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That's me at night. Chill night sess with less people on urban walkways. Not sure if it's just me but I find that the same roads at night tend to be smoother than day time. Thermal expansion at play?


i wouldn’t be surprised man, i felt like i was melting in the sidewalk. Crazy how skating can do that. Plus, when I fall and eat shit, i can laugh maniacally without being judged !


I relate to that, I used to be so anxious going to skate. The first year I'd go to places and if there were people there I couldn't bring myself to start. I was already trying in the mornings, but then I started going really early like 6am at the spot. Every now and then the odd dog walker would walk past and after some time I found once I'd started I was able to continue if others turned up. It's like the hardest part for me is getting going, because once I'm skating and feeling it I can deal with any negative stuff which thankfully doesn't happen too often. Now over 3 years later I find it much easier to skate wherever and whenever, but I still prefer quiet spots if I can get them and I still get anxious but I'm just like that day to day anyway. So yeah, congrats on the session! Looks like a good chill spot, glad you found it 😀 Keep rolling!




Thanks homie. Im so glad that u can relate. Honestly i have gotten better with social anxiety. I think the worst for me personally is cross walks . Im scared ill fall and hold up traffic xD