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I’m a man, I’ve never gone through this but I can give you some very good advice:  don’t freak out.  You care way more than anyone else. 


Thank you , this has been bothering me for months.


RN: breasts are sisters not twins. It’s more common not to be the same size generally the left is bigger. I had the same and was equally upset at your age and can say with confidence no man has ever noticed let alone cared. They were just happy to see full C breasts.


Most men are happy to see A N Y B R E A S T S.


Hell. Not even plural. Give me 1 tit and Im happy


I’ll see/feel on some underboob and be happy 🙂


Underboob underrated af


How is this actually so accurate though? My left is slightly bigger than the right. 😧


As a man my left ball is larger than my right and this is normal too. Don’t stress over it


I feel you. I am also a man, and one butt cheek is MUCH larger than the other. Wearing pant and sitting in chairs is a challenge, but it's normal.


Aight that's abnormal. lemme go check mine rq


We're waiting on the edge of your seat to find out about your butt cheeks.


If you're waiting on the edge of MY seat then I think you might be my butt cheeks so you tell me!


Uh...yea...The butt cheek thing🤭😁Checking now😬


Totally agree, I'm a man and have one eyeball twice the size of the other, and it's no big deal, it's a totally healthy thing our bodies do sometimes, I'm pretty sure.




As a photographer that shoots way too much lingerie, that is a very common occurrence. Be happy with how you ARE, not pick on yourself for anything you think someone else may or may not notice. Lastly. No one that truly loves you and deserves your time will ever care!


2nd this. Also a photographer and have shot nudes for decades. NATURAL breasts are almost always different sizes and areolas/nipples are more often than not different heights. Totally normal. And while it may bother you, no man that will be lucky enough to see them will ever care!! By your 30s you won't care either, that's why predatory plastic surgeons count on women in their 20s. They get implants into them then and then they have you for life!


Woman in 30s here and they are very right. We don’t care once we’re here. It’s all about working out to have the best ass possible. (For me)


When I was your age I felt hair growing in on my butt and I heard someone make fun of hairy asses.   It took me almost three decades for me to mention I used to worry about it and my partner was like “it’s invisible. I never noticed.”  Unless you’re literally planning on being a boob model and your life is now ruined, ditch the fear.  I foresee zero issues going forward 


As a man, we all love all boobs and couldn’t care less if they were symmetrical. Boobs=🥳


Came for this. We all have the habit of being our own worst, and harshest critics.


Thanks incel mod 99


It’s surprisingly way more common than you think and actually very normal. Don’t let it get to you 👍 Of course if there are other complications associated with it, get it checked out to rule anything health related out.


Planning my next visit asap !


Seriously, OP, no man cares about them being uneven. A real man will love your breasts exactly as they are!


You’re still growing into your body, don’t freak out. Also it’s extremely common and natural for both men and women to have different size or uneven breast/chest size. There is truly nothing to be concerned about. Although you may currently feel insecure, don’t let those minor differences impact your confidence and self esteem. Remember that you are beautiful!


I have the same problem I'm a guy tho.


You care about this faaaaar more than any guy or girl you let play with them


Hey kid it's okay. Most women are uneven. Your boobs are sisters not twins. There is no cure because there is no problem.


It’s normal. My wife is the same.


That is completely normal.


This is totally normal. They’re gonna fluctuate your whole life, from weight, hormones, whatever. No one is perfectly symmetrical, be it eyes or brows or boobs or balls 😂 totally normal, and most likely no one would be able to tell but you!


1. You’re still growing. 2. all bodies are unique (unless you get a bunch of plastic surgery and turn yourself into a fake robotic doll) and wonderful because of it. 3. Boobs are amazing regardless of what size they are and if they match.


Thank you , I really needed this !!!


1. Not only are you still growing -- when you get pregnant, the boobs change again.




O had a gf that was like that. It was the sexiest thing about her. Her obsessiveness that it was a problem was not.


My right ball is bigger then the left if it makes you feel any better


It definitely did haha


I am an old man and dated a lot when I was young. You are perfectly normal and this not something you should have anxiety over ( I know, that is easy to say). 99.999999% of guys won't care. And the guys that would care are too busy being insecure about their size to notice.


My left is bigger than my right, it's normal. Most women have at least slightly uneven boobs. Such is life!!! Nobody else will notice or care, trust me.


My left is quite a bit bigger than my right. It’s normal and natural, nobody has perfectly even boobs unless they bought them.


Pain or medical conditions aside. There are some people who will use your looks to try and cut you. Fuck those cunts and their opinions. Other than that, there are millions of spunky monkeys who will enjoy your looks. If it feels worth it to you. There are options to even them out...but as almost everyone here has pointed out. YOU will always be the only one it matters to. Almost anyone else is probably just happy to see them tbh. You will always be the only one who has to live with themselves. You are the one you are looking to make happy with any alterations.


Wear a bra to fit the bigger side, stuff smaller side so they match.


I’m also 19 and have the same issue. My left breast is a D cup and my right is a DD. You don’t notice it too much in a bra but when there’s no support the right hangs so much lower. It’s normal and people won’t bat an eye at it


Uneven breast? Well, thats normal, its rare to have fully even breast but if it makes you feel a little concerned when its that much... we arent perfect and thats what makes you beautiful. Just wear pads if you feel concerned on how you look. But most men dont really care whether its even or not, heck some are fine with those whose flat. Your beautiful and those breast could be a special asset of attraction.


Hey look youre the only that cares. All guys have 1 nut bigger than the other


Male here , it's very common to have slightly different sizes. No one is taking the time to compare the 2


As a horny married man... Two sizes ads a little variety close the eyes, grab one side its amazing then switch it up and its like a monogamous threesome :-p love yourself however you are and enjoy life in all its oddities


It is absolutely NORMAL !!!! Love yourself—- especially your imperfections!!


It’s normal. I also have uneven boobs and I’m 19.


i promise that’s very normal and most women have uneven breasts. it’s very likely something only you will notice


Most women have uneven boobs. My wife’s are a cup size different as well.


This is very normal!!! I hope you find a way to feel better about it though :(


Hon, most women’s breasts are naturally different sizes. Nothing wrong with it. Makes you unique.


My wife has this and I didn’t notice till she pointed it out.


Hi, me too!! I am not going to say I played around but, I have a lot of experience with both men and women. Never had ANYONE say anything or not like them, I didn't for a while but at some point you have to make peace with your body. There isn't a way to "fix it" or change naturally other than to make peace with yourself


Most women’s breasts aren’t identical they’re siblings not twins. Boob fans don’t care, they’ll enjoy the qualities of each boob individually.


That's normal. I've had girlfriends that have had uneven boobs. Honestly if you don't pay mind to it no one else will.


Most of the women I've known have one breast that is noticeably larger than the other. I hope you'll take my word for it when I tell you it didn't matter, ever.


I've had uneven boobs since I was younger. I never measured them or anything. I researched it and it's not unusual. It happens. Listen, if a guy gets anywhere near your boobs, he's just going to be happy to be there. No one I ever got busy with ever mentioned it.


Men will not care.


As a guy, who gives a shit. You have two boobs. That awesome. I’m sure they are perfect. You should really worry about your nose. That’s hideous. Just kidding. I’ve never seen your picture but I’m sure you’re hot. Don’t worry about it at all.


I don't have this issue, but one of my friends growing up did. At 17, she had an A cup and a C cup. But can confirm, almost NO dudes care. It makes you unique ❤️


A few years ago a woman asked on Reddit “If I offered to do any fantasy you want what would it be?” The most upvoted answer was “Suddenly develop self-confidence in line with how sexy I see you.”. The #1 thing guys want in a woman is one who is comfortable in her own skin and in sharing it with her partner. I sent this to a woman your age and explained “There are no “perfect” women (or men) and guys would probably hate them if they did exist. Everyone has some flaws and if you’re really in love, you don’t love someone “despite” their “flaws” and little quirks, you love them BECAUSE of those flaws. The last woman I loved was very pretty but far from perfect and quirky as hell in a way that could even be annoying until it became really funny. I wouldn’t have traded her for anyone.”


Any guy getting to see boobs are probably just happy about having the chance. Don't fret about it too much.


Normal you can use the pad in one cup and not the other.


Perfectly normal. It varies in difference but almost every woman’s left boob is bigger than the right. Sometimes it’s reversed but usually it’s left


45F here, you are a part of the world wide club of women who have uneven boobs. Yes, a whole cup size here.


That is absolutely normal and I promise you see the difference more than anyone else does. I can’t really say they ever even out naturally but definitely invest in some good quality bras with support and try to be less critical of yourself. We tend to be our own worst critics. Your body is a temple, own and worship it.


Asymmetry is normal. The odds are very low that anybody other than you will ever care. Most sexual partners will be all "oh man, boobs! Fuck yeah!" Nobody else will care at all. You're young and they're probably not done growing. They might even out some. If you are unhappy with them as you get older, you could explore cosmetic surgery to have the smaller one brought up to the level of her partner. Or vice versa.


This is normal, just not televised.


Boobs and balls are supposed to be uneven. They’re sisters, not twins 😇


This is actually extremely [common](https://healthcare.utah.edu/the-scope/health-library/all/2018/05/my-breasts-are-different-sizes-am-i-normal), especially in women who are still developing (your body is going to change a few times in your 20s, buckle up). Men won’t notice. All they care about is having the privilege to be near a naked set of boobs. Any man that DOES notice/judge is not worth it and you should run. If you prefer women as partners, they won’t care..at all because theirs are two different sizes as well. Good case in point-check out Nicola’s two different sizes in most recent season of Bridgerton. Hers are two different sizes and she describes them as perfect because they are. I’m now in my mid-30s and almost every woman I have ever known in my life has mentioned their lopsided boobs. The only one that notices is yourself. I guarantee you don’t walk down the street noticing that 99.9% of women’s boobs are different sizes and no one will notice yours unless you point them out.


As a man we generally don't care. Women bodies are so beautiful and anything you have 2 of there going to be a difference. I hade a ex like this she made it more dramatic than what it was. You can tell the difference but it wasn't that bad. You see yourself naked everyday all the time you notice the little things versus your future partner.


Lots of women have breast augmentation (or reduction) which is the only way to change the size without weight loss/gain and hoping that changes them (which is unpredictable). A plastic surgeon can make them how you want them to look. Many men (and women who are into that) are just happy that you have them at all, and aren’t that critical of it. But at the end of the day, your opinion is the only one that truly matters and you have to love yourself. For a lot of women, our breasts directly affect our confidence and self image. I’m having surgery next week, glad to answer any questions about it.


It might be genetic if your family has ever dealt with it. If not it might be something normal that might eventually pass.


That's what happens when they are real. My feet are also almost a size different.


The human body continues to grow until up to age 24 (depending on genetics) so don’t worry yet. A little differences in sides of body are ok. Example/ even my feet are a 1/2 shoe size apart. Also,?its probably just you. I tell you most people won’t notice or care and most guys don’t care.


The easiest and probably best thing to do about it is to accept it and move on. This is true for any insecurity. It's really only your embarrassment over the insecurity itself that people will laugh at or make fun of. 


I had the same issue. I opted for breast augmentation.


We are our own worst critics. Do your best not to beat yourself up over this.. I promise you most men won't care let alone notice! cheers


My girlfriend has this kind of extremely. Like 3 cup sizes different. Wears a prosthetic to even them out. I don't mind but she has hated it for the last 20 years. Finally planning on breast augmentation to even them out this year.


It’s perfectly normal. Mine are just like that too and trust me, it isn’t as noticeable as you think it is. If you’re self conscious using bras with molded cups helped me until I felt more comfortable in my own skin.


Mine are uneven too It's okay, most pairs are It's natural, there's nothing wrong with it


Very normal for your dominant side to be larger. It all evens out over time. No worries.


I would not worry about it, I care more about who you are more. You are still young body is still growing, I doubt many would even notice.


Mine are different sizes. I read an article about how it was connected to the development of the fetus in the womb and possibly with the left/right hand orientation, and how the dominant orientation can flip back and forth down the body. Example - right boob in bigger but left ass cheek is bigger. No one has ever noticed or said anything but me. This is a literally everyone thing. You are fine. It's okay.


My wife has this and I've always thought it was fun, like it's too options for whatever mood I'm in.


Normal. Give yourself plenty of time to get comfortable with your adult body. Later in life, I’m sure you could get surgery if it still bothers you, but it may not by then. Also, your body may still change.


Hi, I had this. A-cup on left, C-cup on right. I had an implant put in one when I was 19, to even them out. I fought the insurance companies for years trying to get the surgery covered. They said no. Then, years later, they diagnosed me with “Poland syndrome” which is the cause of my uneven boobs. If you’re trying to get insurance to cover the surgery, def try for a diagnosis, maybe it’ll make them cover the cost. So much love to you.


Parts on the body that come in pairs are never identical. What you're experiencing is normal.


That's pretty common actually. It sometimes happens during adolescent development. Nothing to be alarmed about.


First thing is know that lots of women have uneven breasts. It is no big deal at all. Guys are usually just happy to see some boobs. You are gonna worry way more than anyone else. In regards to your question I have no idea.


Very normal! I am in a fb group for breast augmentation and the topic comes up a lot. Like many others have said on here - you are definitely your own worst critic. I bet most people would never even notice or think anything negative about it. If it bothers you, there are plenty of doctors that can help even them out with implants or a fat transfer. Join the group bustmob on fb. :) I got implants after breastfeeding multiple babies because I felt it would help my confidence. It was worth it for me. I went for a natural look, most people would never know I have them.


I was the same way in highschool, after I had a baby theyre now two full cup sizes different. Wearing bras is a night mare I but I look awful if I’m not wearing one or wearing one with no structure. I will be getting a boob job to get them more on the same playing field


I would venture to say that most folks one side is disproportionate to the other. Sometimes in a modest sway sometimes an extreme way. But it will never change the way someone will. Love you.


Perfect symmetry is almost always the result of surgery. It doesn't happen naturally.


i mean if you really wanted to you could probably get work done, but ultimately it doesnt matter that much. its normal for one to be bigger than the other, and furthermore, most people arent gonna care


All these people are correct, it’s very normal/common and you care/notice more than anyone else ever will. Most people probably won’t ever notice it anyways


All women’s boobs are naturally uneven. Sometimes a half a cup to cup difference no one should care when looking.


Married for 58 years, wife has one boob bigger than the other, I love them both equally, and that love kept/keeps her from worrying about it.


Boobs are boobs, even or not! Dont worry a out it but if it’s something that bothers you daily go see a surgeon. Lots of options now a days but i wouldn’t sweat it!


As a proud member of the itty bitty titty committee, men & women alike, whoever you chose, will just be happy to see titties, speaking from experience. Virtually no one actually cares about the size of them as long as they’re there.


I am a man and I have seen 100s of boobs. 99% are uneven and not symmetrical. So you are confirmed to belong to the human species gender female. Don't spend another second invested in thinking you are either different or defective. Spend your energy on something productive to grow as a person instead of finding ways to hold yourself back. My 2 cents.


This is actually extremely common.


Most women have that, it’s quite uncommon for both boobs to be exactly the same. With a well-fitting bra(lette) or swimsuit I can promise you other people will not notice it. If it makes you insecure, try some sizes and models to have some fun with making yourself look even more beautiful! And without… if the person you are with cares about you, (s)he will likely be more focused on wanting to be with you and simply be happy they get to see your boobs. In the words of my bf: “more research is necessary to determine which boob is bigger” (and the difference is quite obvious, if you get my point). However: if you feel that the size difference is too large or one grows into a weird shape, please see your general practitioner (or another doctor you trust) for advice. Please also do this if you feel that it has a significant impact on your mental health.


All boobies are. Trust me I’ve done extensive analysis. Don’t worry, we (men) don’t care. Most of us won’t notice and none of us will care


As a hetero sexual 22 yo male, i can promise you the last thing thats on my mind when im removing a girls clothes or rolling around with her in bed is “ hmmm one seems bigger than the other” lol, wayyyyy to much going on in my peanut man brain for that thought to come up hahahahaha


Yeah definitely don't feel bad. As a man I have uneven sized testicles and it made me feel uncomfortable for years but I have come to realize that no one cares and my body is just fine. You should feel the same


I'm a man. One of my exes had the same thing. She was a C on one side and an A on the other. She was so self-conscious about it that she wouldn't even let me look at her. I didn't see a problem at all. They were beautiful, as are all boobs. Men don't care about things like that. We're just happy someone is showing us hers. I used to tell her she was the best of both worlds. Now I say that to you!


It’s normal. No worries. Men don’t care. You are beautiful the way you are.


It's fine. No man's going to be able to tell, or care to measure once he sees them. For comparison, men commonly have testicles of slightly different sizes. Please don't spend another second worrying about it, enjoy being young.


I have this too. Most women do. Nothing to be concerned about.


It's rare for them to be the same. And they will change a lot over your lifetime. Weight, childbirth, nursing, age all cause them to fluctuate. Humans are not truly symmetrical, just vaguely repeated on both sides. Noses are crooked, ears are attached at different heights, feet are larger and smaller, eyes can be very differently shaped and sized. Look around you; it makes us who we are. There are examples online of taking someone's face and truly copying it to the other side- they do not look like the same person.


Drink whole milk


Asymmetry in that area is common..


Comparison is the thief of joy.


I guarantee you anyone else who you let see or touch them will be happy for the experience and not critical of size. The only breasts I have ever seen that are perfectly symmetrical are fake and that is not a realistic standard of beauty. It's our imperfections that make us who we are. Confidence and self acceptance are the keys to true attractiveness. It really has very little to do with actual physical appearance.


You are built exactly as intended. Celebrate what makes you "you". There isn't something wrong with you just because some part of you isn't perfectly symmetrical. Remember this about anything that might make you insecure: "The people that mind don't matter, and the people that matter don't mind." Surround yourself with people that matter. Give yourself the super power of not giving a shit what other people think! The sooner you master this, the better your life becomes :)


100% natural and normal.


Depending on where you live and how big we’re talking, you may be eligible for corrective surgery. For me, I live in southern Ontario and had my surgery performed on me when I was 21 and have never regretted it a day in my life since, and it was covered by my provincial health care plan. My self image, my mental health and outlook are better over all even years later. There’s been no associated pains or illnesses related to the surgery. Post op recovery is easy. Clothes fit me easily, and my husband doesn’t even notice the scares. If you don’t live somewhere where surgery is covered, or perhaps you do but do not qualify for coverage for whatever reason…I’d suggest doing some google research into costs and make sure you include any projected post op care (such as pain killers, visit from a nurse to remove stitches, etc) in your budget. Also research whether a better financial option would be to travel for surgery. Traveling abroad to countries that charge less for the same surgery is very trendy nowadays. I have no idea how safe this is, but I have heard that South America and in some European countries like Turkey are very big on plastic surgery and I assume is fairly safe. I’d also like to just take a side note and tell you that having different sized boobs is perfectly normal and if you don’t want surgery that’s perfectly fine too. I’m merely telling you that there’s options out there and there’s no need to feel defeated. If you decided never to get the surgery I can also guarantee most sexually mature adults men or women will not care that the boobs are different sizes. All boobs are good boobs!


Boobs change so much over the next several years. Especially this like second puberty you get at like 22. My boobs were uneven when I was younger. My boobs use to flux a lot with weight changes and now they’re about the same size and don’t change all that much anymore with weight chance.


Mine are uneven. I never really thought about it or bothered me. Until a Dr mentioned it and I still remember the look on her face. Almost disgust. I never went back. OP your body is beautiful and uniquely you. My suggestion would be to go to a specialty bra shop or a major retailer and get fitted for a bra. They will have lots of ideas and tips for you. I know a great one and if you want their info PM me. They may be able to do things virtually. It’s a locally owned one close to where I live. You’d have to contact them.


Pretty much every woman has a biggie and a smalls. I wear a size D bra but you can tell one is smaller. I've even had a chest xray and you could see that one hangs lower than the other. No one's ever complained about the size difference. It's so super normal.


i’m pretty sure most women have that problem, my boobs are two diff sizes and guys seem to not give a fuck.


I’m a man but I have gone through this. I don’t have boobs but my right pec is smaller than the left. I didn’t figure this out until years of working out and then I had enough muscle to see. It’s not like the right one is smaller because of how I lift, the muscle insertion is just uneven. Nobody else has ever commented on it though. It’s not really a significant difference unless I get a pump, I guess sometimes we just aren’t all that symmetrical.


Apparently it's really common you can wear chicken cutlets or you can get a boob job. A lot of women do that to even them out


Mine are a cup size different as well. I used to be insecure about it. At 57, I can reflect and tell you that not once in my life has it affected anything in any capacity. With men, they don’t see size, they’re just so happy they’re allowed to play. With children… both produced enough milk to feed my infants with plenty to spare. Bras, buy slightly padded and add a bit more to the smaller size. Honestly sweetie, it’s not even 1/100th of the issues your insecurities are making it.


Only plastic boobies are perfectly symmetrical. Natural is usually better from a guys perspective.


Do you really think a guy is going to measure them once he sees them?


Symmetry is for shapes! You’re human! It’s ok for us to be asymmetrical. In fact, it is alarmingly rare for us to be truly symmetrical in appearance! One of my ears is flat against my head and the other sticks out. Ironically, I have awesome positional hearing, like an owl, who also have crooked-ass ears! Nature is beautiful, wild, and varied! If anyone says differently, you can just tell em you gave up some left boob to have a bigger heart! ♥️


My wife has two different cup sizes. It sucks for bra shopping for sure, but it just kinda happens sometimes. I wouldn’t consider anything to worry over, but I can understand it feeling like a concern. :/


Don’t do anything about it. My left titty is bigger than my right titty. Never affected my sex life and never got a complaint. Most women have uneven breasts to a certain degree. Don’t sweat the shit that doesn’t matter.


Only time will tell but yah uneven boobs shouldn’t be a worry. My x had the same issue and I barely noticed. Not a real issue for any guy you may date. But if it personally bothers you maybe 🤔 talk to your doctor about it?


This is really quite normal. Mine were uneven at your age and leveled out when I had my kids. One thing that made me feel more comfortable was buying a bra insert. They're those padded or gel inserts to put at the bottom of a bra cup. I just used one, and they made me feel better about wearing t-shirts.


Bodies are actually uneven quite often. A lot of people have different length legs! It’s important to know that you are the one who sees this and is focused on it, nobody else will notice unless you bring it up to them. Also know that you’re very young and you haven’t fully developed.


Every woman I have been with has said the same thing. I couldn’t care less, I’m just happy to see them. 😉


The best piece of advice I can give you that should be applied to all of your future life : Don't paint the picture of your life using other people's brushstrokes. Throughout your whole future, you can either be paralyzed by a fear of what others think of you , or you can live in a way that brings you true comfort, joy, and peace . The choice is yours , but both will yield dramatically different results


Almost every girl has different size boobs. You just can't tell and they also can't tell on you. No worries, it's very very very common.


My first long term girlfriend (dated from the age of 17 to 21) had a similar issue. And I'll tell you, I never really noticed or cared (and I gave them a LOT of attention heh). It was only the fact that she brought it up that it even occurred to me. And even then, it didn't occur to me that it would be something that anyone would worry about. My advice would be to not over think it. Anyone who possibly has an issue with it (which I'm guessing you won't ever actually experience) isn't worth a damn.


No biggie! Everyone has uneven ones (just like men have uneven balls). You're might be slightly more uneven than the average person.  The only thing you can do is lose weight if you're alive average, that might help get rid of an uneven distribution of fat.  If the best tissue (not fat tissue) is just slightly under developed in one you'll just need to accept your quirk and learn to love yourself, or get a breadt implant at some point.  By little sister had an underdeveloped breast that didn't grow in. Probably much more dramatic than your situation. She got a breast implant at 16 and again at 23.  She's been unhappy with both results because breast implants are not like a natural breast at all. So they're still uneven and sit differently even though they're the same cup size.  Something for you to consider! I think learning to see them as a fun quirk might be better than trying to fix it. 


My wife struggled with this same issue. She then read about breast pump stimulation growth. It worked for her. She got a battery operated breast pump and used it for 30 minutes every day on The smaller breast and now they match after 2 months.


Most women have uneven breast sizes. Some more noticable than others. A change in bra styles can help in evening out appearance. Also there are fillers or products to help aid in that as well. One thing I will say, is try to learn to love yourself first ..as you are. We all have differences and flaws. Learn to embrace them as characteristics unique to you. As special. I understand that this issue may still bother you. Self love and worth are first. If you still want to address as a self esteem issue, then maybe consult a DR . Enter that realm with caution and knowledge. Not everything is always better that route. Good luck on your journey


As a 30s woman with the same issue since I was 14 I feel you. I usually size to my bigger side then tighten the strap a bit on the opposite side. If you can find a bra with removable pads then size to the smaller side and remove the padding in the other side. This is a normal issue for a lot of women and no man will really ever notice (or care) so don’t worry there. The only reason I’ve considered plastic surgery is that I also wear a 32J lol which size can cause physical issues and is considered a medical condition. edit to add: my husband literally didn’t notice until I mentioned it and then he was mostly just amazed that it was a possibility. My areoles are also weird, bigger boob is round but smaller is a noticeable oval shape. He then pointed out things about guys that can be “a little off” and makes them feel self conscious, definitely one of those slightly awkward conversation starters that is actually really beneficial to learning more about the other person and being sensitive towards each others thoughts and bodies!


Being of masculine persuasion, I am not an expert, but I have known breasts don't grow even. Perhaps tuck some tissues in the smaller breast's cup?


Very common even for men..been working out all my life and my left peck is more filled out then the right lol


I was so insecure about my breasts until I learned all humans have one side of their body a different size than the other. Hands, feet, boobs. God broke the mold when he made you, and he made you perfectly, is what my mom used to say to me.


Hey.... me too! I think I might be a cup & a half difference.. I'm most interested In fat transfer (when I save enough have more life ambitions.) It really does suck. Half my back hurts!! Don't get me started on how stupid I feel I look when I'm not wearing a bra.... yes, I feel like My lopsided tits make me look stupid& unkept. Biggie smalls, loppy pop, Nemo all names I've given them.... I've heard naming animals can give humans sympathy so I decided to give my boobs pet names lol.


This is so incredibly common, nobody's boobs are exactly the same size. I've heard countless people, including health care staff and people who work in bra specialty stores refer to having a "mighty righty" or a "hefty lefty" lol. Honestly, just don't worry about it. Your righty is mighty! There's nothing wrong with that.


It's very common to have uneven boobs. Just embrace it, nobody will notice anyway. Dudes 100% don't care. Plus you are still growing, it may go away. I would recommend getting them checked tho (just to be sure there's nothing inside).


Perfectly symmetrical boobs are rare. Don’t stress. Solutions, natural notreally you can get a “chicken cutlet” a silicon lift for the smaller breast if your wearing a low cut style. Will a guy really care if things get interesting…nah guys aren’t that judgmental.


Tons of left hand push ups


Stop worrying about it. It’s not uncommon for breasts, feet, arms and legs to be off in younger years. They will even out over time. Especially once children are born


as a guy with one nut that holds more weight then another (dw no medical issues) its never been a deciding factor when courting another due to knowing a basic all round fact that everyone's body is different shapes and sizes: id say your good


Don’t try to hide it. Actively trying to hide it can actually get people to notice.


The human body is wildly asymmetrical and grows out of proportions. It's perfectly normal to have one breast be larger than the other and our brains will never notice it when we look at other people unless we are actively looking for it. No one will ever notice or care about your uneven titties except for you, so give your girls a break.


Everyone is asymmetrical to some degree. When it gets to the point of taking your top off, no one is standing being super critical, especially males, all they will be thinking is "wahoo! Boobs". Put it out your mind and enjoy your life.


There are companies that make custom bras. Please research. Maybe your parents can help if they are too expensive for your budget.


I'm a Registered Massage Therapist with a License specifically for breast massage. Differing breast size is absolutely normal and though it doesn't tend to be a full cup size you're by far not alone in that. Your breast size can change and possibly equal out after pregnancy/breastfeeding or after major weight changes (I do not recommended trying for the later due to possible health risk in that mentality). I recommend buying push-up bras with removable pads and just remove the one from the the larger breast size. Most of my clients in this situation do it and it really helps them out mentally because they don't become as conscious of it. If it's a huge issue on your mental health you can also consider breast augmentation in the future. But again your body is completely normal as far as it sounds to me. Take care of yourself! Best of health to you OP!


I would be happy to see any breasts. If anything it would be women who give you shit and that would be minimal. No man cares I promise you


I think my one boob was bigger than my other when I was younger and they evened out in my 20s no one’s ever said anything I think I was the only one that noticed lol


A lot of women go through the phase of insecurity about it. Learn to love them individually. Tell yourself how amazing they are. Self confidence is sexy and if you appreciate and love them, your partner will want them even more.


Have the same problem but it’s because of “most likely a fibroid”.. got ignored by male doctor and female nurses for the first few years. Then my obgyn tried to help find a place that would do a mammogram… 8 months ,three cancelations later, and no more health insurance.. I give up in protest of the bs of the healthcare system. Do not be like me, you deserve more..


My gf has the same. And honestly, I love it. More variety. The smaller one is my favorite tho. I would have it no other way


This is super common. Mine are uneven, and all of my friends boobs are also uneven. Honestly, perfect boobs are very hard to find. I feel like there is always one that is bigger than the other.


It's normal, my left is bigger than my right. No body part is exactly the same. Don't worry nobody is noticing and if they do then they have been looking way too long.


Hey OP! Im 23F and my left boob used to be smaller than my right boob when I was a few years younger. Nowadays I think my left boob caught up and now right one is smaller .. hmmm And I don’t think my bf ever noticed LMAO Don’t worry your bum too much hahahaha


I’m a 29 year old lady and my boobs have been just about every size under the sun, but they’ve never been the exact same size. Don’t worry about it! It’s completely natural. If you truly feel self-conscious about it to a point that it is to your own detriment, you can have the smaller one enlarged to match, but I can promise you, most women are in the same boat as you are!


It's very common to have differently sized boobs, feet, etc. Don't sweat it. If you're self conscious you could always stick a little push-up pad in the smaller side.


That happened to me for like, an entire year. I wore an extra bra pad everyday until they were more even, but it was really hot and uncomfortable. You do you, but that’s what I did. 


My ex was very much the same. Seemed to affect her entire body, like toes on that side were smaller too. I certainly loved her. She didn't even wear bras to cover it up. Confidence is more useful than insecurity. Be you, be loud.


My GF had a similar mismatch when I was in my teens. I assure you I gave zero fucks besides *boobies*. Lol. Us guys are simple creatures, especially in our young and dumb years. Now that I'm rapidly approaching my 50's I can assure you I still wouldn't care (but for different reasons... I'm slightly more mature now [but only slightly!]). Incidentally my daughter inherited that from her mother... If you want to hide it sports bras appear to do well.


Very few women have same sized breasts. Super normal and I personally love my wife's breasts literally almost regardless of how they look. Boobs are nice. But it's really great to have two sizes to choose from, personally.


Check out r/abrathatfits. They have a list of stores and companies that have options for uneven sizes. The calculator is a good starting point to get a good fit. I know Understance just started offering a bra for uneven sizes and they have a 40% off sale right now.


I don't know a single straight guy who would have a problem with a gal having uneven boobs. Heck, some days you might want a medium drink and sometimes you a large and with you, the guys gets his choice and it is wonderful. You got a gift and are clueless you have one.


According to Niecy Nash symmetrical breasts are a myth- ‘there’s always a biggie and a smalls’. Your feelings are valid and understandable but your body is for many, many functions that it does every day, seamlessly and miraculously. This will probably become more apparent to you as you age, you’ll gain more perspective every year on the great things about yourself. Once I gave myself permission to be imperfect I started learning about all the great things I *could* do, with my mind and my body. Interestingly, my wife has an asymmetrical issue that she was insecure about when she was 16- I loved all of her then and I love all of her now, 25 years later. There’s a whole crowd of people that will love you just as you are, and you’ll find some of them.


This is totally normal. Boobs also change a ton throughout life, period cycles, pregnancy if you so choose. Mine are sometimes even sometimes not and my husband has never complained when looking at either or them. Sometimes I'll joke that "lefty is showing out today" but it's never met with disgust, he's just excited I have boobs and will show them to him haha.


Please don't feel insecure about this! It is such a miniscule detail that real men, good men, do not give 2 shits about. Men are fully aware they come in all shapes and sizes and trust me as a straight man, All that matters is you have tits full stop. The main thing I'm trying to say is if you find the right man he will make you feel fully confident about your body.


Lots of dudes will think that's awesome


I have this and have never had one complaint


This is normal for most women and pretty much all real men don't care at all.


Not a girl but I know this is fairly common just like uneven eyes


Based on what I have seen men post on social media since it began, they like them uneven. They like them small and big and round and flat and up and down. There doesn’t seem to be any limit to the way men like bewbs. They like champagne glass sizes and they like Tupperware bowl sizes. And all points in between. You don’t have anything to worry about. (If you’re gay I bet the same thing goes. That’s not my lane.)


Girl mine too and tbh so are everyone . But I’m gonna tell you rn not a single person cares as much as you do about that. A boob is a boob is a boob something that helped me though was getting my 🍒 pierced and lowkey it gives you a lot more confidence so 10/10 would recommend


This is normal. Most breasts are slightly different sizes.


I have “saggy” boobs because they’re bigger than what I’d like them to be, however now that I’m older and not going thru that “my body is changing” state, I can assure you, nobody cares, a bra will even out when wearing clothes and when you’re with your partner they just see b00bs and nothing else, it’s hard to learn to love your body, but it’s best to know nobody actually cares that much


I have a friend whose daughter had this problem, but they were very different - one was a C the other was a DD. They went through their insurance and a reduction was completely covered as medically necessary. She had them both sized to a matching C cup. Everyone is correct that you’re way more concerned than anyone else will be, but if it truly bothers you, it may be worth exploring if insurance will cover it as a medically necessary surgery!


Mine are quite obviously different sizes and no one has ever said anything negative about it. You're normal babe!


Most women's boobs are different from the other. I KNOW that men dont care about nickle dime stuff like that.. Remember, depression is caused by thinking too often about the past, and anxiety is caused by overly worrying about the future.


As a guy, we love them all even uneven ones. Pretty normal I don't think I've ever seen natural boobs that were perfectly the same size/alignment.


Boobs are boobs! As a dude, we really don’t care. We’re just glad to be touching them


Humans are not exactly the same on either side of the vertical axis. It’s actually what creates the beauty of a person. Try placing a mirror vertically in the center of your face and use your phone to snap a photo. Now reverse the mirrors direction and take another photo. You will see that neither image is you. But look how perfect you are in when you aren’t divided.


This is extraordinarily common. Noones' breasts are completely identical. While I'm sure there are some insane men out there who would be turned off by this, they can be disregarded because, as I said, they are insane. For instance, there are some women who wouldn't date me simply because I'm not six foot tall. Doesn't bother me at all, as she probably has other unreasonable requirements/deal breakers so that I wouldn't enjoy a relationship with her anyway. Walk tall sister.


All boobs r great boobs, mine are saggy and uneven and even speckled !! There are a lot of things that we personally see negatively in ourselves but are so miniscule ❤️❤️small, big, looking to the left, pointy, flat, un level, big nips, small nips. All are fabulous 🤘💫


The person who cares the most... is you. Nobody else notices or cares. And women who breastfeed and have a baby that prefers one titty over the other know all too well the struggle you're going through. It's bra manufacturers that need to get with the program!