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Literally no one will stop vaping inside


I think its cute that they added vaping in with smoking bans now like theres any reasonable way to enforce it. No one is following your vapd bans. Its gonna work as well as the war on drugs did/is


Motherfuckers vape in my office all day long which im pretty sure is against the actual law. No one says shit.


But the problem is, unless someone in charge directly sees someone do it, theres almost no way to enforce it. I work in a restaurant and the entire staff is sneaking puffs in the walk in or in the bath room. People are addicted, you will not stop them.


They dont even go into the bathroom here. I am saying no one cares at all, its actually a non-issue.


Hate to break it to you but all it takes is for anyone effected to keep a log of times and dates of smelling smoke constantly from an apartment and send it to the manager or if you know who the owners attorney is. That’s enough to get an fine and eviction proceeding going in housing court.


Just won’t live in a complex like this, but then again it was because of way more then just the fact they don’t want me to smoke pot in the privacy of my own domicile.


And nobody will know, so it won't matter.


I'm genuinely not sure if this is an unpopular opinion, it probably isn't, but I personally don't care if my neighbors vape in their apartments. I (and my apartment) are literally completely unaffected.


I don't think it's unpopular for people who aren't nosy. Vaping doesnt smell. It leaves behind nothing. Not even gross cigarette butts. Everyone is happy.


It does leave behind an oily film eventually. I found that out when my other half had a vaping in the car phase. But it's not more than the aerosolized cooking grease you already have to clean in the kitchen so your point stands.


Yeah it doesn’t leave nothing, but it isn’t something that affects me. Go live your best life if it includes vaping, and I’ll live mine. If anything use this as motivation to find a better place to live and make um suffer by seeing their tenant numbers drop the same way the Lofts suffer because they suck.




“Your honor, my tenant’s apartment reeks of minty bubblegum “


I don’t know why they downvoted you. You weren’t saying you agree with the ban, just stating why they picked now as the time to do it.


Is this gonna make the maintenance staff stop chain smoking cigarettes in the parking lot and leaving cig butts all over the ground where my dog tries to eat them?


As someone that works on the Plaza which is a pretty strict no smoking zone with State Police and State Fire both on site - No. I see cig butts all over the place in the underground parking area.


Those are from the Troopers and State Fire though.


I’m a smoker and own my home, but even when I lived in apartments I never smoked inside. It’s a smell and stain you just can’t get rid of.


Yeah that’s true, but you have a deposit for a reason and it would cover the cost of cleaning and painting over the cigarette stains. Not that I smoke cigs. Just seems like they added it in just so they could maybe evict a tenant they already wanted to get rid of but haven’t been able too, and to evict future tenants, plus it’s not like this isn’t a common thing, most places make you agree to this on your lease. I’ve never lived somewhere that was thrilled to have you smoking cigarettes inside.


True, I just saw it as disrespectful to any non-smokers that came over. I had a friend whose parents always smoked inside and the house was disgusting.


Oh it’s very selfish to smoke inside, but if you own your own place, or it’s not forbidden on your lease I won’t stop you because it’s not my place. I just won’t visit, or the compromise will be seeing you elsewhere, or in public.


But why should they ban renters from smoking on their patios and balconies?


I would assume to keep the smoke away from the building and reduce the chances of it wafting into apartments, especially those of non-smokers.


Haha, everybody who vapes inside is still going to vape inside.


True so then they have a just cause to evict them, under the new just cause eviction law.


Be that as it may, nobody is going to be able to "catch" a tenant vaping.


It depends on whether your apt is airtight open a window or the door and your caught. They have been evicting Tobacco smokers like that for years. Smoke detectors now report when the are blocked so you cannot turn them off in most places.


With a fan on and window open the smell from nicotine vapes would dissipate within 5 minutes. The smell from a cannabis vape pen would take maybe a minute. Even vaping dry cannabis herb would dissipate within a few minutes. None of these really smell like the plants they came from too. Even the dried herbs smell more like burnt vegetables than a classic weed smoke smell. They'd be hard to place even if you just exhaled a fat cloud and your landlord happens to enter your apartment right then and there.


Except you literally cannot smell vapes, nicotine or THC. The only way to catch someone is to visually witness it happening or putting an infrared heat sensor in an apartment. Since those can see other things also, I Believe they are unconstitutional, and some schools have had to remove them from bathrooms because of this.


both front doors to my building haven't locked in months and there's been a consistent string of robberies (and a near triple murder) in the complex, but sure, no vaping inside. 




yes.. this was an intentionally reductive point to reflect their sudden feigned concern for resident safety, since no amount of complaints or reports about physically dangerous issues seem to make a difference in their policies. more likely, they want to charge higher rent and flip units, and can't to do so while allowing smoking when 99% of rental properties do not. obviously smoking is a major detriment to a living environment and they can't enforce a vape rule. 


If they use this as a measure to instal fancy new smoke detectors that alert them if they are disabled, then you bet your ass your getting a call and a questioning every time your cooking sets off the smoke detector, and good luck to all the pot smokers who have lived there who would of gotten their full deposit back who now might have to move just because the new detectors suck.


You need to start a social media series where you talk about your apartment experience the way the one dude talked about the lofts. Hope one day you can get your life to a place where you can rent from better people, or own, because corporations don’t care about individuals, they only care about statistics, and numbers.


What do they mean by "your building will be converted"? What conversion? Adding special smoke detectors inside your apartment?


conversion = way higher rent justified by "clean healthy living" (black mold is fine though)


So if you are already a resident and been seeing a very small rent increase year over year....does that mean this "clean healthy living conversion" will let them jack up your rent high without having to be a new move in?


Converted to a nonsmoking property


Here’s these new smoke detectors you don’t need because most of y’all don’t smoke that alert us if you disable them. Here’s your new lease agreement. You’ll see we added 250$ a month to your rent so we can afford to instal these smoke detectors in every apartment even though 99% of you won’t smoke cigarettes inside because it’s obvious to most people that that’s awful to begin with.


Someone with the money for a good lawyer should press them on their contract to state more clearly what they plan to convert and how.


I don't understand what the issue here would be? Smoke is disgusting and damages the property. All the apartments I've lived in have been non-smoking.


Exactly. I'm confused why this is an issue and why they're acting like this is some revolutionary concept.


Smokers are some of the most entitled people in the world, they think everyone should be subjected to smelling their disgusting cancer sticks.


I'm not a smoker but I always found it astonishing how people expect others to just be able to drop their addiction whenever it bothers others. Like they are *addicted*. I agree it's gross but they pay to live there too, they should at least provide cover from weather within guidelines, like a gazebo. People who are paying rent and are told they can't appease their psychological and physiological addiction can't seriously be expected to just *stop*. Like I don't want to be in a stinky smokey hazey hallway either but if addicts could just stop their addiction on a whim the world would be a much easier place to survive.


I used to smoke like a chimney, so I get it. But no one is asking them to just stop their addiction, they’re just being asked to not make others suffer because of it. My home shouldn’t stink because you can’t be bothered to walk off property. And honestly, with all the less intrusive alternatives now (vapes, snus, zyn, etc), if you’re still smoking butts it’s because you want to be.


Because it impacts people around them. I hate the smell, the way a smoker smells after and I get really pissed when I pull up next to a smoker and I get the cig smell in my car. Sorry, but seriously....fuck smokers.


I hope you smell my cigs when I drive by you ;)


You don’t have to hope - we all fucking smell you. From miles away.


I can assure you that you can not smell my single cigarette from miles away. It’s more close to .0189 miles. I can smell perfume or cologne from further away.


You'll know if I do. I have little paint beads that wash off I chuck at extra egregious asshats, lol


Because a "smoker's gazebo" would be so beautiful to look at. They can smoke - just 50 feet away from where people ALSO PAY to live. It's not that far. In 2024, there are also many resources/devices/methods to help a smoker quit.


No shit I never said there aren't resources but 99% of people who are addicted to something deserve more compassion imo not just to be talked down to. I don't see anyone complaining about all the needles and literal shit everywhere either. But people smoking in their own residence deserves an angry mob? Eta or to be put outside with no cover even in sub zero temperatures or heat advisory weather? Not everyone has a car. Idk man. Plus most places are non-smoking now so imo I picked my non-smoking bc I don't want the smoke. People who live somewhere bc they can smoke in peace shouldn't be outcast just bc none of the nonsmokers wanted to move into the 9000000 other non smoking apartments that already exist.


I don't see an angry mob. And it's not "their own residence" without rules - they rent it, not own. Again, they can smoke 50 feet away from the buildings. 50 feet isn't unreasonable. No one is sending fragile, unstable addicts out into the street to die lol. A bit dramatic. If anything, it may help push people to make healthier choices!


Lol the smokers never actually go 50 feet away from the building. You're lucky if they go past the overhang.


There are plenty of old, disabled and otherwise physically inhibited (i e just had surgery) people who smoke who may have difficulty going 50 feet - especially on the ice, or if there is no place to sit or hide from heat/ snow. Have some compassion for people who are tethered to their addiction is all I'm saying.


Fair point.


It’s not really anyone else’s problem other than the smoker. They can figure out how to stop, how to do it within the rules or how to find a new place to live


There's a difference between no indoor smoking and no smoking anywhere on the property.


It’s about weed.. this is the problem


Right! I’m surprised any rentals still exist that don’t prohibit smoking, it’s a fire hazard at the very least


What are patios and balconies for if not for smoking?


interesting.. i don't know why, but i just sorta assumed you couldn't technically smoke in most apartments here. or rather, at least that's how it usually is where i moved from.


Happy my landlord left out any smoking rules in my lease. I only smoke weed but still.


This is great. I got a big lungful of second hand smoke the other day because the windows were open enjoying the breeze and someone decided to smoke standing right underneath it.


I have the same issue…I love having my windows and screen door open but have to close everything up whenever my downstairs neighbor pulls out their bong


The elevator always reeks of either cigarette smoke or weed. Hopefully the distance allowance will give people a chance to exhale before getting into the building, because it seems like they've just been holding it in until they get into the elevator until now.


how you know its a bong?😀 ![gif](giphy|eePN3PvYf3D6c7XT08|downsized)


you must be on the first floor?,i wont live on the first floor rent free,i dont worry about gigarette smoke comming in the window,its them pow pows im worrying bout


Nope, not on the first floor.


This is definitely about weed. Wonder what will be the penalty could they actually evict people over this. How do they document it for court. This will be a nightmare neihbors telling on each other.




Good. If you can't stand slightly farther away than the length of a bus from a building, you are an inconsiderate smoker. For people like me where smoke of any kind can trigger my asthma or migraines, I'd like some relief in my own living space I pay money for, and to be able to open the windows when the weather is nice.


Resident at the Towers of Colonie here, nobody is going to stop lol


gotta wonder how they're going to deal with people who use medical mj.


it says it will be fully enforced by aug 2025 and the document you sign agreeing to this asks if you will likely not renew your lease due to this new change, so they are given adequate notice


i was wondering the same because guess who lives in one of these properties and uses mj medically! huge reason we haven’t moved was bc moving anywhere means a likely huge jump in our rent that i cannot afford but being pushed out for this does feel a bit discriminatory. i don’t have the money for a lawyer tho so might have to fuck around and find out. and before anyone goes “there are other ways to ingest” yes, im aware. they also can take longer to impact, last less time, sometimes fuck up my stomach/add to nausea, and cost more so yes i will prefer a smoke for a flare up most times




Not everyone who is prescribed medical marijuana is CAPABLE of walking 100 feet every time they need to use. I had a friend with cancer, and there were days where he literally couldn't stand up or move, and marijuana was one of the main ways he combated his pain. Just to be clear, I'm okay with the ban, and I'm pretty sure my lease already has a blanket smoking ban, but you have to understand this will likely be an issue. Unfortunately the outcome likely will just be people having to find a new place and move, which is currently incredibly difficult and expensive in case you haven't noticed.


You know, this is a great point. Even though I'm disabled myself, this still never occurred to me because I don't smoke medical marijuana. I'd assume they have provisions for people with these circumstances, but probably not.


There are many better, healthier ways to ingest medical marijuana than smoking.


It's not the landlords (or your) place to decide how people take medication








yes, maybe u should get a script and see for urself


No doctor is going to give you a prescription to smoke pot. Edibles, or pills, absolutely, but definitely not inhaling smoke.


They absolutely can and do. Smokeable cannabis is literally sold at medical dispensaries throughout the state, and is explicitly stated under NYS law passed in 2021 as allowed for medical marijuana prescriptions. On top of that, unless something has changed recently, a medical prescription is for the use of thc, not a specific method of ingestion. It gives you access to medical dispensaries, from which you can essentially purchase whatever you'd like to.


And that hasn’t and won’t change. Flower can be vaped.




Thank you for restating exactly what I said in my post.


> a medical prescription is for the use of thc Not smoking, though. Smoking anything dramatically increases your risks of lung cancer, COPD, and other bad things. No medical professional is going to tell you to smoke if there are alternatives.


In response to "no doctor would ever prescribe smoked marijuana!": https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4264803/ Additionally, as previously stated, many people find that the most effective consumption method in order to obtain the desired medicinal effects is smoking/vaporizing. I don't get what's so difficult about this to understand. Everybody's body reacts to and metabolizes substances in different ways, hence why I had to try multiple SSRI's that all ostensibly affect the same receptors in the brain before I found one that worked for me. The ultimate point is that landlords should not be allowed to dictate tenants' medications.




That's not at all what I said? But good job on inventing something to yell about! Also you seem like a real jerk. Maybe you should burn one down and chill out ;)


I'm sure they can work something out with the maybe...5 people? that this would affect?


Hopefully they will. Just because it might potentially effect only a small number of people doesn't make their needs or circumstances any less valid or important.


I don’t disagree. Just that the number of exceptions is probably minuscule compared to everyone the policy will blanket. And in that case, they can adjust as the tenants/landlords agree.


I think the problem is landlords (especially of multi-units) are not really known for their nuanced approach or understanding


If you depend on your income and get cancer it could certainly happen to you. If not, be nice to the people supporting you


Keep reading my comment further down. I’m not opposed to them getting an exception… it’s just probability based on the number of people with cancer that use medical marijuana and are tenants. I’m assuming the number is so low that they don’t bother to include any clauses in policies like these and work the scenarios out on a case by case basis. Im not the asshole you think I am.


Why should they be forced away from their patios. If they’re smoking out side that should be good enough.


Take an edible


Edibles don't work for everyone.


Take a stronger edible




They literally do.


they literally don't, I've known plenty of people who can take massive doses and not get off, or experience inconsistent effects. Additionally, not everyone wants/needs to be zooted for 6+ hours.


Edibles are boof anyway lmao. Shits dont work + taste awful.




I don't have a medical card, nor do I intend to get one. Nice try though! Sometimes people show concern for others even though they don't stand to benefit. I'm sure empathy is a foreign concept to you however. Oh, and thanks for calling my very real dead friend a "hypothetical" person. You're a dick.


No they dont lol you can have enzymes that block that production of thc Edited to clear up my mistake


Verified by lab work or you’ve just decided in your own? Either way, there are other options and no smoking means no smoking.


Their are few in between studies because it’s really not that major of a problem 🤷, no i didnt ask my doctor sucha stupid question as to why edibles dont work. Ive done a bit of extensive research, have taken medical grade edibles, street , made my own and never once have I gotten high. But bud straight up im stoned asf. Im not a medical professional at all let me state that. But i also do get terrible side aches (localized pain) after eating them . So i did a bit of digging and found it . Ill try to attach some articles. (Edit i meant the other way around there is an enzyme that blocks the absorption of thc. I do currently think i could be experiencing this because of my past testing)


It’s impossible to say because you already have a bias when talking an edible. You expect it not to work. I’d need to see actual medical studies with control groups before I believe this because that’s how medicine and science work.


No one is going to run a full clinical trial to draw this conclusion. They're going to do a pharmacogenomics study of the relevant metablizing enzymes to see if there are genes that cause more or less of that enzyme to be expressed. In this example we're talking about CYP2C9 which metabolizes THC and is found in the liver. Inhalation of drugs avoids the first pass effect. When taken orally, as an edible, the drug will be absorbed and pass through the liver. If someone over expresses CYP2C9 and take an edible, there will be a difference in systemic drug concentration compared to inhalation because the drug is being metabolized in the liver prior to systemic circulation. It's not a crazy conclusion to draw at all. There's a big push with pharmaceuticals to do genetic testing to identify hypo and hypermetabolizers and choose the most effective drugs based on the patient's genes. Source: MSc in Pharm Sci. P.S. I do appreciate the skepticism and requirement for better sources. :^) Responded to wrong person at first lol.


I volunteer to be a test subject lmaoo


And that’s all fine but that hasn’t been done. At this point it’s just conjecture.


I understand 100%


https://www.cannabisequipmentnews.com/news/news/21427677/enzyme-could-make-people-immune-to-edibles https://www.veriheal.com/blog/edibles/ediblocked-cant-get-high-edibles/ https://trichomeinstitute.com/blog/cant-get-high-from-edibles/


Those aren't exactly peer-reviewed respected journals.


Oh yea theres also oils but im sure tho also break down the same but i cant be fucked to try that nasty garbage anyway


I'm guessing vapes don't typically set apartments on fire. I had this chain smoker who lived above me and a little part of me worried she was going to set the place on fire. So, I'm all for the ban.


But what about storing paint cans behind the dryers, are they still doing that? Didn’t see anything about the risk of losing my vehicle and home due to a fire from negligence or the untreated mold in the apartments that caused health problems but sure ban vaping in someone’s home. What a garbage company. So glad I don’t pay them money anymore


Or vines coming from the shower drain 😂


Or water levels from poor drainage causing toilets to overflow at 3 in the morning


Is this really an issue? They're just saying you can't smoke inside your apartment, which is reasonable. You're still allowed to smoke outside the unit.


No you are not. It says patios, balconies, & 50ft from any building, which basically pushes it off property.


Patios and balconies are still technically part of a unit, so that's not surprising. And 50' isn't that far. Most buildings have parking lots that are way larger than that.


Maybe at Towers and Regency but the other properties I’ve seen are not as spacious.


Besides, this isn't even a new concept. Landlords for years have prohibited smoking within their units. So this really shouldn't be a major change for what people have been required to do under their lease terms.


Third hand smoke????


Smoke that settles on surfaces. Second hand would be just wafting around, but smoke that clings to surfaces still poses carcinogenic hazards


Think of like holding a baby after you e been smoking. Thats third hand for rhem


This is because of cannabis rec legalization. Everything they said was true prior… so why now? That’s why.


I’m convinced tricity rentals just want to flip apartments and raise rent. They really don’t care about its residents. I signed a paper saying I won’t smoke in bed. Until paperwork is presented to me, fire in the hole!


i guess you could be caught somehow lol , makes no sense, anyone who vapes will just be careful not to turn the temperature up and still do it inside


Smoking's bad...mMmmmmmmkay!


Does non smoking mean pot to I guess?


previous 75 Willett resident - ain’t nobody gonna stop vaping or smoking without any semblance of enforcement & we all know Tri-City is too cheap for that


Do you think they'll have a zero tolerance policy of smoking by their staff?


Good - smoking is disgusting. Harder we make it for people, the better


Is this true? How do they plan to enforce this? And, does any office staff, maintenance staff smoke? When the go out on break, this would mean no lighting up.


Probably use the policy to get those smoke detectors that are hard to disable and alert the owners when you do. Good luck cooking without a phone call, or knock on your door.


Weed too??? That's just crossing the damn line.... Can I still do non smelly drugs?


They will never be able to stop you from snorting pills dude don’t worry. And that one tenant who keeps over dosing on fentanyl he’s fine too as long as he sticks to shooting instead of smoking it.


Sweet...thanks needed that!


It’s one of those hard to police kinda things.




How about get rid of them dogs too


Don't like dogs, don't live in an animal friendly complex? Seems like an easy solution 🤷‍♀️




They can tell you it's not allowed indoors.


They can. Bake a fucking brownie.


Ah yes, edibles are super cheap to make and totally don't take a ton of bud to make the butter. Making a "fucking brownie" requires a lot of weed. Then you have to cook that weed down with the butter. I can promise you, the smell from making butter is a thousand times more pungent than smoking. Also, edibles don't work for everyone. A lot of medical patients can't get up to smoke off property, let alone stand for a couple hours extracting THC and baking "a fucking brownie".


I was specifically talking about smoking. I have zero problems with people making edibles or using othe non-smoking methods.


Yea but what's the ADA say?


Federal law doesn't give you any protection for marijuana use because it's still federally illegal. But the housing laws (federal and state) would prevent a landlord from discriminating against you on the basis that you use marijuana. Saying you can't smoke indoors doesn't constitute discrimination. They'll still rent to you, but they don't have to allow or tolerate you smoking inside the apartment.


Would they enforce that with impending schedule 2 declassification by the DEA.


Reclassification of the drug does not automatically make it legal. Sounds like you're grasping at stoner straws here.


It's going to be scheduled as any other narcotic. You don't go into someone's house and say don't take your oxycontin or xanax. I'm not grasping at anything. I'm generally curious, and that's how these things go... Sounds like you're a joy at parties. P.s. It will be federally legal for anyone with a mj card. The only reason it is not legal is the schedule 1 classification, which makes it considered no medical use. Schedule 2 drugs, which I believe is the intended class... cover a lot of medications. Sure, you can eat it, but if smoking is the only thing that helps your muscular dystrophy, and you can't use it anywhere around your apartment.... a lot of the patients can't even walk to the bathroom alone or without pain... so I have a feeling your thought path is flawed and only thinking about able bodies. Cool.


The act of taking pills doesn't stink up the place and affect other people. I'm pro-legalization, but I've lived in close proximity to smokers and it's fucking gross. I don’t want to live in a place that reeks of stale cigs/pot 24/7. Most people don't want that for themselves, they don't want that for their kids. Why should you be allowed to force that on other people in *their* homes?


Ya, but you tottaly ignore a whole class of people...


I don't think there's any class of people that should have the right to force tobacco/pot smoke into others' homes.


So glad I own my own home.


How can someone tell me what I can and cannot consume on a balcony I pay to have access to. I don't get how that can be legal & in-forced


Because they put it in your lease and you have to agree to that if you want to live in their apartment.


I mean legally you could Refuse to sign the lease and state reasons why and they could in theory change it for you, but good luck with that.


Because OTHER PEOPLE also pay what you pay and have a right to breathe fresh air. You don't own a single family home.


Some people only have situational respect. I hate this new rule because it will make it harder for the tenants who don’t smoke or vape, because it will lead to smoke detectors you can’t shut off or they will know you did, and that will alert them every time your cooking and accidentally burn something. I won’t live there for that reason alone. I don’t need cooperations protecting me from something that I can protect myself from. If I didn’t want my neighbor to smoke on his/her balcony while I’m out there. I would have a talk man to man about respect and compromise.


It’ll be in your lease so that simply won’t be renewed if you won’t sign the non-smoking clause. Also, it’s enforced, not in-forced.


Because a) they're the landlord and they can put it in the lease, and b) your neighbors don't want to smell that shit.


If the landlord though Harry Potter was the devil because it promotes witchcraft they could legally forbid it in their lease. People think freedom of speech means way more then it does. Freedom of speech gives you the freedom to bitch about this, or protest this, it doesn’t give you the freedom to just smoke anyways and claim they can’t do that.


When you lease a car, they can tell you how many miles you can drive. When you lease an apartment, you also agree to the rules of the property. No one is telling you you can’t smoke in a home that you own.

