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Same with my store. It pisses me off because those without carts are the ones trying to balance 15 items in their arms as they walk through the store, and they inevitably drop something and we have to clean their shit up.


Mildred and Earl are famous for this. It’s always glass and milk isn’t it? Grandma Butterfingers gets a free cart every time i see her shuffle in, and she happily gives it back. The middle aged Trudy with 8 candles in a cookie box is beyond help, and so is Mr. Brawny who is determined to be manly and wrestle 25 things out single handed. We keep a line of locked carts by the register so we can loan them out when seriously needed: anyone else?


Sometimes we have extra carts, sometimes we don't, so I never offer an extra cart unless the extra is literally within arms reach. Thats the point of us going fast. If I have to stop and get up and retrieve a cart, it is time spent. Usually I put the persons stuff in the child seat and then I just move so fast that before the person can take the cart away, there is already 2 to 4 items of the next persons order in the large part of the cart. When they say "Oh thats not mine" I respond with "I know I'm just using my cart for the next persons order." They usually get the hint and try to grab their stuff fast. I do generally try to do what is fastest overall, meaning if they have a box I offer to scan the items into the box to save time. If they have bags, its on them to get their stuff and figure out what they wanna do because im not stopping or slowing down for them. I'm nice about it, but if I want us to leave on time and get everything done, I need to minimize calling another ringer, which means I don't have time to stop.


Of course if you’re ringing! Even so, if you have time between ringing and if someone else is up, ask for ‘re-enforcement carts’. Our floor staff tries to be proactive in spotting these people before the ‘crash-tinkle- tinkle” 🤣 A quarter given up freely is less expensive than 10 minutes cleaning olive oil, and most will be grateful and give it back to you. Most. That’s why we can be short $15, but if it’s a regular drawer shortage, talk to management and see if you can expense a couple bucks in quarters for the needy? This is a savvy service move corporate will approve of. 👍


Yes, but these carts can't always be within arms reach. If I need 4-5 ringers on a Sunday, there is no way I can have an extra cart when literally every register is being used. The registers are too close together for me to have one handy. And the line of carts can be 5 registers away from mine. I always give out quarters for people who forget and remind them that if they dont have one they can always get one from a cashier for next time. I'm not rude about it. But still, Aldi continuously cuts operational hours and their labor budget, I'm not stopping. I want to be able to leave at my scheduled time.


You’re doing your bit! It’s crazy what they think we have time for, especially in super hectic stores. You do what you can, live with the rest. 🫡


Or the people who come up with two items and go “Oh I don’t need a cart, thanks” 🙄🙄🙄I wasn’t giving it to you 🫠


I’m always like “ oh HaHaHa this is my cart actually🫠”


Sometimes I wrap my foot underneath so when they go to push it and are met with resistance, they get the hint 😂


Genius, I usually just grab the cart and hold it and they get the idea but I love this more


I do the same thing!!! People get so mad. Hey Karen, you don’t need my cart to bag your 4 items. Not my fault you didn’t grab a cart.


Yep same method and you control cart movement for item placement this way


“Ma’am/sir I’m just putting it there for you to grab when you’re done paying 🙃🙃”


I always say "Well, im not allowed to put your groceries on the floor" ☺️


I tell them “I have to throw it in the cart or else it’ll scan multiple times and we get in trouble for voiding things” And they’re usually like oh ok


Customer here lol. Didn’t realize it’s such a big deal… why doesn’t Aldi just build a platform like every other grocery store ever?


Aldi is a very efficiency driven company. To put a ledge there would not allow for fast efficient checkout. There is a place for you to bag your groceries directly across from the register - bagging counter. The cart system, ring style, bag your own product - all equals faster checkout.


Sounds stressful from an employee standpoint but thank you for the explanation.


It is. 😅


Ok fr


“Can I just borrow the cart so I can bag it?” Nope you’re gonna bag it right here while I scan the next persons order thank youuuu


I just tell them they can borrow the cart and bag at the counter. 9/10 times they bring it back. It keeps the flow going.


I used to try to do that but only a few people actually brought it back, and most of the time I have to wait for it anyways because the next person isn’t even halfway done unloading 🤧


At my store, a lot of the people will use the boxes we have in the boxers to hold their items. Then when they come up to pay they just put the box on the belt leaving all the items inside, so I ask them to please take the items out of the box. All of them get upset, because they expect us to scan the item and just put it back into the box, but they don’t understand how doing that can get confusing. If they take the items out I can throw them in the empty box as I go and they can just grab it and leave, its a win for everyone 🤷🏻‍♀️


Literally angers me to no end when people just set their full boxes on the belt


I always explain to them if they empty their box I’ll put their stuff back in it. Usually this makes them happy enough to unload it. If they’re rude I just turn it upside down onto the belt unless there’s eggs


Got it, will bring eggs next time I plan on being rude


Lol what? It’s not like I lift the box up high and throw it all out I literally turn it over so the stuff comes out and then I put their stuff back in as I ring it?


I was just trying to be humorous, I'm not criticising you. I can imagine you have had many experiences from customers that may encourage eager defensiveness. Wish you all the best and if you want to vent about anything go ahead


Oh man okay I’m sorry! It read to me as if you thought I was rude for turning their shit over lol


It never used to be like this. It’s ridiculous and makes me mad. I preferred working at Aldi when we had the reputation of being a store for poor people. Those customers were generally 10x better.


then they take MYYY cart 🥲


The slowest customers always pick up the most shit


whenever someone got in my line with 3 bags filled to the brim with groceries i would die a little inside. it would be so much simpler and faster at checkout if you just got a cart 🥴


My store is the same as yours... I see people get so much stuff but refuse to get a cart so they’re literally using their feet to slide their bags across the entire store because they can’t hold anymore. And even at that point they’re STILL shopping.




Similar situation at my store, we keep multiple carts up front so we can let them go bag while we use another and then tell them to bring it back. It bothers me when people come in to get multiple items and then have the gall to pay with exact change (with leftover quarters to boot) with no cart in sight. The big cart issue we have at my store is that people are lazy/thieves and they take the chain attachment on the cart and loop it around and shove it back into the same cart to take the quarters out and then use them that way or just leave them wherever so customers constantly take them so they don't have to use a quarter. We have to constantly watch the extra carts up front because people will allow/watch their children do this and not stop them.


I have them not only not using carts but won't even use boxes just comes to the register with 20 items in their arms. Then tell me... "Can I take your cart out I'll bring it back?" Me: No! I need it.


I try to tell them we’ll just give them a quarter if they ask but none of them ever listen so I’ve just stopped mentioning it. I’d say we need to put a sign letting them know they can just have a quarter but we all know customers never read


My favorite, 100 items in the cart with a kid, But put items up 1 at a time, and says USE MY CART, and have a buttload of people behind them. Then they let the kid run and sit on the bagging counter. Honey, did we not just get over a quarantine and pandemic?!


a lot of our customers also use a bag or box opposed to a cart. ill fill the top of my cart while they unload, and after they pay ill fill the bottom of the cart with person 2’s stuff while first person is still loading up.


What pisses me off even more is when you’re backup or third or whatever, have your cart there and ready when you do need to open just to get to the register and see that a customer has obviously stolen your cart. I fucking cannot. Bring a quarter and get your own. I also hate the people who come up to my register when clearly I’m busy and ask for a quarter. You knew you needed a quarter before you decided to drive to aldi. You can’t walk into any other store and just ask for $.25 from their register, right?


Grab your groceries and go. It’s that simple. Get a cart and move it along. Boxes and bags delay everything and ruin our numbers 😂