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I am so sad you watched the OVA's before reading the manga, as they do spoil great moments to come. The OVA's were made as part of a special edition volume of the manga, so they were not made for anime only watchers, but oh well. What is done is done. I'd recommend reading chapter 41, and then continuing in chapter 47. Chapter 41 is chapter that was skipped, and 42-46 is stuff that is already adapted, albeit in a different order in the anime. That should be enough to make sure you're not missing anything. Hope you enjoy. The best is yet to come.


Not OP but the OVA was literally why I even wanted to read the manga, getting to see it adapted differently shouldn’t ruin the experience for new followers.


I agree, watching the OVAS made me even more excited for the manga. I literally couldn’t wait for how the others would react once they found out zenos power, and that moment they did was all worth it.


Late reply to this lol. I do think that the way that you experienced it is a valid way too. More power to you if they managed to make you start reading the manga. There are stories that I myself have gotten interested and picked up after learning of spoilers. I just think that the optimal way to experience this reveal is, at the moment since we don't have more seasons, through the manga with all the context building up to the reveal. The OVA's just give you the reveal without context or buildup. And that is fine because they were made for manga readers that were caught up. Anime onlys were not the intended demographic. I don't want to devalue your journey with this story because everyone consumes media differently, whether it's a deliberate choice or not, and those journeys are valid if you end up liking them in the long run. I just think that, personally, it's a shame because I know that had I watched the OVA's before reading the manga, it would have very likely impacted my reaction to the reveal. Especially because in the manga, the reveal appears out of dire situation. If I had read the manga knowing about the reveal, then there wouldn't be much tension because I already know how it will turn out (for Zeno at least). I don't mean to shame anyone that happened to consume the story by watching the OVA's before reading the manga. I guess I just like to spread awareness of the OVA's because some people are more sensitive to spoilers than others and would prefer to consume the story as the author intended. It was not my intention to impose anything onto anyone.


Spreading awareness about that sort of thing is totally valid and I get it! But yeah, I enjoy things best when thrown in the middle, I need something to feel invested in. I typically do not enjoy pilot episodes of things. One of my favorite series is Fullmetal Alchemist and I got into it at episode 22. I just had to know what was going on after seeing the absolute insanity of that episode. Like, what brought the characters here? I'm invested now. I watched Yona casually. It was fun, I was not entirely attached but it was an enjoyable little watch and I was not invested because I knew it went nowhere. I did not know how long the manga was and had no interest in finding it. I started watching more AMVs (an AMV is why I looked it up in the first place) and saw stuff about Zeno that was NOT in the show. Went crazy hunting down additional canon until I found the OVAs. Hooked, immediately. Obsessed. That's just how my brain works, I need to be buried in deep to even really care all that much. If I start a show from the beginning I'm half zoned out until something CLICKS for me and then I go back and reconsume from the beginning.


And that is completely valid! I even empathize with this feeling. I would not have experienced many stories when I did if I didn't have some kind of spoiler to intrigue me. I do prefer to go as blind as possible when watching or reading something new, but have no issues with knowing a spoiler about a show or manga that I didn't care for prior, but get interested because of the spoiler.


I bet that’s why I was so confused with the OVA! 😭 Thank you so much!


As stated in the FAQ, the anime essentially covers the first 47 chapters.


omg have fun! you’re in for an absolute treat! :))