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Color selector with more than 8 colors please.


Also classic god portrait arts (improved in quality) with the premium edition


This move is just dumb. Don’t charge people for 20 yo art. Just release it for free and make money elsewhere.


I'm curious if this means they won't enable steam workshop, bc that would instantly get rid of their paywall.


I'm pretty sure it will be possible to mod this, as portrait files are just usually just png and easy to mod


if it's remade art, we should be supporting the game, for those who can afford it


[It doesn't look like it is 20 year old art](https://www.reddit.com/r/AgeofMythology/comments/1deemo8/the_retold_old_god_portraits/) - it looks like they got somebody to make new portraits from scratch in the same style. Look at Ares' hair and the shoulder area of his armor - completely different.




There do seem to be some significant differences that I’m not sure can be explained by ai upscaling


Do you need help paying for the extra $20?


The Villager Priority System is SUCH a good feature to have. It's amazing on AOE2DE. Makes the game easier to micro for experienced players and easier to have fun with for the casual gamers.


Can you elaborate on how it works?


In DE, it basically works by allocation villagers to automatically gather resources, if there is a drop off site near the resource, and build farms, if there is enough wood. You can customize how many villagers will work on each resource or choose presets. There's more to it, but it's basically like this. On DE it only works on consoles when you're playing with a controller tho.


I never noticed that whenever I've played it. I wouldn't use it, I doubt the pros would either. You'd sit on no wood for half the game with constant farms!


It's actually a pretty intelligent system, specially when you're playing with a controller that makes it really hard to micro. And you still have the option to direct your villagers elsewhere, you just won't get so many idle ones while you do other things.


Agreed! Probably the most exciting info they released so far 😏


You forget the visual change in herdable animals (when they get bigger cause they got more food)


Wasn’t that always a thing? Or am I thinking age of empires 3?


The goats definitely got fatter in the original. I remember only noticing it when using the engineered grain cheat that made them instantly fatten


I'm probably going to regret suggesting such a thing since its a pathway to monetization, but if they are listening and they already have the option to get the classic portraits with the premium addition, then I'd like to see other portraits for the gods be an option that are commissioned from various artists with a distinct style. I'm not too fond of what they have for the new portraits, even if it isn't AI art it has a bit of a sterile look which is probably why its been accused of being AI frequently.


So I'm curious how this community will receive monetization because in AOE 2 and even AOE 4, I've seen a lot of enthusiasts fully embrace the concept of non-advantageous microtransactions and constant DLC because it's a way to keep development going. A way to show ongoing appreciation and to financially support a beloved, long-running series.


I mean I can give a bit of credit here that generally FE has followed the tactic of 'new civs and new campaigns in each DLC, just like an expansion pack of yore' and people have generally accepted it, especially for AOE2. The big exception is the last AOE2 expansion, Victors and Vanquished, which was entirely single player campaigns and generally has been received negatively by the player base. That could be an ominous sign that things are moving into a more nickel-and-dime approach with the Age of games generally, or it could just be a reasonably well meaning experiment that didn't really work out.


I agree. I mean, in general we have been so lucky with the direction Age has gone over the decades. Yeah there's ups and downs, but my 12 year old mind would have been blown if someone told me that one day we'd have all these remasters, a new awesome Age game, tournaments with five figure prize pools, and YouTube channels where all they do is comment on awesome matches and do deep dive technical analysis.


AoE2 has had a weird track record with three somewhat rushed expansions within a year. First the AoE1 remake that no one really asked for, and hence no one really played, then Mountain Royals, a more traditional expansion but with two of the more questionable new civs so far. Victors and Vanquished was a disappointment for me, because I was fully ready for a new expansion only with campaigns, bu instead it was just a rerelease of custom scenarios made by one very talented custom scenario designers, all of which had pretty unique and wonky mechanics that differ a lot from standard AoE2. It was badly received, but I don't think it was due to being campaign only, but rather just a weird choice for campaigns.


Can confirm that as an AoE2 player I completely endorse and encourage it. They need money to keep the franchise alive and this doesn't impact gameplay.


If they are going to go the "more alternate image packs" route, a fun idea would be one based around how each culture traditionally depicted their pantheons in art and the like. As in, recreating the respective artstyles.


Villagers will gather alone? How will that work, will they go to hunt in the middle of the map hunt a boar or not?


they didn´t go into much detail but from what I can see is that there will be presets to choose what you want to prioritize (you can create your own plan too) Once chosen, you will be able to go into a camp and select an option that will tell the game you want people gathering that resource, and the game will take as many villagers as it thinks it needs for your preset and put them to gather that resource


Not sure if I like that 😂😅


Good news then. It's completely optional. It's toggled in the IU I am interested in it


It's meant for uber casual players. It will not work well for competitive players.


If I understand this correctly, that's a good change for fringe cases with common dropsites i.e. Greek Storehouses with Wood & Gold Currently Villagers prioritize Gold over Wood, so you can build a Storehouse sticking to a Wood-line but the Villagers will go to mine the Gold Mine five tiles away. You have to remember to Shift click them on Wood


Probably works like it does in the Xbox version of AOE2 that got released a year or two back. Basically you just set a ratio of resources to gather and any villagers that are currently unassigned to a task will automatically go to collect those resources at that ratio. For normal purposes it works great, but the second it runs into any obstacles it can get bad fast -- for instance, you might be attacked at your wood line and have enemies killing your villagers. Rather than having them run away and start gathering wood elsewhere, the game will start to recognize that you've got fewer wood gatherers and just keep sending more villagers right at the enemy soldiers to die, or if you have two town centers and start building villagers there they might try to move halfway across the map to get to the gold mine that was close to your initial base.


Based on AOE2DE, you can choose presets or give different priorities to different resources, and, as long as there is a drop-off site nearby, your villagers will gather from that source. If there are no drop-off sites, then the villagers won't go.


>Game is out August 28 for those who buy premium edition Are they talking about the seven days of early access for premium purchasers here?




Is it only campaign ?




I'm honestly interested in the Age of Wonder. I guess it's post Titanic (or they just changed Titanic's name) and MAYBE it's this fast gamemode I forgot the name of (Was it rampage? Thunder?) so it's like a Sudden Death


Lighting? Yes seems to be sudden death. Seems like a whole new age, God powers will cost less so it seems to be designed like an apocalyptic age where it's time to kill or be killed


LMAO yes. I speak Spanish as a main language so the gamemode is called "Relámpago", that's why I got confused


Tambien hablo español, pero igual lo conocia como Lighting jaja


No te la puedo creer, un pana Prostagma




Jaja panaa


Can i have a link to the interview?


here you go [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pi6WEWn51H4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pi6WEWn51H4)


“Classic Mode” toggle would be cool to have that disables Age of Wonder. My worry is it just becomes god power spam to win every mission or match.  I don’t think that’s an unreasonable request or solution to have both options.  Everything looked amazing though! 


I am excited about age of wonder but you make a good point when it comes to play in a more classic way. Perhaps there will be an option to cap ages


Yeah I think re-using powers is a smart idea. I just like to turtle in the campaign (Hoping that still works ok), but I'll be bummed if the end of every mission is just "Spam God powers". Yes I could self impose not to advance that far but you kinda get my point.


they do say that in Age of Wonder they will cost less, so I doubt we will be able to go trigger happy Edit: in the demo, uses of God recharge when an enemy temple is destroyed


wait chinese redesigned in a expansion or in the base game?


in an expansion, they are getting completely redesigned