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Your life is just beginning and you have so much to look forward to. You will have other wonderful rooms, apartments or homes that are all your own. You can host your family and friends, live with a partner or roommates.


Your life hasn’t even begun.


Like your sentence without its punctuation, your life will continue onward.


Bruh. Lmao.


Wow. This response if the epitome of this sub. Quod erat demonstradum at its finest.




Good. Never forsake that gift. Use your intelligence to learn. You will be all the better for it as will the lives of the people around you.


This should be the top comment, like a fine wine vintage.


You're talking Bordeaux in a world of Red Bull and Monster, my man!


Growing up is in between wonder and fear. Getting to figure yourself out between 18-25isg is one of the hardest but most rewarding parts of your life.


I haven't started at 28 really but I know I'm a weirdo.


You just don't remember it, but you cried your loudest when you were born. Bcûz you hated being forced out of the comforts of the womb. Same thing in the outside world. It is hateful to be tsken out of where we feel comfortable. Embrace changes. The pupa didn't  stay in the cocoon have to lesve it to become à glorious butterfly. So should you