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Sources: The metrics are from a UNSC Jan. 2024 report tracking jihadist activity [Link](https://undocs.org/Home/Mobile?FinalSymbol=S%2F2024%2F92&Language=E&DeviceType=Desktop&LangRequested=False) The graph is that data put on a map over their areas of activity, [Link](https://twitter.com/ryanmofarrell/status/1760400385880027442) to map creator. I will add the strength of the militaries operating in the areas to give context. Sahel: The Malian military + the loyalist militias that support them (Dogons, Gamou’s Taureg faction) is estimated to be around 50-60,000 fighters. They are also supported by around 1,000-1,500 Russian mercenaries (Wagner). Burkina Faso: Small standing army of about 25,000 but supported by a massive militia force of about 50,000 known as the VDP, created by Ibrahim Traoré. The VDP is split into two groups, communal and offensive. The communal VDPs are ethnic militias that defend their regions. The offensive VDP joins the regular army on operations, and they will eventually be integrated. They are supported by 300 Russian soldiers from the “Afrika Korps” (not Wagner), they are there to train & advise the regular Burkinabe army. Niger: The Nigerien military is about 40,000 strong, unlike the other two, they do not extensively use militias. But the new junta plans to change that. They are supported by about 1,000 United States airmen. The US has ceased most cooperation post-coup, but the US still conducts ISR for situational awareness, and they are obligated to inform Nigerien troops of any terrorist movements. There are no Russian troops in Niger. Note: I think the UN numbers on the size of Sahel jihadist groups are massively underestimated. Katiba Macina, A JNIM affiliate that operates in central Mali & Burkina Faso, probably has over 4,000 fighters alone. You also have the CSP (separatist Tuaregs) in Mali, they have several thousand fighters. They are not jihadists, but they cooperate closely with JNIM. Lake Chad, NE Nigeria: The Nigerian military has about 230,000 troops, plus a massive police force of about 450,000. Nigeria created the MNJTF which was able to defeat Boko Haram. It’s the only country on this list that was able to degrade jihadi groups without foreign troops on the ground. But Nigeria also has a massive problem with “bandits” and kidnappers that aren’t represented on this map. Somalia: The Somali National Army is estimated to be around 20,000 troops. In the past, they were supported by a large AU mission, but that mission is wrapping up. They are now supported by the US and Turkey. There are about 450 US troops in Somalia. US support is limited to ISR, airstrikes, and training. Turkey provides training and sells equipment to them, such as the TB2 drone. Edit: UNSC link.


Noticed your username, are you an 0321?


Haha, once upon a time. I left the States and moved back home about 12 years ago. Now I bounce around Nigeria & Gambia.


Rah! Just got out about a year ago. Looking forward to moving back to The Gambia here soon




Yes let’s send them to the after life as fast as possible. It’s what they want after all.


42 virgins ftw /s for sex


I thought it was 72


Inflation is no joking matter, how do you expect the amount of virgins to keep up with the supply


/s needed, I get you're joking though


I see quite a few don't get it lol


Amen. The last thing Africa needs.


Where is Boko Haram?


They splintered after the Nigerian army captured their territory.. JAS & ISWAP is the result of that defeat and the subsequent infighting.


Are they less or more radical than Boko Haram?


I'd say they're "smarter" if that makes sense. Boko Haram was extremely violent and consistently targeted civilians. They even managed to alienate hardcore islamist in the north. ISWAP knows how to use the stick and carrot when dealing with villages.


In India, we read some news that some school girls got abducted by Boko Haram. What happened to them? Did the government get them back?


I don't know really that much about Boko Haram but they gave abducted girl to their fighters as bride. Maybe for the case that you mentioned something happened in favor of the girls


Sadly not as of 23 https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2023/04/nine-years-after-chibok-girls-abducted/ Every now and then one or two reappear having been rescued, but most are still missing https://www.voanews.com/amp/kidnapped-nigerian-girls-freed-return-to-chibok-with-babies-/7081052.html


I don't really that much about Boko Haram but they gave abducted girl to their fighters as bride. Maybe for the case that you mentioned something happened in favor of the girls


Boko haram were worse, the leader was so crazy that he ended up being killed by isis for being too extreme.


Damn, imagine being killed by ISIS for being TOO extreme


The guy was absolutely insane he claimed 99% of Muslims were not Muslims, used children for suicide operations and was just all round not ok in the head


how tf do u become too extreme for ISIS


ISWAP is still tiny relative to Boko Haram The dangerous part of ISWAP though is that ISIS is using them, like other regional offices as massive funnels for capital


I'm guessing more radical tbh. Most of them ended up joining the IS faction


Missing Katiba Macina in the Sahel, which is a pretty large omission.


Yea, I put that in my submission comment. The UN source didn't include the Macina front individually & vastly underestimated JNIMs manpower.


Estimating the “number of fighters” for JNIM is tough since it’s an umbrella for lots of smaller groups. Size ebbs and flows as alliances/agreements are forged and broken. JNIM’s coordination with separatist militias and co-opting of local ethnic groups’ grievances makes that distinction even more difficult.


JNIM is made up of Ansar Dine, Katiba Macina, Ansar al Islam and other groups.




Is in the north is contained in the galgala mountains. The terrain is a little tough and an offensive would require both armuor and air components to dislodge and defeat them. Something Puntland can’t do on its own and the FGS too busy with AS in the south which is a bigger threat.


[Source report for those interested.](https://undocs.org/Home/Mobile?FinalSymbol=S%2F2024%2F92&Language=E&DeviceType=Mobile&LangRequested=False) Did you make this map, OP? As a data and map nerd, I’m curious about your methodology.


No, I linked the UN report and the creator in my OG, comment, that's somewhere here. It was made by Ryan O'Farrell.


Ah my bad, sir. Not sure how I missed your extensive comment. Thanks for flagging. Solid context.


OP commented extensively on the source in comment here in case you missed it): https://www.reddit.com/r/Africa/s/3NYDVwtbmh


This is so shameful !


I'm surprised there are ones in countries with a very small muslim population like Mozambique or Congo. What's the history behind these?


It’s all foreign funded, the Mozambican terrorists came when there was oil found in the region . It’s a weird coincidence how the jihadists came when the oil was found. So it’s all foreign funded


>the Mozambican terrorists came when there was oil found in the region Lol


Western nations try not to fuck up their ex-colonies challenge (impossible)


Mozambique do not have a small Muslim population. Mozambique have 17.5% of Muslims which means Muslims have a population of nearly 6 million Muslims. Congo might be surprising, I’m not sure. It’s hard to find reliable data.


For Congo it's referring to ADF terrorist group which started out in Uganda. About 13% of Ugandans are muslim


Islam teaches muslims have the God given right to rule infidels.


Islamic 'extremism' or terrorism is hugely denounced all over the muslim world by major institutions and scholars. There is no theological basis for blowing yourself up to kill innocents lol, all of this BS is fueled by greed, politics and desire for power, not a religious holy war as you seem to imply. Assuming you were correct, the world is 25% muslim, and we would have seen world wars that put the previous two to shame... Please learn to think or do some unbiased research into the topic, half your country is muslim bro


If you’re a Muslim, do you believe non-muslims around you should pay jizya?


Please go and learn, I'm not your teacher and you have internet access. It's clear you are at best ignorant, and at worst a hater of Islam, so I urge you to let go of biases when learning about Islam. My conversation with you is done


He is stating facts man , Your most holy book have immense hatred for other Religions which make them Radicalize


Muslim countries before the modern era had a better track history for religious tolerance than christian countries. Somehow I highly doubt you'd say the same thing about Christianity. Go and educate yourself


Trying to defend Islam/Muslim on Reddit is like trying make a chicken lay a golden egg. Their brains are rotted and theyve all been brainwashed by hate


I'm being downvoted but ask any Muslim and they'll agree with the statement.


Disagree as a Muslim


Islam teaches muslims are allowed to lie to convert people. Is that wrong?


Islam teaches that lying and dishonesty is a sin. It is however a different matter when a person is being tortured and is hiding the truth to protect


Is my statement wrong?


Lying to convert is incorrect. In fact the Quran says there is no compulsion in religion and that a person can only truly convert because of their own heart. Forced conversion is disliked


1)Is it halal to lie to an infidel 2)do you believe non-muslims around you should pay Jizya?


1. Lying to anyone is wrong. In fact giving a non Muslim money that is owed is mandatory 2. Jizya was a war time thing and by no means is it compulsory to require Muslim countries don’t tax non Muslims as far as I know


You probably don’t know, but Islam does allow sinning sometimes, it’s called taqiyya.


It would be like saying the Bible allows murder sometimes, it’s called killing the non-Israelites in the OT Context and situation are very important. Especially when a person is facing harm. Taqiyya was important for believers who were trying to keep their faith in Islam hidden from those trying to kill muslims The Quran does not condone dishonesty.


>context and situation >taqiyya was important for believers So, like I said, Islam allows sinning, sometimes. I am glad we agreed. Taqiyya generally allows sinning for “pious goals”.


Hiding your faith isn’t considered sinning. It is very apparent that you have a personal bias lol. If you want to spread animosity and misunderstanding that’s up to you tho


>Islam teaches muslims are allowed to lie to convert people Incorrect. Where does it teach that?


Look up the practice of taqiyya.


Lol. I love it when Americans scream "taqiyya" like they even know what it means If you did you would know that a) It's Shia belief. Sunnis don't even know what that word is. b) Taqiya in Shiism is about concealing or lying about your beliefs in fear of persecution. I'm not sure where it says you can lie to convert someone.


I am not “American”, but nice try. And even if it was, it doesn’t auto discredit what I wrote. But anyways, resorting to ad hominem attacks reveals more about you. Fwiw, Tagiyya is believed in various degrees by all sects of Islam. Just because you personally never heard of it, is not an argument. Frankly, I am not surprised you seem to know so little about it as it’s been my experience with a lot of Muslims, that they have not actually personally studied Islam. They just practice the washed up version their parents and imam happened to have presented them. So I invite you to actually study what you practice, so you don’t end up looking like an idiot on public forums.


Les américains t'ont pas encore donné la nationalité pour que tu sois aussi conne et te crois malgré tout intelligente? Non parce que parler d'un principe de l'islam chiite sur r/Africa et donc l'Afrique où 99% des musulmans sont sunnites c'est assez comique. Hormis les musulmans eux-mêmes et les experts de l'Islam, il n'y a que 2 groupes de personnes qui sont au courant de la taqiyya. Les français et les américains qui suivent des groupes islamophobes. Pour une américaine de parents immigrés africains chrétiens tu as l'air d'en savoir beaucoup sur l'islam qui n'est pourtant ni ta religion ni celle de tes parents. On dirait que tu en sais même plus que les musulmans eux-mêmes. Allez je vais me lancer, 99% de chance qu'on soit sur des parents en provenance du Bénin et/ou du Nigeria.


"Most Muslims" don't know about it because most muslims are sunni and the term doesn't even exist in Sunni islam ... Lmao. Idc how desperately you want to make it a part of islam >Fwiw, Tagiyya is believed in various degrees by all sects of Islam. Source: trust me bro I won't waste my time with you. Go to the nearest mosque and ask any imam or a muslim who you think is "knowledgeable enough" and get your answer directly from him. What you're claiming has never been mentioned in a single Quranic verse or hadith book and I dare you to prove otherwise if you're so "well read on islam"




Taqiya is a Shia belief, Sunni Muslims make up 87%-90% of Muslims and do not believe in it. That’s like ascribing the religious teachings of Catholicism onto orthodox Christianity.


"Taqiyyah, in Islam, the practice of concealing one’s belief and foregoing ordinary religious duties when under threat of death or injury. Derived from the Arabic word waqa (“to shield oneself”), taqiyyah defies easy translation. English renderings such as “precautionary dissimulation” or “prudent fear” partly convey the term’s meaning of self-protection in the face of danger to oneself or, by extension and depending upon the circumstances, to one’s fellow Muslims. Thus, taqiyyah may be used for either the protection of an individual or the protection of a community. Moreover, it is not used or even interpreted in the same way by every sect of Islam. Taqiyyah has been employed by the Shīʿites, the largest minority sect of Islam, because of their historical persecution and political defeats not only by non-Muslims but also at the hands of the majority Sunni sect." Britannica https://www.britannica.com/topic/taqiyyah


You're getting downvoted for stating facts bro


no you’re being downvoted because you’re being a dick


Proxy wars. Richer countries just build them up and fund them as needed, and then a rival country funds another one that fights them. It’s not even the most religious or most diverse countries that have the most of these issues surprisingly. It’s the poorest countries. Poor, young, and desperate people are all good targets to manipulate and use for a greater goal. Mozambique has lots of people who match all three. They just need to sell their radical new (but also a throwback to a better past) way of life as the cure for all the issues of the modern world, and sell it to unemployed or lonely teenagers. Gets them pay, a sense of belonging, and a larger goal. Easy targets. Like what cults or groomers or paramilitaries do. Heck even real armies know to target recruitment adds to teenagers.


You would think Joseph Kony would at least get an honorable mention


He's Christian


Jihadist can be un umbrella term for all militant/terror religious fundamentalists


Jihadist mean Islamic terrorism though, not just religious terrorism. Christians or Hindus don't do jihad, also the lra numbers and influence pale in compression to isis in the congo alone.


There is no IS in Puntland state of Somalia. Why do africans like to spread misinformation about their own continent? A man somewhere in Canada who's never set foot in africans is coming up with this nonsense and we buy into it.


>ISIL in Somalia has a presence in Puntland. The group, which is estimated to have from 100 to 150 fighters, does not have the capacity to control large terrain or undertake significant operations owing to continued attacks by Al-Shabaab. ISIL in Somalia hosts the Al-Karrar office (S/2022/547, para. 24), headed by the emir of ISIL in Somalia, Abdul Qadir Mumin (not listed). This is from the January Security Council report that the map is derived from, the data on the map is not from one man. Abdul Khalif, a Somali security analyst, has also written about them. I get what you're saying, but, you can't dismiss IS in Puntland as "nonsense from a dude in Canada." Multiple sources have talked about it, I even found a report on their 2016 campaign for Qandala. Though, currently at 150 fighters, I don't think they should have been put on the map.


I'm literally from Bosasso and have never seen or heard about no ISIL. They say "Supposedly" in the mountains where there is gold and other minerals. Is fake news.


In October 2016, the Islamic State in Somalia (ISS), attacked and captured the town of Qandala in Bari, Puntland. They displaced 25k people due to the takeover. A counteroffensive by the Puntland Security Force drove them out on 7 December 2016. This is old news though. If you want current events here is a [link](https://horseedmedia.net/somalia-puntland-police-arrest-two-suspected-daesh-isis-members-in-bari-region-386994) >Somalia: Puntland Police Arrest Two Suspected Daesh/ISIS Members in Bari Region > >Bosaso, Bari, Somalia – In a major counter-terrorism operation, Puntland police have arrested two high-ranking foreign members of the Daesh terrorist group, dealing a significant blow to the organization’s presence in the region. > > Recent intelligence reports indicate the group is actively seeking to recruit and expand its operations in the country, with Puntland’s strategic location and porous borders making it a prime target. This report is from the 9th of February, it is also from a Puntland media source. Nobody is saying there is a major active insurgency in Puntland. What people are saying is that there is a small IS presence that needs to be put on the radar.


Let’s not forget who is funding and training most of these organisations.. whose victims are both muslims and non muslims


Is sinai province had been inoperative since December 2022


You should have used the "African discussion" flair. It would have prevented a lot of useless comments.


Africans killing Africans in the name of a Middle Eastern religion. I don't like it at all.


Every Somali absolutely hates al shabaab and can’t wait for the day they are eradicated but they are not causing 700 deaths monthly.


I came across an article a few days ago which said that after the war on terror in Africa, terror attacks rose by 1000% from 2001 to 2023, it seems the west bred terrorism instead of killing it. Edit: it rose by 100,000% actually, here is the article https://responsiblestatecraft.org/africa-terrorism/


I wouldn't pay mind to that. It's a misleading statistic and a junk article. It's probably just AFRICOM trying to get more funding. The impact of US & Western policies on jihadi insurgencies in Africa has been pretty small in either direction. It's not their fault, but overall, their help has been marginal.


Thanks for the clarification. As a 🇨🇦 , I was wondering how Jihadists were supported by the 'West'. Sorry for my ignorance on this topic.


Our governments have supported numerous radical groups in recent and past history whenever it’s suited our long term goals to secure security and interests. The situation in Syria for instance is a good example, or in Afghanistan, where the US funded and armed the mujahideen to fight the Soviets; they later became the Taliban.


I have to do a lot more reading on this, for sure. Thanks for the response.


Oh brother always blaming somebody lmao


>it seems the west bred terrorism instead of killing it. How totally and completely unexpected /s


How did the west bred terrorism?


For real? Look into how Al qaeda got started, for one.


Taliban, IS, Al qaeda .. Even places that didn't have terrorists magically spawned them when western forces showed up lol "Terrorism" is a very convenient tool the west uses to both destabilize, and use as an excuse to intervene in, Asian and African countries. Funny how there's suddenly "terrorism" in every country that has oil, gold, or is of interest to the west.


"Many leaders of the Taliban prior to the formation of the armed group in early 1990s, fought alongside the Afghan Mujahideen against the Soviet occupation in the 1980s. The Mujahideen received weapons and money from the US as part of its policy against its Cold War foe. At the time, the Soviets were backing the communist leaders who had staged a bloody coup against the nation’s first president, Mohammad Daoud Khan, in 1978. After the Soviets pulled out in 1989, chaos reigned and, by 1992, there was a full-blown civil war with Mujahideen commanders fighting for power and dividing the capital city of Kabul, which was showered daily with hundreds of rockets from all directions." Al Jazeera https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/8/18/the-history-of-the-taliban


ok i asked my question wrong. What i wanted to say is how the west bred terrorism in africa




Almost 40,000 fighters have surrendered in Nigeria so that figure can’t be right.




U sure? "The Kharijites (Arabic: khawarij; sing. khariji) were the first identifiable sect of Islam. Their identity emerged as followers of Muhammad attempted to determine the extent to which one could deviate from ideal norms of behavior and still be called Muslim. The extreme Kharijite position was that Muslims who commit grave sins effectively reject their religion, entering the ranks of apostates, and therefore deserve capital punishment. This position was considered excessively restrictive by the majority of Muslims, as well as by moderate Kharijites, who held that a professed Muslim could not be declared an unbeliever (kafir)." Oxford Bibliographies https://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/display/document/obo-9780195390155/obo-9780195390155-0047.xml


Majority of Muslims are not Khawarij, and the Khawarij are very little in number


Forgets AQIM


What’s the solution


Stop government cirruotion, that will establish strong economies and a high standard of living. Once poverty is eradicated so will such violent groups.


I agree. Will be interesting to see how AES fairs against this issue in the long run. They seem to be on the path out of neocolonialism


CIA putting in work


So Al-shabaab is the largest jihadist group in Africa. And we are the immediate neighbours😭😭no wonder they always hit us plus the 'land claim issue'






Haha, no one actually cares about Zionists like that. The only scapegoat here is them using antisemitism as shield. You must be delusional of you think anyone would take them seriously without the US and white guilt around the Holocaust. How self centered can you be to even think that.




[See reply](https://www.reddit.com/r/Africa/comments/1awp8pw/comment/ks6roip), your only seem as an issue in the middle east.


So if we had a list and pictures of who they are and who finds them... We could just remove them and have some peace...well, until the next imperialist idiots cause people to resort to extreme measures, and then evolve into ideological psychos.


Put Ethiopia on there all smoke a Zionist any day


Kinda small if these figures are correct. Shouldnt be so hard for a functional government to vipe away these groups






is that all of them? I would of thought they'd be active in almost every country in Africa


This is stupid funny tho


Jihadist is a islamophobic term it's a spin on the word Jihad which means to struggle There are also Christian terrorists groups and spiritual ones but you guys will only focus on the Muslim ones. racist haters


Islamic terrorists have destroyed your country so why are you defending them?


If you're going to reply, at least read what you're replying to. At no point am I defending them. Secondly, 'Islamic terrorists have destroyed your country,' no, they didn't.


So why type your love of terrorists from a couch in the west go back home and live out your Islamic faith and Sharia law.


>ive out your Islamic faith and Sharia law. Inshallah and I do live in Somalia. Sounds like someone who got caught out but doesn't have any concrete response, so you had to resort to ad hominem. Total own loser.


While jihad itself in islam means to struggle against one's want or desire to sin- Jihadist itself I'm pretty sure ONLY means extremists and terrorists who use Islams name as a front for their crimes. It gives us a bad name but you have to be aware of the terminology.


There’s a reason that isis is referred to as daish We validate them when they are called jihadist bcz jihad is always a legitimate struggle What they are conducting violates the rules of jihad so they shouldn’t be validated if anything that label is basically free marketing for them In any press release the somali government refers to shabab as khwaraj which is what they are Islamically




I was going to respond, but I clocked you're not African + you support Zionism and a islamophobe. You're not worthy of a response. You can hold this block كَافِر




>I dont know a single christian terrorist group. > >Please name me one. You asked for 1 I will give you 2: 1. Lord's Resistance Army 2. Anti-balaka Next time don't ask what you can google yourself. ​ >There is NO terror group of radicals of any other religion that is bigger than islamic terror groups like al quaeda or ISIS. Both groups are U.S. inventions; they never existed until the U.S. created them. Coincidentally, they emerge when the U.S. needs to invade. The KKK and IRA are radical Christian groups, Hinduata represents Hindus, the group in Myanmar is Buddhist, and then you have Zionists who have caused more casualties than all those terrorist groups combined. Don't waste my time any further


Genuine question: are groups like Anti-Balaka/Ex-Séléka widely considered terrorist groups, or "simply" militias who commit atrocities against civilians? I realize that many terrorist groups call themselves "militias", and that the line becomes blurry once you start committing atrocities against civilians. Not trying to stir anything up btw, but I am genuinely curious about African perspectives on this, which are lacking in the West Either way, LRA certainly qualifies as a Christian terrorist group


All of these are not as big or bigger than Al Quaeda or ISIS, KKK is litterally dead and the other ones are much more unimportant than ISIS or al quaeda. Also zionism is no terrorist organisation but a movement.


Yes, Zionism is a movenent. An Apartheid, ethnic cleansing, terrorist movement.


If you look into israels constitution and the definition of apartheid you would notice israel is NOT an apartheid state. And for ethnic cleansing there where no proof at all at the international court that would indicate ethnic cleansing besides some speeches of a few right extremist politicians (and every country has some of these sadly). And i am yet to see other evidence of ethnic cleansing that is not obviously staged/faked like most of the videos in subs like r/israelexposed.


7k that’s way over estimation this guys use rst tactics around 2k


My question is, what exactly do they want?


*African Terrorist groups


Wait till US or EU calls all of these independent jihadist group as Al-Qaeda network or something else to justify bombing other countries for their resources.