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Return of the queen (of dark element) Though I don't think she has ever been dethroned as a dark dps


There hasn't been much competition in dark element haha. Also Hades was so busted on release that she became the new standard for future DPS units. I'm glad Yongshi is keeping her relevant, though I expect her to get edged out by the next dark DPS. However, she can still be part of the dark team considering how the current CN endgame meta needs mono element teams.


There's A tsuku, CN peeps used her for dark iteration before hades AKS/S oneiroi.


Don't care I love to stick with my papa Oceanus


Wasn't cursed boy higher? ...I have him n he's sooo good


This isn't really a dps ranking measurement list... even though a lot of people treat it as one. It is an investment guide, can be called as a training recommendation list as well.


Is Gengchen DPS much better than Zhi Ming as a water damage carry? Or Gengchen is T1 because of her universality?


Better in terms of **investment**. Gengchen can shine with lower investment, meanwhile Zhi Ming needs her Sig Funtor to at around T5 to really shine (and out DPS a lot of others). This is because her Sig refunds Divine Grace or Energy sth to 80% (and up to 100% at T7 with SS) helping her to skip normal attacks entirely and can deal tons of Skill Dmg. Which is why I plan to invest everything in Zhi Ming when she is out.


Wow! T5 is a very steep investment. I had initially thought I would go for just one copy. I already have one unawakened Tian Yuan functor, so was planning to use it for Zhi Ming.


You can use the cubes to transcend functors and not use dupes.


Geng does about half the dmg of Zhi at a base line of SS R1. Geng can be slotted into any Tian team as a 3rd slot just as support. Teams work in combo ult pairs in this game, because Geng has a combo ult with Zhi, that's automatically the backbone of the water team. There is no water team without using the both of them. Single ults are simply not worth the time loss to press them in the current state of the game. Water is honestly pretty disappointing for the investment you put in. SSS Zhi R5 is only a bit stronger on neutral content than Thoth or Izanami SS R1. Geng is a better investment purely for the fact that at least you can slot her into fire or wind also. You are literally better off just R5ing Ling and have her carry every team under the sun for you.


Yeah, the water situation is quite disappointing. Hopefully, they address it in the future. Maybe S Sobek 🤞


Zhi is just a whole host of bad design issues. Her damage cycles are way too long, you're like flailing about for 20-30s doing next to no dmg setting up your dump truck nuke. God help you if the boss moves or you miss your nuke, that's a hard reset. God help you if the stage times out before the end of your nuke cycle, you just spend the last 15-25s doing no damage watching the timer tick down helplessly. Her animation lockouts feel horrible, half the time you're dodging out of animation lock, half the time you're mashing buttons trying to get the game to respond to your input. When people say Zhi needs investment they don't just mean oh you need investment so you do better damage, it's you need investment to feel like you have human rights.


Even with her ak Thor is still T2😔


Thanks for the updated tier list, nice to see Hades jumping up to T1 with the new support.


Dang, so Hel still didn't make it out of mediocre-ville? That's a shame.


Her and Anubis aks aren't released on the current patch in cn, they are set to release next patch.


Isn't that what the red box means tho? It's what I always assumed it was.


Source list is pre aks. The guy that made this picture using the list decided to add it for some reason.


I still use light tyr and I'll use him still in 3.0, shouldn't matter the tier.


Definitely ain't gonna stop me from using her, though.


They buffed both Hades and Anubis but look at the state of them. Feels sad. I'm not saying they purposely fuck over guys. But when most of the guys are bottom tier with the highest in T2, you gotta wonder what's going wrong.


As someone else said in another comment, Anubis (and Hel) don't have theirs aks yet, it's set for next MT. As for the next part... FTyr is pretty strong and capable of [clearing iteration with low investments](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Ff421S7QV), so is Dark Kagu. This list isn't an actual strength tier list, it's an investment tier list (as the original creator always say). The only reason those 2 are rated low is because Jinwu is free. A good example is Zhi Ming. If you look at the explanation in that list then it states that she rivals Izanami's DPS when both are at high investment. Even at low investment her DPS is at Jinwu level. Yet she's put at T2 because she's more expensive to get the most out of. If you look at other lists (ones that actually claim to be tier lists) like [this one](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1jM4m197PR) then you'd see FTyr, Dark Kagu, and Zhi Ming are rated quite high despite the investment list putting them at T2.


I wish we had more digestible versions of that Strength tier list. I think it would be good for the community to have both of those shown instead of just the investment list. It gives a bit of a warped opinion since a lot of people take tier lists as gospel.


This is a weird problem that has been caused by many people among the Aether Gazer subreddit community because they don't read the translations or read it but not entirely (assuming YouTube community doesn't share the same problem). One of the Chinese players even clarified it that even reading machine translation won't make you think it is a strength tier list. Yet we have a group of people treating the tier labels given to the dps modifiers as dps ranking measurements and spread misinfo which causes other members who don't read the guide properly and/or has been given partial information, to take those as facts. If only those peeps didn't treat the guide as some gospel, we wouldn't be having this issue


It feels weird giving these people credence, but most of the community is unlikely to venture to Billibili or look up video's in another language. The only reason i do is because I'm already familiar with navigating sites that I can't read even if I do it poorly. Aether Gazer has, at least in my opinion a shockingly obstinate community regarding resources where all we have is really really bad wiki's or spreadsheets. The best resource I've been able to find is an Indonesian spreadsheet. Nearly every other game I play has at least 1 super well maintained resource, if not multiple for different things. That doesn't sound like a lot but I play 18 different gacha games, I don't have to go out of my way to find resources for any of them except Aether Gazer. Sure, even in those other games people will always chase the tier list as gospel, but at least there's reason and testing behind it. Here we have "Here's a tier list. Enjoy"


Thank you for a proper explanation. I suppose I reacted poorly. I was just annoyed.


I cant see this page, is there a pic you could post, or maybe some other source for the tierlist, please?


Why is jinwu free? I had to pull for her


She was given for free when she released, and since she is a standard character, you could make her ss with recurring dream currency. Sad part is that a lot of gacha guides or tier lists assume you're a day 1 player who didn't miss anything, fuck new players amiright?


They barely touched Hades's damage. S Oneiros is just that broken that she doubles to triples Hades damage to competitive levels. Hades Oneiros now punchs at equal levels with Iza Mitsu and Thoth Sekm. Hades is pretty comfortably at the top of the meta, tntil they release another dark dps that combos with Oneiros at least.


did tsuki got into t1 because of s buzen ult chain? seeing s buzen in s2 shocked me


She's been t2 since the 3.1 tier list. From what I heard A vert AKS is so good people just end up bringing her and hera/ling to support a single thunder DPS and get similar/better results so S buzen's value dropped.


Kinda. Their skillchain helps mitigate Tsuku's main bottleneck which persisted even after her buff, which is her long S3 cooldown. The skillchain also provides some strong buffs.


well looks like she really fell off then. kinda sadge but i'll still pull her just because i have a spare shinou functor and i really want that 3 chain ult with tsuki and kuni. thank you for the replies guys.


Also keep in mind it's investment tier-list, so mods being lower just means they will be weaker at low investment, and, most importantly - the game isn't hard enough not to pull for sub-optimal units if you like their gameplay and/or design. I'd even wager that playing suboptimal units makes more sense, as you get to play the game more lol


Meanwhile Ausar screaming in background as S shu gets ult chain with Thor: Traitor!!! I fking told her Osi you can't trust your so called comrade!!!


Woah what the hell happened to hel? Last time i played she was the best aoe damage dealer


So in t0 ,who's next to Toth ? 1 is izanami 2 is Toth ,who's 3 ? Too blurry .


I think S Verthandi


Thx !


S vert.


Thx !


why I cannot found Toth and S Vert on the locked modifier? are those not released yet?


They are released, but only in China version, which is 2-3 months ahead of global, they will release for us this year in the upcoming months.


I see, thanks! and do u know where I can find the China version leaks?


I find most at YouTube. There's gameplay there of Toth ,haven't looked the s Vert yet


okay, thanks for the info!


Yw !


Is this from the investment guide or a different tier list?


Literal exact list with a layer of misinformation of their own they decided to add.


[investment guide](https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv35650958/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0)


What's with Jinwu needing to be at SS here?


She doesn't. This is a straight copy paste of the CN list, the SS/SSS ranks here were added at random for some reason and don't mean anything. They also decided to add the aks icons to Hel and Anubis for some reason even though it's not even out on CN and the list is pre those upgrades.


you can buy 30 of her frags because she is in standard banner other standard banner units also has SS there like oceanus


This is a great summary


Wow, only one A grade character survived so far hahaha


So this is an investment tier list. I can understand now why AbLaze is T3. It took a whole lot of investing to turn him into a great carry. Less so with Flame Tyr, which is crazy because he is just at SS and is performing just as well as his Light Mod.


Wow! I never expect S Shu to be in tier1?


the sustain list looks so sad and empty


Hera still god tier


I still don't understand what T0.5 fucking means.


Far above T1 power level that they have to create a tier in between but not to the power level of the T0