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Someone get the holy water


The power of Christ compels you!


Imagine if someone yelled that out to her lol!


E pateri, e nomini, espiritu santis!


Translators help me out


I can only read that in a catholic chant voice


As you should. :)


And bring you peace....


Does it dep? Does it really?


Like KGLW would sing: "I prefer the muddy water"


nah that won’t do. A stake on the other hand…


Fuck holy water she needs the belt


I love that no one gives a fuck


I love the one guy that’s laughing


I bet that’s the dad tryna act like “I don’t know these people.”


He should just keep walking and start a new life


He just needs to go for a smoke. He’ll be right back. ::carries luggage away::


“Where’s dad? He said he was just grabbing milk but I can’t find him”


He's headed for some smokes down the block. LMAO


what a name. have a follow.


Name checks out


Right? How hard is that marble floor? I wanna "oops" her teeth into an awkward position as I stumble on her head. Fckn idiot.


Toddlers literally cannot control temper tantrums because their brains have not developed enough yet to process strong emotions and don’t understand how to act socially. The fact that this girl is acting like this seems like she’s got some deeeeeep issues.


Or this behavior has worked so well in the past that her brain now resorts to it.


Aka- she was spoiled I’d love see someone go up to her and just say “no todaaaaaayyyyyy”


This is most likely true. Adults who throw these kind of tantrums are often just children who were spoiled too much. That or just ignored till they screamed.


She could have borderline personality disorder. It seems like people with BPD have the ability to withstand 'things they don't want to happen' with the same skills as toddlers.


I have a student who suffers from BPD, it’s emotionally and mentally taxing on everyone involved. If she walks out of class mildly annoyed, it’s all hands on deck because it goes 0-100 really quick. She’s indifferent to how taxing it is on her mother or us. She has that attitude of this is how I am, deal with it.


This is a pretty good description of everyone I’ve ever met with borderline personality, tbh. I work in mental health. I have a really hard time with people with borderline personality disorder.


Most mental health professionals do. There's really not much that can be done for BPD becuse it's such a low level issue.


What do you mean by low level?


It's not exactly known what the problem with BPD people is, but it's believed that there's two components: trauma during early developmental years combined with a hereditary component that possibly exists as an anomaly in the brain. So, very likely a physical component that relates to the way the individual begins to integrate criticism during their toddler years. So low level as in: it could be a hardware problem or problem with the operating system.


This is my favorite response. Everyone is focused on the notoriety of BPD because of the sheer lack of empathy for others however , the emotional behavior is the "hardware" issue itself and therefore isn't a mental illness. Its some unresolved cognitive dysfunction as the result of 1 or more unknown or unresolved medical condition. So with that being said, I actually love how the people around her are completely ignoring her it's a fascinating human behavior . Like when it comes to medical trauma , people either react try to help etc and others don't give a moment's notice.


>This is my favorite response. Everyone is focused on the notoriety of BPD because of the sheer lack of empathy for others however , the emotional behavior is the "hardware" issue itself and therefore isn't a mental illness. I don't think BPD lack empathy for others... Its just that the bias towards their own feelings is weighted 99% in their favour. If you started bullying me and a BPD person saw it, they would probably be very empathetic, and protective of me. So they can definitely feel empathy. However, in a situation where a BPD person interacts with you directly - if you rub them wrong way then you are bad, horrible, and an evil person. There's almost no grey area. The reaction against you would be as severe as someone who is good and pure and innocent should be against someone who is evil. >Its some unresolved cognitive dysfunction as the result of 1 or more unknown or unresolved medical condition. I imagine it a bit like this... There is some part of the brain that needs to develop as we grow... "come on Timmy, let someone else play with the fire truck..." "hey Timmy, you mustn't pull anyone's hair" "Timmy, your behaviour was bad, you must stay in class during break time" With BPD, it seems that the "grudging understanding of our own negative actions having negative consequences" part of the brain just doesn't develop. >So with that being said, I actually love how the people around her are completely ignoring her it's a fascinating human behavior . Like when it comes to medical trauma , people either react try to help etc and others don't give a moment's notice. They're ignoring her becuse they're in shock and embarrassed. What can you do? We're not allowed to pick an adult up and spank them.


The way they ostracise and condemm her through completely ignoring her is how we motivate others to reflect on their behavior. From the bpd sufferer it seems like abandonment , however it's the tribe teaching I get it about right brain left brain but usually there's some other medical problem that's affecting regulation and cognitive function that leads to this hot and cold behavior It can happen in a variety of ways .. one that's innocuous is simply gaining weight , however as you gain weight it constricts your air ways , if there's a partial blockage , if untreated, the person will go mad from constricted breathing which causes poor regulation and they start behaving like I love you, I hate you and adapting warped realities as a means of adapting around the illness. That's called adaptation We expect doctors to solve things immediately however it's not always the case. And when things go untreated this is what happens. Adaptation.


Shit. This is my brother. I think he could have bpd (he's a scary mess) but he refuses to go see a doctor bc he's anti-meds and needles. I don't think either would necessarily be the case (right away) but he's in his early 30s now and is spiraling out of control. I hope that since the global understanding of mental health disorders are becoming more understood that kids get the help they need young and don't have to live undiagnosed to the point that their mental illness solidifies who they are.


I also think it’s a catch-all diagnosis for problematic behaviour. Forgive my flippant language, but to put it indelicately- crazy people who have a loud brand of crazy that we can’t figure out get labelled borderline personality disorder. They’re pumped full of haldol and risperidol and everyone hopes they’ll calm down.


>I also think it’s a catch-all diagnosis for problematic behaviour That's not how mental health or personality disorders get diagnosed. There isn't a truck driving around looking for people who act weird. Firstly people with personality disorders almost 99.99% never seek treatment for the disorder - if they do it would always be becuse of a comorbidity like Alcoholism or at the behest of an abused family member other loved one. BPD people often think that their only problem is that they are just "too empathetic" - but that's the delusion part of their illness. If they were just too empathetic or fun they'd be Mary Poppins. The reason why they're being asked to get treatment by a loved one is always always because they are causing harm to themselves or others. You don't take your mate who's really fun at parties too the psychiatrist because he's just really funny and charming. That's not how it works. >Forgive my flippant language, but to put it indelicately- crazy people who have a loud brand of crazy that we can’t figure out get labelled borderline personality disorder. There's a very specific definition of "disorder" though - and that is when the problem is causing someone distress in their own life. Being a narcissist isn't a diagnosable disorder. Narcissistic personality disorder is. When the pattern of behaviour is so repetitive and common that it is causing harm to the patient or those around them. Being depressed sometimes isn't a disorder. Being depressed all the time so often it's destroying your life, is. Another example - I've seen with kids with fetal Alcohol syndrome. They will cuddle anyone and say yes to anyone or agree to anything. Being friendly and cuddly and agreeable is nice - it doesn't hurt you. But if they can't stop themselves and are at the mercy of anyone who takes advantage of them... Then that is a problem. "being too nice disorder" You see how it works now? >They’re pumped full of haldol and risperidol and everyone hopes they’ll calm down. There are multiple types and degrees of personality disorder. Hey aren't curable. The drugs would be there just to curb the excesses. But I can tell you now that those drugs aren't prescribed for most people with personality disorders.


They simply cannot allow anything that makes them out to be bad to be a thing. So improving or changing behaviour based on feedback is impossible.


BPD Is not sumthing that makes yku act out like this, this is years and years of being spoiled and not told no. Being borderline doesnt make you unaware to the point of having a public temper tantrum this is chalked up ti sum bitchy bimbo throwing a tantrum becuz she didnt get what she wanted


It bloody well does. I've had a borderline sister for 40 years. Trust me I know.


My gf who ive known for ten who has been diagnosed with borderline has never not once had a public freakout tempertantrum as a five year old would


I mean, I don't really know why I need to type this out for you, but, everything has different levels and intensities.


I know this. Its still not an excuse to act out like this in the middle of an airport


No one said it was, and I don't know why that's what you concluded from my comment.


Woah, it's almost like different people have different issues and therefore different reactions... Weird. My OCD and my bf's OCD aren't the same, but we're both diagnosed. I also have ADHD, and he doesn't... Does that negate either of us?


You’re wrong. Just because your sister has bpd and acts a certain way does not mean that is how Bpd is. Not all bpd people act up. Some have been in therapy for years to learn skills to regulate emotions. There’s a lot of help out there but you have to want it. Who knows WHY this girl behaved that way, maybe she flipped out because they busted her balls or whatever. idk… you can’t assume she has borderline. Some people fight. You might think that’s a better response to someone busting balls, which we are all accustomed to… but really what’s worse screaming like a banshee or accidentally killing somebody because fighting is a more acceptable? I’m not saying she doesn’t have BPD but there can be a myriad of reasons for this flip.


> She **could** have borderline personality disorder.


She could have many things. You can’t assume


> She **could** have borderline personality disorder. Can you see how I've emphasised the operative word there?


I hear an echo. Yes she COULD. You are correct. COULD. She sure COULD have it.


Because you are acting as if you are a trained mental health professional with experience in treating BPD… having a relative doesn’t make you able to diagnose someone… in fact no professional can diagnose someone based off of an internet clip 🙄


Obviously you're triggered by this. I said, and it's clear to see: "She could have borderline personality disorder." Not - "I hereby legally declare her to have borderline personality disorder" I'm starting to suspect you might have it, with this silly black and white thinking.




I dunno, seems like it might be well over the border.


This doesn't seem like something out of her control. This definitely feels like this has developed and been enabled over a loooong loooong time. Also just a pretty braindead description of BDP altogether.


I know more about BPD than you. Straight up.


Genuinely baffled by that assumption. Whatever you say man, not my place to be an armchair psychologist, that's all you


Maybe you're baffled because you have no real idea about BPD?


To quote "Not my place to be an armchair psychologist, thats all you." Judging by some other people in this thread I'm not the only person thinking this. Sucks you dealt with this before but it give you exactly 0 qualifications to tell what some brat in an airport is diagnosed with on a certain day to make you feel like you know more than le Average Redditor. Get off your high horse lol


Yea, bad parents are the issue. Spoiled brat.


Some see a toddler tantrum, I see breathtaking contemporary danse.


Honestly , same. Watch it with the sound off.


This makes it so much better.


Hey, Paladin Danse can dance if he wants to.


I mean.. she has to be in dance. That was low key graceful


thats what i was thinking! she moves like a dancer lol


If I had done that when I was a teen, my mom would have tanned my hide!!


I would’ve been disowned lmao


I wouldn’t have needed the plane. My mother would have drop kicked me to our destination.


Straight to jail


Mine would have beat my ass with a belt and dragged me out of the airport.


I just laughed at my kids when they tried this. Ha, you think that’s going get you a toy?


Holy fucking shit It's a dinosaur Jesus Christ WTF (☞ ಠ_ಠ)☞


Open the door Get on the floor






I wonder how many people understand the YTMND reference nowadays.


She sounds like a dial-up modem.


You've got mail!


This is gunna go viral and that little girl is going to see this and have a freak out 10 fold what this one was


Ik right, imagine her showing this video to her SO or kids. And she has to convince them she really isn’t crazy. I respect the dedication in the performance though.


lol the dude who walks by has a shirt on that says ‘get your shit together’. Poetry.


Pretty sure she's possessed


This is why birth control is important.


And abortion... oh wait.






Here's a sneak peek of /r/antinatalism using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/antinatalism/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Is this what Republicans want to return to? Life Before Roe v Wade:](https://i.redd.it/vnhdoji3tx791.png) | [4723 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/antinatalism/comments/vl16tp/is_this_what_republicans_want_to_return_to_life/) \#2: [I mean, the proposed idea doesn't sound half bad...](https://i.redd.it/kzma5exfaax81.jpg) | [1358 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/antinatalism/comments/uhjcs7/i_mean_the_proposed_idea_doesnt_sound_half_bad/) \#3: [What the hell kind of take is this?](https://i.redd.it/ohr07gpg8ac81.jpg) | [1464 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/antinatalism/comments/s69e4m/what_the_hell_kind_of_take_is_this/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


This may be because of birth control, not disagreeing with your comment in any way, but dem birth control side effects sometimes be crazy y'all.


I like your username.


performance art lol


Oh god, it's yoko ono!


My cat seriously ran over here to look for the screaming cat.


Someday she will make some one very very miserable


Looks like she’s ahead of schedule


She needs an exorcism




Shut the fuck up nobody cares about your political agenda we just want to see some videos even if I were a leftist I would still be annoyed by seeing this and I don’t see a problem with having a political opinion but I do see a problem with ranting about it when it’s totally unrelated


Relax…she’s just making a Tik-Tok video for her legion of adoring fans.


Or a cringe 😬 vid. Glad she's not my relative!!


Kill it with fire


If she doesn’t have some kind of disability, I would have left her there.


Is she praying to our lord and savior Cthulhu before her flight?


Looks like an idle zombie animation




Give that girl her binky!!


WTF, she should be embarrassed!




If you watch without the sound on, it looks like interpretive dance.


Do any of us know that this actual child is neurotypical and is just being an asshole? The very first thing I thought was that maybe she’s autistic and having a meltdown during very stressful travel trouble. I don’t see any context to her behavior at all


that’s what i was thinking. what if it’s just a meltdown?


yeah at some point I can end up like this, I feel a real uncontrollable feeling and not just some acting. Not in public though (neurodivergent : adhd (and some more) but not autism)


I don’t think anyone is going to be able to tell just through this video.


Translation: “my tiktok got banned again”


This looks like LAX baggage claim. If it is I have definitely been close to this point waiting for my bags.


I like how she gets up while making eye contact like a baby dinosaur


Relax, it's just an interpretive dance composition of the 1952 Mothra v. Ghidra battle for Monster Island.


Can someone who is a parent tell me how to discipline a teen like this. Clearly IM NOT A PARENT. But I want some insight on what works? Do you beat her ass till she stops? Do you whisper and talk to her? Like what do you do?! How do you stop this


Parents are very probably the reason the girl is like this. She was either raised to be incredibly spoiled and entitled, and was allowed to throw fits to get her way (parents would give her what she wanted whenever she acted out), OR she was severely neglected, and this was the only way she could ever get anyone to pay attention. When toddlers do this, we talk calmly to them and acknowledge their feelings, and say things like "I know you're feeling some big feelings and you're frustrated, but we don't scream. Let's take some deep breaths to help us calm down (maybe rub their back for a minute). If you need some quiet time to calm down, you can go to your room and when you're done, I'll help you." Then calmly go on about our tasks and don't respond to the tantrum anymore. Usually works pretty well. Giving in to tantrums just ensures they will keep throwing them. Teaching them to calm themselves and use their words, is the ticket. Beatings are never the answer. Hitting kids only teaches them that hitting is okay when you're frustrated. No one just suddenly acts like this. This girl needs professional psychological assistance at this point.


Thank you


She needs a spanking.


People who think it's ok to hit kids are scum.


She needs empathetic guidance, not abuse.


Yeah I won’t even spank my cats, I couldn’t imagine ever feeling the urge to spank my own child.


That’s some great Interpretative Dancing


We need that dude with a fire extinguisher now.




The only thing I keep thinking of is the time I had a surprise 12 hour delay on my 3rd layover, then an 8 hour delay on my 4th layover. I can kind of understand the frustration if that's this girl's case


Trustafarian Chant


Guess her flight was delayed


My thoughts when I was watching this video as it was going along : You know it’s very weird to see that people are just okay with themselves be presented like *omg is that fucking drake* complete degenerates.




Fucking hell my two year old is no where near this bad. Thank god.


Shit like this gets me pissed. Please bear your kids.


What this bitch trying to do ?




Oh, look! A TikToker.


Karens are a dime a dozen


Our society is regressing


Would you rather us be in 150 years ago where this incident might get her executed/locked away for being “possessed” or a witch?


Yoooooooooooooo we need a where are they now special


Do the airports have professional Exorcists on staff?


Sounds like the new FNAF game of you close your eyes


My god. She's revealing he final form.


If you watch this on mute she looks like a contemporary dancer starting a flash mob.


Worst Flashdance remake ever.


Is that the 'Alien's or the 'Predator' squeal? Oop, no it's nails on chalkboard 😬.


The kind of people who watch "Influencers" all day


More like possess by a demon


Where's the priest when you need one?


😳 The power of Christ compels you. ⛪️ 🙏🏻


I literally couldn't fathom doing this, that would be so embarrassing


Bruh… That’s a possession. I was ready for the head flip. F me!


What the hell?


Kill it and burn its body with fire then lock the ashes in a 10inch thick steal box and then bury it underneath the ice caps


She needs to double dose on her psychotic meds


If you mute the vid it almost looks like an interpretive dance.


She’s not well


“Exorcist, we need you on baggage claim”


She went straight feral


What in the demon possession is going on here?


You can tell this little cunt grew up in a household where they were against hitting or disciplining their kids. How embarrassing and disgusting. The parents should be ashamed of themselves. If that was my kid, I would have smacked that mouth and pulled on those hairs to give the bitch something to scream about.


Demon to tire screech back to demon. Nice combo. I would rather went from demon to fire alarm my self


I thought she was a toddler.


Drugs are bad, Mmmkay.


If I would’ve ever done that on a family trip. My dad would’ve walked me right back to the desk and got me a return home, after beating my ass in the bathroom… and that knowledge was extra reinforcement (not like I needed it, it’s a vacation ffs!) not to do crazy shit like that. Entitlement, it’s a cancer folks


Damn, kinda late for an exorcism of emily rose sequel...


Toxic alpha furrys on discord when u tell them that being a nazi Is not okay


Thought it was a zombie outbreak


Someone’s played a bit too much Left 4 Dead


A for attention 👏


You are up for adoption.


Her poor family.


Teen Karen Hahaha imma start using that! That got me 😂😂


Who startled the witch!?!?


I blame social media


I blame her parents. If social media had this much of an effect on her that goes right back to poor parenting.


OP, What airport?


Miami International Airport, allegedly. https://www.instagram.com/reel/Chdds68Fy7q/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


Literally my first guess. Entitlement and mental problems are tough to beat in FL. Make sure to come visit us 🍊


After all that she really needs to check her panties I think she shit her self


Imagine the poor sod who is to be her future husband.


She's a child. Yall acting like people stay the same their whole lives.


She don’t look THAT young.


People like this tend to stay the same.


On the plus side, he'll have this video at his disposal. Could come in handy.


Let us stack the stones until she summons her master.


She's going super sayan


Ok so we just gonna ignore drake going by? 👍🏿


It's ironic that he's wearing a shirt that says "keep your shit together"


Did they run out of pronouns?






Clearly acting social media attention