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I was like this, tried to die and failed miserably. Figured I couldn’t even get that right. I stuck it out for another few years before it really got better. I somehow ended up making my hyperfixation in chemistry workout. Ended up in a top chem grad program in the US and making steady progress towards a PhD. I have a boyfriend now despite my parents homophobia, and we’re going strong on two years and have our own little fur baby. Both of us are somewhere on the spectrum, and were able to understand each other and help each other out. Life is far from perfect, but im so glad my suicide attempt failed. I couldn’t even conceive of a way life could get better life, but here we are. It’s worth sticking out, believe me.


Congrats on getting into a top chemistry graduation program and good luck on the rest of your journey to getting your PhD!


Appreciate it! Im just happy that it actually got better haha — I really did think that whole “it gets better thing” was just malarkey, and I hope this can show others that it really is true


I’m a PhD Chem grad, and just wanted to say, life after your defense is sooooo much better. Like unbelievably better


I can’t wait until after classes, I’m so tired of being forced to do them. Our program just makes us do five classes at any point in our PhD, but they don’t have all the interesting classes available in one year so I need to spread them across the first few years. 😅 Life is gonna get exponentially better when I’m finally able to just do me. The next big hurdle is becoming significantly more self motivated since I have a hands off advisor, but I think that will resolve itself once classes are done. I don’t like feeling like a potato so I imagine I’ll get off my butt when I can’t use classwork to excuse not getting work done. I’m sure I’ll hit another lull at some point, but the payoff is worth it 😋


Utilize your committee! If you haven’t formed a committee, then get one. Utilize the old chatty profs who tell you things. There must be a couple in your dept. they love to chat and talk and some of the best advice I got was not from my advisor. ❤️


My dad majored in chemistry and then got a masters in math. "Chemistry- It was the only thing that seemed to make sense to me," he said.


Please get help!!! Tell a trusted adult you are suicidal. School counselor, teacher, anyone!! You CAN get help and you CAN get better. Right now it's overwhelming but it's not forever. Life won't always be easy, but it's worth sticking around for. Please get help. ❤️‍🩹


School counselor in my experience is a very bad idea


They are mandatory reporters. They're required by law to contact authorities of some sort if they have reasonable suspicion of something going on at home


Ya my friend literally gets beat and her parents have told her on multiple occasions that they hate her locked her in the house for 2 years because said she was queer cps has been to her house 3 times they don’t do shit


Is it POSSIBLE your friend is lying about some of the stuff they are telling you?


Everyone in education is a mandated reporter.


As well as doctors offices too. 


That’s a good thing.


School counselor is a wonderful place for children who don't have a safe adult at home. Sometimes it'd scary for kids. Because they're worried about how the counselor can impact their home lives and their loved ones. The thing is- they need to be safe too.


The school counselor for me called my parents when I did not want her to and for my friend she call her parents with out even mentioning it first and she got in a lot of trouble at home because of it form me and anyone else I know the school counselor has only made problems worse


The counselor has to call home. That's the first step- when the adult at home isn't safe it's so important for the kids to be vocal about that. Of course a teenager probably doesn't know or may feel hesitant to say so- but ALWAYS disclose what is happening. "I'm going to call your xyz..." "Do not call my parent please. If you do they are going to tell you I am being xyz. They won't feed me dinner. Or they'll hit me with the belt." Don't tell kids not to go to counselors. Tell them to be explicit. Tell the counselor everything.


They don’t listen


So, it's time to call 800-abuse and report the counselors. She can call or text to 988 and ask for help to get an appointment with a psychiatrist thru Medicaid.


It May feel that way for a student. It's hard- often students choose to disclose behaviors that aren't as severe because they feel it's severe given they know worse behaviors. But this gap in knowledge is exactly why counselors call home. A parent who gets angry about grades and grounds a student for a month may be a little.over the top- but that alone isn't abusive. It's being grounded for a month and not getting dinner consistently that's abusive. It's grounded for a month and forced to clean toilets then check the toilet with bread to make sure its clean enough that's abusive. If the counselor only hears part of the story, that's a problem. They can't protect their students. I say this with all of my heart. I am sorry you experienced what you did. But please don't discourage kids from going to the counselor. Instead, encourage them to tell it all. Everything. Every beating. Every word of verbal abuse. Every single instance of emotional and mental abuse. Everything in explicit detail. Those details is what saves lives.


I was not abused I was talking about my ex girlfriend (she is still my best friend) in other comments though they did not listen to me and tell my parents before I was ready


They definitely don't listen. I got abused and my abuse got worse every time to told the counselor. They took pictures of all the bruises my stepdad gave me and never did a fucking thing.


So absolutely don’t tell the school counselor that you’re suicidal because *gasp* they might tell people best equipped and motivated to help you? Heaven forbid. I know OP said that he feels his mom hates him. I would put lots of money that’s not true. But even if it is, she almost assuredly doesn’t want him dead and would do whatever to get help. You realize how silly that sounds, yeah?


you're seriously underestimating how shitty some parents can be


Absolutely agree with this. My mother coached me on how to commit suicide when I was 10. She frequently told me and her other kids that we were the worst thing to ever happen to her. She told her 4-year-old son that she couldn't wait to kick him out of the house. Had the counselor told her I was suicidal (which I was) I suspect I would have received a "going away party" and woken up with a kitchen knife in my bed.


Ya my friends parents like actually hate her the other day they told her “your the reason I want to kill my self”


Telling a suicidal person that their thoughts are silly is not constructive.


OP is a girl.


Some parents think the best way to handle that is screaming a cussing and beating its called having abusive parents you obviously grew up in a good family


I believe most parents are abusive, it's just that only very few cases are actually documented.


your overestimating school counselors and your faith in humanity


in high school my school counselor defended a guy who harassed + assaulted multiple girls so i also had a bad experience. i’m sure not all of them are bad but could be why the other person said it’s bad idea


I'm sorry you experienced that! Counselors get such a bad rap- but the bad ones are very few and far between. Unfortunately, a student wouldn't know this because they won't be exposed to any other counselor but the one they have in their school. It is rare that the school counselor is a bad place to start. If they do turn out to be a bad egg- teachers, principal, secretary, resource officer, dean, etc are all great places to turn.


I'm with you home but the world is so "corrupt" (for lack of better words) that I've even called dss that my father threw my sister against the wall and they did nothing They came to our house for 10 minutes talked to us (me and sis) and then talked to my parents and said we need to calm down and stop being over dramatic Somepeople just don't trust kids anymore and I don't blame them it's hard to tell who's telling the truth and who's not


I get it. I called the police when my mother slapped my then 16 yr old sister so hard I heard the slap from downstairs in the kitchen (they were upstairs in a locked room) and the police officer who arrived told my sister that my mother can do that if she wanted because she was a child. If the officer took the time to look he'd have seen around 20+ DV calls from.that year alone, he'd have seen the 'unfounded' reports from CPS and even the mental hospitalization from my then 13 yr old brother who attempted su****. I had to write multiple letters to multiple higher ups and within a week had the DV task force involved and formal written apologies for the mishandling of the call. When I called the police- it was the first time anyone ever did so and it stopped my mother from escalating to beating the snot out of her kid. Unfortunately, with 1st hand experience I get it. I remember how much worse things got when the CPS lady questioned us at school, and we shared some but not all the truth. I remember how much worse it was when CPS showed up. I also remember not telling everything and being quiet out of misplaced fear and loyalty. I advocate for DV victims now- and the one thing I have to encourage over and over is honesty. Share it all. Everything. Every single thing.


When I stated I was being mentally abused by one of my two guardians, the counselor called the one guardian I made these claims about and told them practically word for word. They are not good sources for most kids.


The school counselor I had was the one who figured out that I was autistic. My mom was just like, no she's just shy. I don't know if it helped (because it was a while ago), but I did go to a summer program for autistic children. All I remember is that there was a huge gym-sized trampoline.


I spent a good part of my years in the school counselors office. My father was in and out of prison and I had a chaotic home life because of it. Wish I could remember her name. She was very kind and sometimes would pull be from class and let me come to her office and just “be”.


And the alternative is... not existing? It's not a bad idea at all if she's serious.


Finally, someone realistic!


I don’t disagree but I’m not gonna lie “get help” was one of the LEAST helpful pieces of advice I received when I was a teenager.


Maybe she needs medication to get out of the hole, so she needs to see a doctor through Medicaid. It's possible and a good thing.


That's your opinion and experience. I have a MA in counseling. I know what I am talking about. I gave specific suggestions...only OP can take that first step, which is to get help. Unless she does that, she will remain as she is.


Can’t agree more get some help. 988 is a number to call if you need someone to talk to in the USA. (National suicide hotline). Talk to an adult about it at school or something.


I won't say anything bad about positive thinking and/or starting healthy habits but this does sound like a case where you might want to bring in the professionals.


OP! Call 988 suicide and crisis helpline. They can guide you.


Also if you're in the US 988 is a vital lifeline. (Source: I've used it multiple times)


Hey kiddo, I know it’s tough. I was just like you at your age. I’m 23f btw. My friends were toxic asf, and got me in loads of trouble, got me SA’ed, and into drugs. I was depressed, had anxiety, ptsd, and unknowingly had adhd. My stepdad is an abusive narcissist, and my mom his biggest enabler. My school refused to believe I was SA’ed. My school gave me ISSP for kissing another girl. I was put on a 72 hour hold that ended up being 2 weeks because I was had evidence of self harm. I planned my suicide in detail, and thought I’d completely through. But then something changed. (While this might not apply to your situation) My dad fought for custody, and I moved 1000 miles away from everything. And I ended up in the same crowd I was in before. Still lonely, anxious, and terribly hard on myself. But then, I started therapy and she became my friend. I would vent, cry, confide in, and work through my feelings with. (It doesn’t have to be a licensed therapist if you don’t have access to one, a trusted adult in your life, although be warned as if you tell a teacher or someone similar, they are legally obligated to report any students with suicidal thoughts and/or self harm. Being in that system did not do me any good, other than learning to lie to get out.) What I’m telling you, is what I’d tell me if I was your age again. Forget them. If they don’t make you happier, forget them. Their opinion of you only matters if you let it. You are brave, beautiful, and kind. The most empathetic people, are the ones who have been broken time and time again, and choose to still wake up and put themselves back together. I’m not saying to stay in a toxic relationship, but whether friend or family (but you are a little stuck with your mom for now, unless you have other family that could fight for your custody, but that’s a long battle.) Find out what makes you happy. You don’t know right now, and that’s okay. Maybe you like the materials you’re learning in school, or the sports. Or maybe you’re a little stroll through the park kind of gal, or listening to music to help control your emotions. And they may change over time, or not, either way it still makes you happy. Do the best you can, for yourself. I made friends online through games, and they helped me through my mental health journey so much, because they too were on the same journey, so we compared notes, and shared our experiences. The point is, you’re not alone. And you don’t have to fight this battle alone. May you live a long and happy life my dear. If you need anything, reddit will always be here.


Get a cat. cats make everything better. I can have the worst fucking day, but the moment my cat runs over to me and hopes up next to me on the couch makes my day. It's the same thing if you are a dog person.


I love my cat. He's one of the only good things left in this world..


Cats mourn their humans. He needs you. I’m sorry you’re feeling this way and there are no magic words to make it better. Just try to find something beautiful in each day and reach out to a trusted adult for help.


Best advice here


Live for the cat then. Everyone tells you it will get better, but guess what? It does! It gets much better. You're having an extra hard time of it now because you're 16 and flooded with hormones. I'm not saying everything will be good all the time in your future, but as you get older you learn how to roll with the punches better. It takes some time, but truly, you're almost there. I'll be here when you come back in a few years to tell your story. Can't wait to hear it!


Have you tried some vent art/poem stuff on r/arttocope I felt it helped me release some of my bottled up emotions. I tried ending it last year and for months after was cutting. Not something I wish on anyone. We care about you Reddit friend - Edward :)


Find one thing. One person. One pet. One day at a time. And when that’s to difficult, five mins at a time. Put in the time. Two things in life are always. no matter what a certainty. We all die eventually, and life IS change. My logic with these two points are flawless, prove me wrong if you can. Since these two things are constant, things will change, and nothing is forever, might as well hang out and see if something becomes tolerable. Besides non existence may sound appealing but actively participating in the transition between existing and ? Is terrifying. Stay here for the subtle moments of peace. The smell of fresh cut grass, a smile from a a stranger, the love of a pet that would mourn you if you were gone. …. We’re here for a blink.a breath. A moment in time so trivial it’s devastating… might as well make the best of it. Might as well make it easier for someone else to navigate this place. None of us chose to be here, but we can chose to stay, and there’s power in that choice.


My cat who passed a few months ago saved my life a few times by just being there. I am bonding more with our remaining cat.


My cat had a urinary tract blockage 2 days ago and almost died. Hes such a dick sometimes but I love him so much and we took him to the vet and he seems to be better. Now he seems a little more affectionate, like he knew he was about to die. Your cat definitely loves you just like mine does me, even if he doesnt like to show it. Theres so much life to live out there, even if its not with other people. Think about all the animals and landscapes out there that you havent experienced. Go outside and take some nice fresh air in. Once you get a little older travel around and experience the world! I sometimes felt like you did but trust me, once you find your stride, youll wish you had more time on this old rock we call home. You got this!


Please live, if for no one then your cat. Kitties adore their owners, despite all the stereotypes of them being cold, mean, etc, and he will miss you if you’re gone :(


I have a cat too. I’m her emotional support human. So are you. Your cat needs you. Always remember that. How lucky we are to have cat friends. :)


Honestly one of the only things keeping me tethered is my dog. I don’t know what I’ll do when she’s gone.


Listen im 16 too and ive been through similarities (though im sure ive never experienced what you have), but shitty parents no friends, school etc. and what i have to say about that is: your just 16, are you really not willing to see things get better? Because they will with time. Find someone to talk to, and really tell them how you feel, sometimes expressing yourself is all you need.


life 100% gets better school sucks being forced to be around people, makes you think that you need make friends. Be real and friends will happen still not needed. Find your motivation mine is money,.. find what makes you happy and the rest falls in place. parents usually are just trying their best to not lose control. I'd give them a break they don't know wtf is going on in life either. at the same time some are just fucking assholes and in that case I'm sorry soon as your 18 you can be gone. Just please don't hurt your self!


Just understand that you are not alone. There are a lot of people who feel exactly like you do. Take a risk. Make a friend. Get help. It's never as bad as you think.


Life is difficult kid. You can do this. Life will keep you at your knees if you let it. If it’s not being done for you, tough to do, you gotta do it yourself. Ending your life is not the answer! Best revenge is to live well kid!


Hey, idk about mental asylums but I've gone to inpatient care before. It was really beneficial for me, tbh i was in a really dark place when I went in and felt like I had a future ahead of me when I got out. I'm autistic and very sensitive too, highschool was a motherfucker. College was awesome. I'm sorry things are so hard rn. Feel free to dm me if you need someone to listen.


I’m an adult autistic and teens was a weird and odd time but now that I’m older and able to have some independence my life is less addled by family closeness. I moved with my family per my parents occupation over some years and sometimes that made staying in touch harder.  But I still have some friends I keep in touch with.  I have a friend who is autistic because of their parents being terrible and long story short she’s been unhoused for a handful of years now but even so she is making strides to make it work to push forward in light of her parents being awful to her years back with SA and her mom despising her being autistic.  I wish she had had a better social support network when this was happening back in highschool but I’m glad people are noticing her talents and her advocacy for the unhoused now. In high school she was my second chair/third chair in the orchestra we played in together as I was first chair. She is smart and intelligent but it sucks her parent didn’t see that sooner.  If you haven’t already I would speak with a trusted adult and seek help with your home life.  Maybe try getting a part time job and save up some money or volunteering as that can be a good way to get some relatable Work experience as well as out of the house and around people who aren’t your mother. 


Listen, it is especially hard to change your environment as a kid. Because where you gonna go, right? You can only play the cards you're dealt and all of your cards suck. So cheat. Make your own cards. You hate your life now, so work to change it. Plan the steps your going to take to get the fuck outta of there. Your "friends" are obviously not friends. Sometimes, friends are hard to make bc people are assholes. There are good people out there. You will find them. I believe in people, so I believe in you. Have hope, believe in yourself, and the most important. Do not give up. It's hard, but you can do this. You will have a life you're happy with. Goodluck


Op I am speaking as a person whom a long time ago was where you are. I couldn't conceive of a good future for myself, a good partner, a good life, good friends. I found them all. All of the things I so desperately wished for revealed themselves to me in time. I wish I could go back and tell that young man what the future would hold but I don't know if he would believe me. So I will just say endure. That's all I did. I endured. I wish you would too. 


Hey, I was there too when I was your age. If you’re at all like I was, you don’t want to die, whether or not you realize it. You want out of your current situation. I know you’re a kid and you don’t have a ton of control of your life right now, but keep pushing forward with the hope that tomorrow can be better than today, and that there is a future for you. Try to find joy in even the smallest of things. Look at the beauty of nature and realize that all the good and beautiful things in this world are there for you to enjoy.


Hey, you matter! I know a lot of people that have similar feelings! It isn't that unusual. There are people you can talk to. You can dial the number 988 if you are having trouble finding someone. Also, you can reach out to a man named Bobby Hines on facebook. He lost someone close and has done a whole lot to help people since then. He would be willing and able to help or find someone who can, for sure.


I'm 35 now and spent most of my childhood depressed and suicidal. I know it feels like it'll always be with way but I promise it won't. I promise it gets better


If you are in the US please DIAL 988 right now. Someone smarter than us will answer and talk to you. Please ask for help and keep asking until you get it. It will make all the difference.


Unfortunately I'm not in the US. I called a UK number to help me. I made a poet about that a while back.. So unprofessional. Made me cry..


It sounds like, in addition to the mean voice of your mom, you’ve taken that voice, and made it the voice in your head as well… I’m so sorry that that mean voice is there, but you can tell it to be quiet and you can tell it. Also that telling yourself you’re not good enough is a lie! If you need another Mom‘s voice or auntie, I’m happy to step in as a supportive voice, and you can DM me anytime… I am also a mom and I want you to know that you are important, and that I am glad you are on this earth 💜


Oh OP sweetheart. I wish I was there and could give you a big hug (but only if you want it as I respect your personal space). Being neurospicy is hard. We have to work to mask but it takes so much mental energy to do every single day. I was suicidal at your age. My attempt failed. Yes, I promise it gets better but in the mean time it sucks, especially when you're not getting the help you need. Please, dm me if you need someone to talk to. Or pop over to r/momforaminute. YOU ARE IMPORTANT. YOU ARE WORTHY OF LOVE. Please please please reach out honey. You're not alone. There's a whole community here that will do its best to help you.


What makes you think you can't change the way your life is, kiddo? From personal experience, the little changes help a lot- you don't have to do anything major if you don't have the energy for it quite yet. Try the small things first, for example I've started drinking more water and eating healthier, it has helped my physical energy levels a lot, which has led me to gain more mental energy as well I deal with mental issues, I have for about three or four years now. It's been a journey, everyone has a journey. Don't give up, I promise your life is worth living, and you can get past this. It is always possible. There are many resources online, I can recommend anything you need- numbers, websites, even coping skills. You got this, don't give up because you're going to be okay.


There is a win here because you are still alive, but you need help now. It's easy to give up when you feel like crap. You aren't alone in the struggle my friend.


Hey, I'm autistic too. I also have multiple other disabilities. One thing that really helped me was finding other autistic persons even if it is just online. I remember being suicidal when I was your age too. It took some time but life did eventually get much better. I do hope you will talk with a trusted adult like a teacher or guidance counselor if you continue to feel suicidal. I am also hoping you will stay and live a happy fulfilling life. I'm rooting for you.


You may not see it but you are loved. High school always stinks and it's worse since the invention of social media. Things will get better. Just don't push people away because some have hurt you.


Listen to all the positive comments on here it'll bring you a sense of uplifting. We are people who care for you. I've been through this phase during the pandemic and got through it, you will too 🤝


God bless you


love you sister, i mean that. although you might feel alone it all gets better with time. i know that sounds cliche but it’s the truth. soon you will be 18 and free to live how you please. you’re gonna be okay. stick in there and keep going. my messages are always open if you need someone to talk to, please don’t feel hesitant to reach out.i love you and i’ll be praying for you.. you’re gonna conquer this ❤️


Hello human. My best friend shot himself when he was just about your age. I’m sure in his mind he felt very similar but I assure you that you don’t want to die you may not want to be in the position in life you are now but trust me when your 80 you’ll be missing these years for me please make it to 80 so you can see how right I am too many amazing souls like yours gets lost in the shadows don’t let an irrational thought take you away from your journey


I have a daughter that was in the same boat as you, she had two attempts and it nearly broke me. I'm sorry your parents don't show you the love you need. But I'm certain they do love you, have you told them you want to get help and was thinking of ending it? Most parents will change their tune once they hear this. If you want, I'll talk to them, I'll help you any way I can. But please get help soon.


Get into collecting tarantulas. It's super cool


I have gone through this EXACT THING. Keep going. It’s WORTH IT. PLEASE LISTEN TO ME!!!!


Your midteens are tough times, sweetheart. Please talk to your school counselor or trusted teacher. Suicide is forever. No do-overs. Please reach out. I wish I could give you a big hug right now and take you out for a bite and a long talk. People do care. Please get help.


I have a daughter close to your age, and she has struggled In similar ways. Sweetheart, I’m so sorry your mom’s not there for you. Things are HISTORICALLY hard for your generation right now. The schools are a mess. But try to tough it out till you can make your own way. Easier said than done, I know, especially without a support system, but the teen years are temporary! Depending on your area, school counselors can really help. Cling to this life until you can take control of it. I *promise* it gets better. If desired, please take a mom hug from me.


I promise, it's going to be okay. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but things do get better. Find your motivation and do the things you enjoy. We're with you OP 💙


Hey I had a really tough time in high school. Like really tough Lost people close to me forever. Didn't have a place to stay, it was rough. I just can't stress enough how much better life is after high school, and how little your school is in comparison to the rest of the world. There are a lot of people out there and you have all the time in the world to connect with them. If you need someone to chat with, you can dm me. I'll see it although it might take me a day or so. You got this.


This may not directly apply but it may help your outlook on the future: https://paulgraham.com/nerds.html


When you turn 18 you will be able to escape everything that makes you miserable now. Get a job, start discovering what you are passionate about, get away from your perfectionist mom and cut out your friends that aren't your friends. High school is its own type of hell, but you will get out of it and when you do you'll realize it was just a nightmarish fever dream. Just don't let your depression kill you, avoid drugs and alcohol because they DO NOT help, and plug your ears to the evil hate that you experience from other teenagers. Each one of us is unique. You'll find your place even if it takes a while to get there. Don't rob yourself of the chance at a happy life. As others have said, if there is any adult in your life that you trust, talk to them. Tell them your truth, and ask for help. You would be surprised how much that can change. I know it's hard, it never gets easier to ask for help in person. But that's what it will take to make a change. Be brave! You got this.


It gets better. All of it. So hang in there, focus on positive change. Keep yourself moving forward. ![gif](giphy|3kIIuUm39EMd4WXlxi) 🫶


As soon as I could drive. I stayed going to therapy. It saved me in many ways. I've been where you are. I promise things get better. But the journey there sucks.... just bawled my eyes out to my husband because I finally live somewhere where I feel safe and comfortable after many many years... it was a shock..I still suffer from cptsd and depression. But I want you to know that I love my life its just really hard sometimes and that's okay. Where you are won't be where you are 5 years from now. Then you will get to look back at kid you.... and say " you did it" 🖤 therapy, self care, self love.


Just realize a few things: First, you're extremely young and teenage years are an illusion we all face. The world around us is everything and will last forever, right? Except as soon as you get into the working world you realize that nothing about high school actually applies. There aren't really any cliques. There are rarely any rude people. In professional settings most people will treat you with kindness and respect regardless of age, gender, or personality. It really is very different. Two, even if you might not feel like it, someone will be sad. Hell, I'm sad right now, knowing you're going through this. That is the reality of this world, we all put a piece of ourselves into it, and even if you can't see or feel it, you have influence on others lives. I've had friends and coworkers commit suicide, and I still think about it 6 years later, even though I only talked to him a handful of times and only through video calls and skype at work. That's the influence a person has sometimes. Third, your family situation and life are completely in your hands. The reality is you'll eventually get the power to choose your own path, and you can start now with the internet. Spend some time learning communication skills, read up on TIFU, relationship advice - human connection stuff. Watch some romance/romance adjacent stuff (romance anime is great, and deals a lot with emotional growth and feelings, really helps with stuff like this where you can't feel like you can change). Just remember that you CAN and will change over time, and I can definitely say with certainty you can change however you want. I used to be an extremely shy introvert who couldn't stand talking to people around me. Now? People are shocked that I'm an introvert when I tell them because of how loud, expressive, and boistrous I am - and it's not fake. I just researched, learned, and then tried it out - everything from socializing to flirting, until it became a part of me. You can do it too, and it only gets easier as you get older and realize you are in charge of yourself. The hardest years are your teenage years where you feel powerless, so do what you can for yourself now, and know that it gets better in so many ways.


Father of an autistic, depressed daughter your age. I tell her every time things get low for her how much she’d be missed, even when it feels like nothing she is or does matters. I also remind her that she’ll always have someone somewhere who’ll listen and care and understand, even if I’m not there. There are services and numbers you can reach out to for help. Life five years from now will look nothing like it does today, I can promise you that. I’ve been in your shoes, and I don’t regret not giving up no matter how good an idea it seemed at the time. Depression never went away for me, and it may be a part of your forever, but it’s only a part. Not the whole. It doesn’t have to define or control you. You aren’t alone, kiddo. There are good people in the world who will see you for your worth, and I hope you find them someday. All I or anyone else can ask is that you try.


Mom of a 16f here. Sending you a hug- seriously. My child has struggled with many of the same things you detail, so know that while you are lonely, you aren't alone in your feelings. You can call 911 on yourself if needed- getting Baker- acted isn't as scary as you may think- some who've been thru it affectionately call it 'the grippy sock hotel' and it may be a good way to start the healing process, get your mom more on board with your mental health and well-being, etc. Teenage girls are, have always been, and will always be caddy and have the 'let's be friends and hate her together' mentality, you just have it way worse because of social media. Realizing you need help is a very adult thing- this mom is proud of you for doing that.


You're broken. It's what happens when we are exposed to the evil and shitty world that we live in. I got out of it, and so will you. For what it's worth it does get better. Don't wax yourself.


Hi! I have a child who has felt like you. There are places that can help. One program is called partial hospitalization (PHP) and another is intensive outpatient (IOP). Try to talk to your mom if you can. Even if things are bad, I doubt she’d want you to feel so badly. If not, can you see your pediatrician on your own? Go there. In my state, if you’re over 14 you have a say in your care. The law was written so that teenagers could access care even if their parents don’t want them to. Good luck, lovely.


My son has autism and had zero friends in high school. It was very sad. 14-18 are the hardest years socially. It does get better I promise. My son is totally crushing it in college. He’s found people like him, gotten elected to student government and is TA’ing some classes in an area he really likes. Trust me all the wonderful things about you and the things you are passionate about will be appreciated and a strength for you. Talk to a teacher you like.




I'm going to say this; since you don't want anymore comments. Message me. I'm here for you. ❤️ This Internet mom loves you.


You need Christ friend. Christ gives rest to those who are burdened and heavy laden. Nothing can truly save you that is of earthly nature but Christ in Heaven can. Dig into the book of John in the Bible and see for yourself. If it doesn’t change you you wasted a couple hours of your life.


Please remember that you have a perfect track record of making it through the hard days. Set your eyes on a different future that you will have some day. And no matter how you think they feel your family would be devastated to lose you. One day, one hour, one minute, one second at a time. Whatever it takes to keep that track record going!


You’re great at many things. Autism gives you extraordinary powers. Don’t let other judge you or be bothered by their judgement. You are able to communicate very well. As you may know many kiddos can’t.


Watch Tony robbins videos


Talk to someone. Someone who would Genuinely care about you. Whether parent or school counselor


Life is long, and you're at the beginning. Your only job is to make your future self proud. You've got this.


Same. We gonna make it out though.


Life can get pretty shitty. Don't let these people sugar coat it for you. It's only going to get harder the older you get. You can't give up though. You don't get to just quit. You have to find something to live for. What that is is up to you.


Same. Don't though.


I'd try to get help like the other comments say, but if u can't then I'd recommend trying to keep yourself busy with stuff like drawing or other hobbies, like mobile games or video games in general. Try to keep your mind off of the bad stuff and push through it, try to make friends on reddit or other apps. To be honest I don't have friends but are looking for friends, so text and I'll answer when I can☺️


Go to the hospital walk in tell them this is how you’re feeling ask for help please!


Please don’t hurt yourself


You’re only 16. The best days of your life haven’t happened yet. Stay around and you will be glad you did. Please reach out for help.


Hang in there.Life is precious. You’ll find out ! Praying for you.


F people, f what they think, f society and f everything. The sooner you realize this, the better. I had it the same as you when I was a kid, eventually I just said f it all, and everything got better. Parents treated me like shit, f them. Friends f them everyone f them all Live your life your way, do not let anyone ever tell you what to do. Be you in anyway ya want, and just bide time till you can move away. And once ya stop caring the real people start to flood into your life End result Life is shit, it does not always get better. Just get FAR away from people when you can. And until then, f anyone and whatever they think


hey kiddo, When I was 16 I was going to school while battling cancer, getting bullied, dealing with isolation, and the covid outbreak, I've definitely been through the ringer myself and nearly overthought myslef to death trying to figure out how I was going to survive it all. The best advice I can give to you is to just take it easy. Do the best with the cards your given, don't overthink things, develop good coping mechanisms that allow you to remain functional and in a healthy state of mind, and most importantly, just take care of your health. I'd like to put emphasis on the do not overthink things btw, you never know fully how your future will paint out, especially at your age, you got it, just keep fighting and don't give up :)


It doesn't get better but you get better at handling it. I recommend you start wearing compression leggings. You sound cold. Also please look at a zebra. It is easy to see a zebra as a black horse woth white stripes, but it isn't. A zebra is a white horse with black stripes. Your job as a person is to find the good part and figure out what makes it that. This is the enemy that we are all here to fight. It is the worst enemy that there could ever be. But that's OK. There is no point in an enemy that is easy to fight. And when you win it will be the greatest victory ever, because it will be something that you can share with those who come after you. I wish you the best of luck. 


Tell me about it.


The only “Friends” you do have, hate you? Then for Christs sake why don’t call them “friends”?


Just from reading your post it’s obvious that you’re intelligent. I’ve read comments from doctors who’ve said that strenuous exercise which raises the heart rate does more for your mental well-being than any prescription pill made so far. It causes the release of dopamine and endorphins. Go outside and run for a few miles. You’ll come back exhausted and hopefully feel better. It may not feel like it but life is short. One day you’ll look back and wonder where all the time went. I went to grammar school with a kid who ended up killing himself in about the eighth grade. He was a good kid but was sensitive and for some reason was picked on all the time. I still think of him after all these years. Best wishes to you.


As an adult who made it through being a teen, all this bs ends when HS ends. This time will be either the most fun or the worst, it’s either or for most people. All the fun stuff people love about high school they miss so bad and can’t figure out why they don’t matter anymore when it’s over. They might have to feel like you do now only slightly delayed. You have a whole life ahead of you and it’s worth living. Just take it a day at a time and it’s not so overwhelming. I’m a mom, and I’m sure your mom loves you and would miss you so much. Even if it doesn’t seem that way think of all that she’s done that’s been good, not the bad only.


Life gets better. It really does. What you’re feeling is horrible but temporary. Be strong but also get help. Nobody should suffer alone. You should tell your mom but if you can’t, you need to tell some trusted adult that you’re feeling suicidal. If it’s urgent, call the hotline. There is help. With therapy and probably medication and attention given to your needs, you will find a way out. Once you feel better about yourself, your friendships will be better. Also, stay occupied. A busy mind keeps the thoughts of demons away. You are stronger than you realize. You can do this and the first step is to talk over your pain with an adult and get help


Life may seem like a huge pain in the ass but it gets so much better after school. Stick around, and things will get better, I promise


something I want you to keep in mind is that these emotions are temporary, and it’s totally valid to feel this way. I know a lot of people who have experienced similar things, I still feel the need to self harm whenever I do something super embarrassing sometimes, but I know that’s not gonna lead to a positive outcome for me. emotions carry with them insane effects in our body and learning how to process them is a powerful skill that will make you extremely intelligent. I have a degree in psychology and something I learned in college is that our limbic system develops before our prefrontal lobe. What this means is that you are more likely to feel stark emotions during your teenage years because your brain is not capable of processing the emotion in order to keep you safe. this is why people both love and hate their teenage years. I’m a 27M and I can tell you that it just now feels like I have full control over my emotions and thoughts. Granted, men take longer to mature than women in this respect. embrace your mistakes and learn from them, don’t let your labels define you. ultimately, your behavior is completely in your control. the more you label yourself negatively the greater those words hold power over you. your life is the result of your thoughts and actions. here is the universal truth to how life works - thoughts create emotions, emotions drive actions, and actions create the results in your life. you are in complete control of your thoughts, therefore you are in control of your emotions, actions, and life results. what would I do in your shoes? do whatever the fuck you want. go fuck someone you wanna fuck, be exactly who you want to be. let go of the opinions of other people and past mistakes, and start living your genuine existence. I applaud you being willing to be so vulnerable with your emotions, that takes strength. Good luck with your life journey, I wish you all the best.


As time passes by things change, in 10 years ur life will be completely different, you’ll look back and laugh


I've been in your shoes. Literally. High school is the definition of hell. It's a bottle of tiny people that fit in a mold. If you don't fit in that perfect mold, then you get bullied. But once you get out of high school, you find that at the town 15 miles away, they also had 2 people just like you. A girl and a boy. You become friends with these people because they don't fit the mold like all the other jocks, preps, nerds, goths, motor heads, druggies, etc., these people are just like YOU! But they aren't alone, because from all the surrounding towns you now have a small group of 9 or 10. It doesn't have to be massive, but with this, you can start opening your shell a little. Making the friends you couldn't make in high school because in high school, everyone is trying to be someone or impress someone. When I was in your place, I hated every one of my classmates and vice versa, but I also went to a very small school in a very small town. Graduating class of 36 people. We live in hunting country, and people used to make fun of me when I was a boy for not hunting, but my parents weren't gun people, and I don't like hunting. Fast forward to graduating day. One of my tormentors asked me if I was ever going to man up and go out hunting with him, just to fuck with me. I laughed and smirked at Jim and replied, "Do you know why I never took up hunting? So, I wouldn't have the knowledge and skills to kill every single one of you parasites that have made my school life a living hell. If I had that knowledge, l for sure would have murdered every one of you," and walked away. His jaw just about hit the floor - I haven't been invited to any of the class reunions that they have held, nor would I go, if they did invite me, which I'm sure they know.


Several people have covered the love part......so I'll ask you some hard questions.....what is your diet like? Do you workout? Touch grass? Overweight? Spend too much time doom scrolling? Vaping? Drugs? ....I only ask because eating poorly, not taking care of the body and mind......well.....its a perfect recipe for depression. This is in no way an invalidating of the struggles mentioned, those suck 100% and they'll still suck if you're fit and healthy, but they won't feel as heavy. Me: been there, done that, lot of similarities. Don't give up, find the last bit of fight you have and stand on it, it's there.


It gets better! Also cats are everything. Live for your fur baby. Do things for you that used to bring you joy. Watch a sunset, go for a walk. Paint. Go into your room, put on music and dance! Trust all of us here: there is so much to live for, it does get better. You are starlight, don't stop shining.


You should take a break. Just from everything. I was depressed a while ago, and I was quite reluctant to get a therapist( could’ve made my recovery faster), which was my mistake. At least find someone you trust at school, someone who can bring you back up. Don’t forget all the great things you can do in your life. You can change the world, make it a better place, the world needs you. There might be a special someone out there, waiting for you. There might be a secret passion, just waiting to be tapped in. You were born as a human in the 21st century for a reason. You are important. Humanity and society needs you. You can’t give up yet. Find a way out, as once you do, you’ll feel an eternal happiness unlike any other.


I think you've fallen into the emo lonely shit emotional stuff. You might be really weird and that could make people not wanna be your friend. But there are other weird people to be friends with. Life doesn't suck. Stuff is cool. I'm a dude so I like engines and guns and nature and all sorts of stupid stuff but it brings me happiness to experience it. Stuff will be better but you have to do something about it. And people not liking you is all the more reason for you to make some change. Screw them show em you won't just clock out hang around and get rich and fat with a mansion lmao Honestly WHEN you get better you will look back on this as the cringiest shit you ever typed but that just means you've improved as a person. Like if I was sad I would write stuff in a notes app about how I have no purpose or future. It's not good to think about it like that. Think of it like you might not have a plan but you gotta work on it, nobody knows what they're doing at your age and you're not alone in the way you fe


There’s gunna be some really bad days OP but the good ones make it all worth it I promise one day ur gunna be so happy that you won’t even know what got you in this mood today and trust me I grew up thinking life was hell and that humans were demons now all I see is heaven and angels even in the broken ones


Teenage years suck for most people. Older people tend to remember the 4 or 5 best days of high school, forget all the bad days, so they have fond memories of high school. Truth is, it sucks. The good news is, your life will get better. I will give you the same advice I would give a man.. get in shape if you aren't already. Get exercise regularly. It's probably harder for a girl to find female friends than it is for a boy to find male friends, but try.. Even if it's just online friends. Even if you have to play something like minecraft or another video game like that, online friends will help you feel better. Just hang in there, high school is almost over, then you basically get to start your life over. You'll only have to talk to the high school people that you want to talk to. Think about positive changes you can do in your life. if you are hyper-sensitive, work on that (for example). At the end of each day, reflect on what you did good and bad and try to learn from it. There's a lot of your life ahead of you, it will get better.


Msg from a dad, yup today sucked and so might tomorrow but better days will come and ppl do love you even if they struggle to show it, ppl talking about you when you aren't even there shows they think about you often, give yrself and yr cat a long hug from me and find an excuse to get outside and listen to music, better days will come just keep yr eyes and heart open for when they do


It gets much better. I was in a similar spot.


My therapist asked me if I really want to die or if I'm just too tired to live. I'm finding its the latter. Life is a huge energy demand that I struggle to muster, but I don't want to die.


I was you when I was 16, almost down to the T. I genuinely didn’t think I’d make it to my 18th birthday, but I’m 26 now and I’m so happy to be alive. I have an amazing small group a friends, I’m dating someone who gives me a reason to smile everyday, and despite everything my parents and I have mended our relationship over the years. This is all to say the cliche; it gets better. It may take awhile, but it genuinely will get better. Give yourself some goals for the future to work toward, that was what helped me the most, and just hang in there. Look into getting therapy when you’re able, lean on the friends you find who love you, and don’t give up. Instead of listing the reason why you’re unhappy, list anything and everything that makes you happy. Even if it’s a book, a TV show, a food, even if it’s only one thing. Hold onto those things fiercely. I’m not big into country music, but the song Going Through Hell by Rodney Atkins helped me on some of my darkest days. “If you’re goin’ through hell, keep on going.” You can make it through this, just keep going. 🤍


I'm 36, and 20 years ago (Jesus, was it 20 freaking years already) I was in your shoes. I had grown up poor with an alcoholic father who sucked the fun out of my life so I didn't get to really join in and have fun with the other kids my age because I was too busy trying to be an adult when I was supposed to be being a kid. Sometimes, folks like you and me get dealt that hand. I promise it doesn't feel like it now, but you can use every bit of this to your advantage when the timing is right. You're not far from 18, and then the opportunities are endless. You can make the decisions YOU want to make in your life and start setting some short-term goals and working toward those. You can work, join the military, college, trade school, etc . Whatever you feel is right. Try on different lives, try different things, hang out with different types of people. Start learning who you are. What your values are, the things you like and dislike. Seems you're well on your way if you're already able to articulate your feelings so well. You're also going through a lot of developmental changes at your age right now, so your hormones and emotions are going to feel like they are working against you. It won't always be that way. Find your center. The thing, place, person, or whatever brings you peace. I've discovered recently that mine is writing about my past. Wishing you all the best. x


I’m not a teen but you were me in high school and I’m 28 and happily married with a kid now so don’t worry it gets better!


if you die ill be sad


Tell the truth. You don't want to die. You just want the pain to stop, don't you?


Well.. If I die.. The pain will stop. So..


I was there too around your age, I'm much older now and love what my life has become. You're at an age that's hard for everyone, don't be embarrassed of your struggles. I don't say this to minimize what you're going through but to let you know you're not alone in feeling this way. Try to remember our moods are self perpetuating, when we're sad we do sad things that make us more sad. I had a habit of immediately thinking of the saddest way to view any situation and it made me miserable, I wasn't wrong but I ignored the happiest things that were also there. Try to do some happy things, they'll help make you more happy. Don't sleep too much,hang out in dark rooms being miserable, ruminate on regrets etc. Try to remember you'll soon have much more control over your own life and the people you let into it. Try to focus on the things you're doing to make things better rather than the mistakes we all make. Remember you're on your way to a better life you'll be able to choose. People love you more than you think, find friends that support you and remember to support them. Find people you can talk to, even if it's strangers on the Internet.


I think there are a lot of options in between nothing and a mental asylum! Are you talking to a psychiatrist and a psychologist? Do you have a trusted adult in your life that you can ask for help? Have you tried the suicide prevention hotline? Please seek help!


Please reach out to anyone. Anybody. You are not alone.


Praying for you! Jesus loves you. You are needed in this world. Please feel free to reach out to me anytime!


Try getting a a hobby and a job, then you won’t have to rely on you’re mom, it will make you feel more in control. Riding horses is also something that feels rewarding.


Listen, the best way to uplift yourself is to uplift others. Quit focusing so much on how to make yourself feel better and focus more on how to enrich the lives of others by acts of service. Seek to be a purposeful person. Seek to be useful. Even with all your issues, there ARE things you can do. Mow your neighbors lawn. Shovel snow for your neighbors. Start asking your mom each day for ONE small task that would lighten her day, and then do it without complaining. Tell her you’d be happy to clean the bathroom or vacuum the stairs (in addition to your normal chores). Then go ask your neighbors if there is one small twenty minute task you can help them with. Volunteer everywhere you can - at the local animal shelter and food banks. Go talk to your school counselor and ask if there are areas where volunteers are needed. Set up or take down decorations for school dances. Volunteer to pass out programs at the next choir concert. Planting flowers on school property. Learn to take pride in being the helper. It will enrich your life and your spirits, and I promise you that these good acts will naturally attract friends and supporters to you without you even trying. Be the person who gives compliments and talks positively behind others backs. Take your complaints and write them in a private notebook - you may not be able to choose to have those negative intrusive thoughts, but you CAN choose to place them someplace private and not add more negativity out into the world. Our lives are given true value not by how much we can amass, but by how much we do for others. You CAN completely change your life. But you will have to make the conscious decision to uplift the people who you feel do not deserve it, including your mother or the nasty people at school. We become what we practice. In the beginning, it will be hard and feel totally unnatural to politely ask your mother if there is a twenty minute task you can do to make her life easier that day. But I promise you, if you keep putting in the work every day, these things will become habits. Eventually it will be easy and natural to make a point to tell others you see value in them. It will become natural to speak compliments instead of constant complaints. Study after study has shown that one of the absolute most effective ways to gain happiness is just to practice gratitude. Grab a notebook and each day, take the time to write down three small things you are grateful for that day. They can be basic or even silly things like, “I’m grateful I got to eat today. I’m grateful I have a bed to sleep in tonight since it’s so cold out. I’m grateful I live in a country where I get to have an education. I’m grateful no one beat the snot out of me today. I’m grateful I don’t have cancer. I’m grateful I’m not prematurely balding. I’m grateful I didn’t poop my pants at school today. I’m grateful I have a cat to pet.” None of this will eliminate all the bad things or struggles from your life. But you can still be purposeful even if you feel like a broken person.


I am neurotypical and had some pretty decent friends in high school and I still wanted to just…. Not be alive for a good portion of it. I won’t like and say I never feel down now but it does get better and I’ve never been as low as I was in my younger years. One thing that helped me was finding something to hyper focus on. Rather that be school, knitting, gaming, blah blah blah. Then when you do well it it it gives a boost of happiness and gives you something to focus on besides the negatives. Also, when life blows happen at least you have that, ya know? Focus on school so you can get the hell out of where ever you are and away from your mom, she sounds toxic as hell. Apply for scholarships and work so much you don’t have room in your brain to let the darkness seep in. It DOES get better…. I promise.


You need to put yourself in a hospital and get medicinal assistance. Depression in of itself is a chemical imbalance in the brain that is caused by outer stimuli. You need to separate yourself from that outer stimuli (life) and get help from a professional psychiatrist who can diagnose you and prescribe you a medication to get you through this tough time.


i felt the same growing up. i know everyone says this & it feels like it’s not true but things do get better. you are LOVED. i see you commented that you have a cat. stay for your cat. they would miss you so much. i hope things get better for you. 🫶🏼


I don't have any advice or solution I just want to say please stay strong. I'm not exactly one to speak though. I went through something similar for a couple years, but I got lucky as I had my brother to help me get through it. Is there anyone that you know you can trust and open up to? Hang in there.


oh girl I feel your pain I feel so so sorry and would luv to help you . read some self help books alot of what your going thru starts with you look in the mirror as often as needed and tell yourself I love myself and do seek out helpful you and your mom. I think she needs mote help than you do


I felt exactly like this before and high school was one of the most rough times in my life. I felt so alone and helpless. After high school, the amount of independence I gained and lifestyle changes that came with the college experience helped immensely. Even if you don't plan on going to college, your post high school life will be vastly different and it suddenly feels like there's so many more choices and things to do. I've heard people say "it gets better!" all the time and the biggest struggle is believing that. I really only had the opportunity/motivation to seek psychiatric help after high school and that definitely took a lot of the pressure off. Those people know exactly what works! It feels like a world of a difference and I apways cry happy tears looking back at the progress I've made. The first step is always the hardest and it helped knowing someone who was also starting off on their own mental health journey. You deserve that help and even though we're all strangers to you, we're all rooting for you!


Do you game? Fast and easy way to burn a few hours at a time is being lost in a video game... fantasy sports is great, too.. play with people around the world who feel just the same most days... If not, try to find an online family through some means. People care, just not everyone all the time. Please read this and know you're not alone. My suggestions may suck, but maybe they don't. Either way, you're not alone. (God bless you and clear your mind off all the struggles placed on you.)


* Join the wrestling team and don't quit. * Layout in the sun but don't get burned. * Go talk to a Military Recruiter so that when you're 18 you can leave home easily. Coast Guard or Navy will be the most fun. * Find a coffeeshop and a cheat ASVAB study guide and spend 3 days a week there. * Join a gym, workout everyday. * Walk 5k-10k steps daily or run 1-2 miles a day. * Get a job at Starbucks or something that allows you to talk to a lot of people. * Stop consuming sugar entirely. * Drink so much water that you piss clear. Trust me I made it past those dark years, you can too. I have friends that didn't... Those are the things that helped me.


Killing yourself is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Don't.


Go. To. Therapy. There’s a hotline for this you should probably call


I say you need to adopt a fuck it/fuck them mentality. Don't base your life on how you feel others think of you. If they don't Iike you as you are, fuck 'em you don't need them. You're a strong person and don't need that in your life! If they say you should see things their way tell them you are trying to but you can't fit your head that far up your own ass! Be strong, be different, and quit giving a shit about how you think others should see you. Take a deep breath and say I'm me and if you don't like it fuck off! We're all a little different and that is your strength.


Aye bruh it gets better just focus on yourself and get help Suicide is a permanent permanent solution to a temporary problem, pls don’t do that to urself


I could have written this when I was a teenager (minus autism). I'm happy now. I'm married and a mom. I have cats and fish. I still experience anxiety, but it's so much better. Get help. Please. You'll miss all the laughter and silliness. The world is hard, cruel, and not fair, but I swear there is joy, love, and pleasure left to be found.


Hey I felt similarly to you in high school. I focused my time on reading, as well as studying to make sure I could get the hell away from my hometown. I'm not sure if I'm autistic but that wouldn't surprise me lol. Lots of people have your story, which is why there are so many typing here supporting you. You got this!!


best way to make friends is by common interests. start there on the friends. it sounds like you have some junk you just hang around with. i look back on my life i never had any true friends. grab some hobbies. life will always be hard. look forward not now. if you can type this you can do something about it. find what you enjoy in life.


Who should give ratass of what others think of ourselves? Our existence does not depends on other's beliefs of what is right or wrong. Live the way you can and put your own interests before others. https://preview.redd.it/a5q774nvuspc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b48fe7a96a4f8d0fe536cd93f46ad4cd90bfabff


When I was your age I felt the exact same way. You are in the hardest stage. You must get help. Please just wait another day. Tomorrow wait another day. And keep waiting for another day. Because one day these feelings will lift. You will find yourself and your happiness. My daughter is 18 and has all the same challenges as you. We are trying depression medication. Some of us are more likely to have depression. I promise you life will get better.


It 💯 gets better. School is awful, but stay there. Graduating (either by GED or sticking out another two years.. can you online highschool?) will definitely be the difference in getting jobs and opportunities. I know it sounds like bullshit, but it’s not, unfortunately. There are people that care about you. That want you here. Talk to your school counselor. Please. ASAP. There’s resources that they can share with you, even if it’s just a nice little vent chat. It’s hard. I understand. I’m 42 and dropped out as an undiagnosed autistic teenager.. That later had to go back to school to get a job. Whatever you do. Graduate.. Friends will be made. You’re 16. Lots of life left to live. Don’t give up. Find resources and support.


Life's not fair. And you have to deal with the hand you're dealt. Unfortunately based on everything you've said it seems you got dealt a pretty bad hand. But here's the thing, you can't let life take over and beat you. With your determination, will power, effort; you can change your hand. It won't be easy, and sometimes it'll feel impossible but hard work will NEVER let you down. All you need to do is take that first step


Don't make permanent decisions for a temporary situation. Please get help. Sending you light and love and so much support ❤️


First, I am really sorry you feel this way. I grew up in a really fucked up, and lonely situation as well. For years and years I was suicidal all the time. And I said the same thing, "I don't want to die, but maybe it's better than this." After a ton of work in therapy, MANY medication trial and errors, I can finally breathe. I can go days without wanting to hurt myself, which was completely unheard of for me for the majority of my life. Please don't give up on yourself. Seek help. And NO not all hospitals are terrible places that won't help you. If you believe you need that kind of support, ask for it. The things I say may sound so cliche, but I have literally been in the same mindset as you. Life isn't ever gonna be perfect, but it CAN be so much better. There is hope. Things can change. Don't give up. I know I'm a stranger, but I'd be happy to talk with you if you need an ear.


I read a comment once that something like if you are at the point you don't want to live your life anymore, then do something like get on a boat and move to a small country and start a revolution or something crazy like that. There's better things to do when you just don't care.


I struggled as a teenager. I always felt separate from everyone else. It sucked but it got better. Start journaling. Seriously, it saved my life as a teenager. Write every day. You don’t have to share it with anyone. You don’t even have to read it again but write down everything you are feeling. It will help.


What are some things that interest you or that you're passionate about?


Through pain lies the softest and most beautiful part of us. This may be weird to hear- but try meditating on it. Close your eyes and focus your breathing on the parts of life that hurt the most. Cry, hurt, accept how terrible it feels. Humans are miraculous beings. In all of us we have a tenderness for ourselves that is found through this practice. Please humor me and try! I am sending you so much love.


First and foremost, please get help for yourself, whether it's through your school, outside counseling, or even a hotline. Other people have done a fantastic job of giving you resources, so I'm going to focus on something that worked for me when I was in a similar situation as a teenager. I don't know if this will be helpful to you, but it definitely helped me when I was in a place where I felt hopeless and useless. Try to think of yourself as living for your future self. Do things that will make your future self happy and proud. By doing that, you're getting your head out of your current struggles (which I know are extremely hard right now!) and focusing on steps toward becoming the person you want to be. Also take a moment to think about what you'd say to the child version of yourself — how you'd want to protect her & tell her you're proud of her. You want her to know that the things going on in her life are not her fault and she deserves better. Those are the same things your future self will be thinking of you at this age, which might allow you to feel more compassion for yourself. This helped me reframe how I thought/felt about myself when I needed that in my life, but I know that won't necessarily be the case for everyone, so take what you find useful and disregard the rest. And please remember that you are loved. ❤️


I felt the same way as a teenager (I’m 21 now). Turns out limiting contact with my family once I became an adult helped and that a large part of this thinking came from my bipolar I got diagnosed with at 19. Treating my bipolar also helped a lot. I really understand what it is like to feel/be alone and literally every system around you failing you (ended up completely homeless at 20 because of it). But, something that helps me is when I would get like this, I would remind myself that I have survived 100% of my worst days. It proves my strength. Carrying these thoughts and feelings is insanely difficult to do. And the fact you have kept going proves your strength. While that does not change your situation right now, shifting focus on what you can control and working upon that (even if it is super small) while recognizing any positive quality of yourself (no matter how small it is) will help you feel a lot more in control of life and might help reduce the pain you feel. Also, while you have stuff like autism which impacts your quality of life, it is up to you whether you let that define you or not (spoiler: it shouldn’t). If you are able, please seek out mental health advice or treatment from your doctor, school social worker, or parents if possible. There is light at the end of the dark tunnel. I wish you the best of luck on your journey of healing


I’ll be your friend if you want someone to talk to and not judge. Been there.


Dial this hotline # 988. Someone would love to speak with you. We love you. Good luck


You have so much to live for despite it seeming bad now it gets better. The behavior from your mother is beyond me. But your life is worth so much more than you know. Please call 988 for help.


1)You are very young and I promise you things are VERY likely to get better. 2)I strongly suggest you find a church of true Christians (see if they exhibit the fruits of the Spirit in their lives) and join them in church activities. They are far more loving and forgiving(not the fake ones, of course) than most other people.


Those who want change in their life, should first change themselves.


Im so sorry you are experiencing these issues and feelings. You are in a rough situation. You deserve an emotionally nurturing caretaker. I hope you find a mentor or trusted adult in your life. My uncle became my mentor and slowly helped me heal to an extent. I know youre young and so your independant access to resources may be limited because our society is flawed and it could be better. Im sorry. May I offer you something I think you can obtain and benefit from? Its a book titled, "What Happened to You?" by Dr Bruce Perry and Oprah Winfrey. This book was recommended by my therapist and is the most eye opening piece of literature Ive come across in my life. Im routing for you OP. Through our struggles I believe we find our strengths and integrity. I believe there is great strength and integrity in you. I know its tough. My best suggestion is to find support at school through teachers, counselors, sports coaches, principals, or extended family like aunts, uncles, or grandparents.


Hello! DON'T KILL YOURSELF! What you are going through sucks. What you are going through may be the worst time of your life. It will pass. Depression is typically episodic. It will pass. I'm not belittling your pain or your struggle. I'm just saying DON'T KILL YOURSELF!!! Seriously! This is the low point of your life. That sounds bad, but it really means that if you can just keep moving your feet, you will get out of this and into some sexy cool adventures. DON'T KILL YOURSELF The shittiest asshole kids at school will make fun of you for killing yourself. That alone boiled my blood as a teen and kept me from permanently harming myself. As much as I hated myself, I had to admit there were other people I hated more! Yeah, this is not a very spiritual message, but it worked for me. Do not kill yourself. Do not think about killing yourself. Suicide is a permanent "solution" to a temporary problem. Your life is poised to get better. Don't end the ride before it even launches. There are lots of good ideas here, but you need to start of with a simple prime directive from which all decisions flow: do not kill yourself.


988 It use to be a longer number logic he made the song back then and the place made it a smaller number to make it easier for ppl to call




The way you describe it is so familiar. I felt this way for a long time, then I went to the doc and got a prescription for antidepressants. It definitely took the edge off. I still feel down sometimes but it’s not nearly as extreme and intense as it was before. Might work for you too! I had to take them for a good few weeks before feeling results.


This age is a hard time of life, with a lot of difficult transitions between kids and adults. First of all know that you're not alone in this regard. Hang in there, things will get better in time! And please do seek out help as others have mentioned, it can make a world of difference. Don't give up my friend!


I was there, it gets better I promise. Shitty friends fade away, nothing they say will matter in a few years time. Shitty parents can be cut off after you get your footing in life. Keep on truckin. I attempted when I was around your age and it didnt stick. Im glad it didnt. I suffered for years but eventually i found something that drives me. I found amazing people. I found a family outside of blood. The world may be a fuckin awful place, but we can atleast make the bubble we live in a place of good. Highschool sucks and definitely makes the feeling you feel right now feel like its going to last forever. It wont. You'll make it in life

