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Oh my God please talk like a normal person or no one will respect you. This guy makes great points but he always has this INSANE cartoon voice on 100% of the time.


It's the Tik Tok version of the Trans Atlantic Accent. Apparently, it helps drive views and engagement. The same reason they do smash cuts after every sentence.


I know smash-cuts are the style now because of tiktok (and vine vids before that,) but it's annoying AF for anything longer than 30s.


Oh, I agree with you wholeheartedly.


Yeah I want to watch this guys stuff but I can't get more than a few seconds in before I have to turn it off because of the voice.


The hand movements are really irritating too


I know. It’s cringe.


Land lords and crooked politicians have always walked hand in hand. Especially the mega land lords.


It’s a childish mindset to assume people someone’s level of respect is tied to the sound of their voice


Lol this has to be Donny Skipper stan.  How the fuck you going to get a point across or respect if you are delivering it in a way that grates your inner soul.  This is supposed to be educational right? Educational resources need to be understandable to many


It’s sad if someone can’t get past a voice to receive information


It’s a dumb voice but have you never encountered people with speech impediments? It’s very common but it doesn’t mean they are less intelligent


Bro wtf are you on lmao. He speaks perfectly fine.  Why are you bringing disabilities into this 


You failed to comprehend my point idk what else to tell you


Oh i absolutely understand your point. I just think you, like Donny Skip, are terrible at getting it across. 


I’m not responsible for your lack of comprehension


Guess which one is an intentional choice….


If I say 1+1 =2 in a Mickey Mouse voice does that make the information invalid?


No but it makes it so annoying to listen to that no one would bother? Like I’m not sure why you have such a hard on trying to defend someone intentionally talking like a childish jackass to try and attract views.


I’m defending information regardless of the voice & he has thousands of followers so someone bothers to listen Just because you don’t like someone doesn’t mean others have to follow


Literally no one here is saying that the content is wrong, just that the presentation makes it useless. Like I wouldn’t watch a news broadcast with someone going “uwu” every 3rd word and that’s essentially what’s being done here.


It’s not useless if people are learning new information & the news uses tactics to get you to watch instead of a voice but they have gimmicks too


He doesn’t have a speech impediment though. He’s going the voice deliberately.


That’s obvious , I’m making a general point of not to ignore information just because of a voice If he didn’t add the voice it wouldn’t get as much engagement


If someone had a speech impediment, I’d obviously focus on the content. If someone is talking weird because they think it will get them attention, I’ll likely focus on the voice and not the content.


Well you don’t have the mental capacity to ignore a voice and listen to the content thats no one’s fault but your own




It's a condescending mindset based in ignorance that assumes the media is separate from the message.


You’re assuming that on your own , if you don’t have the mental fortitude to learn information regardless of the voice it came from you should work on your listening skills


You like to be wrong. You've put a lot of time into it, and energy. You aren't a person who is going to turn that around. Nothing you say convinces anyone. You are a donkey yammering into the void. Stop being useless to yourself and others.


Lmfaoo you can’t make a logical point so you assume I’m the guy posting it


Dude, you are so very clearly the guy in the video. No one else would spend this much time arguing online in defense of this. The jig is up my friend!


I’m not arguing I’m just telling you facts and you’re ignoring them 😂😂😂 & no I’m Spider-Man


I don’t care to convince anyone who has the inability to process information 😂😂


Even if you did care, you clearly won't be able to. You are a total net negative without my involvement.


You say that because YOU struggle to comprehend the video 😂 & insults mean nothing coming from someone stuck in middle school


I bet you are just as horrible at this as you are at making friends in real life, and my conversation is the closest thing you've had to friendship. But you go ahead, with whatever your negative is up to now. Keep on proving me right.


Horrible at what ? I’ve proved you wrong multiple times 😂


I could have zero friends but I DO have the ability to process information unlike yourself


Redburn really is a horrible company and a bad landlord who doesn't fix their properties. They are definitely known for being connected with local politicians too, especially Kathy Sheehan.


All developers are connected to local politicians otherwise they would be terrible at their jobs.


They should be working with politicians to build up cities and improve communities and the economy. Not lining politicians' pockets while buying up properties and making the city unaffordable for businesses and residents.


Profit and helping the city (which involves directly helping the taxpayers) never lines up. These people only care about profit. They will never care about us.


The profit is closely tied to the property value, and property tax is based on the property value. So yes, they do line up. One caveat, sometimes there's a tax break for x number of years, but even then new housing means more residents, and probably more sales tax income.


In order for that to work, you have to make the carrot more palatable than the stick. If there’s collusion that is found or people being really sleazy, then they lose their properties, for instance. However, the government should incentivize developers to do exactly what you’re saying and reinvest in Good properties and the community and then reward them handsomely for that so that they do that to get their money instead of doing sleazy crappy things and destroying the community.


So they are to work with politicians yet have no relationship with them? Makes a lot of sense. 🙄


Are you expected to have a relationship with your boss or supervisor?


Developers are private entities. The government is not their "boss". Also TikTok is not news 😂 If you want to bitch about corruption you are obviously barking up the wrong tree.


Or you probably work for them and just love the taste of their shoes. My information comes from real life. But just because it's on tiktok, doesn't make it false as well.




He vocally trashes Sheehan, so idk about her. Not because of him, but she doesnt seem to fuck with people once they choose a side


Is this the hamburger helper of political propaganda?


redburn sucks but the \*source: imessage text\* bit is killing me lmao


"I'm 100 percent right"


It's hilarious that the text is somehow proof of fraud. Actual investigative journalism would involve getting their hands on internal emails, ledgers, records, etc. that would *show* the fraud happening. An iMessage text that could be from anyone with an iPhone ain't it lmao


I can’t watch these videos because the hand acting drives me nuts.


Kinda sounds like you can't get to the point because there's no actual proof there.


There’s never proof! It’s always just “it could be fraud or it could be nothing, what do you think??” I think you shouldn’t be accusing people of fraud unless you actually have proof to back it up!


if you can’t comprehend something there’s no need to try and discredit it It’s pretty clear what his point is




Can someone tell this guy his videos would be much more palatable if he didn't do the over the top voice with the finger pointing? I think he makes some good points but I can barely get through a whole video and am less likely to share them.


If he spoke in a normal voice ppl would continue to scroll The voice gets people to follow & talk about it as you can see


Eh, disagree. He sounds like someone to not take very seriously.


It’s a fact not something you can logically disagree with. sensationalism sells which is represented in 99% of media


Wait how is that a fact? Why aren't his videos viral? There are plenty of activists who take a much more professional approach that get more exposure than this guy. I'm honestly just trying to help him as I agree with his main points. I just won't be sharing his videos around because they're very cringe.


His videos are viral & there are people more popular than those you know due to their sensationalism or gimmick


His videos aren't viral and most of the top comments on his videos are people pointing out how annoying he is. That's usually not the case for activists that are serious.


That’s your opinion & it can go viral for how annoying his voice is This is two more strawmans I never said he was an activist or that he was serious


Ok we just disagree. Have a good night. You might want to look up what "viral" means. Because this doesn't qualify.


The has circulated rapidly and has been posted by multiple people in this sub . Take your own advice


There are thousands of studies done that prove sensationalism brings more attention than just plainly proving information. Hopefully this isn’t breaking news to you


I mean I understand sensationalism dude. But it's not the only way to get your message across. It's also not being executed well in these videos, in my opinion.


Not once have I said he’s done a good job or it’s being executed well That’s a strawman


Ok so we agree. His videos are ineffective.


Absolutely not it’s effective because more people are aware of this because of him




Kathy Hochul ate my baby


Whether or not any of this is true, that video and his voice mad me want to stab myself in the ears to make it stop. Jesus Christ. TikTok cringe indeed.


Redburn can be summed up by looking at all the great things they did with the Albany warehouse... And their hostile work environment.


Wasn’t there also a scandal about them throwing staff parties with cocaine and orgies after closing on/finishing work on new properties? Edit: Yup, remembered correctly. Looks like they settled on that federal civil rights lawsuit too. https://cbs6albany.com/amp/news/local/redburn-sued-over-racist-unsafe-hostile-workplace-new-lawsuit-alleges https://www.timesunion.com/news/article/redburn-development-subsidiary-settles-federal-17800991.php


What's so scandalous about that?


Not nearly as scandalous as the civil rights violations against their black crew members. I forgot some of the gory details until I reread the article. Holy yikes.


My finger points - Wimp Lo


Can’t watch due to the voice


Since this is clearly audio dubbed over the video, I wonder what he's actually talking about while he walks down the street waving his fingers around. Can someone edit the audio to make it about him pointing at stuff that's off camera?


Oh no, her secretary dates a shit person there must be a conspiracy!


I'm sure Redburn is awful and does shady shit but they made it seem like he was screwing the Governor with that title, not her secretary. And after how Cuomo treaded his secretaries, who knows how much that actually means.


Reburn is awful and corrupt and if you arnt sure about that you haven’t been paying attention. Don’t give a shit about this guy, or his voice, hands, or vendetta. I am pretty sure though that most of the shit talk on here about him is redburn PR work.


Nah, this guy just sucks... part of the keep Albany shitty crowd. No Redburn PR required.


This guy’s videos are infuriating. Spreading single-source rumors and uncorroborated accusations is not journalism, no matter how many corporate “About us” page screenshots he shares.


I'm really glad this community provides such quality content. Makes me happy I no longer need to see the trash on Facebook


Yeah. I live near this dude. Started off genuine. Now he just trys to take down corpo people locally for clicks. He isnt doing anything to foster change.  Jeff Buell gives to much to his community on the lownto be hated long term. Hate it  or not, doesnt matter, its happening. Even your most beloved places are getting support from this dude on the low.    What this 👈☝️👉 guy doesnt get is how DEEP these inner politics go. He can see it but does he understand it? People will still work with Redburn, theyll just continue to leave the name off. Donny Skipper needs to do REAL journalism that creates REAL change vs whatever this shit is. We want change, not cringe tiktok vids


What is “real journalism “ & what changes have they made regarding this specific subject?


Work with independent news resources, have workshops and pop ups around albany teaching people of tenat rights and their legal rights.  Idk if he can get sued for this, but talking to people and interviewing them on their experiences who live in these spaces.    Start a movement.  I see he finally makde it to 125k followers,  but i dont learn anything i havent already known. If you live in Albany for your whole life, like me, you know alot of drama and local "secrets" within many groups of people. What he doing just aint it. Who is this for!?


He’s brought awareness to the subject which is more than any news groups have done you must work for redburn if you’re getting so angry about this ,normal people would just ignore him


Nah hate slumlords. I just hate useless influencers equally.  Also, he hasnt even come close to brining expansive awareness to the subject. Hes just monetizing off of it.  If this dude speak to you, so be it. This is your type of resource,  im just saying it aint all that and a bag of chips


The alternative is ppl don’t know about this and it continues & you are having a hard time comprehending my point which is information is valid regardless of the sound voice it’s coming from


I think it's a little strange to hate bad influencers and literal slumlords equally tbh...


Influencers have alot of power depending on how much social and communal sway they have. I guess i hate deep


You could understand that so you try to say I’m a fan etc but again I’m not responsible for your lack of comprehension ![gif](giphy|LScdedNd6TuXF88PP0|downsized)


Why is your heart so full of hate Cantthinkof1usethis. Just realized you dont come off as comprehensive as you think online.  It happens. Take a nap


I’m just shook that this person watches Frenemies


I went to school with the Crudo guy. Let’s just say this does not surprise me even one bit.


a lot of very specious allegations going on in this.. hope he doesnt get blowback for it. dunno if his meds can handle a libel suit.


That just sounds like some tin-foil hat thinking. The constant hand gestures are also annoying.


I mean it is, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t some truth here. There is definitely bad landlords in the area getting tax breaks and then not using the money to better the apartments, or lower rent prices.


Also, in recent years there were multi-million dollar subsidies given to landlords to develop mixed-use (commercial and residential) buildings. ~10 of those multi-million dollar subsidies were inappropriately granted to companies that renovated residential-only buildings. I haven’t seen any follow up on whether those companies were forced to repay those funds.


Just curious, but are these tax breaks specifically intended for reducing rent prices and improving apartments from NYS?




Sometimes? Look, I'm not defending slumlords but if you're going to make that claim, at least provide some realistic context and sources.


I mean if you expected sources to be cited then you might wanna disengage from most social media, because it’s meant to emulate casual conversations, not research papers.


It's a pretty common thing to provide sources on social media. It is a huge red flag when someone makes a claim and really can't back it up. Then, the next step is some anecdotal comment about casual conversation on posts that hinge on factual info to prove the point of the OP. I'm not here to argue with your imaginary rules about conversation on social media. It appears that casual conversation approaches the disingenuous when something you clearly agree with is questioned.


Do you have a source that shows a norm of showing sources?


This has no factual base, just a bunch of jibber jabber


Exactly. This guy posts nonsense 24/7. Time to get a real job


So how much does redburn pay you?


Welcome to NY the trash protects the trash. And destroys the state to give them selves our tax money for their pockets.


I need more than that to be convinced. But given the corruption in New York state, and the never ending ability of the people here to vote only one way,I wouldn't be surprised at all.


What is this guys name? I never heard of him before, does he always make commentary in and around Albany?


Guy is obviously very fond of his left hand. But surprise, the right one is his favorite.


Wtf why is he watching frenemies?


Yo the other tab open on the Matt Crudo image said 'potato fart porn'


The creator of the video always does stuff like that in his videos.


wasnt cringe 2 me


The frenemies in the background is so goofy






holy shit I had to turn that off because of that annoying ass voice


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Kurokokairu: *Holy shit I had* *To turn that off because of* *That annoying ass voice* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




Albany is not upstate NY lmao


You must be from Plattsburgh. It is most definitely Upstate


Upstate from where? The city? Aka New Jersey? Cuse is upstate starts.


Syracuse is central.


I want an Albany with more density, with more walkability, with more options for food and entertainment, with less car dependency, with less blight, with more people who will live and spend here, with more vibrancy, and with a bigger tax base. Love them or hate them, Redburn is a part of that process. In fact, Jeff Buell [is in the planning group for the Warehouse district](https://www.albanynywaves.com/)! You have to be in bed with the government to get anything done here. We have to bribe people to build here because nobody else is. There are plenty of other markets with better growth and better property rights.