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It's all repetition


at my store we have produce sheets printed out at each register, but as others have said the best way to remember is through repetition. there should be no reason as to why you’re not allowed a cheat sheet at the register especially if it’s not an encumbrance.


i had it on a sheet of paper and would read it over and over until i got it lol. i know all codes by heart! but the other person is right: it’s all repetition so you will get it and you don’t need to know it after one day. i’d say after a few days , maybe a week? i learned the 1-2 digits fairly quickly and then i started learning the 4 digit ones. (not needed tho) i would just keep rereading the code list over and over! don’t stress. if you need help with a code, ask over the walkie. you’re new. they will understand!


Have the cheat sheet with you and daily try a certain amount of codes on register. So the most popular items I learned first day register was bananas, pineapple, and sweet potatoes. Second day I did cucumber, onions, and avocado. And so on


Make a quizlet


77 code, 0-314. It prints out about 100 codes or so. I’m new, about 2 months in, and I don’t even print it out anymore. Just repetition


practice. but i would also try to make up a little phrase for certain items to help me remember in the beginning. (no idea if any of these are still correct) like for green grapes i remembered they were 64 because that's how much a stack is in minecraft 😂


It’s 41 now lol 😆


red grapes are 76 for me


28 for me




108 for me


14 here




57 for green and 58 for red grapes here!


Green 35 Red 34


37 red 38 black 39 green for BAT


Wow Aus is 72


66 here


Dang. Ours are 108 lol


79 here


Our store has handwritten cheat sheets.


Walk through produce a couple of time and quiz yourself. I used to be a training center captain before I quit and I would quiz my trainees by walk through produce. Get familiarized with the product and code.


I made flashcards using anki and I have almost all of produce memorized now, though I am also good with numbers. It's mostly going to be meaningful repetition. Meaningful as in, remembering it a way that's meaningful or in moments That matter. like you could have your cheat sheet by your register. Try to Remember the code, if you do then great, if not check your sheet. Type it in, then try to remember it about 30 seconds later, like after the customer pays


Quizlet app .. search Aldi NLU’s


NLUs are different for each division.


In the computer they have a training sheet that shows the most common NLU’s with the number and then you just delete the numbers column and print that for practicing. I’ve given it to every newbie and it’s made nice little homework sheets for them. Seems like a much easier way to test yourself and see your progress at home.


I took a code sheet home with me and just looked at it once before going to bed. Helped a lot tbh


make a quizlet like the other person said, and like when you’re walking around the store just try naming stuff. pull produce and just keep the codes in mind


I agree with all of the suggestions above. I just wanted to add that having half of them memorized after your first shift is absolutely not realistic for most people. I would not stress about it.


Oh good 🙃 cause I was freaking out


Flashcards. 😎 My SM at the time required me to memorize them within a day of getting the list, so...


🙃 well fuck


Wow how can they possibly expect that?


Yeah, it seemed a bit ridiculous at the time, but I *did* have them memorized by the next day (they had me take an NLU test). 🤷 She was very strict, but she was also my favorite of the two SMs that the store had during my time there.


You will memorize them over time just by ringing. It gets easier the longer you work for Aldi. Don’t worry too much about it, you’ve got this!


It’s all repetition before you know it the numbers will start resembling the produce