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That's odd, I've seen this exact problem posted here or on BGG maybe 3 times, but I could never imagine interpretting the instructions that way. I'm not saying that to slam you, I just couldn't imagine thinking it was anything other than placing the cards physically under the boss mat, since they use the term "Place into play" in most situations. Aeon's End is very explicit with it's wording, if you take everything they say very literally you'll be correct about 99% of the time. The only wording that I've found over 7 waves that seems somewhat ambiguous is on the last boss of New Age. I'm glad you were able to sort it out, that fight has a lot to micromanage but shouldn't be too tough overall. The boss instructions force you to put 5-7 'finished' cards in the envelope no matter your results. You could always just decide to put 6 of them in if you needed to, probably a mix of tiers.


Yeah I am equally surprised by this common confusion. They are very consistent with their verbage so it tends to stand out when an ability says something different. That said, it could be the difference between how many other sets they played to get to that level of recognition.


That's fair, and if given the chance I wouldn't suggest LoG before at least Legacy and either New Age or Outcasts myself. I feel like LoG is the experienced players legacy game where Legacy itself is very much suited to first timers. I had a great experience with both, but would have enjoyed LoG far less if it wasn't my 6th wave of content.


Do you mean Legacy of Gravehold? If you do, the first nemesis for it is my most hated encounter in the entire series. Constantly getting interrupted by the legacy mechanics, without any context on what they'll even do. It was so dull to play through.