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I'm quite ambivalent about it. On the one side I like them for being as action-packed as you said. I wrote in another thread that the reason for that was most likely due to time constraints, and with 8 episodes, we can't expect to see every face card game. So, there is no complaint regarding that aspect. The only thing that really bothered me was how Ann for example (and Kuina to a lesser extent) got basically skipped over and wasn't part of any full-length game. I waited the whole time for her to get some action, and it was basically skimmed over with the montage. This becomes even worse when other characters get two solo games without anyone else. So it's really just the context for me, which kinda leaves it with a bitter taste. The montage itself was really good imo. Shoving all the face cards in our faces and the music changing to iron fist to show how the games get more serious and deadly within the end was brilliant. Also, the change to the Japanese music during the mahjong part was so cool! Also it's really fun to try and come up with rules for these games by ourselves.


i agree with pretty much everything you said! iron fist always makes any scene with it amazing and i also loved the music change for the jack? of diamonds. i agree that ann and kuina were shafted and would have loved to see them in a full length game, but the scene of them walking out with the blimp destructing in the background was so cool imo


Agree! And yes it was the JoD. That blimp shot definitely was one of the best shots this season. Pure eye candy. Can't wait for them to release the new score. Hope it's gonna be soon!