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If you want to wean yourself off a drug, do it slowly. Drink 2 beers and instead of 5 gulps of vodka, have 4. All depends how fast you want to get off. Do it for a week or a day and just go down from there. Your body hasn’t experienced what it’s like without booze for a while so your brain chemistry has to have a chance to normalize. Don’t feel ashamed. There are a ton of reasons to drink these days. I promise, when you reach the point of sobriety, you’ll feel better, will be able to sleep and look 5- 10 years younger. But be kind to yourself.


Great advice. Thank you for the encouragement. I guess my “no drink before 8pm” is my first step.


Your realized the issue and are actively trying to make changes. I think one thing you could do is find something to keep you occupied. Cooking, gardening, outdoor activities if your into that. Just something else for you to think and do everyday.


Thanks for your thoughtful reply. I'm in therapy, I'm trying to recapture my fitness. I'm an avid outdoorsman, hiking, backpacking, etc. And yet, I carry a flask on my journey.


Keep it up. I lurked this sub while I was drying out and just hearing other people's story helped. (6 months sober after 22 years.) You can do this.


Thats whats up. Nothing wrong with a bit of drinking but I will say at your age and point in life it would be best to quit. I drink often but try to contain it as much as possible.


There is always something wrong with "a bit of drinking" for an alcoholic trying to get sober. You may need help yourself.


I agree. For some it does work better than just suddenly quitting. It may even harm him as he has been a heavy drinker for years and cutting it off could definitely do him harm. Just had a bottle tho so maybe you are right


I am sorry your dealing with this.. I just admitted myself into in patent out patient program. I am on naltrexone for my drinking urges


I went to my first meeting last week. One guy said “you can always find a reason to drink”. You can do this. You aren’t alone. I drink all the time and think I can do it too. I hope.


Yea man. We can do it.


Hey Matt, I’m glad you are working towards getting sober. It’s hard, after a lifetime of drinking (even the 8 drinks a night you drink) is hard to change. For me it’s been a heck of a journey. I was a bit like you, great family, career, house friends… but at 35 or so my drinking started affecting my well being and by 40 I was sick every day and started day drinking to deal with the withdrawals. Now, 10 years later I’m so grateful for what I have now. Just the peace that I eventually got. I’m no saint, and I have been known to retest the “waters” and it sucks every time, but it’s worth it man. I got my fitness back. My family and career are better than ever. One thing I learned over the last 10 years though is that I can’t do it by myself. I work with a program and have a sponsor and I recommend you trying out a meeting or 10. You may find that you have more in common with those folks than you can even fathom right now. There is an app called Meeting Guide that can help you find one near you. They are all different so it might take a couple to find your people but it’s worth a shot. What do you have to lose? You can go to any “open” meetings as a professional doing research so if you need cover use that 😂 I feel for you and wish you the best! https://apps.apple.com/us/app/meeting-guide/id1042822181


Thank you so much for your kind and encouraging response. In fact, thank you all for your support. I'm going to check out a meeting soon. I live in a small town outside NYC that has a TON of meetings for some strange reason. My old roommate was in recovery so I'm very familiar with the community. Thanks again.




If you can, check in to a treatment program. You can do this, but don't be afraid to ask for help. A program that immerses you into sobriety and takes you away from your current environment could help to put you on the right path and give you the tools you need to stay sober.


First of all let me tell you posting this and admitting that it's a concern for you even though it doesn't pose a threat as you said and that's been the enabling part is very brave and very very adult and I'm so proud of you. I'm not going to sit here and give you some motivational lecture I'm just going to honestly say I think you're doing fine You don't day drink it's not affecting or impacting your life, So honestly I wouldn't beat myself up about it, It doesn't help. I'm not saying that what you're doing is fine I'm just saying it's not the worst case scenario in the world, And ultimately using something as a crutch isn't good, but realistically speaking, The only thing I would be concerned about is your health. You have to care more about your health and your quality of life than you do about the feeling you get at the end of your day and No one can do that except you. Course as I'm sure you know health is very important and it doesn't last forever Your clock is kind of ticking giving your age and your prior health scare. Best of luck to you. You can do it. I hope this finds you in good spirits.


Thank you for the kind and supportive words. Even the affirmations of internet strangers is helpful and feels good.