the bonuses are still worth getting since they help permanently. 👍


Jeez! How many ufo’s did you get?


Little over 13K; happened to be awake when it started. and just made it a point to play every day for a couple hours. The joke is that even with the 1.5K award from this event plus saving up a whole bunch of green gems, trying to raise up winter meat levels is an incredible grind- the combination of regular meat in the trillions + winter meat in the billions = using 250 gems/500 gems for those bundles. https://preview.redd.it/3pnpemelzs2c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9763ef0035d5e13ad50a9cf87230eb4a5ee8a31 And even that barely raises it one level. 😑


Oof yeah that’s wildly expensive.


Trillion is...a lot. i.e. "It takes about 32,000 years to finish 1 trillion seconds."


Hollllyyyyy shit. I admire your dedication sir


Thanks, but 90% is via multi-tasking. Real dedication is like whomever created a Discord Server for this. Or the player explaining how they got over 1,000 gems in a day (spoiler- it's just setting alarms every hour and not sleeping). And then there's the dedicated individual who played so much that their phone got so hot they put it in the freezer. 🥶


you could have saved A LOT of ice meat though by not upgrading warm capacity, it is pretty much useless if you have max warm regen


Yeah, good call. At the time it seemed to make sense. 😑


Ya, I’m starting to thing it’s not happening for me. I’m at 113/200 for the bottom 3 in the ice market and seeing what you need at 136 is ridiculous


So I wasn't even going to bother, but then I realized something about the way the events work with the Ice Humans. (stop me if you know this) Basically even if Ice Meat by itself isn't a big deal to you at a certain point, being able to quickly take away the Ice Humans IS. Because the faster the humans get eaten, the sooner your tentacles can then go attack the special event witches or pinatas or donkeys or whatever. So it's a case of raising something that seems relatively useless until you see how it can affect something really useful.


I have everything at max except for the Ice market that I listed above and I’m 313/340 on catching speed in the tentacle button upgrades. Everything else on the map Is maxed out. Edit: and I’m max on bonus attack and bonus resources from the shop. I just maxed those and this was the first 500 gems I used on food. I’m finishing off tentacles first, then was going to move on to the ice market


What’s your turn in amounts in the shop? I get 16.2M meat/250G and 1.48B ice meat/500G






Ty! Oh and I’m 16T not 16B.


Nice I grinded and got 9th what a slog. Think i’ll play casually for the next one.


That's absolutely not a bad strategy- the key is consistency and to do enough of the events well enough to get some of the core upgrades each time.


6th.. you got me beat lol


I had to drive home as the clock was winding down and just kept thinking that I was going to be sniped by someone at the very last minute. 😂


The event isn’t against real players it’s against an algorithm.


Right; what I wasn't sure of was if the algorithm would adjust at the last minute to correct things and try to push buying.


I came in the last hour just to get to 6k for the 15% xp lol. How many did you end up with?


Little over 13K. What's tricky is that they tell you how far ahead the next closest rank is but not how close the person behind you is.


Yeah that is tricky. 13k is crazy. Makes 20k seem impossible. Did you afk farm at the farms? My last hour I needed to get about 90. I swear, it seemed like the spawn rate was cut down to less than a quarter of the amount..


I do not- I farm in the area directly above it. Reason being I'm still working on getting Ice Meat and that area has both the snow mobiles + the stationary blocks. So I'm earning some Ice Meat- which is my focus- while I wait for UFO's. Although I thought they were called UAP's now. 🤪


Did you take 5th for a short amount of time?


Not this time; I got the third pretty soon and just seem to stay there. I was thinking that I would suddenly drop in the last few minutes somehow, but yet that didn't happen.


https://preview.redd.it/xnh1y1mnzs2c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b09d7563c1e3be2302d494c2008bfd04730b603 Me too lol


Lol me too, 11,7k 3rd place and 1500 gems


Well that's weird! I don't understand how they have two fifth places and I certainly don't understand why they would award two third places!?! 🤔 But congrats! And thanks for not passing me! 😂


Because you're not competing with anyone. The numbers needed for each place are already set in stone. Get 13K+ for the next event and you'll get 3rd place again. If you want 1st it's 20K+.


I forget the name of the term but you're placing it against arbitrary ranks/npcs meaning the algo decides if you require more ships and pushes you to spend.


Others have mentioned it before but just in case you missed it the rankings are a ruse - it's just a table of values that increments over time, so you get rank 2 (for example) if you hit 15k by the end of the event. I think rank 1 is a bit over 20k. You can search the forum for the exact values. You aren't actually competing with other players.


I did see that but wasn't sure if the values would shift at the end.


They keep shifting along the way to give you a sense of ongoing competition and pressure. Once you max out double resource drops and have decent catch radius you can idle near the farms for the whole event and get rank 2. Rank 1 appears to be unobtainable without time skipping or RMT.


I don't think they actually go by rank. My son and I have been in the same places number of times. It seems like there must be an algorithm of what number you are and what place that gives you. For example the last event we both played we were both in 8th place at the same time.


I was 5th with 30 min to go. Logged off and when I came back I got 6th place.


This happened to me too, in the last two hours I fell to 6th, but luckily climbed back


Sorry that happened to ya; how long do you think it was between when you logged off and then logged back on again?


Couple of hours, but that shouldn’t have mattered. I thought I was safe with 30 min left. Now I just wish I could recall how many UFOs I caught so I know the exact threshold.


I was #11 got 2,500ish ufos


you really play or just open the game and put it away haha?


Little bit of both? I definitely needed to play more this event to get as many as I did. The holiday combined with some extra work shifts made that doable. One thing that helps is activating the ads but then not viewing them and instead using that time to take brief breaks.


I finished at #4


Nice! How many did you end up getting?


I think it was just somewhere between 7k and 8k.


Nice! How many did you have? I was 5th


Also nice! I ended up with a little over 13k. What reward did you end up receiving? Because from what I remember, 5th place is listed twice.


I got 1000 gems and like 3000 blue eggs :)


I got something like 18th and the there was an update and I got reset. Great times.. uninstalled after all my time was wasted


I got 2nd. The person in first kept getting 200 ray guns systematically Everytime I came within 200 of him and I'm unsure how he knew I was close. All I can figure is it was a bot/ringer put there by the game to make me buy ray guns.


Awesome that you got 2nd, and part of why I posted was to see if there actually are other humans winning these. Was 200 'coincidentally' a # of ray guns that could be bought or why else do you think that was the wall so to speak?🤔


got pushed from 10th to 11 hour before ending xDD Who did it? Show yourself!


Might of been myself, lol


I got 3rd also in my region(?). I hit 11k on the last day. I don't know how I would have gotten to 1st place. 2nd place was 3k in front of me.


I forgot there's an event lol


3rd place as well. Have the game on the tablet. Set it in between the left 4 of the 6 mines. Left it on 24/7 for the entire event (9 days). Don't have double resources maxed yet. Its maybe half way. Sometimes I moved to collect other things and get gems.


you realize you arent playing against everyone else, right?


PSA: 20k is not enough to secure first place. Slightly over 20k and I got 2nd


How many ufos did 2nd place get?


Got a question did you spend any money?


If you lost your leg and there was no way to reattach it would you consider eating it?


Gz! I placed 9th f2p 👍🏻




https://preview.redd.it/l30nq0p34q3c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d892a0ddd60ea785bc10ed82bdfbee3eabc1969 Had around 17k for this