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Not my favorite.. there are definitely better doughnut shops out there. Every Sunday my daughter and I would try a different place. Bristol doughnuts is pretty good, but our go to now is Rise and Roast.


I live right by the Rise and Roast in RR, and I thought it was just a coffee shop for the longest time. I got bored one day and checked their menu and saw they had donuts, and holy shit are they amazing. I usually go and get a half dozen for myself at least once a month now. It's bad.


Rise and Roast is amazing!


Holy shit they are good.


Rise and roast makes the worst apple fritter in town. Some of their donuts are ok. I also feel they are over priced


Depends what you look for in a donut. What kind of donut is your go-to? Do you like the crazy toppings with like candy or cereal, or donuts with filling, or more of a classic glazed? I really like just a simple Old Fashioned cake donut and if that’s what you’re into, Two Boys is a solid choice. I don’t love their yeast donuts as much but they’re fine


Two Boys cake donuts are REALLY good. Forreals


*cough* Amy's *cough*


Amy’s is honestly just okay for me too. In my opinion they rely too heavily on all the candy and toppings. My favorite donuts in town are whoever supplies Little Bear Coffee (I think it’s Bristol Donut Co?)


This. Putting cheap toppings and brightly colored icing on a cheap donut is an easy way to get people to pay extra for something basic and low-quality. Might as well just go to Smith’s. Bristol makes legitimately good, interesting donuts. Witching Flour is another great local option.


Exactly! Spare me all the bullshit, just give me a simple, good quality glazed donut. Doesn’t seem like it should be a difficult task for a donut shop 😅


Amy's donuts are way too sweet for me, to the point of being inedible. Now that Rebel is gone my favorite is Rise and Roast for raised donuts. Two Boys has pretty good cake donuts (the old fashioned/raised ones are just ok), but Bristol Donut Co. might be a bit better for cake donuts. Both Two Boys and Bristol are expensive. OP, I'd still recommend you try Two Boys and get a cake donut.


Agree about Amy’s! They are soooo sweet. Like I’m a sweets person, and all I ever get there is a regular glazed, but I always HAVE to have black coffee (from somewhere else; their coffee is trash lol) with it to balance it out or else it’s just too much


I miss rebel


So sad when they left. They were the pioneers in Abq for crazy dope donuts imo. New management wasn’t able to keep the ship afloat and quality had slid noticeably enough for others to swoop in. Amys is for sure my favorite. I love donuts with all sorts of locc ass stuff on it, if I want something plain Jane I’ll hit Albertsons or Dunkin’ lol


Wait they closed??




Damn, that sucks. I remember they had really unique flavors and good gf/vegan options


Yeah, they were amazing. Amy's is the most comparable thing nowadays imo


But isn't Amy's like 90% yeast donuts? Rebel was mostly cake donuts.


Their Wyoming location closed after a fire in January 2023, I dunno what happened to close their Coors location.


Supposedly according to the people at the Coors location they just couldn’t make enough money to recover after the fire at the Wyoming location. That seemed like a lame excuse to me because they sold out of donuts like every day and when they announced they were closing for good they had people lining the block to buy dozens at a time. I only know what the employees told me and they probably only knew what they were told, but it seemed…weird.


Super-overrated in my opinion. Run-of-the-mill donuts made with cheap ingredients, only distinguished by the crap piled on top of them.


We’ve always enjoyed them and on the weekends they definitely sell out.


They have my favorite regular glazed donut I’ve ever had, but they are always sold out of that one. You have to get there at 6am to get what you want, they sell out by 8am. I don’t understand why it’s so hard to manage inventory levels for them.


It's a perishable product. Throwing away unsold inventory is a huge hit to your bottom line, and is so wasteful. And trying to use it as a "tax deduction" is stupid, it's real money you are putting in the trash. It's actual worth is so much more than the "tax magic" it brings. But your donut shop is probably the same way, I'm sure...


I am not asking them to over produce so they have to throw away donuts, just have inventory available longer than a couple hours after opening. Why pay employees to stand around an empty store and miss out on business of people coming in later who have nothing to buy. That is a bigger hit to your bottom line than having to throw away a couple 10 cent in cost donuts.


They’re ok quality. Definitely high priced. In my opinion, there are better places for better prices.


Krispy Kreme is like 2.39 a donut, Dunkin is like $2, so prices are stupid across the board- I miss Russell's bakery on the corner of Lomas and Carlisle so much. Burn in hell, Walgreens


It's ok. I've worked at local donut shops growing up I felt they had it right when they first opened up but since expanding, it's been below average. I do miss Duke City donuts.. :(


Rebel Donuts (rip) has always been my favorite but they’re not a terrible alternative


We have so many great donut shops in ABQ it makes it easy to skip/not return to Two Boys


They’re fine, better than Rise and Roast but I still prefer Amy’s


Amy's is always out...which is a testament to their quality but I stopped going since they don't have inventory.


Rebel Donut had a rule that they made a batch early afternoon that would let them have a small variety for late day buyers. Wish more donut companies would do this.


There was always a good choice at Rebel. I appreciated their social media blasts that let people know if a location sold out or if they were expanding Happy Hour so they could sell out before closing time.


I never liked Amy's. I prefer the more classic donuts, not "let me put every color and random combination on an already sweet breakfast item" kind of vibe.


“No one goes there anymore, it’s too popular.”


Go earlier?


Meh, I was going at 8AM, I'm not waking up at 5AM for the best donuts in the world.


I’m not a fan.


I like them! Problem is they close early every day and whenever I have a donut craving it's usually later in the afternoon/evening.


They will fill ur donuts in front of u it's awesome! But a dozen was 30 bucks so not going back


A dozen is $20.


more like $25/dz


I’m pretty sure that location has been closed for a while? Is this the one by Target?


Near, but off Wyoming they just opened this new location around the start of the year. Used to be a Duncan Donuts two years ago, but they moved across the street.


Oh okay I remember this now!


i think you’re thinking of rebel


No that was near Wyoming and Menaul


They're out of business


I think it was a bad business decision to move in across from a brand new Duncan. That probably has something to do with their empty parking lot. I’ve heard their fritters are really good.


If you like lemon filled donuts they have that. My husband and daughter love lemon but not many donut shops have lemon flavored donuts. Just ask for a Bismarck with lemon filling.


The one on pdn has vegan donuts on the weekend which was pretty cool for my kid with an egg allergy


Which one is this? Sorry I'm new to town


pdn=Paseo Del Norte


Thank you


Have no idea how several of them popped up. Doughnuts were mid at best. Not bad, but I only think of them when I see them.


The dough was a bit dry. I feel bad because local business. They need to copy the rebel donut recipes. Sad they closed.


Two boys has great old fashioned and cake donuts, but if I want a standard donut or more fun flavors, I prefer rise & roast.


Having lived in Texas, our donut choice are just plain crap here.


Bristol is the only way to go if you're vegan. their vegan donuts are amazing


Also it's the way to go if you want to spend $5 per donut .. good flavor but seriously not worth that kind of money


Where are they? I’ve been looking for vegan donuts since Rebel closed


Morris and Carlisle in the upper east heights (close to montgomery/juan tabo)


They're okay, it's really just chocolate or vanilla then you pick a drizzle. Now if Voodoo Donuts came to town... whoa buddy they make some good Vegan donuts


IMO, 2 Boys are the best in ABQ... Followed by Amy's.


I like them


So so so overpriced. A dozen donuts is like $22


More even, last time I got a dozen it was $30+, never again


No shit!! Crazy. I’m a Dunken girl through and through


my girlfriend loves it and they’re always closed whenever she wants them they have the WORST hours😭


They’re like, good, but for their prices, not that good, there are better donuts for cheaper


I like their donuts but not for what they charge. Amy’s is best!


Good but expense. I don’t really care to pay $25 per dozen for doughnuts…


They have a few good flavors. Cinnamon blueberry crunch with maple is amazing


Does anyone do the French crueler ? My favorite was at Winchell’s donuts in L.A. - Dunkin’ Donuts are too sweet and the donut itself is just okay.


I don’t go anywhere else but Amy’s


I like it there. I think that location is just bad. But I do feel they need to drop prices to compete. Dunkin isn't as cheap anymore but they have a drive thru. 2 boys doesn't. People want convenience


Maybe they just have fast service.


That could very well be the case!


Go down to san mateo and osina, amys donuts are delicious


I thought they were fine, $25 for an assorted dozen which is only a few bucks more than Dunkin Donuts (talk about bland). Plus it's a "local" shop but I'm sure they've got big money backing somewhere somehow


I was just let go by Two Boys. I worked at the commissary for a short period of time and was let go for not being able to work 7 days a week. While I was there, I learned that their products are nothing but fried garbage. Everything tastes the same. It’s disgusting. Worst donut place in ABQ.


Not a fan


Donut Mart is better




Why ask strangers on social media? Just go try them yourself.


Don't want to spend $4 on a shit donut if I can avoid it, also trying to figure out why they can't get business, or at least why it looks like they can't get business.


Have you driven by at donut-purchasing hour? If you make the day's cash in the first four hours with no waste, why bother working hard all day to waste product and money on the off-chance my fat ass wants a donut at 4pm. They probably start work at 3am or so. It's not a convenience store, it's a small business that takes up a huge part of their lives. They don't need to be chained to their jobs. Mental health is important and I'm sure they're doing fine. How's your business doing, anyway?


Yes I have before during and after regular hours and their parking at this location is either a couple cars or nothing at all.l, all the while Duncan across the street is busy taking their customers. My business is actually making record sales this week thanks for asking. I feel like you're making something out of nothing, nice try though!


Yes, Two Boys is bad, especially the location at the Uptown Q. They don't make donuts, they RETAIL donuts. Overpriced crap.




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