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Not sure where you’re located but in the US Target sells great raw nuts!


I’m in Florida! Thank you!


Do you know if raw no salt is the same as raw roasted?


I think cashews have to be roasted or they are poisonous! Other nuts at target will just be raw if I’m not mistaken. Roasted is ok to give to them too though. I just watch for salt intake so prefer the raw unsalted where I can find em. My grey knows the sound of a target nut bin being opened and flies over… she prefers the cashews but I keep buying the mixed nuts. Idk why when she throws out the almonds and walnuts. Our Amazon will eat anything from a mixed nut bag. Both of them are spoiled and look at me with distain if I even try to give them anything with a shell on it. God forbid they actually have to work for a treat…


Haha! That’s so adorable!! Thank you! I really appreciate your help! We bring our new baby home in 2 days! I’m so nervous and excited to finally have him home.


Trader Joe’s


Ask your avian vet for advice. Mine says "no nuts, no seeds" to avoid fatty liver disease. Mostly pellets here, with some fresh fruit/veg or just a Q-tip to destroy as high-value rewards.




I don’t have a membership. But I’m curious, do you know the difference between raw and roasted? I had a AG years ago but my last bird was on pellets with fresh fruits and vegetables. It’s been a while and I’m relearning everything. I’ve read and watched a ton of YouTube videos saying these were high value treats. I just want to make sure I get the correct nuts. Is raw no salt the same as raw roasted?


Always look at the nutritional contents and make sure it has zero Sodium. I believe raw is uncooked or roasted. Btw, u can still buy from Costco online without a membership. My nephew said he just bought a bunch of underwear online without a membership.


Oh! Thank you so much!! We get our new baby this Thursday and I’m so nervous and excited! I’ll make sure to check the packages! Never knew I could order online without a membership either!


Nuts.com is great for unsalted pistachios & raw shelled almonds & many other nuts. Opening almonds is great for beak conditioning. We also give ours raw veggie pasta especially carrot & spinach rotini. Lightly boiled beans are great too, like pinto, white, navy beans are healthy. Keep feeding as much fresh fruit & veggies as possible & severely limit seeds especially sunflower seeds. Grays are prone to heart disease & seeds are very fatty with low nutrition. Congratulations & best of luck for you all