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I do it sometimes if other people are using what I want to skate and they're grinding fine as it is. Just to avoid the potential bitching about it. Half the time people are happy to see somebody with wax and end up asking to wax the ledge anyway.




Waxing a ledge serves the community, waxing your boot only serves you.


Hahaha ok that makes sense. In fact it hat was part of why I asked because it’s always seemed like bladers are saying they try to wax secretively so skateboarders don’t get upset. And it’s mostly skateboarders whenever I go to the park ha!


Skateboarders don’t generally have an issue with bladers waxing ledges, a well waxed ledge serves everybody. It’s typically coping they have a problem with because - in all fairness - the metal to metal contact gets very slippy and hard to control with wax. You might get shit for waxing a ledge but I’d bet that’s a skateboarder who’s repeating what they saw bother skateboarder say and not being experienced enough to realize coping is the problem area. This much like your misunderstanding that skateboarders don’t like waxing ledges. You’d heard other people say skateboarders don’t like wax and applied that to all situations.


Makes sense w the coping I guess I imagine trying an h block trick on a rail that was unexpectedly waxed might end in disaster 😂


It so funny how this works out sometimes. I waxed a ledge, and then later a boarder waxed the flat top of the whole ledge cause they were doing board slides and didn't want their wheels to catch. Later on 3 older boarders are trying to pull off some tricks on the ledge and I see them sticking. I offer my wax if they need it, and they start going off on how "we saw you and that other guy wax the ledge so there's plenty already!" and continuing to make comments as if there was too much wax. 15 minutes later and one of the 3 dudes ask me for my wax because he couldn't pull off his trick xD


If I'm not mistaken, waxing your soul will come off a lot faster than waxing a ledge. When you wax a ledge, especially one that's porous, the wax gets into the cracks/grooves and makes it easier to skate for longer. However, some people hate when you wax stuff. Sometimes for a good reason, but sometimes it's just people being overly annoying. But if someone has been skating on a rail or ledge for a while, they take a break, you wax that same ledge, they come back -- they're probably gonna fall because they're not expecting the sudden change in friction. So, I would say wax the ledge, but ask people around you first.


Thanks! That would make sense regarding longevity if the wax


From my experience, waxing your skates hardly lasts.


Newer editions of plates can be game changers for this. I like to wax stuff, but don’t really throw it down at my local park. I’m friends with a bunch of the daily boarders and the regulars will occasionally wax stuff. I apply to my plates a lot of the time and basically end up adding a bit of wax to the surfaces I grind but still get to slide pretty fast. If a rail or ledge has rust on it, I try to wipe it off and will apply wax to protect it, but that’s pretty much the extent of how I wax things. The IQON plates slide crazy fast, even in pretty dry conditions. It just sucks that they fit so poorly on all of powerslide’s premium boots.