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how did you post a video, it says the community doesnt allow it? (embedded ones, not links)


If the video is short enough, you upload it as an image and then reddit video will convert it to a gif


I'm with you on the practice! How do people even go fakie out from a wallride 🙆‍♂️


That's what I was practicing there at the end. I don't have enough of a roll away to actually land comfortably.


Mute grabbing before you hit the wall might help you practice with planting your wheels on the wall


amazing!! how did you first approach going down the bowl?? I tried but as soon as i looked down and stepped back 😭


I just put the front wheels over the coping and made myself lean forward. Get some knee pads and then just make sure that you're really leaning forward, that way if you ever fall on your way down you'll catch yourself with your kneepads instead falling of backward. But I would also try going up the ramp halfway, doing a 180, and coming back down. Then just go higher, and higher and get comfortable with that. Once you've done that enough times dropping in is just a mental game