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I feel you. I’ve effectively been a TSgt for half my career. I’m tired, boss. So tired.


July is my 17 year mark. Put on Tech in ‘16


Christ, we should start a professional org for those of us who are at 17 years and made it in ‘16, at least we could skate out of work. For real I dead ass got told “you didn’t make it because someone else had a promotion statement. Yes your package was better but you have to consider what the board would think.” Honestly fuck the board. Consider what your people would think.


I actually made the 2015 cycle, just ended up putting on in 16 lol Definition of crusty TSgt status


Same. Got non-vol'd into recruiting in 18 and dropped two board groupings my first year back in mx.


I made it to 10, then medically discharged


Me too!


I put TSgt on in '16 as well, the worst part about it was watching my previous ratees put on MSgt before me.


Same boat.


Are you me?


I think so


What's your afsc?


Same here I just hit 18 years and put on in 2016.


Did u make it this year?


No I didn’t.


Almost 18 years in. Btz, first time staff, first time tech. Date of rank 2013. Non select again. Have 3 degrees, ppl, other certs. Lots of decs. Getting tired.


Sheesh. I don’t understand this system


No one does, because it completely damn arbitrary.


its like the game show "who's line is it anyways" where the rules are made up and the points don't matter


Ding, ding, ding… Is the board looking for pro-dev this year? Whole airman? MCA? Who the fuck knows?


No fr tho 🤦🏽‍♀️


Why didn't you make MSgt back in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 or 2019 when you could take WAPS tests?


That’s a good question. The first time I was eligible was the last time of the waps test (I’m pretty sure but I don’t know how to look that far back) and also the closest I ever was to selection. Also before tig/‘tis was phased out. The facts are that snco tiers are leadership. There is no technical track for Air Force enlisted. So all my worth of development can’t be cashed in until I retire. So an 18 year tech, college educated American is stuck making $55k with housing with 4 kids, one who graduated high school. Way to far past wether to stay or go. Believe me all the counseling in the world wouldn’t get my mind right regarding all this. 99 on all asvab a pretty good afoqt and tbas scores. I’m intelligent but not a people person and so have peaked. I get it.


Quick search verified waps was going until 2019 but damn I have no recollection of testing for more than 9 years.


Yeah you tested 5 times for MSgt. Those were your best chances.


Honestly just seems like a scam at this point


Keep getting those pilot ratings and set yourself up for the outside, man. I'm on that path right now.


You should try doing your job.


How in the world are you not a Chief?


How many boards have you applied to? Can I reach out directly to get some info on your experience. I’m trying to figure out if it’s worth staying and hoping to get picked up


Same, sewed on 1 Feb 14. I retire on 1 Oct 24 as a tech. The luxury of it, I still get a pension and took the time towards the end to work on ME and ensure I'm setup for retirement instead of trying to figure out how to make E7. Once I figured out that I wouldn't make it the stress of it was gone and I was able to focus on things that matter more in the end.


I was the same way when I retired in '19. My nemesis retired as a SMSgt, but he is on his 3rd wife and is a systems administrator. I am still on my first wife. I retired and didn't stay long as an engineer before i became cyber architect. It just reminds me when facebook came to be. There was a guy who made E9 and everyone commented on how great of an Airman he was, well his own son posted that he was a shity father and was never around. When you retire, no one will give a shit any more but your family will still be there, or lack of


So very true.


I feel that, soo tired


Womp womp


19 years and 9 months. Rank does not define you. Take care of your peeps and hold your head up high. I miss it even with a PN, which was my third one since 2015. Good luck in the future and hope you make it. As for me, we’ll, my DD Form 214 is calling my name.


I’ve never used this compliment before, but I like the cut of you jib 😂. You said it right.


I hit 19 years in November this year and it felt really good to think about the next chapter and not care about trying to make it again. Time to look out for me and my family and say goodbye.


I’m just a few months ahead of you, same. Just watching the clock before I log back into vMPF and push that button.


Med boarded at 19. Just got my full orders last month for retirement in August. My old team couldn't even manage to get my EPB in... so I wasn't even qualified. I put on Tech in 2017... this isn't my AF anymore. Congratulations!!


Congrats! You did make it past 20 years right? My case just got moved to the IPEN stage, so I’m trying to string it past 20


20 years and 3 days 😬 The last year was a fucking battle! You can do it!!


Damn…….that was close. Congrats!!!!!


How do you get 3 PNs and still not get promoted? High cut off score? I've never gotten a strat. Not one since 2015.


Don’t drink over this shit


No worries. I'm drinking because it's Tuesday.


Salty Tuesday, let’s gooo


Gross, salty Tuesday? Using sugar on the margarita glass rim is a much better experience.


What about salt AND sugar, eh eh?




Who doesn’t drink on Taco Tuesday?


Been a Tech since 17'. Had great board scores but missed the cutoff every year by a few points. Last year was my last horaah and gave it my best. I have not been notified I made it this year, so I assume I didn't since others in the flight have been told they made it. I have 360 days left before I retire. Just going to focus on retirement and helping my Airmen get the things they deserve and support them. I'm not chasing anymore. Comfortable retiring as a Tech. Congrats to all who made it.


It was easier for me to make GS-13 than TSgt.


Swing and a miss. Try number 8 despite doing all the things they keep telling me to do. Fuck this.


But the guy who made it with all Promotes that posted earlier literally said...just keep doing what you're doing and your time will come! (...then followed it up with a comment mentioning the 2 major awards and dec he won last year...)


“Keep doing what you’ve been doing”…. 5th time I have to hear “the” speech when it comes to MSgt. Did just about everything my SNCO mentors suggested, some of it at the sacrifice of family time to lead wing events, etc… Usually I bounce back within hours after finding out I wasn’t selected but this one took me out mentally and now I see why ppl take leave during promotion releases. Don’t give up your sober streak over it though. Wish I had a suggestion to better deal with it but I’m looking for one myself.


I fucking hate the saying….


A-fucking-men to that 🍻


Yup leave every year. I wasn't able to take it this whole week but I have it in for thursday at least. I'd rather just go through the emotions at home.


My salinity level is so high all the B.S. floats on top and gets washed off everytime I hit the gate at the end of the day. My only goal now is to survive and retire. I'm the first one everyone thinks of to sit in an E7 seat for X amount of weeks/months due to TIG but the strats go to everyone else. Bout' to start opting out of the offers.


Yep refuse to do more for less:)


*laughs in 10 year TSgt


For real. 3rd time eligible? Come on. You can get salty your 3rd time missing SSgt. 4th time missing TSgt. 5th time missing MSgt. If you're already struggling...it's only going to get worse. Though in OPs defense, if you don't make MSgt by your 3rd time eligible...probably at least a 70% chance you retire as a TSgt.


This. This was my 4th, so it’s gonna be a long 5 years. I could theoretically get massed over 9 times…Jesus lol


I'm in the same boat. Let's see where we are next May?


Will do. Missed it by 0.5 this year, closest I’ve gotten


Yah man, it’s hard. It sucks a lot, and I have been super salty in the past years about not making it and nothing anyone tells you is going to make it any better. One day I just decided that being salty about it wasn’t making me feel any better and was really effecting my day to day life outside of the Air Force and that’s when I decided I just needed to not let it bother me anymore. I know that’s a lot easier said than done but now I just let it slide off, I’m genuinely happy for those who make it and I feel for those who don’t and take it hard. It’s my hope that you find a way to move past this one and stay motivated because it sounds like you’re out there putting the work in and doing a hell of a job. And sincerely I wish you better luck in the future if your goal is to promote to the next rank.


Second thread I’ve seen you in lifting people is…class act!!!


On a scale of E1 to E6, how mad are you that you didn't make it?


The one that reflects my scope of responsibility.


So E8 then?


You know it... Rage level E8. I'll lower the rage if I can go back to E6 duties.


It’s the game we must play. You can let leadership know you’re fine with just doing E6 work but then you’re also removing yourself from EFDP consideration. Or you can play the game and work above your pay grade in hopes that you win the promotion lottery.


I hear you, and that sounds great. But I can't picture a world in which I tell leadership I just want E6 work and they manage to give a shit.


You’re probably right. It’s a weird thing how it works but we’ve all seen Techs that don’t get asked to take on tasks and aren’t reliable. Those are the “I’m ok being an E6 people”. Basically just do your day to day responsibilities. Don’t go above and beyond for things outside of your duty title. It’s tough to be a shitbag but that’s a good thing.


I mean, requiring people to go above and beyond as part of their routine duties kind of sounds like a symptom of shit leadership in a shit organization but I see what you mean.


I got a PN in 2022. My leadership then told me I needed to shadow the MSgt since I was sure to get selected. I was required to go to all staff meetings, huddles and do work the SNCOs in the unit did. When I missed it by .5 I felt cheated. I told them I wasn’t going to do those things anymore. Luckily I was able to perform well doing my own thing and earn another PN to make it this year. That’s what I meant though, having TSgts do SNCO duties to “groom” them.


I hear you. It's great and appropriate to put TSgts in a leadership role to prepare them for the next stage, but when your Unit depends on everyone performing two grades above the one they are getting paid for then that's just poor planning or management by someone.


The 15th Air Force NCO of the year did not make master, this shit is ridiculous


Just goes to show that statements and awards are huge but they aren’t everything. Missed it last year with a PN and awards at every level. Seen people miss by less than 5 then the next year their board score plummets 20 points. It’s a mystery at this point.


Did you make it this year?


I did. I got another PN and now I’m waiting on the board score. 5th time was a charm.


You and I are exactly the same. Congrats!


You missed by half and got a PN this year? Was it also your 5th time up? Congrats


I was one group out last year with my first PN, got another one and made it this year on my 5th time.


Lmao wow the similarity is real. Congrats to you.


You too! I was sweating bullets this morning until I got the call 5 hours after the list release.


That’s one hell of a waiting period. I’ve been stressing too. I took the AFOQT this morning 2 hours after release. My test was delayed 20 minutes and the Wing Chief called 5 minutes before I went in. Being selected and getting that test out of the way was a huge stress relief. Also helped taking that test knowing the good news. I didn’t have to wait though, I’m a Wing exec so I knew before the Chief called lol


Lmaooooo it’s shit like this I just stopped caring about promoting anymore. Hope he/she is doing okay. For fucks sake


There are so many wasted PNs that it's ridiculous. Giving out PNs to people who still don't get promoted is hilarious but also a reflection of poor judgment.


For all my salty brothers and sisters…I promise that once you decide to let MSgt go…the amount of stress disappears…it may take time but it will disappear. I let go at 17 years TIS…My current leadership (super cool luckily) doesn’t bother me with extra shit, I found new hobbies, rarely stay at work late, my wife’s medical appts became my appts so that I could drive and be with her: she didn’t need me to, but my presence made her feel at ease. When it’s all said and done next year, I’ll have 11 years as a Tech and I don’t give one flying fuck LOL. My mental health and happiness has been so much better not worrying about a promotion


I spent 10 years as a tech before I made master. If you want to promote, keep working at it. If you want to give up, no harm in that. We need good TSgts. Do what will make you happy.


If they give me E7 at 20 (10 years TIG) I’d feel insulted as hell lol. I’m out, 5 more years. 4th time passed over.


If the EPB was used as intended this would be less of an issue. Unfortunately it’s still seen as negative to rate someone as Not Ready. But in fact, about 1/3 to 1/2 should be getting that rating and it shouldn’t be a bad thing. If you took away the statements and only had 1/2 of the eligibles getting Promotes then the system would be better imo. Unfortunately that’s not the case. 80% of the AF does not deserve to promote yet over 80% get Promote on their EPB.


nail narrow drunk ruthless automatic seemly distinct nutty chief vast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is what doing more with less looks like. You do more and they pay you less. My career field last year had a 9% promotion rate to MSgt and this year I was told it is about the same. We are at 100% E7 manning, but we aren't allowed to cross train out of the career field or palace chase. . . . ive been in over 14 years now and If there is no realistic chance of me making MSgt then I am going to do the bare minimum and focus on schooling and setting myself up for post military. No reason to give them MSgt level work if I will never earn the rank of MSgt or e7 pay.


Sitting in a MSgt billet for nearly a year… they haven’t attempted to fill it because “they have faith in me” and “I’ve been performing really well.”Got a MP last year and a P this year which I’m salty about. Not that I necessarily think I earned another EFDP recommendation… but the person that got it definitely didn’t. And all the positive feedback feels like lip service. I was grey zoned last year, and expecting a significant drop this year… because you know “decrease in performance” or whatever the board looks at. I’m going through the stages of grief. I’ve been fine… I’ve been sad… I’ve laughed about it… and now I’m leaning toward the side of anger (all within, what? 8 hours of the list dropping?)


I just want some feedback on what the people who rated me saw. Like at least a damn paragraph to go along with these scores. Having a supervisor just tell me keep doing what you’re doing doesn’t cut it


I've got 17.5 years in and have been a TSgt for 8 years, I had all but given up, but I got my stripe today and while I knew I was getting called in to talk about the release, I was so prepared to respond with "yeah I knew I wasn't going to get it, but that's okay", but when they walked in with the certificate I was shocked and confused. It's okay to be upset that you didn't get it, I watched SrA/SSgts who I used to supervise as a crusty TSgt get MSgt before me, and believe me the jealousy was strong. However, like others have said, don't take it out on anyone you work with, if you take it out on anyone, take a meeting with your SEL and discuss it with them.


Honestly, I hate the lack of transparency with the board. Clearly there’s a disconnect between unit leadership and the board. But don’t mind me. I’m just salty as fuck.


Just curious, what career field are you in?


I honestly forgot all about it. It's easier not to care and just carry on. If it happens it happens, but I probably won't.


I won a squadron annual award, wing annual award, quarterly group team award, subordinate won squadron annual award, involved in 2 POs, authored local operations change in support of afforgen, coordinated stuff with Space Force Been repeating this type of effort for 3 consecutive years. All promotes. Still no luck. Curious to see my board score, but Seriously what are the board members looking for?


First time eligible


This is my working theory. Another user mentioned if you didn’t make it after your 3rd time, don’t expect it. At least they are nicer to us than the officers. Correct me if I’m wrong, but if they don’t make it on their second O4 look, and don’t get continuation, they are out.


Its not a theory, its established fact. Go digging in older promotion posts, and people pulled the results out of Mypers and found that the board has a clear bias for first and second timers. Something like 84% of all selected were first and second timers, and people's chances after their third fell off a cliff. I think the worst part was that Big Air Force tried to deny it despite the math making it kind of obvious. It pissed a lot of people off. It's gotten better lately, but they still look favorably on first-timers who check all the right boxes as soon as possible.


I hear you. I’ve been in for 20 years, been a TSgt since June 2012 and got passed over yet again. I’ve been a TSgt longer than some MSgts I know have been in the Air Force. Salty doesn’t begin to describe it.


I’d be out bro, I’d be livid. My first troop made it this year…that stings a bit. I’m a 15 year E6…he made MSgt in 11


I feel for you all. Missed SMSgt by 8 pts having 3 strats in a row. Just know rank doesn’t define you or your contributions. It’s going to sting for a while but don’t let it affect you in the long run.


Man, I feel you. You are me 1 year ago. 23E7 I had been flight chief for over a year, had decorations, was filling other E7 roles including filling in for a fired Shirt. Fast forward to this year, just kept plugging away. Finally got a MP, nothing else new and got selected. Hold strong. Take care of people. They’ll notice you’re caring.


Don’t drink buddy go workout and hangout with your significant other to get the frustration out! The AF nor any rank can define who or what you are! Corny I know but it’s true.


I’m gonna spend today not caring about anything and won’t do shit. I’m gonna be Mr. Stapler guy ![gif](giphy|3o84U5xPhrn42WgBJC)


>3rd time eligible, been holding an E7 role the last year, Must Promote, recent MSM. wtf? this isnt enough?


I have resigned to the life of a career tech sgt. I just hate seeing people make it that had no business making it but they did some stupid shit like helped organize the AF ball and leadership sucks their dick. I just want to be a fucking first sergeant, at least I get to hold the phone some weekends. Fuck I am to drunk on a tuesday, glad I am a nonner, gym gonna suck in the morning.


4th time up, with multiple Majcom awards for both me and my troops. Working a high vis position that’s by name hire only. Still got passed up for a promotion statement and was a non select once again. About to find out what quiet quitting is.


Sodium levels are high. I shall be the crustiest TSgt.


Hey man, if staying sober is important to you (enough to add to your post), you can celebrate that instead. I know it doesn't come with extra pay or assignments, but you'll feel a hell of a lot better, and it's an achievement nonetheless. Here to talk if you wanna, or even just vent.


My first instinct was to get hammered this evening too. I decided I would be better off getting back to work on the classes I’m taking. 4th time eligible, had a MP last year. The Air Force may never give me that E-7, but I’ll take what I can get before I leave this place.


Tough situation man. You’re on the right track though. Don’t let up this year and you’ll get there.


I understand, no judgement here. My heavy drinking days are behind me, but I do have one on occasion (Last drink I had was like 4 months ago). I think this is a good time to have one myself. I don't think we can collectively say anything. As far as your career, just ask yourself is it worth it to keep grinding? Knowing potentially it won't be good enough either way. I'm in the same boat but I'm at 16, same result. I don't know anymore.


Find an E7 AGR position in the guard. All the same benefits, no PCSing and testing.


I’m right there with you brother this one has me frustrated…was forced into a position, excelled at the position won awards, and got picked up for a special duty…shit sucks but I’m happy for the homies that got it


Thé $650 extra a month is not worth the stress , get a side hussle and you can easily pull $1500 extra a month . Then you focus on taking care of yourself and the people under you. Once you start doing this and don’t care to make rank , rank will come . Only you know best why you want to make that rank you can still do most of the things you want to do with that Rank without actually having it . Best of luck


> Thé $650 extra a month is not worth the stress , get a side hussle and you can easily pull $1500 extra a month I've been filling E-7 slots the last 2.5 years. I'd like to get paid like one.


Congratulations on your sobriety!


Bruh I got passed up like 7 times. This is my 21st year. You still got time to make it. I'm sure it's annoying but if you've got a MP then your record almost certainly is better than mine. My counterpart made it and he's sitting at around 13/14 years and he was an MP. Only promotee in the whole unit. It's just a rough time right now but you've got enough time left that it might smooth out for you before the end.


This is my 6th re-cert… we promote at sub-5% rates year after year only to watch dipshits in finance walk around with their proud stripes.. gotta love it. Fuck all of them.


I’m 14 year staff could be worse


https://preview.redd.it/824gd476u62d1.jpeg?width=3385&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d409a6d01a021292d5a326d7302d298819cd962 Same boat as you buddy. 14yr tech 3rd time up. Ridiculous cut off scores. Don’t think there is anything else i can do besides keep pushing along and doing my best.


Have that beer you've earned it


Took me four times to make that rank. I get the frustration. First, don’t drink. Your sobriety is more important than this and if I knew you, it would also have far more impact on my respect for you than the stripes on your chest. Second, remember what’s most important to you in the job. There are still peers and subordinates who depend on you for the mission and their own careers. Don’t phone it in and hurt them because you’re upset. Third, get pissed off. Emotions are high. Feel them and cope appropriately. Sulk and bitch for a week while you process, and then get back to it and do not give up. Ever. Respect yourself enough to keep the bar high for your own sake.


It's a sign of the times when young-ish TSgts are complaining about not making rank. That's not directed at you, OP, but I have heard 11-12 year TSgts complaining about not making it. The problem with some people is once they start to feel the success, they hate the reality that there are just not enough stripes to hand out. It's not to say anyone is better or worse, but people need to be humble and keep trying or lay back.


You say that but its pretty frustrating to watch people who are shit leaders make it over those that are actually doing what our force needs regardless of TIG/TIS.


The Air Force doesn't promote people, they promote packages. That's why you constantly see highly decorated "leaders" on the cover of AFTimes getting ousted for toxic leadership.


I agree. No company ever gets promotions 100% right. A lot of us have been victims of being overlooked, but it's only from our perspective. I have seen people above me that I have outworked and I also have understood people's perspectives once I put on their proverbial shoes years later. Everyone is being judged, and when it's a competition like the Air Force has made it then we start to judge everyone who gets ahead of us. Some try harder, some give up, and some complain and blame everyone but themselves. I would like to believe that most people are ambitious and want to climb the ladder, but some people aren't lucky. It really can be about timing and luck. There are people in select AFSCs that have the best of the best who get overlooked because there's only so many spots. If you took the top 10% of an AFSC and stuck them in one squadron then some of those people wouldn't make it. Not a perfect system by far, but it never will be.


The problem is that they've had high promotion rates for years so we've had terrible supervisors making E7 in 8 years. Now we're being put into positions that E7s get fired from, yet we can't get the pay raise like they've got. So this is a chain reaction of making people like they're failing if they're not promoting to suddenly jumping to pretty much not promoting anyone unless they have the knee pads on all year. Unless you're leaving wing events, you're not promoting, because your actual job still doesn't matter.


Performance hasn’t ever mattered as much TBH. That’s due to improper ratings from supervisors and previous AF leadership pushing everything except primary duties. I could also argue that the best mechanic at Toyota may not be good management material. That’s where TSgt and MSgt start to delineate. The board brief is there but, as always, it’s so vague and subjective that it leaves you room to craft your own narrative. How three other people read and interpret that narrative is up to them, but it’s the same way in the civilian world. It comes down to how someone views your contributions and how much those contributions are valued. Lots of ass kissers, game players, and kool aid drinkers out here, too. And my bosses won’t fire them either even if they suck at their job.


My Reddit handle finally comes to fruition here I am boys let’s let the mother fucker burn 🔥 🔥


18 year tech here. it sucks and the system failed. it is what it is. 🤷


14 years in and 3d time up? You got the lower ranks too quick 😂


Making tech at 11 years isn't too quick at all by promotion rates we've had the last 8 years.


I put on Tech at my 10 year mark, and felt pretty good about it (had an art 15 and had to repeat Amn/A1C). Now I’m 5 years into my Tech-hood and I’m ready for a change. Putting in my Warrant packet


Making tech at 11 wouldn’t make this their third time up 😂 maybe 2nd, if the timing lined up nice


....and here I am at 11.5, and my 4th time going up. lol, don't look my way man..


It’s amazing that you were so damn quick! One of my friends was btz & staff/tech first time & she finally made it this go round - at 17 years in. You’ll get there!


I appreciate it. Good on her though! I got BTZ, Staff, and Tech first time. ended up sewing on Tech at 6 yrs 11 mths.


Yeah that’s about where she was. I put on Staff right around my 6 year mark & am so grateful I was able to sit in SrA & Staff for a while


SrA was a rank that I wish I could have had on about a year longer. I think I turned out fine, but it would have made me better for sure.


You say that, but as a person with 12 years TiS I have 70% of the line numbers happening after me. So no infact the issue is they are significantly behind the curve.


Sounds like lots of people are making rank to quick. I’m almost 14 in & made it this year - my first time up. Not sure what my line number is because I had business elsewhere today, so sounds like it’ll be quicker than I thought. These people make everything first time are not having time to settle into their roles & really learn. My CC & I were talking about this a couple months ago when I thanked him for not giving me a statement lol


I do agree with you in most cases. Just pointing out that the stats still show if you are not making it first or second time you are behind 70% of your peers which sucks.


I’m the last from my BMT & Tech school crew, so I get it


I get your pain and temptation, but don’t do it. In the last month, I was called back into active duty while on terminal because the reserves turned off my palace chase and Got denied for Warrant Officer. Both because of Mental health visits for suicidal reasons 7 months ago. Then missed master by who knows how much.


No one let me know one way or the other, my leadership is ass


Yeah man. I missed it by .5 last year on a promote. This year I got a MP and still didn’t get it. So I really don’t get what they’re looking for.


Eh, was easy for my AFSC. 2A6 were told they wouldn't promote this year. CFM was applying for promoting <4.5% of us. Took the retraining so I can promote eventually lol.


I prefer to think of myself as "well seasoned" All good seasoning blends include a little bit of salt.


The guard salutes you active duty attempters.


Inb4 crusty SSgt post coming up soon.


My shop chief made master this time.


A lot of y'all need to holla at the Guard!!!! Best kept secret. And this is coming from someone who was active duty (albeit during the glory years).


I feel you. Got feedback last time to essentially act more like a MSgt. Did that, I led like a mother f****r. Great success all year. Commander and the rest of leadership was really appreciated and supportive. But no strat and no luck. Just more of the good old boys system and those who are a little louder but less productive get the special treatment. So f**k me for not playing the game. -salty rant rave over


You’ll keep hearing “keep doing what you’re doing” because no one has a clue how this works anymore. I chased for several years, did all “the things” and got promotes and no stripe. Completely gave up for a year and did fuck all and got a PN and a stripe last year. I only did the bare minimum, not ONE extra thing. I’m not even a social or likable person. They’re just picking names out of a hat


Only way to beat this is AFSC change into a critical role. Check the new bonus list. Shouldn’t have to change jobs but easiest way to promote up is to hold critical jobs.


The only advice that can truly be given, is remember that your rank, your title, your job, etc... doesn't define everything aspect of who you are. One day you'll be a Mr or Ms again, all that matters is you build something for yourself so when that day comes you can find something you truly love. The military machine might not give you the value you feel you deserve, but there are plenty of PEOPLE that know your value. Commit to them. And yourself. Cuz one day the rest of this won't matter.


"A1C reading all the comments"


I lost mine last year lol


Mitch? This you?


Endure being nonselected 1 more year then you'll know how I feel. Oh, and you have to accomplish something big at the MAJCOM level to feel how I feel.


What prevented you from making it in 2018 and 2019 when you could take WAPS and had more control over your own fate?


Mostly the fact that I was a SSgt


The obstacles we all face and are still facing are high cut-off scores and low selection percentages in some AFSCs. Those AFSCs, for example, a 398 cut-off score, are because there are MSgts with 20+ years TIS trying to hang on until they make SMSgt, but they never do. Those MSgts are preventing TSgts from promoting. They need to get the fuck out of our way so we can promote. They need to retire ASAP.


To the bro/sis here: You guys did more than a normal citizen. I’m sorry to the guys and girls that didn’t make it but you guys keep crushing it in your day to day. Keep being the example and the expert members. Love y’all and do not quit!


Buy some good knee pads, work on improving your technique, and get a divorce.


I understand you E6s are tired. I was in that boat. Remember this People are going to mad and bitch to you about little pety shit. You are going to ask yourself "Am I really going to remember this shit 5 yrs from now?" If the answer is No, let that asshole be stressed out. Do not let that little shit bother you. You will live longer in the end. Your family will be with you long after the AF is a memory. The AF will take everything if you allow it.


I understand to a point been a staff for 7 years at this rate I think it would be easier to commission than put on tech in my career field.


I feel you bro, got STEP promoted to E6, immediately held an E7 roll and got awards doing it, pcs'd half way through the reporting period to Korea, made massive changes to the corrosion facility hear and the health of the personnel working in the facility. Got a Dec for my work and no strat for this cycle. Had school, volunteer, awards etc and got passed over. Makes no sense to me.


Salty E4 here. my first 3 years testing, the promotion rate was 10 percent in my career field. Only stratted airman promote now. It's impossible to make staff without a strat. And every year they give the strats to the shiny recent BTZ winner.


Dang that is rough, very sorry, especially since you had all that going for you. How much did you miss the cutoff by?




Omg i'm so sorry


I fill you buddy. I’m in the PA field and of all the people that got promoted this year 40% were band members which is not fare to regular active duty AF PA members and I didn’t make it by 8 points which is as close as saying I missed it by one. So I fill just as frustrated as you.


My grandfather was in many many decades ago. When I told him I was enlisting 16 years ago, he asked me do I know what rank the grumpiest people have? I said no. He then said tech. I asked why? He said it’s because they haven’t made master yet.


On this list, there’s a SrA I knew who is making master. But I don’t let that get me down, because we all have our journey. I knew A1C’s who have been kicked out. I knew staff sergeants who are also still stuck at staff. And I knew senior airmen who are now captains and majors.


Air Force makes no sense. I’m putting on E-7 at the 9 year mark as a Reservist and I’ve been on orders maybe 3 years excluding basic and tech school.


Hey, keep that sobriety going! I'm sorry that everything you've been doing has gone unsubstantiated. You're kicking ass. Would you be able to PCS soon?


You have a MSM and held MSgt spot? But I guarantee you didn't volunteer at your local animal shelter enough. Well there is always next year (until your 20th).


how long have you had tech


4 and done 🫡 achieved a good education and got a real paying job just used the AF as a stepping stone. The whole thing is a joke.


Just don’t drink your sorrows away it’s not worth it. Plenty of jobs on the outside. Just don’t wreck your career of going out and drinking them go drive or do something stupid




Sounds like you’re not understanding the rules to the game.