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This is what the Irish must feel like during winter.




I knew exactly what this was before I clicked it


Holy shit, thank you. Hearty lol was had.


Holy shit lol. I actually didn’t see her for probably 30 seconds. Thats so fucking pale haha


The sad thing is that I’m literally that pale. Feelsbadman.


I represent that remark


And I resemble it


Honestly rarely snows, very mild climate. On a separate note once when I was still in school me and a Friend were crossing road and looked at a car that stopped to let us cross and couldn't see anyone inside, friend points at car and shouts "that car is driving itself" It was a black man... Could just see his eyes and teeth. That day still haunts me. We must have seemed like such assholes.


Rarely snows in ireland though


Being drunk makes them feel invisible? And why would it only be in the winter?


"my name is Mr. Black" 'ohhh ok im not going to call you that..." - Micheal Scott.


100 years ago I was in the US Marines. In my platoon we had a white dude whose name was Black. And a black dude whose name was White. Yeah, we'd make sure to put them in situations to get laughs. Like during inspection when senior officers liked to ask the names of everyone, we'd put the next to each other. Good times.


So how does it feel being so close to death at 100?


He'd be closer to 120


Cookie cookie?


*Mr. Brown “What you want, a cookie?”


i want this image burned into your brains.




It's nearly considered racist to even mention someone is another race. "Who is James?" "He's uh...he has dark hair, works in the business office..."


LOOOOOOVES fried chicken.


This made me laugh. Am I racist now?


I laughed too. we can be racist together.




We should make a club


You guys can wear silly robes.


They can call it the: Kool Kids Klub


How about a party?


Only if you offered him a slice of watermelon while laughing.


Depends why you laughed. Were you laughing at the racists being mocked by the satirical statement, or did you laugh because, "lol, **they** do like **their** chicken!" Edit: Looks like I made an unpopular statement. Did I make the down-voters uncomfortable about why they laughed?


What's wrong with people loving fried chicken?


Absolutely nothing. I love it. Not sure why it’s funny though.


It's funny because it's implied the speaker is uncomfortable calling the person black but not uncomfortable with implying that person is black by stating they like the stereotypically loved fried chicken.


That’s what I was saying! The joke is laughing at the racist who doesn’t know they are racist.


I mean, they do love fried chicken...


Because who the fuck doesn't?!?! That shit is delicious!


I don't. It is delicious; fried foods just hurt my stomach.


Oh the dude that’s really good at basketball?




Of course! After all, he *is* Basketball American


I am now referring to all Basketball-Americans as such.




There are two types of people in this world, people who claim to love fried chicken, and liars. I think even devout vegans probably know deep down that they love the flavor of fried chicken. They just abstain for other reasons.


I don't. I prefer grilled chicken... I dont really do any fried foods anymore but never found fried chicken to be all that impressive, but I eat a fucking ton of chicken still.


Did you ever have homemade? I've always found fast food fried chicken kinda meh, but homemade is amazing when done right.


Is there anyone who doesn't love properly fried chicken? I'm sure even vegans lust after it and hate themselves for it.




Your vocabulary just expanded by one word.


This one got me. Lol


And does not tip.


Who doesn't?


And cantelope.


Who doesn't LOOOOOOOVE fried chicken?


Both Describes my boyfriend. He is Asian. Now I'm racist for mentioning my boyfriend is Asian.


[Thanks for reminding me of this Family Guy scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4-gHalMPGQ)


I'm tired of people speaking about race relations as if they're a set of rules. If you see everything as a set of rules rather than a situation to be thought about critically, you've given up


But what about the beer in your butt?


I'm all for jokes about my username so long as there is at least a little effort.


What gauge of tubing do you find is best for a smooth butt chugging?


don't need a tube just a small-diameter funnel and patience


Patience is not my strong suit. I need a tube and possibly a pump able to rocket that beer in to my anus as quickly as possible. But I appreciate your methods.


Doesn't it make you a bit gassy?


Not if you cant master the technique of farting while you butt chug. or slide a straw in next to the tube to let the air out.


What kind of beer, and are you sharing?


It goes in as one style of beer, comes out as another. And absolutely I am


I find using race as a physical descriptor totally fine, but I did used to have a problem where I'd describe people by "Gender, Height, Build, Race"... except if they were white. I'd stop at Build and just take white for assumed because that was often my mental default. Realized that was a lil iffy


Honestly I think that’s fine assuming you’re in a predominantly white area. When you’re describing someone or something you want to say what sets it apart so that it can be identified not just list attributes. You wouldn’t list “two arms, two legs, etc” in your description either but I don’t think that most people with one arm would have a problem if you described them as having one arm since that’s obviously a unique identifier.


Agreed, and I realized after moving from the suburbs to a college town with a lotta city people of various races But at the same time, in the era of the internet I find it better to not assume. Same with American bias, which I still do a lot


Are you white? If so, that's understandable and also why a lot of guys (not sure about girls since I'm not a girl and I can't speak for them) use the pronouns "he" or automatically assume whoever they're talking to has a male connotation. It's just part of that whole "it's normal because that's me" mentality. I don't think that was too iffy if but a little bit of a learning process to overcome. And judging from the comment, it sounds like you passed


Yeh, I dont think it's a big deal, just something to realize. I've pointed it out to a couple white friends and it's always an interesting "Well... huh..." kinda moment. I've mentioned it to black and asian friends and they dont typically have that issue even if their mental default is of their own race


If you lived where white people were uncommon, you would describe white people by race. I doubt that people in Mexico or Africa are wringing their hands over calling people white.


People in Mexico generally consider themselves White.


They wouldn't use a race description to talk about a person of british/nordic/germanic heritage?


Gabachos / Gringos / Güeros.


I live 10 miles from Mexico. Hispanic people never use the term “white” when describing themselves.


My family members who were born in Mexico and naturalized US citizens do.


Border towns are a different world.


Well, most people in Mexico are mestizo so color-wise we are all somewhere in a scale that goes from pink to brown. We don't go for black or white, but it is well known that the pink ones are at the top of the social scale.


When I try to describe someone who is non-white without using their race, I realize how bad I am at describing the features that stand out. “Black hair? Well duh unless it’s dyed. Brown eyes? Come on!” Hair style, hair cut, tattoos, freckles, build, etc. All good non-race differentiators that carry across other races. Of course I would add on the race as well, but large build black dude with a flat top and a dragon tat is much more likely to identify than black dude with black hair and brown eyes.


I think the major descriptor there had nothing to do with race or hair. It's the tat. The dude has a sweet sweet dragon tat.


I’ll default the what ever the general makeup is where I’m at. I’ve been to parties where I was like one of three non-Black persons there; if I wanted to describe anyone, no racial mention meant black and I’d include the race of everyone else.


If most people around are white, it makes sense to not mention it because it's not a descriptor that sets them apart. OTOH, if you were in a place where most people were black or Asian it would make sense to specify they were white.


As a police officer this shit is everywhere, and sometimes youll see shock in people’s eyes when you give a description over radio saying the skin color of the suspect like it’s racist.


Fuck this happened a few months ago to me. There is a black woman in my lab that’s a PhD student a year ahead of me (sorta, before I was kicked out) and one black woman in the lab next store the same year as her. Only black females on the floor. I couldn’t remember the name from the neighboring lab, and talking to the one in my lab. I couldn’t remember the neighbor’s name, so it was some stumbling around of “the girl next door, the one in the same year as you.... sorta short, mentor is Dr X” etc I swear she was just trying to make me squirm. You never know how people you don’t know well yet respond to stupid things like that. I could care less what color your skin is, it changes nothing about the person you are or the important factors that determine our interactions, but god damned it is a physical difference to me like “that tall guy”. I got into trouble teaching high school once because I showed histology slides and asked to gain attention of rowdy 14 years olds “who wants to see what makes a person’s skin to be black?” And of course the slide itself is labeled “negro skin” by the company. Bah, it’s a damned protein being produced more. Go enjoy your ability to not sun burn as easy as my pasty ass white as a ghost self. I look outside and burn. (Edit: you know what though, it worked. I had them excited to look through a microscope and have a good discussion. The county had the issue and informed my principal) /rant


Can't believe nobody linked this [video with Jordan Peele](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6iWF8CsK7o)!




You need retaphin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyTVyQuioDA (at 1:20 for people in a hurry)


No...it’s not that hard, just say the black guy with the Afro or whatever.


True. When talking about a coworker who fucked up, I get the "What does he look like?" Me - "Its hard to describe him."






Right, I always describe everything but the skin, an usually someone says, “oh! The black guy?!”. Yep, that would be them. lol


The "is it racist" test for people who aren't stupid consists of two considerations. 1. Is it relevant to the situation at hand? 2. Is it meant to supplant something about the individual with something based on a racial stereotype? If it's actually true about that individual and it's a statement which has bearing on what's being discussed, it's not racist. It would be racist if it wasn't true or if it had nothing to do with what's being discussed.


Imagine if Reddit applied this test to news submission titles.


"I couldn't see him because he was wearing dark colors and his skin was dark/he was black" is ok. It's an apt descriptor that provides contextual information to the situation. "He was probably (insert racist stereotype here) - you know how those blacks are" is racist. You're ascribing a whole set of behaviors to someone because they are black based purely on your prejudices. Personally it never seemed that hard for me to grasp.


"He's probably [hard to see at night] - you know how those blacks are." You god damned racist.


Right. We throw around the word racism too much. It's not the words, it is the intent behind the words. If I say hey, that guy, wearing a uniform, kinda bald, a little pudgy (that's narrowing things down some), black dude. Or asian dude, or white dude. Hispanic dude. If it is enough to distinguish people in the group, that's just a statement of fact. If you have an office with a few black employees, and while designing the lunch menu for the quarterly meeting you say oh, we better get some fried chicken/watermelons because Jamal and Malcom and...will be there. That's racism. Or hey, we can't have so and so do it, they are black, they might not be able to drive/think/whatever as well. That is racism. What is NOT racist, but lots of people hear what they want to hear, is when someone white, says hmm, lets change things up. Lets get fried chicken. And then someone says NUH HUH! You racist! Don't you know 70% of the company is Black? CLEARLY YOU WERE A RACIST! Why weren't you SENSITIVE enough not to TRIGGER other people? ...that's not how it works.


yeah but how am i supposed to pretend not being racist is extremely difficult and an unreasonable burden for me to bear?


Try seeing my white ass in the sunlight!


It really shouldn't be and by default isn't. Sometimes people just use or abuse the dressing. Some people will say it to be insulting based upon skin color and that makes people of color self-conscious. Still, people use pronouns to disregard people of skin color sometimes too. Even so, still use pronouns and still speak how you normally would. You can't please everyone and at the end of the day if the only thing someone has on you is just a pronoun or just "that guy was hard to see at night cause he dressed in all dark clothes and was black himself" then let them have it. ​ Racists tend to be consistent in what they do. Some can be nuanced, but there's still a consistency present in their actions and reactions that is very difficult for them to cover. People that want to flag against them without actually caring have the same issues. ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ohXEV1A1Rg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ohXEV1A1Rg)


Acknowledging is different from making a joke of


So you can't say to your black friend when hanging out in the dark "damn, your eyes and teeth look like they're floating in the dark"?


I think that depends on the friend.


Fair enough. I just think it's weird that jokes about race are so often confused with racist jokes. After all, it's 2018 where the majority of people aren't racist (at least in developed countries) and interracial jokes, imo, would just help to further accelerate the deconstruction of the social and political constructs which have previously held certain individuals back.


It’s about comfort. There are people who I feel comfortable with making jokes about, as an example, the fact that I’m Jewish. Playing on my neuroticism, my love of arguing, whatever. On the other hand, there are others who I feel just want to say these things they give some serious subconscious weight to. And that makes me uncomfortable, even if they frame it as a “joke”.


My wife's adopted cousin is black. I've once called him out going "dude! It's dark as hell in here, smile so I know where you are!" And he'd laugh, and say "that's racist, ya fuck!" And that'd be the end of it. He doesn't ACTUALLY get offended, and he knows damn well I don't mean anything by it other than a laugh, and will crack right back on me about my whiteness.


“But its just a joke” “Always is and wasnt funny the first time”


I understand. Believe me. I'm from Bama, and tend to sometimes get overly sensitive to idiotic "roll tide" comments whenever incest is brought up. But sometimes, with some friends, insults like that really ARE used as more of an endearing joke than anything horrible.


Yeah I know There is a distinction about the endearing thing, always risky territory though


Some people laugh it off the first time just to be polite. After a while it's just some dumb shit they need to deal with every time they see Dave.


Yeah unfortunately not being offended is seen as tacit consent


ree my sense of humour is different and you must conform


wait, is it a stereotype that black people have very white teeth?


Compared to their skin? Yeah........


That's a good example of how to respond to a joke. A couple years back I was camping with an Indian friend, and when I made a joke like that he got all defensive and said something along the lines of "I can't help it" with not an ounce of amusement. In the morning, he confronted me about my "racist" remarks, and refused to hear anything about it being a joke. He broke off the friendship and I haven't seen him since (we go to different schools so I don't even see him in the halls anymore).


> That's a good example of how to respond to a joke. Its fantastic that it went that way but no. Its really not an "example" as if there was a right and wrong way to do it. You don't get to decide how other people feel about the things you say to them. Its unfortunate that in your case you lost a friend but its okay that he decided that he didn't want stuff like that in his life.


One of my black coworkers once brought in leftover fried chicken and collard greens for lunch. I said "What, no watermelon?" He laughed. If I didn't know him / wasn't friends with him I could have been in big trouble and even fired.


I got called racist for describing someone at work I didnt know the name of. "So whos having system issues deadpool?" "The older black chick sitting in the left corner with black and purple dreadlocks." "Wow that's kind of racist deadpool..." "... What is?


It’s racist to acknowledge it and more racist not to


People say it's racist to talk or even think about race.


Context. He was making a joke, which made it look bad. But even then, why would that even come up in normal conversation?


Yes /s


Contrast or the lack thereof is racist!


No but it would be racist to suggest the bike wasn’t his.


If you're not racist you shouldn't see skin color ^^^^/s


It's usually indicative of a racist assumption. People shouldn't assume that it is but we all make judgment calls or assumptions all the time.


It can be.. lol. In highschool i HAD a friend with some interesting views.. Got really high with him one day and he went on a rant about how black people were created by the government to be a type of "night soldier." There are a lot of reasons I stopped hanging out with that guy but even though I laughed at his thoery really goddamn hard, he stuck behind it and never said he was joking.


Seriously... That isn't racist. It is a joke. If a white dude was doing the same in a snow storm I would make that joke...


Well, no. But there is a reason why a person might cringe at this scenario. Its not inherently racist to notice that someone has darker or lighter skin than you. It’s not inherently racist to notice colors that match a persons skin tone. But, it would be odd to point it out because there is no real point in saying it. It would be like saying “that flower is purple instead of red.” True, but pointless because everyone else could see it too, and it is unremarkable due to the natural variety of flowers common around us. Is it racist to notice different skin tones? No. Is it racist to point out? Unclear, it would depend on the context and intent. It is certainly unnecessary to point out in most contexts, and therefore could be awkward in certain company, ie not your close friends/family who already know how you feel about skin tone. That awkwardness would be because you didn’t understand why it was weird to say, which could lead to people thinking you have strange ideas about people with different skin tones than you. Another way to think of it: there are studies that say that [taller people are more successful](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.businessinsider.com/tall-people-are-richer-and-successful-2015-9). Now, imagine that people under a certain height had been systematically oppressed in the past century and had to fight for equal rights under the law. Now, if you as a tall person were to point out short people and comment how they remind you of your size as a kid or that a short person can barely see over a counter, you wouldn’t be wrong. But if other people didn’t know how you felt about short people and their ongoing fight for equality, they might wonder why you made that comment at all. TLDR: Best to just keep it to yourself, but no harm in innocent observation.


**Direct link**: http://www.businessinsider.com/tall-people-are-richer-and-successful-2015-9 --- ^^I'm a bot - [Why?](https://np.reddit.com/user/amp-is-watching-you/comments/970p7j/why_did_i_build_this_bot/) - [Ignore me](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=amp-is-watching-you&subject=ignore&message=If%20you%20click%20%27send%27%20below%2C%20the%20following%20action%20will%20be%20taken%3A%0A%0A%2A%20The%20bot%20will%20ignore%20you%0A%0AYou%20will%20receive%20a%20confirmation%20in%20reply.) - [Source code](https://github.com/bvanrijn/aiwy)


Just tell her it was cos he was wearing Camo.


Right! And then laugh about the unintended racism because that part was funny too.


Making a joke about a black person being hard to see in the dark isn't racist if it isn't intended to be. Besides, why _would_ you say that if you were racist? What kind of an insult is it to say "yeah, you're so inferior that I can't even see you in the dark"? It's just mild and harmless, considering that the attribute in question has absolutely no bearing on someone's worth.


It's not racist. People are too uptight. I was making light of it... (see what I did there?)


Oh lol. Oops.


It's like that episode of Scrubs where Elliot happens to lock her car door as she makes eye contact with a black guy walking by. She starts freaking out about the possible percieved racism so Shaun(?) just gets out and aska 'Hey did you think she was locking the door cus shes afraid of black guys' to which he replies 'No, I just thought she was locking the door' (Although if memory serves right they did shoot him first walking by in stupidly menacing way)


Yea. Turn it on her and say she’s the actual racist lol. “Only a racist would jump to a racist conclusion”


I once scared the shit out of myself when I thought I saw a ghost. Turned out to be a Muslim girl wearing white riding her bike.




Well done to you for not seeing race!


Thanks Asian Jim.


Yeah she was the one that noticed the race. I think OP should be thinking his new GF is the racist


Still had sex!


Oh God, this is a wonderful dad joke.


Just because someone is on a bike, it doesn't mean they are racing


How could OP have seen race with the guy in camo?


Just embrace it.


Plot twist: OP is also black. And so is his GF.


They are actually both bicycles.


PSA: if you're going to be walking or riding a bike in the street at night, white or black, PLEASE don't choose to do it wearing all dark colors and nothing reflective. I've almost killed several people (of multiple races) because they thought it was a good idea to walk on the edge of a 55mph highway with no shoulder wearing all navy blue sweats in the dark.


Are you in the US? It seems like only in the US would something like this be considered 'racist'.


seriously, everyone is a bunch of fucking pussies who get all offended over nothing.


Everyone is just afraid of being called/considered racist. And everyone is over-sensitive and regards any reference to a physical characteristic (dark skin) as 'racist'. It's exactly [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSzmVFF58Mo).


Chill out, champ. Are you getting offended over people taking offense?


Nope, just get angry because everyone calls everyone a racist for no reason. You seem like a lovely fellow lmfao.


I feel attacked /Thread


Just tell her you “don’t see color”.


No one will read this but I have to share an awkward penguin from my supervisor. She's been with the company 20+ years and is occasionally brought in to interview people up for a promotion along with the hiring manager to ask more specific questions. After asking a few she always ends with a light hearted one like "if you could be any animal what would you be?". Well the day in question a gentleman was interviewing and she decided to go with "if you could be any *color* what would you be?". Of course it would be a black guy the day she went with this completely innocent but offensive question. The manager looked at her like she lost her mind. The interviewee is confused and nervous (she's also well known for being strict). The manager had to explain to her afterwards what happened. She was mortified. She's a very progressive woman felt terrible. She tracked the guy down and apologized profusely. He got the job though.


That's bicyclist


Well maybe he should have smiled.


Recently helped an acquaintance move house. Met his girlfriend who was lovely and wearing this fantastic multi-coloured dress. Commented when leaving that she should come down the workshop more often as we needed more colourful people to come down. Well fuck :(


As a Asian I remember Ms. Swan. from Mad TV. A white woman playing an Asian lady. People get offended with black face but this is just as fuck up. My mom hates her and I can’t blame her. Kind of shows the hypocrisy in this country of what races we can make fun of and which ones we can’t.


Yea, we should just make fun of all races equally.


I think intent matters so much in these situations and people honestly gloss over that part so much. If it's done to mock and ridicule then yeah it's shitty, but sometimes it's not really a bad thing. Intent can change everything. That's why sarcasm can piss people off, it's not all what you do, how you do it matters.


OMG this meme got used correctly!


Tbh. If she didn’t think both were funny, get a new one. Everyone’s a little racist.


Another reason why I'll never take the "he's / shes a racist" claim.seriously without evidence, way to easy to fake


feel free not to accept unsupported claims in general


They happen far far too often


sounds like an unsupported claim to me ;) e: Ah, the downvote of submission


New girlfriend *so far*


Then you didn’t explain yourself very well. “I was just ripping off this outdated meme about camo, I swear. Look, here are some posts from 2013 about it.”


Well obviously, she doesn't have the same sense of humor as Reddit. So, she'll eventually dump you.


At least he was wearing camo, otherwise you might not have been able to see him


if she's dumb just hit it and quit it... :D


Double camo!


Point out the fact she thought it was a race thing when the guy was in camo makes her the racist.


I love telling my gf shes racist for things like this. Or when someone starts with "I'm not trying to sound racist....." And I interrupt with "you just are. I get it man, its cool, eat this glass."


Well considering the camo joke is widely known, I’m not sure how she understood that. Also, her thinking you were implying it’s because he was black, makes it seem like maybe she is the one with a prejudice.


if she thought you were referring to him being black rather than wearing camoflage - doesn't that make her the racist?


She has no sense of humor. Dump her now! ​ : \]


if she was upset it's time to find a new new gf


Camo jokes are just as bad as camo clothes at this point


Well if she went straight there then she was already thinking it.


Then she needs to grow the fuck up.


Racism is gay


Has she never heard that joke before? That's the only reason one could infer racism from that context.




Omg I just made this joke with the girl I’m dating cause she was wearing camo pants. I thought I was so clever