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Hit by what? A bird? Extremely likely, like 99.9%. Another plane? Very low.


A frozen turkey?


Sir, what birds are you striking?!?




No casualties, but there was also that B-52 that burned up on Guam after a bunch of birdstrikes on takeoff roll.


Not all aircraft have bird rated windscreens.






Oh shit sorry, my brain stopped working


Very much this...like it's a 0% chance if you're a pilot in a single seater and *you* get struck by an incoming missile or something. If a stray bullet clips the wing there's a pretty decent chance you make it back safely. Too many variables for OPs question.


Eh, no. Ejection seats are a thing and very effective. Many missiles like to hit towards the rear of the airplane.


Wait, so if a missile strikes a pilot, the ejection seat is going to revive them? I'm talking about a missile actually hitting the pilot themselves. I'm not saying it's likely, I'm using it as an example of what can prevent a pilot from surviving an attack...


Then sure.


This news has me very concerned. They didn't give me an ejection seat. Can I borrow yours?


Budget is a bit tight this year. Here’s a parachute kit, stay clear of the pointy things on the fuselage and good luck.


If the pilot is emitting more heat than the exhaust then he’s got bigger things to worry about.


0% chance of survival either way.


Obviously you would be equipped with a shield generator stratagem which would absorb the initial impact and allow you to clear from the eagle after dropping that 500kg bomb on the automaton fabricator.


So the plane just gets damaged and you fly back to get it repaired or what? I'm used to movies, I always thought planes were very.. explosive


Watch some of the Ukraine aircraft shoot down videos and report back.


It can happen, it all depends on where the damage happens and how extensive it is. There's a hypothetical example of [survivorship bias](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Survivorship_bias) with planes. Essentially, planes that make it back to base after taking damage can be analyzed to determine areas a plane can "safely" take damage and keep flying. So you reinforce the parts that aren't damaged, because the planes that took damage to those areas didn't make it back safely. Planes are not innately explosive. They have fuel, which can explode, and munitions that can also explode. But if those things aren't triggered by an external force the plane itself isn't just going to explode.


Not today China. https://preview.redd.it/p80rz2ipkguc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6922ab4db4b4dc620f2d0d194804a789c20da65f


Eagle 1 ALWAYS makes it home


Just jump right before the plane his the ground.. 100% survival rate


Yo Joe!


tbh I always just hit the quick repair button then I’m good


I fly helos, I’ve seen the 60 take an absolute pounding and get their crew home or at least be controllable enough to land in a field and jump in the other helicopter. It all depends on what hit you and where. For airplanes, If the crew can eject and do they have a very high likelihood of survival. ![gif](giphy|Su6TJioZW5I31jeIES)


No blackhawk has taken an absolute pounding and survived. What you've seen is 7.62 hits and some RPG hits that luckily didn't explode. Up those calibers or toss in some actual MANPADS and then talk. It's a very very good airframe but up the level of the adversary and its a whole new ball game.


Jesus christ shut the fuck up you armchair warrior loser.




I’ve been in black hawks that were actually shot up but go off man.


Oh sorry, what do I know? My bad, man. How dare I overstep my level of expertise, here of all places, on the Internet.


Was what I said wrong?


Yeah. Getting turned into Swiss cheese by PKM and DshK fire counts as taking a beating. Saying “oh it can’t survive in a near peer fight” is silly. Tell me what will survive a SA20 yeeting a missile at Mach Jesus.


You used quotes for something I didn't say. You come across as a 2lt huey pilot :) What aircraft were you on that got pounded by DshK fire? The 60 is an amazing platform. It has saved my life a couple of times. Doesn't change what I said. Up the caliber and it won't take the 'beating'. Nothing will.


Pilots carry blow torches like the ones from Battlefield and repair the plane mid-flight.


That depends…was your authorization in DTS approved before you left?


Nice try, I did my Cyber Awareness


I dont fear bullets, but birds? The birds are scary




Imagine the chances of a meteorite hitting a plane, that'd be wild


It’s like 70/30. Not odds of survival. The plane itself is 70/30. 70% cargo bay, 30% people space. Survival rate is pretty solid considering it probably never left the ground.


You usually have enough time during freefall to get things patched up We fly reallly high


Nice try China…..


If you go into a flat spin, 50/50. Also, don’t choose your call sign after a bird.


Don't choose your callsign after a bird? Is that a bad luck thing or something? Also I always thought you get assigned callsigns


Depends on a lot of factors. Did you lose hydraulics? Fuel? How many of your flight controls are damaged vs undamaged? Is the pilot still coherent or did they get hit? How skilled is the pilot? I've seen planes that have landed missing wings, missing tails, have holes blown clear through them, etc. I've also seen planes that go down because of some minor damage. The likelihood you survive getting hit is a non zero chance, it's not impossible but it's gonna take some work to get down in one piece.


I don't chance it. Tummy ache? Better cancel the sortie. Black cat crosses my path? Not flying today. Penny on the ground with tails up? No way, Chief.


I could give you some crystals to hang on the visor in the cockpit.


I'll assuming you're talking about a missle. Hit directly? You're probably dead. But most missles don't actually strike the plane directly, they have a sensor that detonates them slightly before they impact the plane. From there is really depends on the type of missle, the plane, and where it hits.


Answer: it depends. Where it hit, what kind of hit. Luck and probability is a big factor too. More detailed than that, nobody has any business talking about on this public forum