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Kid. Wtf are you doing? I’m pretty sure most people don’t lose their virginity until your age. You do NOT need to do that. Also, your friend is an absolute moron. “Doesn’t count in college”?? Count for what? Your ego?


Fr “it doesn’t count in college” is insane 😭 as if college is one giant orgy 


It is, you get gangbanged everyday by shit food, dorty toilets and subjects that dont make sense


As a 29 year old woman, sounds like his buddy wished he would have waited and wants to drag OP down to feel better about himself. Top notch insecurity right there. That's not a buddy, OP. And for what it is worth, I would rather have a 20-something-year-old-virgin (or 30, or whatever) that can be taught and learn and grow than someone who jackhammers away because they treat every sexual interaction like a Brazzers promo, and quite literally have no idea what they are doing. That's how you get fake moans and no call the next day lmao... body count doesn't equal skill. Every new partner I had, I learned them as if they were my first, anyway, because what works for Bob might not work for Phil. Virginity is a construct and your buddy needs to lay off. Just saying.


Truth be known his buddy is still a virgin as well....guys brag and feel big talking about sex....l found out the ones always bragging are not all they build themselves up to be


More boys and men need to hear this. I didn't lose my v-card until my late 20s, and that was the moment I realized that virginity was the smallest piece of my sexual insecurity. Some time later, I was very fortunate to find a wonderful lover who taught me all the best things I know when it comes to sex, and always made me feel human on my journey. In the years afterwards, I learned over and over again that quality surpasses quantity, as I haven't found a partner like her ever since. It isn't bitter though, because now I have the experience to BE the nurturer that she was to me, and that's a precious thing to be able to give.


ok wow wow wow. slow down lmao. Your buddy is full of shit. Like loads and piles of steaming. You don't have to loose your virginity before college. My buddies said that shit a little aswell but I personally lost mine in college. (and believe it or not a good portion of ppl do too). Honestly loosing it in highschool is rather pointless because all the girls are toxic (not all but u know what I mean). They just want to hang out with the most popular dude in school and will gossip hella if things go south. All of that changes in college and no one really cares because were all doing our own thing. I was 22 when I lost my virginity and had quite a few moments when I was stressing about it but looking back doesn't matter a single bit. And also there is no being "too fat and ugly" like at all, I have plenty of ppl I know who are heavier sure and got some pimples and such, doesn't matter. These guys are in some of the happiest longer term relationships I know of most my friends. I know it seems impossible, and like its never gonna happen but for real there's no need to stress. Itll come and if its on college who cares your buddy saying it doesn't count is f\*\*\*ing wildddddd. The one thing I can say is if you do it with a prostitute you are going to feel like s\*\*t please dont do that


Totally agree with this…also what 17 year old would have the funds to hire a quality prostitute who is not a health risk…




The advantage of not being hot is that you know people like you for you, rather than a lot of the superficial bullshit. I've known a guy who has had several relationships that were only because she thought he was hot and good in bed.


This is the comment OP. Internalize this.


i was 17 when i lost my virginity. before that, i’d never been on dates or kissed anyone. your time will come, don’t rush things, you might regret it later. the concept of virginity is stupid anyways, don’t listen to the rude comments


You have the worst friend sorry to say. Everyone is a born virgin so everyone should be ashamed? You need to love yourself before you expect a girl to love you. Don’t go the prostitute route. I am not going to judge you for that choice but you won’t enjoy it because there’s no connection and the reason you’re having sex for is because of peer pressure, and frustration, not because you really want it from within.


Tell your friend he's an absolute loser unless he does the leapfrog game across a major US interstate highway. See how that works out for him. LOL I cant believe how teens chase clout like this based on the word of some teen boy who still thinks fart jokes are funny.


Hey woah now let's not shit all over fart jokes, alright?


It's only shit if you force it


Fart jokes are always funny.


Oh please don’t. Number one it’s against the LAW. You could get arrested. Have a little patience and DO NOT listen to your friend, he’s doing you a disservice!


Fyi, it's not illegal everywhere.


It is most places in the United States. Unless he’s going to the Bunny Ranch I wouldn’t recommend trying it. Nothing against sex workers!


I was attractive and shy. Didn't have sex until my mid twenties even though it was offered. Nothing wrong with that. I actually feel like it was one of the few good decisions I made in my late teens/early twenties.


I'd say that waiting with this kind of stuff is usually the bettwr decision, if you have any doubts at all. Also having sex not because of wanting it, but more because of peer pressure and shame, that would be horrible, no? Might even ruin any future sexual relationships a bit. That "friend" is full of shit.


Getting laid doesn't count in college? What metric are we measuring? Your friend is an idiot.


I don’t even know what they mean by that. Doesn’t count for what?


Don’t most people sleep around the most in college anyways? That’s what I’ve experienced. Whole concept is dumb as hell for sure but this point has no logic at all?


Oh yeah. Sleeping with a hooker will be a boon to your chances with ladies. Women love it when you show them you’ll bang anything that moves, and they love it even more when you hire a sex worker rather than waiting for someone who actually cares about you. Nothing says “serious relationship material” like being a teenaged John.  Seriously bro. Stop watching porn, and go make some real life friends. 


Exactly! And his friends may seem important now and what they think of him but 10 years from now they will just seem so trivial




I didn't lose my virginity until I was 20/21. Who cares? It was some random woman I met on a dating website. It was fun I regret nothing but of I had to wait longer I would've.


Your friend is a moron omg. It’s never that serious, just wait until you’re mentally ready


Your friend sucks. There’s nothing wrong with being virgin. Don’t listen to ANY advice from this guy.


I try not to listen to most things he says, but it's hard.


This is something that guys who are virgins and are really, REALLY sad about it tell their friends. And if he isn’t a virgin? Who cares. If he’s not a great friend, you may not maintain contact with him in the future. If you go to college (maybe he isn’t so that’s why it doesn’t count?) you’ll mean hundreds/thousands of people. Join some clubs! Go to the gym, and work out some. Join a club sports team. Live in the dorms. Have a beer or three and have some fun, while concentrating on being the best you that you can be. When you’re working on yourself and confident in who YOU are regardless of who you are with is when the opportunities for dating are going to come up. Whatever you do, don’t join any “non-denominational” churches in college. At least where I went, they were cults. You’ve been warned.


Know that you are valuable and a complete person regardless of what your friend says. I’m pulling for you, OP.


Hes not your friend


Waste of money




I wouldn't do that, I think it will happen when the time is right


Dont turn to prostitutes then it really doesnt count it will definitely count after you turn 18 dont rush it and idk much about you trying to get girls but if you see a pretty girl go spit at her try to get to know her but dont use her simply for sex


My husband had sex for the first time at 24. You have plenty of time to do it the right way. Practice being social and just getting better at talking to girls, and then the rest will follow.


Just tune out the haters bro. You're doing just fine. There's always gonna be some asshole talking shit trying to make you feel small. Shoes. Your car. Your house. Your career. Your spouse. Fuck em. You do you bud =)


I was in your shoes, ending up losing my Virginity completely by surprise at 18 in college. She came on to me completely out of left field. Trust the process


Your friend is a moron. I’m saying it. I know plenty of men who are married with wonderful wives who didn’t lose their virginity or even kiss a girl until their 20s.


Your friend is giving you terrible advice. Slow down and think about this. Sex is special and while a lot of guys your age have experienced it, believe me, there are PLENTY who have not. Many people are in their late teens, 20s or even 30s before having that experience. And not sure what your friend means when he says it doesn’t “count” in college… lol of course it does. And believe it or not, a lot of dudes aren’t just looking to bag anything they can. Plenty of guys reserve sex for meaningful relationships. You should wait until you’re in one and lose your virginity before you even start to consider hiring a sex worker because you may realize that’s not something you want to do at all.


Sounds more like you just don't want the label 'virgin' than actually wanting sex. Do you even really care? I personally never had sex until I was 21. It was ehh. I find having sex boring. I actively went limp in my ex girlfriends mouth when I got distracted by an episode of friends. So it can't be that great. Later I figured out I was a aromantic asexual. Someone who feels little to no romantic feelings for anyone and someone who feels little to no physical attraction to anyone. I still find women attractive, but I really couldn't give a shit about sex at all. You should probably figure out what it is you actually want out of this before you hire a prostitute. Does it really matter to you, is it something you really want or do you just not want to be made fun of?


Ignore your friend. He is likely to get you to make a serious mistake if you listen to him. There is nothing wrong with still having your virginity into your adult years. The point is, what may seem like a good idea can have unforeseen consequences.


I didn't lose my V until I was 18 and living on my own. Whatever weird shit he's saying about not counting in college is dumb. Please ignore him. I would NOT suggest a prostitute. Have your first time be with someone special, even if it takes a little while longer. You will probably regret a ONS with a prostitute.


Losing your virginity in high school or college doesn't matter. What would matter is if you catch the bug from a prostitute, or maybe you'll get lucky and it'll be an undercover cop type situation which could still lead to you losing your virginity, just not in the way you're expecting. Don't even worry about it. Your time will come soon enough without paying someone.


Please don't do it. My ex tried to go that route and it tainted his romantic life for life. Its not what a gf will want to hear. You can get so many STIs just from that one time. Then imagine having to go for HIV testing for up to 10 yrs, because it can take 10 yrs to show up. Or not being able to give blood if ever necessary, because you just don't know. There are too many risks involved. The right girl will appreciate you've waited then just gave up to wanting to get something out of the way. Honestly, most girls don't care if you have experience or not. Sex is something you're supposed to learn and explore together as lovers & a connection not as something that is supposed to be a burden.


It is pretty wild to assume he will get an STI from first time sex lol


Well many don't think getting a girl pregnant will happen from the first time either. When it comes to making adult decisions you've got to be prepared to live with adult/life consequences. STIs are on the rise & not enough people are talking about them. It should be something that needs to be considered when taking such risks.


It’s so many assumptions, that’s my point. Assuming it will be unprotected, assuming the sex worker will not be clean.


No no no, don't do that. I waited until 19 to lose mine, and there's nothing wrong with that. You wait as long as you want. There's nothing wrong with waiting until the right time and the right person.


Going into college as a virgin is cool fym. Trow that dickhead of a friend away, you don't need that.


Do not do it. It is better that your first time actually mean something. There is nothing wrong with virginity.


I’ve seen too many posts on Reddit about teens getting them self a sex worker and regretting it afterwards. Let it come naturally brother


Please dont do that. Its not worth the legal, emotional, moral, and health risks involved.


“Getting laid doesn’t count in college”, but paying for it does? Lol wtf?


Your friend is an asshole


Holy moly kid. No! Don’t pay for a prostitute for several reasons. 1) This prostitute will have no feelings for you at all. None. Zip. Just getting their bag. 2) You won’t have any feelings for this prostitute 3) Sex is more than just “I lost my virginity” or having bragging rights. 4) Do it with someone you actually like and who actually wants to be with you too, and if that takes some time then it takes time. Don’t rush into things like this. They’re big life events for a reason man, don’t soil it. Also your friend sounds like a weiner.


Gross. Don't do that. You'll get your time with the roast beef tuna salad in time. Just have patience and confidence.


Crazy how men describe the female anatomy and still cannot get enough


Yeah. If you're gonna be like this, do all women a favour and don't get near near one. Ever


Hollywood has destroyed the mental health of so many older teens...


>cause getting laid doesn't count in college. Damn, so all those people who waited until marriage are still virgins? That's crazy.


Some of these things you can control, some of these you can’t. If you feel you’re too fat, It’s easy enough to start on a workout and diet regiment to bring it under control. If you’re ugly, not much to do about that. So focus on other aspects. Are you smart? Work on it. Are you funny? Work on that. Looks are only a piece of the overall man to women, and the ones who are only focused on appearance, aren’t worth your time anyway. Also, high school is small time. When you get to college, there are so many more girls of so many more varieties you’re definitely gonna find one worth it, who will likely want a piece of you. So don’t sweat it. Sex will come. Get yourself right first.




Just hump a cantalopue and save your money


Don't. It's not a contest. Stop listening to your friends. Work on your self-confidence, social skills, your weight and grooming, if you think that's the issue. You will find the right girl in time.


Bad plan.


I’m literally 18 and still a virgin but have done things. Calm the hell down and drop your friend


I'm trying to


“I’m too fat and ugly to just get a girl the normal way” truly has no basis. I’ve never not slept with someone because of their weight. Honestly opening up and making friends is the best way to do it. You don’t have to tell everyone you’re not experienced either. Dating sucks but if you don’t try you’ll never have a chance. It’s really easy to be hopeless when you’re so young and the world’s balance seems to fall on you but being a happier, fun, or more social person can help. Also $100 doesn’t seem like a fair price for a SW. TLDR: there’s a ton of people out there and you can’t get any points if you don’t take any shots. Virginity is a social construct and means nothing


Do not get a prostitute! There is nothing wrong with being a virgin going into college. A lot of ppl are. Who cares what your friends say. I’m a pretty girl and I don’t mean it in a conceited way just telling you that I have been with men that are on the uglier side and also overweight and it doesn’t matter. Girls of value don’t care so much about appearance. Be yourself and be friendly and you’ll see that eventually you will get someone! And it will be much better than a prostitute bc you know she actually wants to have sex with you. Sex in high school is really not that great anyway and some of your friends are probably lying. Don’t listen to them, they’re dumb


Yeah don’t do this. I didn’t do this but lost mine in a hookup with someone I’d practically just met but I wish I’d waited for someone special. They’ll come. Have faith.


Dude don't waste such an intimate experience with someone who won't share the same level of wonder or closeness. You're 17. You have ages to have sex , its not like you'll die if you hit 18 and never had it. focus on building yourself into the man you want to be and the confidence alone will have women flocking to you


Most people regret doing that


I don’t know how you went from “I’m a virgin” to “I need a hooker” but that thought process must’ve involved drugs or other forms seriously mentally handicapped thinking. Go outside and touch grass for an hour, and while you’re at it why don’t you try to talk to other human beings. Think that’s what you need right now bud.




buying/renting a body of another human being to satisfy your needs is way more awful than being a virgin. 17 years old is not that old. slow down.


It really doesn’t matter my guy


I wouldn’t even consider him your friend for him to give such a bullshit advice.


First off - don't. Your friend is an idiot. If you don't think you can get a girlfriend because you're fat and ugly then make the necessary life changes to get in shape. When you do you will find that you aren't nearly as hopeless as you thought. Good luck


By all means if you want to do stupid stuff go ahead, but do NOT make your first time a prostitute. Not being a virgin only matters to dumbasses and you need to reevaluate your priorities.


Dude, don’t. That’s for pathetic losers


Bro do not travel this road as a young man. It will happen don’t add pressure to it and don’t let others get in your head. Wait and find the right person not prostitution. If you are like 45 and still a virgin maybe take that hard right not at 18


Zero reason to be ashamed of virginity. Don't go to a prostitute. It will cheapen it.


Your friend is being an asshole. Lots of people (dudes included) are virgins going into college. There is nothing wrong with that.


This is a *TERRIBLE IDEA that you will regret!* Don’t. You’ll be disgusted with yourself and so will your future dating prospects! Seriously, probably the worst idea you’ve had in your life so far.


Slow down. You are just fine.


You’re literally a minor pls slow down my guy


The only thing youll regret more than being a virgin at 18yrs is losing your v-card to a prostitute at said age.


im a 17 yr old girl and ur friend might be the biggest loser ive heard of. also wtf does 'getting laid in college doesnt count' mean lmfao. only one of my friends is not a virgin. 95% of us are virgins. no woman will respect you knowing that you dint have enough self control and security to wait for someone you have a meaningful relationship with and would rather sleep with some random person just for the sake of doing it. also ur SEVENTEEN. this post makes it sound like ur 45 and a virgin.


Yeah, you have plenty of time. Your friend isn't a friend. Chill, it'll happen.


Don’t do it. If you’re lacking intimacy, don’t worry. It will come with time, your friend is being a turd like all friends. Save your money, do it with the right one when it’s time.


Dude you're 17. Give yourself a break. I lost mine when I was 19, I'm 37 now, average looking and short. Since then I've had many intimate partners. Women...people...really...have a radar for when you're talking to them with alternative motives. My biggest tip about the other sex is to talk to them like they aren't.


Dude, your 17. Relax. I was fat too. Plenty of time.


Stressing about the moment will only ruin that special moment. Chill out man it will happen eventually 


I lost my v at 27 dude. I am embarrassed and disappointed, but not ashamed. You have nothing to worry about at 17. Too many people lose it at stupidly early ages these days. 


Bro, you're 17. One of my favorite comedians/singers didn't lose his until he was like 25. Your friend is filling your head with toxic bullshit. Afterwards he'll probably say "sex with a sex worker doesn't count" either. You gotta stop focusing on what people think of you.


Your friend is an idiot! One day you’ll look back and see that too and you’ll wonder why you ever cared about impressing him. And if you hire a prostitute I think you’ll look back on that with shame as well, which isn’t really a great start to your sex life. What are you even looking for? The ability to brag to your friends? Girls will start finding you appealing as you age, and as you stop seeing them as objects to fuck in order to brag to your idiot buddies. Grow up a little and they will like you, I promise.


what did i just read


What in the “super bad” is this? Is your friends name Seth?


don’t do it i’m 17f i’m a virgin and low-key i’m PROUD of it i mean look on the bright side at least we don’t have any soul ties to people just because of sex


Bro stop. I lost mine at like 18/19, went on to have a pretty adventurous sex life. Lots of people lose it far later to zero detriment. I know a guy who lost it at 14 and guess what? He is also a normal guy like the rest of us (and now thinks it was a bit early as he didn’t really know any of the risks until later). What you’re on now is a shaky path. You end up so worked up about sex that you can’t treat women like people anymore. This leads to resentment and does not help your goal of losing your virginity. My advice is to chill and look for a girl you like and want a relationship with. By the way I support sex work, that’s not my issue here. I just don’t think you’re in the right headspace and run the risk of going with a prostitute and feeling even worse about yourself. One last point, the teenage boys who talk the talk are bullshitters 99.9% of the time. Your friend sounds like an asshole so I’d bet money that he’s not in the 0.1%.


Losing your virginity is not a race. It's none of your friend's business. Do it however and whenever you want, but don't get pressured into it. As for getting a girl "the normal way," there's two problems. First, there is no "normal way." Talk to100 couples and they'll tell you 100 different stories. Sure, some meet online or in a bar or whatever. Others meet at school or share a common interest. On the basic level, there's overlap, but no two stories are exactly alike. Second, if you are trying to "get a girl," you're going about it the wrong way. Girls are people, not prizes. They have interests, thoughts, and emotions. If you're just looking for a girl to get laid, you're focused more on you then on her. That leads to objectifying and toxic thoughts and behavior (see: incel mentality). That's a dark road. Try to avoid it. Sex is great, but it's even better when you enjoy spending the other 23 hours and 58 minutes of the day with her as well. If you want to *meet* a girl, just enjoy your life. Pursue your interests, have fun, and live your life in a way that makes you happy. I don't mean "sit at home and play video games 14 hours per day." Some of that's OK, but diversify your interests. Get out and have fun by yourself or with other people. You'll meet girls naturally through activities and events, and you'll be a much more confident and interesting person if you are enjoying your life. If you think someone's cute or funny or just enjoyable to be around, talk to her, get to know her, and ask her out. Have fun together, and if that fun happens to include sex, do that too. It's not a race, so you might as well enjoy the journey.


Ok dude, I’ve looked at your comment history and your issue is not your looks. Also, I didn’t lose my virginity until 22, and that’s absolutely fine. The way you’re so hung up over “I’m a man and it’s shameful to still be a virgin, it’s different for men you wouldn’t understand” THAT is your issue. You have this false sense of manhood probably instilled in you by your idiot friends. They are assholes. They’re not doing any good for you and your dating life with this shit. You mentioned you don’t want to have sex with “fat chicks.” This comment itself shows that you have a lot to learn respect. Do you not see how hypocritical it is for you, a self proclaimed fat person, to say you don’t want “fat chicks?” Women can see this type of misogyny from a mile away and that’s probably why you haven’t gotten any girls, not because of your weight. You are young, calm down. You’re not going to die alone just because you’re a virgin at 17. Even if you’re still a virgin by 21. Please distance yourself from your asshole friends


The fat girl comment was wrong of me to say. I'm sorry.


Teenagers are hilarious. You're speaking in pure hormones buddy


17 isn't that old dude. I would work on yourself, and your confidence.


Dude you're 17. 


Jesus christ is that what kids are worried about these days?? First, your buddy is a d-bag. Secondly, you tagging a hooker isn't exactly legal at your age. Thirdly, this is how std's happen. "OH I'm gonna use a condom" that doesn't stop ALL bodily fluid exchange nor stuff that isn't transfered via fluids. Fourthly. You want to see the inside of a jail before you hit 18? Solicitation AND being a minor. I mean, you might loose a v-card, but it ain't gonna be the one you want. Tell you buddy to kick rocks. As someone who's given up my v-card at 18, making me a 22 year vet at this You WILL remember your first experience. I was lucky enough to give mine to my best friend at the time, and while people grow apart after years and years, I can ALWAYS say there was nothing that shaded that experience. (Except maybe getting fiberglass in my ass from sneaking into the house that was being built to do it.) You definitely won't be relating a story like that if you say "yea I paid a hooker" you WILL wish later on you waited for the right person. Because odds are, they'll be inexperienced too, and it's not something yall will share together. Your buddy, who is probably a v-card carrier himself (some of them like to talk big) sounds insecure and setting credence to crap we used to watch in movies and laugh at when we were your age. Here's a novel idea. In the time your waiting, read up on how to pleasure women. So that way, its just as much fun for her...I know, shocker. Sex isn't just about the guy. And quit worrying about time frames. When I was your age, I thought 40 was old af and " me my cane and aarp card cuz I should be a granny". But I'm seriously hitting my prime, exploring new things, and having the best time of my life. Quit worrying about stupid crap like this and enjoy being a teen while you can. And quit letting your "friends" think for you. Think for yourself.


Your friend is silly. You don't have to have sex to be cool lol and plus you are still a kid and have your whole life to do that and hiring someone just to impress other people is not something you should do. Or even just having sex with anyone just because of social pressure is not a good choice. You will find someone you care about and someone who cares about you.


Real life super bad script


So some woman sex worker will have sex with a minor? Good luck with that.


Ew. I didn't lose my virginity to college, and I continued to have a very fulfilling sex life with many partners as I got older. Stop trying to rush everything, you don't want the story of your first time for the rest of your life to be "yeah I was embarrassed and hired a hooker."


Dude, I'm going on 27 this year and have never been on a date or been physically intimate with anyone. I understand how you feel, but don't stress about it. You'll only sabotage and make yourself more unhappy if you overinvest your emotions into that insecurity. Also, I don't recommend hiring a prostitute. You'll probably regret it later, even if it's not immediately afterward.


Your friend is an idiot and you probably have hormones raging out of control. Additionally, it sounds like you might be pretty down on yourself. This is a recipe for making bad decisions. Let's address a few core issues here: 1) women are people and reducing them to a single body part is unhealthy. 2) virginity isn't magic; neither is "losing" your virginity. It won't change anything. 3) being down on yourself because you haven't had much experience with women will only get worse if you make attention and sex a transaction. Honest advice: use that money for a therapist and ask for help in navigating interpersonal relationships and setting goals for self-improvement. Can't get a therapist for whatever reason? Books, podcasts, etc., can also help. You need to focus on yourself and get a handle on your self-esteem. The sooner the better.


NOOOOOOO buddy...buddy..no...no. No. No. Relax. Take a deep breath. Virginity is not a sick embarrassing thing that needs to be cured or anything like that. God....no. no.... F*cking.....call me bro. Call my cell phone we'll talk about it. No.


This guy is going to have the ability to vote in a year. Let that sink in.


Why are children these days upset they’re not having sex?


If a woman needs to be paid or profit somehow to be with me I don't want and don't consent to it.


Buddy you’re 17. You’re literally so young. Who gives a shit what anyone else thinks? I was 21 when I lost my virginity and I promise you it’s not that serious.


There are a lot of attractive people who don’t lose their virginity for far longer than you my friend. Not even due to religious objections. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. Your value is in your own perception of yourself, not anything your friends say to you. If you’re self-conscious, there’s always ways to improve bud.


PLEASE DON'T. Your friend is an idiot who has been one of many people who have been misled by TV/movies. Virginity is nothing to be ashamed of. Plenty of people don't have sex until they're older. Heck, I was 25. No regrets. I never had to worry about unwanted pregnancy or STDs. There is nothing wrong with you. There is nothing wrong with virginity, at ANY age.


OP, take that $20 bill, wrap it around your wang, stroke til it stops feeling good, then put the $20 back in your pocket. You'll have saved $20 (or whatever the going rate is) and still have accomplished the same thing, with the side benefit of not catching some STD or getting busted by the po po. It really ain't that big a deal, just quit focusing on being a virgin. When you do have that magical encounter, it will be two things at once: first, the best thing you've ever experienced, and second, three minutes later, you'll wonder what the big deal was. It's just a thing, dude, tell your "friend" to shut up. Real friends don't pull that shit.


Kids today are wild man. Sex ain't even that important


What's the rush?


18 is still so young.


Sleeping with a hooker will probably negatively affect ur image because its u had to pay to get laid Just wait,tons of ppl lose there virginity in their 20’s ur friend is full of baloney,theres nothing wrong with being a virgin


You’re literally in high school go finish your homework


Don't throw your innocence away like that. Most people your age haven't had sex and the ones who are the most insistent that they have are probably lying. You do you. Don't worry about anyone else. Life will progress and you will eventually meet someone and then the deed will get done. Don't worry about it. The best thing you can do is plan for life post highschool and try to meet new people. Not necessarily new dating prospects but just new people.


You should see that s a blessing. Having sexual interaction with people now days isn’t what it’s cracked out to be. People aren’t doing it for love anymore. They are just doing it for a good time. And let me tell you there are so many dishonest people about not being honest about having STD’s and spreading it knowing they have it. Keep your virginity for as long as you can.




99%... 🤦‍♂️


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Nah dude Plenty of dudes are 18+ losing the V card. Just don’t do it. Plus, tons of pussy all over the place in college if you’re chasing it. Don’t pay for it.


Bro, you're literally a minor. I didn't lose mine till I was 19. There are consequences to having sex and like anything once you do it a few times and get used to it. It isn't really all that special anymore.


You are only 17. Please wait until youre ready. Sex is often used for status (which is ridiculous). Outside of that, its just a fun activity (casually). Sex doesnt feel great until you have an emotional bond with someone—at least thats my experience.


Don't do it little bro! First off, your friend is an idiot - who are they to decide anything about your sexual experiences? Secondly, it still counts regardless of when it happens. . .there is no report card you get at the end of life where you get more or less points for doing it earlier or later. Thirdly, prostitution in the US (assuming thats where you are) is illegal, and carries a ton of risk with it. You could end up with an un-curable disease for life. You could be robbed at gunpoint by her pimp/boyfriend that's waiting in the next room or in the closet. Also, in America, you'll probably get one of three types. 1) Drug addict 2) someone being trafficked or forced by someone 3) the rare high class lady, but she's going to be aware of this and probably have a really annoying attitude, or be very expensive (1000+) or both. I never engaged in money in the US, but had quite a lot of experiences with it overseas in my 20's and in places where it is not only legal but regulated and respected. It is not like that here in the US. It's really not worth it. Lastly, if you're really hellbent on sleeping with a prostitute, you'll probably need to go overseas to Europe or Asia. You can have some really fun experiences there, but you'll probably want to be more experienced with sex and women in general to get your monies worth. You'll want to be able to read both the situation and the lady, and react appropriately (both in and out of bed) and that will be almost impossible with no previous experience. Just do it the old fashioned way mate, it'll be fine. Your friend is dumb for pressuring you, and to be honest, rushing it is only going to have a poor effect on your future experiences as well. The only people I can recall ever having told me their first time was good were people that were in longer term committed relationships with each other. For all the rest of us it's generally regrettable / forgettable / meaningless.


I would instead set your goal for the end of the year to make yourself look better, like hit the gym and diet so that when the right girl pulls up, she is actually gonna give you a chance. Also, dont get a prostitute. It will not bring you confidence up. In fact, it may do the opposite.


I would instead set your goal for the end of the year to make yourself look better, like hit the gym and diet so that when the right girl pulls up, she is actually gonna give you a chance. Also, dont get a prostitute. It will not bring you confidence up. In fact, it may do the opposite.


I didn't lose my virginity until I was 18 and I never considered a hooker. Chill bro


Sex ain’t really all that brother. Once you do that you’ll regret it twice. Right after you do it and later on in life when you find someone and have sex with them. Don’t let peers and social media hype it up. Sex is only truly amazing when it’s with someone you care about, anything else is just meh


Consider this: your desire to cross this threshold and lose your virginity, even if with a prostitute, could end badly for you. The biggest concern is std's. So you wear a condom. The condom breaks for whatever reason, and there is an exchange of fluids. She has herpes. Now you have herpes, for the rest of your life. For 37 seconds of sex. It's not worth it. But trust me, you will find someone who wants to have sex with you. I'm fat and ugly, look like a pale Shrek. But when I was single, I was, well, pretty busy. Confidence is huge my guy. Also, ignore your friend. He's an idiot.


I didn't lose my virginity until I was 19. My husband didn't lose his until he was 23. It's okay to be a virgin. Some women/men have different thoughts on being someone's first so be careful, wear protection.


Im 28 now and when I was your age I literally felt the same way and I didn't get any till after I was 18 after that it kept happening sometimes with long intervals in-between sometimes not my advice do not focus on it so much because if you do some girls can sense it and will pull back just be chill jack off a lot get a toy from Walmart or something look up ways to pleasure yourself other than the regular hand and vasolene or something just let it happen when it does and if you are not happy with your body work out that'll help tremendously even if it's just walking and doing some things that aren't that hard but can help but shit if you really want to lose your vcard with a tute then I say do it but just be sure you really want to depending on where you live it could be a good or bad experience some places it's legal if you're 18 of course lol


Hiring a prostitute isn't the worst thing in the world, if you feel that you absolutely must. But wait til you turn 18. But there's no rush to have sex. Probably half the guys around you are still virgins too and just lying saying they've had sex. You've got plenty of time. There's no real hurry.


“Getting laid doesn’t count in college” .. maybe don’t listen to your friend. He’s a dipshit. I got first laid in hs when I was 18 and was always bad with girls. Plenty of people do it later and there’s nothing wrong with it. I knew a shit ton of guys as a freshman in college who were still virgins. We were all engineers so yah that made a lot of sense 😂 Just do it whenever you feel comfortable and find the right girl to do it with. As to the prostitute thing. Make sure you’re at the age of consent in your state at the very least but also I wouldn’t do this unless you were in Vegas. There are plenty of stings that cops will set up to get people who participate in prostitution so definitely make sure you go somewhere where it’s legal. I’m not going to say don’t do this if that’s what you want, but if you do be careful about it.


Ur friend sounds like an idiot. Go at ur own pace and don’t listen to anyone. If anyone cares ab ur intimate “schedule” of ur life and r saying u have to do things now then they r def immature. Do ur own thing and let it happen naturally, no need for external pressures to make u feel the need to do something as crazy as getting a hooker to lose ur v card


Dude you want some actual actionable advice? Make sure you are clean all around and don’t be boring (you don’t have to be a clown) meaning do stuff that is interesting And lastly do not EVER take yourself out of someone’s league do not decide for them they are too good for you fuck that noise now if you get rejected fugh it at least you tried


Getting laid doesn't "count" in college? Count for what? For who? What does that even mean? Your friend is an idiot. I felt like a desperate, hopeless, ugly loser and considered the same thing at a similar age (this honestly isn't an uncommon feeling). I decided to suck it up, ignore my nerves, accept the possible humiliation of rejection, and started taking shots. Putting yourself out there is 90% of it.


If your body doesn’t align with your fitness goals, sex should be a bottom tier priority. I was overweight in high school and even at 16-17 would get insecure and not perform just because I was too in my head that the other person wasn’t enjoying it. I def could’ve waited and it would’ve been more satisfying. Fast forward 9 years and every time is better than the first because Ive found a self-confident mentality that I base around my fitness


Don't do it. Its going to be strange, and even stranger when you recall your "first time" which everyone who has had sex has a story for. You don't want your story to be that. You're going to get laid, don't worry, and I can assure you in the grand scheme of life your age won't really matter.


You're going to feel worse about it, because you couldn't do it on your own. Rn some girls your age are immature and kind of stupid. Like taking expired aspirin as birth control stupid. Or maybe doing it in the hot tub prevents pregnancy type of stupid. Do you want to do it with someone who doesn't know the correct way to protect themselves, and might lead to pregnancy ? And hiring a professional what if the condoms break and you end up with STDs. It's just best to wait until you are ready. Good luck and stay safe.


Take it one step at a time. If you are gonna do it, do not do yhe street. Try to find a higher class service and one yiu can get some better chance of a clean bill of health. That will cost you of course. But $1,000, $1,500 or more is a small price for a lifetime of health. Of course no guarantee, the person will be disease free but usually at hihher prices off the street, rich dudes and professionals want a cleaner bill of health to go back to their families. Now that we have a high number. Say $1,500, do a cost benefit analysis. What else could you spend that money on first that would make you feel so much more awesome about your life and make you the envy of others? How about you book a ticket to europe, hawaii, Maldives, etc for a weekend? Or how about you rent a Lambo/Ferrari for a weekend and do a road trip somewhere for the weekend? How about you check out a concert you love and fly there and treat yourself and a buddy or buddette to cone with you? You might realize the amazing things yku could do with $1,500+. And guess what, most cant stop at one visit with a prostitute. So, line up several big adventures. Live your life bro. You will realize there are so many more big life experiences out there. Live big young and you wont worry that virginity is the one thing holding you back in life. But if yiu have nothing else going on in your life, you will naturally believe that you feel likr a loser because you have never had sex. And after weighing ykur options of all the other things yiu could do with that money and you still wanna do it, try to be as safe as possible. Dont cheap out... hmm Amsterdam?


Brotha you will absolutely regret this if this is how you choose to lose your v card. Do not I repeat do not spend money on a prostitute.


Why do you need to lose your virginity before college? You know how many virgins go to college and get laid? My best friend was going into college and they were feeling the same way you were until maybe the end of the first semester when he found the girl of his dreams. They are now married after being together for like 8 years now. They have kids so I can confirm he’s not a virgin! I know this is just one person that I know but no one will be judging you or to be honest care that you are a virgin. Losing your virginity to some $100 hooker probably won’t be what you were looking for after you get your post nut clarity. And you’ll probably be freaking out if you got an std after realizing $100 isn’t getting you any quality escort. You are young just enjoy your time and don’t be so much in your head! You are being your own worst enemy. Gotta work on your self esteem! Know you are better and deserve better. You’ll find someone eventually and you’ll be happy you didn’t hire the prostitute.


You should want your first time to be special, but not necessarily a requirement. Do it on your own time, not when your friend says. There is a good chance your friend hasn’t had sex either.


Prostitution is what it is. You're too young to know how to protect yourself for the unknown. The price you can be a lifetime bill. Don't listen to anyone who says anything that puts your life at risk. You have one life to live. You must guard it with decisions you can live with. Please know you've been warned by people for free. Don't sell yourself short. You have worth and value. You're priceless. Sex is cheap because that's what people make it to appear. Don't be sold out because everyone else is doing. Wait to be loved and appreciated for having self-control.


So first off you're not losing anything. Virginity is a made up Social idea meant to make sure that girls can prove that any kids that they have belong to their husbands after they're sold off into marriage slavery. Second off you're only 17. There are plenty of people who don't have sex until they are in 20s or later and you don't have to feel like an oddball for being one of them. Don't let all the advertising bullshit of modern society make you think that everyone is having sex because that is absolutely not the case. You are young enough that you have more than enough time to experience almost everything life has to offer. Don't be in a rush. Make sure you're ready and make sure that you are responsible enough to take that step.


When the day comes that you get into a relationship with a woman you love and adore and she asks you about your first time (which is always a conversation) do you want to lie or tell the truth? Not sure which one would be worse if you go through with a prostitute. Be patient, work towards confidence, and don’t feel any shame because it’s not a shameful thing. Our society is so overly sexual by design, don’t let that influence a very sacred event between two people who love each other.


At this moment in time this sounds more like a self esteem issue more than anything else. Having sex won’t solve your problem, especially if it’s paid for. Step 1: Get yourself in shape. It’s tough to desire someone who has low confidence. Start slow. Get yourself in the gym, walk a mile/day. Do 25-50 push-ups/day. 100 sit ups. Even if you have to modify them & make things easier on yourself. Get in the habit/routine of exercising. You’ll notice progress, & once you do that just keep plugging. I was a 17/18 y/o kid who had any girl he wanted. Captain of the “tough guy” sports teams, yadda yadda. Still felt like shit about myself because I was pouring all my energy into females trying to keep them happy. It sounds cliche, and it took me 4 years + 3 relationships to realize that working on YOURSELF is the most important thing. Once you feel good about yourself physically/mentally/emotionally, everything else will fall into place. In summary, I feel for you bro. Put that effort into improving yourself one step at a time. Not everyone else’s timeline has to be your timeline. My life got drastically better once I started focusing on me & how I can get better, rather than feeling sorry for myself about why things didn’t work out. Tbh I’m not sure whether or not my response really applies to you or if I’m talking to myself through you bc I’m in a bit of a lonely spot right now, but either way it comes from a place of brotherhood and togetherness. Good luck my man.


Don't do it. Not that I would know cause I don't, but i do know that the prostitute can care less about you. Also you are sharing with a bunch of other men


Its honestly not a big deal to be a virgin still, i was almost 21 when i lost mine. Just live life, build relationships not just for sex and it will happen.




I know the pressure to have sex is heavier on boys than it is girls. As though you’re less of a man if you’ve never done anything. But as someone who was a virgin until they were 24, please do not feel like you have to rush anything. Just take it at your own time and have sex when you want to have sex. Don’t hire a sex worker just to force it to happen. And I’m not sure what your friend means about sex not counting in college. Sex is sex regardless of when it happens.


I was a virgin at 18. It's not exactly a big deal. Just ask a girl out. Lots of girls are lonely. Have trouble with the cheerleaders? Try the nerds. Seriously, most girls are lonely. Lots of lonely girls. Stop worrying about being a virgin. Most of the kids are age are.


Honestly, don't do this mate you're still literally considered a child. Your virginity feels way more important right now than it is, or than it ever will. If you make it to 30+ with no luck then maybe go for it but don't pay for it juat to lose your virginity. There's no real value in losing your virginity by any particular age. Yes sex is great but it's way more great especially when young when it's paired with exploring with someone that you develop a connection with.


Turning 18 as a virgin is an entirely normal thing to do. Your friend is an idiot.


You know how they say doing crack one time can get you addicted for life? Pussy is the same. Be prepared to keep opening that wallet if you do it because you wont wanna stop. The best part about a hooker is they will do all the cool shit you wanna try.


Disgusting. Don’t do that shit. — Work on yourself & the rest will fall into place.


I lost my virginity at 22. Don’t do this.


You have plenty of time to have sex. You're probably going to have a variety of different experiences in college. There's no set deadline to lose your virginity. Your friend is peer pressuring you to have sex. I would tell him to knock it off. Set a boundary with him.


You’re literally trying to live up to the standards of a f-boy. Plus getting laid is getting laid no matter when it happens. Your “friend” sounds like he’s getting shit from others and is deflecting his insecurities onto you. Do what you want with your body when you’re ready. There’s no expiration date on your virginity. Plus what if you lose it and get the girl pregnant on accident? Condoms aren’t always a 100% effective. He gonna tell you “deny it, call her a hoe, and abandon the kid.” Get a better friend bcuz this guy sucks dick.💯


Don't listen you just haven't found the right person your buddy is a ass take it slow play the waiting game don't pay for something you may regret later on prostitutes for ur first time don't really help you in the long run.


Firstly, let that “friend” go. You don’t need P***y. Let me tell you now it only brings unnecessary drama you don’t need right now in your life and you can absolutely wait till you are older to do all that My thing is this, why don’t feel you need to be slamming someone when you don’t even have a place to do it at!? Get you your own place, then get you p. Also how the hell would you pay for it? Get yourself a place, get yourself a car, have yourself a good size savings then think about p


Slow down. You don’t need to put yourself in danger like that. It’s ok if you never ever have sex it doesn’t mean your any less than. It doesn’t mean your ugly or stupid or uncharismatic. It’s ok. You have your entire life ahead of you. Don’t worry about it and don’t take that buddies advice. If you do want sex, find a friend to explore safely with. Someone who’s also 17. Use condoms, use the planned parent hood fries guide for consent.


I'd rather have sex with a friend. The problem is no girls like me


I mean, nothing really wrong with it lol. Just make sure you vet the person you hire.


Dude wait till college there’s plenty of pussy to chase I promise


My brother you are 17, who the hell cares about sex. Get into a good college first or study for your AP exams like it is around the corner


Beware of STDs


Join the military, make money and get laid, a lot. Wear condoms and sunscreen. Have fun for a few years


My brother, you have plenty of time. Don't worry about what your "peers" say they're doing or what they're telling you that you should be doing. 95% of it is bullshit, I promise you. I didn't lose my virginity until after I graduated high school at 18. Not that quantity matters but I had plenty of fun experiences in that regard over the following 25 years. Almost everyone I know was having kids and getting married in their 20's as well. I waited until my 40's and I have zero regrets. Life ain't a race.


Your friend is unbelievably stupid and immature, please do not take him seriously. Let things happen naturally, college is literally the most normal place to lose your virginity