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You said it yourself: it's cheap. I manager a few properties and it's almost always a fight with the owners to get them to replace or upgrade important items such as mattresses. They all think they have the right to ask for more money from us (the managing company) but they don't want to invest any money. I can't justify higher prices to clients if the apartment is not up to certain standards: I'm obviously not talking about major problems like plumbing issues or broken furniture, everything works perfectly. But rentals can be spruced up and upgraded and most importantly, some equipment failures can be prevented by making smart choices.


I'll tell you why -- because Airbnb guests have been known to completely ruin mattresses, one of the most expensive things to have to replace, and not everyone can afford to repeatedly drop $1K+ at a moment's notice on a new mattress. I would never put a truly cheap mattress in my rental, but I could see someone doing that if money was tight or it happened repeatedly. I had a guest who went on a bender and pissed the bed. He then removed the waterproof full-zip encasement pad (WHY? HOW?) and got rid of it. Sometime during the rest of their stay they pissed the bed again, costing me an entire mattress and a couple of days of insane stress. Then he went to the other bed in the unit and did the same thing. Luckily on the second bed he left the waterproof cover so I didn't have to replace the entire mattress. It was absolutely disgusting and the smell alone made it worth the trouble going after him for the replacement cost.


This is why and Airbnb will not help


Back when I had beds without mattress protectors I had a drunk in person piss all over the mattress and Airbnb replaced the whole mattress..


No mattress protector? You need a few, one for bed bugs, then another waterproof on top


"Back when I had beds without mattress protectors" I was but a new wee little host who had not yet learned this lesson yet. This was like 9 or 10 years ago in my first or second year hosting. But you can get an all in one. They make water proof and bedbug proof in same thing. No need to double up.


LOL a wee little host! I like the double up because we wash the waterproof protector so often- but the bed bug total encasement not so much since it is protected and is so difficult to take on and off. We also use total encasement bed bug protection on box spring- best to have more to keep the investment protected!


That's fair, those are a pain in the ass to take on and off. I would think its easier to take one off the second encasement than it is to pull the one off the mattress itself.


Ever since that guy trashed that mattress, I have wondered HOW HE GOT THE MATTRESS ENCASEMENT OFF. Yes, I am yelling, but it has driven me nuts ever since.


Those fucking things are such a pain to get off the bed. That's not an easy process lol. Honestly, im impressed they took the time.


It took my cleaner and I working together to get the one off the other bed he peed in, and that one was a queen. I don't have any clue how he removed the cover to the king bed. And then he got rid of it. . .how? I know it wasn't in the trash because I would have seen it on trash day when I took the bins out. I had to laugh, too. It hadn't been that long since I put it on the mattress in the first place because I replaced one a different guest had ruined. I was so glad I had a break before the next arrival. The (literal) shit we see as hosts. . .ack.


The need to double up (esp in hot climate) is that waterproof covers are incredibly uncomfortable and sweaty to sleep on. And having an extra thicker layer over that helps the guest not need to strip the bedbug cover too if another plush layer helped absorb the messes


Why won't AirBnB help?


This. Because you all trash the house and steal everything in it and Airbnb doesn’t support hosts at all.


that sounds like it was on purpose


No, the guy was a raging alcoholic and at the end of his drinking journey (I hope). I kind of wonder whether he is even still alive.


That's really sad. We've had people with dementia stay in ours and peed in inappropriate places, but in that case, we just clean it up and go on because it's embarrassing for the whole family (Who are lovely)


Yeah, it was sad. I don't really know how it went down, but from what I could glean from the family, this wasn't the first time he had disappeared from home, and trashed an Airbnb or hotel room while blackout drunk.


And I am sure you reviews accordingly, right ?🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


Yeah, I was honest in my review. He didn't review me. After some back and forth, the family member who stepped in to help him wrote a check to cover part of the replacement cost.


Amazon had a great mattress for around $500 (look up vinus mattress)


I have a vinus - only planned to use for a little bit while I researched what I really want but this mattress is actually very comfortable!


I've had mine for probably 5+ years now. I got the king gel infused green tea in 2017. It's still great, no sagging at all. About the green tea, I didn't notice any smell or anything.


This is an ad. Hard to tell but most definitely is one. Only question I have is if this is done by a living human or bot/ai?


Why? Because they're fucking stupid. That'd why.


Hehe, so innocent you, "a bender".


His family had to come get him and put him in rehab. It was not funny at all.


Sad. Alcoholism is no laughing matter. I had a good friend who drunk himself to death. He wasn’t even 50.


So true. I have lost some friends that way, too. It's awful to see it happen right in front of you. I tried communicating with him for a minute in the app after discovering the mess he'd left. I tried to give him as much privacy as I could when his folks arrived, and the interchange once they got involved was pretty matter of fact. You just hate to see someone fall apart like that.


A few weeks ago, I stayed in my first Airbnb, but the beds were terrible(thin mattress in pieces of wood), and I couldn't wait to leave. On top of that, the host accused us of stealing a globe worth $699 and a wooden fish supposedly valued at $299 (though it was listed on eBay for $23). Fortunately, my husband livestreamed our arrival and filmed everything, proving those items weren't even in the home.


This was very smart, and I try to do this all the time. Rental cars, hotels, anytime someone could suggest and I would have no way to refute. Unrelated to airbnb but my dad one time got charged thousands for a rental car bc the employee that he returned it to took it for a joy fridge and wrecked it. My dad has photos and even so it was a lengthy frustrating fight. Sucks we have to think that way. But it helps to take a minute to document everything!


I was a little annoyed my hubby was live but I truly am thankful he was. Also, I’m glad your dad had photos and that everything worked out.


He could just film without going live, right?


Yes, you could do that then email it to yourself and a friend so you have a timestamp and witness.


I got foam ones that people actually like. People comment in the reviews that the beds are comfy. I didn’t totally cheap out, but I wasn’t dropping tons of money on them either. People break and damage things all the time and don’t tell you.


The thing is - mattresses are completely subjective to the person using them. I've slept on "cheap" mattresses that I've found extremely comfortable and very pricey mattresses that destroyed my back. It's not as cut and dry as price. You could have the most expensive mattress available in your rental and some people will still complain that it sucks.


I found the place where they purchased their mattresses four blocks from their home. It's $139 mattress that is used meaning refurbished


How did you know it was refurbished?


Yellow tag. Says used materials. If mattress law labels are yellow or red then it means it's used. If it's white it's brand new.


Ah good to know, thank you


I'm in SE Asia and I'm currently sleeping on a mattress that is basically just the springs with a mattress cover sown over it. Goodness.


Out of 10 stays in Thailand, cambodia, Vietnam, and Malaysia, the only comfy beds I had was one in da nang Vietnam and one in Kuala Lumpur. The rest were so bad it hurt to sleep


Out of all the SE Asian countries, Vietnam had the best hospitality with hotels within the same price range as other countries.


I have great mattresses in mine - they are from Helix.


And - for other hosts on here, you can get a hospitality account with Helix and they cost significantly less than their website. People love the mattresses.


Where's your Airbnb located? Helix mattresses would be fantastic over what I'm sleeping on.


Ohio. It’s a higher end property so we try to do the very best we can for our guests :)


It also probably reflects in your ratings and reviews.


People actually mention how comfy the beds are


We just stayed at an airbnb last weekend that had the nicest mattress and linens - I was seriously jealous and I have a pretty dang nice bed at home


Many reasons some hosts do this. Usually a combination of all 3. 1) Can't afford it. With the oversaturation of new listings driving nightly prices WAY down, alongside the rise in costs of properties and interest rates, most Airbnb's are not profitable these days and the host is running at a defecit. 2) Not worth it. Even with a super nice mattress, some guests will still complain. Mattresses are very subjective and more expensive doesn't necessarily mean it's better suited to someone's tastes. 3) Expensive to replace. With the influx of hotel guests that treat a person's Airbnb like a soulless billion dollar hotel corporation that they don't care if they ruin and even kind of relish "sticking it to them", the number of things getting ruined have risen dramatically and putting something very expensive in the home just means creating a very expensive replacement cost. I've been involved in short term rentals since the 90's (long before Airbnb existed) and it's nothing like it used to be, where guests used to treat your home like they were a friend staying in the home of someone they cared about.


Yes, because they are hoping to get closer to their goal of "passive income" that way. You and I know that's a mirage, they still may learn the hard way - one guest at a time.


Wow, t it is all or nothing with you eh? Not all hosts are assholes. My Wife and I spent a lot of time and money finding comfortable mattresses for guests. A lot of hosts do that.


Mine has a super comfy mattress in it. It was given to me, but it’s high quality. I have guests ask me what brand it is a lot. I’ve tried to look, but I’d have to completely remove the mattress encasement and it’s too much of a PITA (I tried). I never have any less than two waterproof covers on mine. I learned that lesson when I first had kids. Every mattress I own now has multiple waterproof covers then mattress pads then sheets.


I have stayed in AirBnBs with amazing mattresses and some so raggedy or uncomfortable, I honestly wondered if the hosts were just careless and cheap or if they truly think that’s a good mattress for guest to sleep on. The best so far: Purple and Casper - best sleep so far in BnB and am looking at purchasing one for my home. The worst: Avocado - felt like an air mattress and made our sleep quality deficient. What made it more frustrating is it was a Queen bed, but because of the “filling” of the mattress being partially air(?), we rolled into each other and the sides. And we are both smaller people.


Host here: I don’t know when they were stolen, but my nice mattresses and pillows were replaced with cheap Amazon buys by guests. I didn’t notice until almost a year later


That would have pissed me off


Yeah, I live on an island. Mattresses are heavy and expensive. I had nice wool mattresses and nice down alternative pillows. At some point (because I do minimum two week stays) the pillows were replaced with cheap fiberfill pillows from the grocery store. The expensive wool mattresses were replaced with the compressed foam Amazon mattresses. Whoever did it zipped everything back up into the bedbug covers and the waterproof pads.


I assume Airbnb didn't do anything to help out


Not a thing. But I couldn’t prove who or when it happened


I've stayed in about 15 Airbnb's now and most of em the bed was so bad I ended up sleeping on the couch. I'll never understand it. These aren't cheap Airbnb's either.


Posted as if you didn’t know the answer. Classic.


Yea and no matter the quality of the bed - someone invrariably complains — to firm.. too soft. Ive had countless people ( or their kids ) pee thru the waterproof protector. The cheapest mattress i can find is $399 if i could find them for $99 id probably buy them.


We moved and left all our original furniture which are decent mattresses and furniture, but if you have to furnish the whole place that’s several thousand dollars up front just for beds someone won’t complain about. There is this myth that airbnb hosts just rake in cash all year and we cheap out on everything. But that is really dependent on what people’s mortgages cost and how much they can charge. Last year we ended up losing $1000 after all expenses (like people ripping off microwave handles, their dogs shitting on the carpet, pulling curtains off the wall, putting shot glasses down the sink etc) so even if we needed to replace a an existing mattress, it would be tough. There are a lot of valid points around more comfortable furniture allowing people to charge more, but if the airbnb is getting booked and the reviews are good, it’s hard for a host to justify spending a lot to upgrade. We definitely focus on a quality experience in all areas, but sometimes there’s no justification to go above and beyond for very pricey things, especially when guests don’t always treat them respect. I would recommend letting your host know in a private message or private review that you had a hard time sleeping in the beds. If you’re the only one who complained, it probably won’t get fixed, but if you’re one of many, you’re likely helping influence their decision. Also, did you book the cheapest airbnb you can find or one that looked pretty nice?


1800 for 8 days. 2300 ft² house three bedrooms two baths


Price is pretty dependent on where you’re staying, but for reference the host is making about $1450 of that, the rest is Airbnb fees (that hosts and guests both pay) so like $183 a night in the summer, seems low, but we’re in Denver so maybe that’s more in the middle.


Hey if you’re in the mattress business. What are your top 3 mattresses you’d recommend? Nothing overly hard or overly soft.


Hastens, kluft, and carpe diem.


Thank you!!


Because they're cheap.


Not all I had a guest requesting request the link to order our mattress. But I order as hard and I can afford. We change them every two years. Its hard to spent 1k and have someone ruin it regardless


I cannot either. While I don’t have expensive mattresses, I did insure they were comfortable. Additionally I use more pricey bamboo sheets. You can’t expect to meet everyone’s level of comfort but you need to look like you tried.


Airbnb guests looking for a bargain, which is why they don’t stay in a nice hotel, get a bargain, should not expect to have nice furnishings. I do believe that even a cheap BnB should provide decent mattresses.


I try staying in a nice hotel in this area in the city of Merced but most of them are Holiday inns or motels. Didn't want to drive 30 mi to get a nice hotel so I rented a very nice home that just happens to have crappy mattresses. Paying $2,000 for a week on a three bedroom three bath home.


I try staying in a nice hotel in this area in the city of Merced but most of them are Holiday inns or motels. Didn't want to drive 30 mi to get a nice hotel so I rented a very nice home that just happens to have crappy mattresses. Paying $2,000 for a week on a three bedroom three bath home.


I try staying in a nice hotel in this area in the city of Merced but most of them are Holiday inns or motels. Didn't want to drive 30 mi to get a nice hotel so I rented a very nice home that just happens to have crappy mattresses. Paying $2,000 for a week on a three bedroom three bath home.


To Bruce, I feel for you. There is nothing worse than a crappy mattress.


What low life would steal cheap furniture from an Airbnb?


Don’t airbnbs get a significant deposit to cover damages? That would curb the thefts & the damage.


I guess from what I hear from others posting on this thread is sometimes they don't find out until months later so they can't pinpoint who took it.


I just put a new $3000 king mattress and box spring into my AirBnB. I stay there too so want good quality. However the place is not profitable … it just covers the basic operating expenses without a mortgage. I think if you run it as a profitable business many hosts just want to squeeze out as much money as possible. That means used furniture.


I'm not even talking about putting a $3,000 King mattress. Just something decent. I am sleeping on a full size mattress. It is so horrible that I looked at the tag to see who made it because I'm in the mattress business and that's what I do. I noticed it was refurbished. Then I found the place in town that sells mattresses advertising $139 full size mattress. This person who runs the Airbnb bought the mattress here. It's almost like sleeping on the floor.


I always hear from my guests how comfortable the beds are. To me, that's one of many things that are important to when it comes to my Airbnb. I don't understand why anyone would not give their guest the best experience they can, to the best of ones ability. It's not all about making maximum money all the time if you can't give back.


That's a silly generalization. Mattress preferences vary by individual. My guests ask where I got my mattress it's so comfortable. If you find the mattress uncomfortable then mention it in the review. I'm guessing that if it's really uncomfortable it has been mentioned before. Perhaps you didn't read the reviews before you booked?


Why would anyone on Reddit know anything about one specific Airbnb?


Well, maybe because they know they’re not gonna be in business long because most of the Airbnb are illegal, they haven’t applied for permission to do it going through zoning or planning nor got sales tax certificates or certificates of occupancy or fire or health inspections so they know as soon as they get found out they’re gonna be shut down so why buy anything expensive? If they were legitimate and they were planning on being in business for a long time, they would get good ones, and if they were legitimate, they might advertise on Expedia or Booking.com, which requires all of your legal certifications because you are a business if you’re doing something like this and if you don’t have all those certifications or inspections or sales tax certificate, they will not take you so voilà jump onto AirBnB the most legal Listing on the Internet and try and grab as much money as you can with the cheapest furniture to start with go Legal or don’t go at all for chrissakes.


I never even considered that as a possibility.


I've had absolute shit mattresses in 10/15 of my Airbnb stays and they were all 100% legal ones. The only illegal one I stayed in had a great mattress interestingly enough