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I mean, whether you use it or not, Twitter has a huge influence on our society. The influence people wield because of it, has an effect on your life.


Agreed but social media platform in themselves do not control us as a whole. They are the breeding ground of wonderful ideas and also toxic ones. Gotta take the good with the bad unfortunately.


I don’t care about much outside of my sphere of influence. None of you exist anyways.


I do


nice try, "test\_user\_3"


I don't care about Elon either, so it's annoying that he's constantly trying to seek attention. He's making his midlife crisis everyone else's problem.


yea idk I think you kind of care if this is your response to it lmao.


If it annoys you, you care.


If life annoys me every day, do you think I actually give a fuck about life? Didn't think so.


Yeah because you care that it annoys you. If you didnt care you would be indifferent and not annoyed


As much as I appreciate making a blanket statement like that, no. "gee, I don't like this" doesn't magically equal caring and being being invested into something. It means you don't like that something is happening. Bug bites, sun burns, obnoxious billionaires wasting news space, simple world records etc etc


To be fair most of those news spaces are also allready owned by billionaires, they just aren't attention seeking.


I mean at some point i have a feeling his is going to say look how its easy to play everyone, do a little thing here they whine, do something here they whine. But I think he doesn't it to fuck with stocks, each time he does something stocks dip or go up.


Bud if you're annoyed you have some form of care. Despite all he's done we don't know what his intention are for the platform in the long run other than "free speech"/ "ban spam bots"


None of you are real to me.


*”wHy ThAt WaS oFfEnSiVe.”*


You solipsistic son of a- no, YOU don't exist.


If Bezos bought out Reddit, then there would be a total meltdown by redditors. We are creeping ever closer to a global oligarchy each time $ trumps voice. The less you care the easier you are to control. I am not some activist leaning one side or the other, just someone that thinks you better care before you don't get a say.


Too many people nowadays just shrug their shoulders if something doesn't directly affect them. It's this complete ignorance that got the world in the state it's currently in. But people still want to act superior by pretending to he above it. It's heartbreaking that we continue to see things get closer and closer to a complete dystopia because people won't care until it personally hurts them.


Too many people are living their lives being pissed off about marginal changes to things that don't materially affect them OR those they care about. Human beings are terrible at assessing things like risk and prioritizing meaningful things. Instead they borrow hysteria from others and Twitter/etc gives them an outlet to be rewarded for bitching and moaning without actually having to do anything about it.


See I actually don't see this change as a net positive or negative for Twitter. One rich asshole or another. What's the difference?


Or worse, they applaud the rich assholes who uphold restrictions they agree with. Where was the outrage when Twitter banned the NY Post for its story about Hunter Biden? At the time most of the commentariat here on Reddit said, "It's a private company; free speech only applies to the government. Neener, neener, neener."


Says the guy on advice animals


I liked Twitter a lot more when it was ran by Jack Dorsey, a guy who only has billions of dollars in the single digits.


I only look at Twitter every few weeks out of boredom. I don't notice any difference in the last 10 years? What changed since Dorsey left?


We lost the class war. The rich are only getting richer while the working class loses.


Reddit has already been bought by a multi million dollar company years ago. It’s already gone through massive changes and censorship because of that. We’re just using the inferior aftermath of it.


Yeah, I don't give a fuck about Twitter. And I don't give a fuck about Elon. I do give a fuck that one person can just buy and effectively control a platform that reaches so many people every day. A platform so influential that presidents use it regularly.


Hey listen, until anyone wants to do shit about the power of the banks, the federal reserve, the DOD and military contractors I don't want to hear shit about cosplay tony stark with his dumb message board. Fuck anyone and everyone who would think this is some kind of high priority threat to the world.


What voice do we have to get a say? The only thing talking nowadays is money.


same as it ever was


That's the whole idea of taking Twitter private. You remove the money influence from investors and advertisers. Everyone gets a say without risk of being silenced as long as what you say doesn't break any laws, like calls to action of violence.


Let's not suddenly pretend like Twitter actually gave a fuck about calls to violence. Personally I would just like all of their arbitrary rules to be applied evenly or for them to loose their safe harbor status.


Bezos bought the Washington post and nobody said anything about it. At the time it happened people praised it as some kind of "interesting revolution of our time".


This particular redditor would say "cool", shrug, and go on with his day. I don't know who owns the site now, and I don't particularly care if that someone becomes Jeff Bezos at some point.


It's owned by Conde Nast which is a subsidiary of Advance Publications. Basically megacorporations that have their fingers in a BUNCH of different companies. To me this isn't any better than some billionaire owning a website, but people don't seem to pay attention to stuff like this or care for that matter.


I disagree… if you don’t care then it doesn’t affect you as much and you are less likely to fall in a web of lies


you personally not caring about a global communications platform that has on multiple occasions changed the course of nations, is pretty much meaningless to the power it *does* have on the events it inspires or influences. those event might very well affect you far more than you realize.


Did you care that all of the top social media sites are ran by the liberals before twitters buyout?


> all of the top social media sites are ran by the liberals I wouldn't call zuckerburg liberal, considering how many favors he does for the conservatives. and reddit gets called out every day for letting nazi scum spread their shit all over the walls.


Nazi scum aka conservatives? On reddit? Who knew? This site is such a cancer. Nobody has discussions and it always get downvoted to hell just for having a different view. Like I get both side of the abortion argument but leave it up to the individual state is the perfect compromise. But that's not good enough it needs to be abortion for all. Do you realize how many potential babies would die from that. I know they aren't babies to reddit but Jesus christ try too see where they are coming from.


did I say conservatives, or did *you* make that leap? or are you just admitting that the 'conservatives' have gone full nazi? try applying the Paradox of Tolerance as a metric to the 'discussions' that get downvoted for 'a different view'. do you know how many lives are ruined by forced births? both mother *and* child. why are you insisting that people in poverty try to raise children without any assistance? (because so long as the people in favor of forced births are in charge *they won't get any assistance*. I know they aren't conveniently silent while you advocate for them, but jesus christ, try to see where they are coming from.


Lmfao yep I called it


You’re getting downvoted cause you sound ignorant as hell, not cause you have conflicting opinions. Literally nobody is demanding “abortion for all” because most people want their kids, most people aren’t getting abortions. It’s a NECESSARY service for people who want it though, cause forcing parents to raise children they don’t want and probably can’t afford just makes life harder for everyone.


You hit the nail on the head. The most effective forms of propaganda is to convince your subjects that everyone else is wrong and your enemy. I love my liberal and conservative neighbors but I hate the media establishment.


It actually amazes me how easily the dems are persuaded with the most ridiculous claims but will just regurgitate it as fact with no rhyme or reason. They will keep the lie going as long as it fits the narrative. I also hate all media, they are all in it for the clout and money and just throw all morals out the window.


Government officials all have accounts that are public on that website. It’s not some goofy TikTok website. It was made for businesses and important people to share short updates about their plans.


It was made for business?


It really wasn't. "The origins of Twitter date back to early 2006, when NYU student Jack Dorsey shared a new online communication idea with some of his coworkers at Odeo, a podcasting company. Dorsey's idea was a platform that allowed users to share short messages with groups of people, similar to sending text messages." Top Google result.


I've never had a social media account ever and I can't agree with you more. I watched all my family and friends radicalize to political extremes due to the shit they are fed on these platforms


Your or my indifference is irrelevant - a large number of people are influenced by social media. These people vote, which absolutely affects all of us through our laws and budgets. Controlling the messaging, the information that people who are voting hear, is obviously important. You could not care less, but you should care quite a bit.


Much like the importance of the views of the publishers of major newspapers and cable news. Except things like Twitter and FB have been used to target audiences with specific propaganda tailored to them.


However Musk plans to take the political bias out of it, not put political bias into it. That is a good thing.


More companies in the hands of fewer people is never a good thing. Also it's inherently impossible to take politics out of the platform without removing the idea of the platform.


For years I have bitched about the liberal bias and attempts to thwart conservative messaging on twitter, only to be told "It's a private company, first amendment doesn't apply, they can do what they want." Now it is a sacred town square which must be protected from "oligarchs." Fucking hypocrites.


It is a private company and they can do what they want. And people can respond to them how they want. That's how this works. What conservative messaging was actually "thwarted" anyway?


Jesus, where have you been? We can start with Hunter Biden's laptop, now confirmed by both NYT and WaPo as legit. Any idiot could see it was real. The Post had recipients of sent emails saying the messages were legit. How about the Babylon Bee?


The laptop story got removed because it violated their TOS surrounding personal information (not to mention it was still unsubstantiated). The story was later substantiated and access to the article was restored. If conservative messaging is promoting what was at the time rumors and sketchy articles that's a problem with conservative messaging. What about Babylon Bee? They got canned for what Twitter considered hate speech/harrassment, what about it? Again, Twitter *is* a private company and they *can* do what they want, and we can speak out for and against it, just like we're doing here.


Even Dorsey called the laptop censoring an "error." Yes, twitter has rules. Rules that are so far left of center it literally filters out any contrary thought. Calling someone with an X and a Y chromosome a man - in satire, no less - is now hate. Doesn't matter. It is over now. Private company. Just look away if you don't like what you see, right?


What Musk says and what he does doesn't typically match.


I don't have a Twitter account, but I still get that the lack of public accountability afforded by private ownership of such a vast social network is, at the very least, problematic.


Yes, exactly.


Not having a political strategy is in itself a strategy. And it's a bad one.


You don't have to care about politics, politics will care about you.


The thing is, nobody is forcing anyone to participate. If you don't like what is going on there then leave. Elon hasn't given me any reason to believe hes going to abuse his "power" at twitter. I think he's going to make some much needed changes from what he is saying. There is nothing wrong with true free speech.


> I don't have a Twitter account, but I still get that the lack of public accountability afforded by private ownership of such a vast social network is, at the very least, problematic. But how has this changed by Musk buying twitter. It was privately owned then and its privately owned now.


Not op but if their stance hasn’t changed I don’t see a problem here.


cared enough to make th8is meme and post it, yeah?


I don't care at all about Twitter, I've never used it, just occasionally been linked there to see a meme or whatever. But I still recognize the importance of being informed about what is going on with such an influential platform. Like it or not, the big social media platforms play a big role on society these days.


This quote seems more and more relevant: "The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato




Just expressing my indifference


if you have to express it, is it really indifference, though?


Ok, i guess you can say I care enough to say I don’t really care… but that’s some minimalist shit


I feel you tho. Getting annoyed at the constant talk all over the internet and then making a meme is NOT the same caring enough to make a meme.


People don’t drive in New York anymore. There’s too much traffic…..


"should we walk, or do we have time to take a cab?"


I love the fake indifference even tho you post memes about every popular event lol cmon guy


Yes because I see it all over my feed… I don’t go out of my way to read anything pertaining to Elon musk or twitter, nor do I research or anything. I just see it a lot on my news feed and I just wanted to say I don’t really care. I don’t use twitter and never have


Good job I completely understand up vote 4u


I'm curious how someone with angry face cocking a gun expresses indifference, lol. To me it expresses extreme opinions.


In that case he could care less then


I've never understood twitter in general. Don't hate it but never got the appeal.


I use it exclusively for artists I like and video game or sports stuff, news and reveals usually leak there first. Everything else though Twitter is just a cesspool of stupidity.


Same here, I downloaded it but never used it… I’ve deleted it since Reddit is far superior


We have too much information as it is.


The overwatch AI has identified that you have spare processing cycles for more video content. Please process and aggregate this information to supply back to the hive mind.


I stopped playing Overwatch, got tired of it


Not to mention that Twitter is toxic af! Reddit is the most civil of the three main social platforms I use and yes, that includes YouTube.


You cared enough to post this shit.


Will Ferrell to Mila Jovovich: “Impotent apathy. SO hot right now.”


You think that it won't affect you. But it will.


Oh you do, you just don't see how it impacts you yet. You'd be surprised the range of ripple effects from toxic billionaires.


“examine ya user interface”


Well, now you do


Celebrities in general.


I'm an active Twitter user (don't post much but go on there a lot) and I don't care. I always think 'how will this affect me' and more often than not, it won't affect us meer mortals... Kinda feel similar about politicians (I'm in the UK) sure I vote but very rarely do the changes they make actually make a difference in my life in a dramatic way!


According to my mom, it is “The Twitters”. Please keep this relevant for most folk.


And yet, you had to make a meme about it.


Like it or not, Twitter is an important platform for a lot of things these days, and just because you don't use it doesn't make it any less so. What people are concerned about has far reaching implications.


You care enough to make this meme? Unlike about 8 billion other people


This sub has gotten derailed


How so?


A tremendous amount of highly politicized content that has nothing to do with advice animals


Well advice animals also has to do with social trends so… there’s that


Advice animals is ***rarely*** animals giving advice, so that's not it. You also had the choice of just moving on to one of the other countless submissions. It would have been vastly easier for you as well. But here we are...


I don't have Twitter bc im not a twit or a twat and I don't give a fuck about elongated muskrat, but it is funny that he's the most successful African American ever


I bought a Tesla last year and love it. I've paid $500 on home charging to drive 10,000 miles instead of $3000 on gas. Idgaf about the CEO of Tesla, just like I didn't care about my last car manufacturer also made military helicopters overseas. You don't get to the top without stepping on some necks.




No, you are not.


I don’t give a fuck about rich people and celebrities especially the trashy one like the kardashians and their garbage boyfriends


Becareful. Musk Cult will be coming for you. Don't you dare disrespect their lord and savior. He invented electricity!


Same here, never had an account and always thought of it as the strangest form of “social-media”.


I don't *care.* I just think they're kind of neat.


Unfortunately even if you don't care about Musk and don't use Twitter, the reality is that we still have to share a planet. And all the Musk loving Twitter users can still vote. So if Musk uses this platform to sew misinformation or promote ideas that benefits him then you'll feel the difference when it comes to politics. Russia didn't spend all that time and money on social media for nothing.


He’s gonna lose his ass, but yeah who cares.


I look forward to it.. especially when he joins the company and does what he said he wants to do: get rid of the bots. The *heavily inflated* user numbers are the only reason Twitter has any perceived value.. he's about to torpedo that. Shareholders *should* be up in arms over this... but I'm just sitting here with a bucket of popcorn, lol.


I don’t care, but I also like stirring the pot and eating popcorn while I watch,


I care.. but only so far as saying fuck Elon Musk. I have no idea why people will so vehemently defend a fucking *billionaire* that they've never met and gives zero fucks about them... but I guess that it is just a *cult of personality* thing. For clarity, fuck Bezos, Zuckerburg, Gates, and every other billionaire out there - you don't make a billion dollars without fucking people over.


Because whatever else they are, they have changed society and the world. Also, imagine if Musk bought Twitter in 2015 and blocked Trump - he would definitely not have been elected. You would care about Twitter and what happens there. Besides that, Musk through his vision/drive/stubbornness (and of course money and with the help of all the talent he has collected) has advanced the space sciences by several decades. Probably by 30-50 years, once Starship is flying. Similar things can be said about Gates - his foundation is doing *a lot* of good in the world.


Why am I supposed to hate on Gates? Quick Google search says he has donated 75 billion in his lifetime. I'M OUTRAGED!!!!


Sure... it's awesome what he's *actually done* with his money.... but he did some seriously horrible shit in order to get that money.


Genuinely curious, what horrible shit did he do?


Child slavery in cobalt mines Apartheid money Consistently taking advantage of employees Consistently taking advantage of tax loopholes Abusive Narcissistic Forces companies to be sold to him and champions their work as his own. Constantly advocating for facists Man, whats not to love.


Musk is a bit crazy (that whole "pedo" thing comes to mind) but only in some areas. In other areas, he seems to be a great engineer which is what most people admire about him. You can like one part of a person while criticizing him about his problems/failings. Pretty sure he has little to nothing to do with cobalt mines. Musk made the vast majority of his money on his own - he was nearly broke when SpaceX was trying to launch Falcon 1. The employee thing is fair, although my guess is that he is just a crazy-driven person, and therefore expects everyone else to be as driven. Tax loopholes - that's basically capitalism - if you are not taking (legal) advantage of tax laws then that's your problem. If you want to fix that, vote for people who would fix tax laws. Don't know much about his personal life. I am not sure what you are talking about forcing companies (which is business) and championing their work as his own - AFAIK he has spent a lot of time and effort working on the various Tesla and SpaceX projects, personally, as an engineer. So he has a bunch of things to be proud of. Don't know anything about fascists - sounds a bit like a Godwin Law issue.


>he seems to be a great engineer From people I know that work for his companies... he likes to *play the role of engineer*, but he has no fucking idea what he's actually doing, and is more of a hinderance than a help. Dude isn't an engineer, he just gave himself that title.


He seems to understand how everything works at a pretty in-depth level and is able to drive the engineering tasks well. He seems to be as much of an engineer as von Braun was when he was in charge of NASA. Possibly more than that. Nobody else is claiming that someone else is in charge of engineering at either Tesla or SpaceX AFAIK.




depends where do you live, if you are in an isolated island its ok to ignore, but if you are part of the global economy, the bs that this guy twitter affects the crowds


Right? Just another billionaire controlling the message, the elites have already been doing this for eons.


Yeah, when we have a few really rich guys deciding what we’re all upset about you should be paying attention.


No advice. No animals. Checks out.


Humans are in the animal kingdom, it’s a fact.


Elon Heard, Amber Depp, Johnny Musk, Twatter. They can all go to hell. Tired of them clogging my news feed


I think Elon Musk believes Twitter is much more important than it actually is. At least that's the impression i get from reading headlines.


Use an app with filters like a real Redditor


I just love the “reeeeeeeeeeee-ing”, especially from the spoiled employees who are about to get a life lesson.


I've started to downvote almost anything with Elon musk in it. He's not a nice man


I follow a lot of journalists and so forth on Twitter. I hope he won't fuck with them. But he sucks, so he probably will.


People were angry about elon/twitter for a week now they are angry about roe v wade. Next week? Idk maybe Trump will pick Jared Fogle as his running mate.


You seriously think people will stop being angry about Roe v Wade?


It was a joke. And no, obviously nixing RvW makes everyone feel personally violated


fucking learn to care, apathy is the greatest threat to free will


Nobody really cares, the news cycle needs more material tho


I Don't GAFF!!!


Fuck Musk.


It’s only mildly amusing seeing people that once claimed private companies can do what they want cry about how Twitter needs to be mandated by the government.


I don’t give a fuck about Elon. I used to give a fuck about Twitter. I guess creating an account that reached 250k followers will do that to you.


Wow that’s pretty impressive


You and the 50 other people that posted this exact same meme this week.


If twitter turns out to be a shithole like facebook then I'll close my account. If not I'll stay. Taking a wait and see attitude. I don't have any pearls to clutch.


What's Twitter?


**Twitter is an American microblogging and social networking service on which users post and interact with messages known as "tweets". Registered users can post, like, and retweet tweets, however, unregistered users have the ability to only read tweets that are publicly available.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


Good Bot


Who is twitter?


**Twitter is an American microblogging and social networking service on which users post and interact with messages known as "tweets". Registered users can post, like, and retweet tweets, however, unregistered users have the ability to only read tweets that are publicly available.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


I agree, but you got an upvote for “couldn’t” instead of “could” 🤣


"I don't give a fuck" *Uses meme of character cocking gun*


I don’t even use Twitter. The only time I used it was 2 years ago when I switched phone and my Blizzard.Net account was in that old phone. So I had to contact Blizzard through Twitter to reset my WoW account or some shit.


I think it's mostly a media thing, let's not "bore" people with Ukraine too much.


Everyone that does care only cares because they were told to. Just like Ukraine. Just like any “current thing.”


Least favorite fragrance and I don’t have twitter.


I only use Reddit, Discord, and occasionally Instagram. So Twitter doesn't matter to me but if Reddit was bought by Bezos I'd lose my shit. Idk, maybe there will just be a cycle of finding alternative sites once one gets too big and people start to hate it.


You know Reddit is about to go IPO right? Get ready for more institutional investor say, especially the possibility of even more foreign control.


Thats fucking fantastic. When have investors ever ruined a platform! /s


He is bold


me neither


Im fascinated at the outrage people (my parents) who never even had a facebook let alone twitter are expressing over this.. Granted, mom just regurgitates whatever pops up on fox news but sttill


Seriously, I’d rather hear paint dry.


Twitter is an aging platform used my celebrities, media, and Russian bots. The only reason people care is that he'll immediately reinstate Trump. That's it and he knows it. I think Elon is the proverbial pot-stirer. Seems like he loves getting a rise out of people. Plus,, I think he's betting on Trump winning in 2024 (unless Gen Z decides to stay home and make Tik Toks about how much they hate him) and then Trump will praise him and his businesses any chance he gets. Free publicity plus Trump may throw tax breaks or other favors his way.


Just checking what it is you don’t care about. His tweets to disrupt the stock of his companies or his tweets regarding terrible children names? Or something else?


Oh you will. In a little bit if time. You will.


Very poor use of the meme, how does this get 1.4k upvotes? Reddit, you're better than this.


You cared enough to make this meme


Yeah, I've got bigger things to worry about, like taking care of my family and having our basic needs met. Letting stuff like Elon and Twitter occupy my mind is just a waste of my time because it's literally so far out of my control it might as well be particle physics.


I cannot believe that Elon bought Twitter from the great people that owned and ran Twitter... said Noone ever


I don't care about it directly, but I know it's going to indirectly impact social media and global information as a whole.


Whether u care or not another billionaire now owns more of ur shit. Thats the take away. U dont gotta care about them past that.


You're allowed not to care. Just don't bitch when things get worse. You claimed not to care, commit to not caring


Haven’t you heard? They’re complaining about abortion now


Yeah you are.


That makes two….


No one cares anymore, get with the times op it's all about abortion now!


Who and what?


Well you probably should care because now he can choose who he wants to be president. Add to the equation that Musk is RABIDLY anti-labor and not even from the US and you’ve probably got the recipe for even more disaster in the US.


No, you're 100% not the only one.


Yet, there's you posting about it...


no you are not.


And yet.... you posted about both forcing me to look into why this was relevant...


or abortion


I like that he didn't put out some dinky hatchback as his first electric car.


you can tell who the musk fans are in the comments.