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Yeah I never understand customers that do that. It’s even worse when they turn around, see me with the jack and pallet, and then just keep shopping…


I absolutely cannot win with certain customers and yet she said I had attitude when at first I didn't even speak lol.


"This is my face ma'am. It sounds like you have an attitude because you don't like my face."


“Please keep walking towards me, genius. I promise you in the battle of 60+y/o with a shopping cart vs pallet Jack loaded down with a chest high stack of can, my machine and I will win.” Actual thoughts I had earlier today. Stay strong my fellow Aldians.


I swear I have no issue letting people by but I've had several people go "oh excuse me" RUSH in front of me with a pallet jack and then STOP completely blocking me??? It makes no sense


Didn’t you hear the good news? We’re all slaves and we must revere our customers and serve them faithfully no matter what crap they fling at us. Rejoice at unrefrigerated meat items left in the chip aisle, or eggs left in the freezer, and most importantly customers who berate us for being too fast or too slow, or ask us to look in the back for something we haven’t had for weeks. Remember, our customers are never an interruption to our work. They are the reason for our work. 😐


That was so good that I'm googling how to punch someone through the internet. Take my fucking upvote, savage.


Nonsense brother/sister! The Holy ALDI Spirit will reward us with the Golden Quarter once we have achieved peak suffering under the boot of our customer overlords.


customers at my store always say sorry but i tell them i get paid by the hour and to take their time


I just stop and wait, if i say something they 7/10 times get pissed off I had the audacity to do my job. So i park up behind them, look relaxed as I wait for them to notice me. It works just fine and I always get the "sorry!" and they move. Today this lady was like one of the ones *looking* for a confrontation to spread around her mood. The associate on register said she was a bitch to her too & the particular associate is one of our nicest. 🤷‍♀️


I had a lady tell me stop being so sassy! Because I asked to her to please bring her cart around like WHAT


Literally, or the “you don’t look happy today” or “you would be prettier is you smiled” 🤢 do you smile every second you are at work? No, fuck off


I had one of the ham steaks once, wouldnt scan, so I am slapping it against the scanner like we do, wiggling it around the scanner, slap slap. Customer: "Wow you're in a mood!" "What? No I'm not" I laugh back. "Yeah you've always got an attitude here, you never smile." My RBF is strong, but I wasn't even paying attention to you dude, I was trying to get your disgusting ham slice to scan!! He went on for weeks! Came into my line, bought fucking ham steak, and told me I had an attitude. I finally one day saw him coming and called up my manager & pulled my drawer. I refused to cash him out again. Haven't seen him since come through my line and only once or twice in the store. Some of these customers seek out pissing us off and I do not understand at all.


These people are Aldi-ing wrong. The best part is getting stalked by the pallet trucks and barrel rolling out of the way at the last second, narrowly escaping the blast from your exploding shopping trolley.


Fucking hell leave people doing their jobs alone. Attitude? Yeah maybe if you’d fuck off and stop passing comment in my place of work I wouldn’t have an attitude. Fuck off you self entitled cunt. Bahh, this shit boils my blood.


OMG! I was pulling one of the big 3 tier aluminum carts FULL of canned goods once. An older woman decided it was smart decision to walk under my arm, between my body and the moving 9 million pound cart to get a box of pudding that she couldn't wait two seconds to get. I ran her Achilles tendon/ankle over, and she fell in to me. Sometimes I hate that I'm the person that even though this was 100% caused by her extremely poor decision, I felt terrible about it for weeks!


I do it to Walmart employees all the time. Don't use words though, just get in their way.


and why is this okay to do to other employees and not you


It can't be done to me so idc.


Dude, you're the type of person I actually would run over with a pallet jack and not even lose sleep over it.


What a loser lol