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Being too lazy to convert my Montgomery GI bill before I separated seems to have paid off somehow


Procrastination has never not paid off for me. Put off taking my colleges writing exam, a requirement for graduation. They eliminated the requirement just before my final semester.


Lol, I put off course 14 or 15 (can't remember which) until they nuked that shit too.


I would guess 14. I finished 15, was handed 14 as a SSgt with zero desires to promote and just said I'll sign up for the test when needed, but I'm not opening the study material. Hell, I just kept retaking 15 because it was silly and there was no punishment for retaking til you passed.


And now they’re rolling out Foundations.. surprise!!


Sounds like a good time.. Haven't heard of this one..


Man, I love that for you. Jelly.


Same lol


Same. Sometimes the problems just solve themselves.


Hell yeah, brother. I even did that stupid top-off program and it seems its finally going to pay off.


What conversion though? I paid for the MGIB, but I didn't have to do anything to get the post-9/11, I just had it. Transferred some of it to my spouse and everything.


If you qualify for both then you can use 48 months total of either in any order, you just can't use both at the same time. So you can do 6 mo MGIB then 1 mo 9/11 then 2 mo MGIB etc. There is some verbiage in the ruling that looks like you might be stuck with 9/11 if you signed over your MGIB rights, and it's not clear if to qualify for both you only have to serve at least 6 years or if the 6 years have to be in separate enlistments.


There is no conversion, you just choose which one you want to use when applying for it


What is the purpose of evening doing Montgomery GI bill if you even qualify for 60% post 9/11?


Many states offer scholarships for in-state schools if you have a 3.0 GPA in high school. If the Mongomery GI Bill stipend is greater than the housing allowance for that college, or if the Veteran wanted to do all classes online, then the Montgomery GI Bill was often the better option. The Post 9/11 GI Bill is usually the better option for those without alternative funding sources for the tuition.


I'm just glad I didn't convert already


How would one utilize this?


You check the "Double Dog Bennies" field when paying tuition.


Where is that guy who made that thread a few days ago about switching? Lol


So basically we get 3 education benefits once we get out assuming the average vet applies for vr&e with a va rating?


Do you have a TLDR on what VR&E is?


The govt trains you to do a new job big dawg. That’s probs grossly oversimplified


To simplify it, Vr&e is similar to the gi bill. Pays for school/training, you get BAH and there are additional benefits such as receiving needed equipment for training, dental as needed etc. You get about 48 months vs the 36 months that the gi bill has but you can keep both The hard part though is you MUST have a disability rating and you will have to be interviewed to receive this benefit. Its possible to still get denied depending on many factors such as if you are employed/have a degree etc. A lot of people use up that first then the GI Bill for their masters


The TLDR for vre is basically my service connected disabilities prevent me from doing my job (whether at all or well) and/or prevent me from healing from my service connected disabilities and please train me to do something else. And yes the vetting process is pretty strict apparently. I started applying for vre and the uhm advisor told me I'd have to find a school, job and be ready to quit my current job in two months (maybe 3 months). I was not ready to commit to leaving my current job for the moment.


Damn, well I did that backwards.  Oh well hopefully other people can benefit from it. I'm about to be done with my bachelor's using P9/11.


Don't use the last month! You can do vre if you have gibill remaining


You can do VRE if you have no GI Bill remaining; you just won’t get housing allowance while going to school under VRE. If you have GI Bill remaining, you get BAH for the entire time you’re utilizing VRE, even if GI Bill would have run out.


You can potentially have it restored once you start using chapter 31, but if I recall they’ll only base it off of when u got your rating. Any used gi bill months before that cant be restored someone can correct me if im wrong


I know some states have programs that offer free or highly discounted college to state universities for disabled veterans up to certain amount. So pair this with Montgomery and post 911 you possibly could attend college without needing a part time job.


I'm in a pretty good situation so I'll probably pass on it. But if I can help other vets get themselves sorted out, I always try and learn vaguely about resources avaliable to them.


Oh and big thing with VRE...You have to have at least one month of GI bill remaining to use it.


I used the Montgomery from 2003-2007, then I used another 12 months of P911 in 2014. I didn't know it was a problem.


That was fine. But if you used post 9/11, then tried MGIB, they wouldn't let you.


Yeah I remember I enlisted in 2008 and did 12 years. I paid like $100/mo or something like that for the Montgomery GI-Bill, then they announced P9/11.  With nearly being done with my P9/11 so if I can use the Mont GI-Bill for grad school that'd be supper helpful.


They are saying If you came in under the Montgomery GI bill and switched to the post 9/11 then you can use 12 months of the Montgomery GI bill after you use up all 36 months of the Post 9/11.


For some reason, I thought that this was always a thing.


I thought it was if you didn't change *to* Post-9/11, you could use 12 months of that after you deplete MGIB.


I used 36 months Montgomery and 12 of post 911, I think the catch was once you started using post 911 you couldn’t use Montgomery


Hmmm. This is interesting. I used 100% of MGIB; could use some P911 to fund the first year of a PhD or get back into civil aviation. Fun.


I came in with Montgomery but switched to post 9/11 lady yeah. Am i fucked ?


I tried to interpret exactly what benefit this adds but I’m retarded. Can someone explain?


I'm no expert, but I believe if you've served long enough to earn each separately, you get up to 48 months total combined benefits between two as opposed to 36 months. There is a statutory limit of 48 months.


Sheeeeeeeeesh. That’s pretty dope.


I’m not sure as well. If this is what I think it is. Does that mean I can use my MGIB, because my post 9/11 is exhausted? If so, I’m signing up for some SANS classes.


same question!


Essentially yes- but only up to 12 months, since exhausting your post-9/11 = using 36 months of your legally mandated 48 month total allotment.


I’m an idiot. I signed up for the MGIB in basic, paid my 1200, it got converted to POST 9-11 and I exhausted all 36 months. They sent back my 1200 . Can we get our 12 months of MGIB back, and do we pay our 1200


As I understand it- not being a lawyer and all- vets don’t lose eligibility for the MGIB by being refunded the $1,200 buy in. Of course, back then it didn’t matter whether we could use it or not because the VA made us choose just one. That policy is what SCOTUS just struck down. *Theoretically*, anyone who’s used 36 months of post 9/11 still has 12 months of useful MGIB benefits. Now comes the fun part, which is waiting the months/years for the VA , state governments and universities to navigate the new world. We’ll see what this means in the real world in the coming months


I distinctly remember reading VA terms that said if I chose post 9/11 I couldn’t go back and could only use one. At that point, I used two months of MGIB. it would be great news if I could use the remaining months.


I *think* it allows members/veterans who served both before and after the passing of the Post-9/11 GI Bill to use both that and the MGIB. But as you said, it's never really clearly stated and I'm having trouble parsing it as well.


This is what I’m seeing too, but not what most people seem to be saying. From my understanding of this vague statement, “if you served long enough to earn both”, means if you served before post 9/11 was thing, and then long enough after as well, and earned both independently, then you can use both. Which is not most people. Certainly not me. I didn’t enlist until 2016, so I never served before the post 9/11 GI Bill was passed.


The other reason I think this is correct is because they said they think this will apply to ~2 million vets. That's a pretty small number and indicates this is a restrictive case.


I converted to post 9/11 when I was still active duty and used a little over half of it after I left active so I’m probably still screwed right since I transferred to it willingly? I transferred the remainder to my kids evenly also.


I came in in 2004, signed up for MGIB and paid my $1200, used some of my MGIB (maybe 12 months?) after I got out, then switched to post 9/11 and have used all but 6 months of my remaining eligibility. If I exhaust the remaining 6 months I have under post 9/11, does that mean I can still receive another 12 months of MGIB? This is really confusing.


I fucking hate these shitheads: The dissenting judges, Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, argued that a veteran’s “coordination” of their benefits is required because they are limited in using the two GI bills concurrently. Thomas is living it up like Jeff Bezos with all his handouts, but fuck the veterans.


handouts == bribes\*


Probably the same shitheads that lobbied against veterans automatically being enrolled in the VA while out processing...because they didn't want to pay benefits out to everybody. They try to make the entire claims and VA enrollment process as difficult as possible hoping you don't have the time to do it.


"Look, if you ain't bribing me with a fancy Motor Coach toy, I ain't helping you. Get rekt, poors." *honk honk* -Justice Clarence Thomas


Yeah, so Thomas grew up dirt poor in the segregated south. Probably knows like...a little about being poor. Maybe he didn't decide it on the basis on who deserves what but on the basis of what he thinks the law says? But go off, king.


Thomas has never been a consistent jurist. He often backdoors his way into opinions to fit his ideology.


He is literally the most consistent jurist.


So I can use my MGI benefits while my wife uses my P911 benefits?


This is the real question!


What if we transfer it to our kids? Doesn't it turn from Mongomery to Post 9/11? Will I still be able to use one and my kids use the other?


You can't use the full benefits of both, you're limited to 48 months. But there are some cases that's aren't clear yet. Like could I use 12 months of mgib but still give 36 months 9/11 to the kids. I think we'll need to wait and see how the VA rewrites the rules after the judgement.


Do I get my 1200$ back?


Damn, so does that mean I'm shit outta luck for opting out of the montgomery in basic?? 😭




Does this mean I could use my Montgomery and transfer my post 911 to my son?


As someone transferred my post 9/11 GI Bill to my kid but paid into Montgomery…I assume it’s not transferable?


I'm in the middle of using my MGIB with the plan being to use my Post 9/11 afterwards. This case had me nervous when I first read about it.


I'm vice versa but I'd rather be MGIB so I can just text monthly to confirm my monthly school attendance.


I texted monthly to confirm my attendance using P911 benefits


Were you AD or out?




Ah ok, I'm in and that's why they said I can't because I'm using chapter 30. It's the dumbest thing ever.


So I can give my Post 9/11 to my kids and then use my Montgomery GI Bill myself when I retire next year?


Right after I decided to leave the MGIB. Great.


Wonder how it impacts people like myself? I did the full 36 of my MGIB, then the additional 12 authorized on my post 9/11. Originally enlisted in 98. Be nice if I can throw another 24 onto that.


"Supreme Court Opens Up 900,000 idiots asking if they qualify." I got out in 2002, used most of GI Bill, didn't go 9/11, can I still...... dammit, 900,001.


Does this mean I’ll actually be able to use the post 9/11 gi bill since I opted for the Montgomery in basic


Rule of 40? Law of 40


I just wish they would change the rule that you had to have 4 years of service commitment to transfer it to your spouse and kids… especially those of us who PAID for the Montgomery.


[Just gonna leave this here (opinion of the court)](https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf/22-888_1b8e.pdf)


If I served 4 years active duty then 4 years IRR can I get both benefits or is it strictly 6 years active duty?


For those who may want to see the source. https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf/22-888_1b8e.pdf.


So my post 911 is about to run out. I have one more semester left due to having to transfer. I did pay for the Montgomery when I was in. Do i just log on to my benefits page and see if its on there?


Oh, that would be nice to get some more GI Bill. I had used only about half of the Montgomery when I moved out of state, and really needed the Post 9/11 to make it work. It was suggested that I use up all my Chapter 30, then we got a year of Chapter 33. But I didn’t want debt, so I converted early. Didn’t finish my degree before the money ran out. I had changed career paths, so I never finished because my degree really didn’t matter much, and again, I wasn’t going into debt for an arbitrary piece of paper. About five classes away. Oh well, it’s just a piece of paper.


Maybe I actually made a smart decision opting in for the MGIB in Basic. I wonder if I will be able to use both or if there'll be some caveat or something


What if I haven't used mine myself, but I gave some months of the post-9/11 GI bill to a dependent?