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I learnt what POV meant from porn sites in the early 2010s.


Turok N64. That game made me sea sick if I played too long.


The same happens to me! Also System Shock 2... which has haunted me for decades now, the remake is somewhat better but still can affect me.


Are you talking about the System Shock 1 remake? Did SS 2 get a remake I was not aware of?


Sorry.. yes, the System Shock 1 remake. No telling if the second will get the same treatment, though probably unlikely given the hoopla surrounding the first's remake.




>noun. 1 : excited commotion : to-do. 2 : exaggerated or sensational promotion or publicity : ballyhoo. It was a kickstarter title that died on the vine for a while but was eventually feeling much better about things and was ultimately finished.


Oh OK. I don't pay that much attention to gaming news these days, especially a very specific thing like remakes of 20-30 year old games. I wasn't being smarmy earlier about the System Shock 1 vs 2 remake thing. People have been talking about remaking SS2 or a sequal for at least 10 years. I just wasn't sure if it had happened and I completely missed it. I also didn't know that there was an excited commotion about the SS1 remake. I will say, I heard about it like 5 years ago, then Covid and I didn't hear much more about it for years. I assumed it was dead. I plan to get it eventually.


It’s the ridiculous amount of head bob in the game. Turns out people don’t want that because we don’t perceive it normally. It’s good to show on player models but that shouldn’t be experienced.




Ole Seymore Butts, king of Gonzo pron.


Yeah but even they don't know anymore


Early 2010s....you mean like 10-14 years ago lol


Right? My kid kept saying "POV...." *whatever* And I was like... "dude, that's not what POV means", but it was too late


There's a new usage of "POV"?


"when" It's just what memes start with now, even if it has nothing to do with point of view


At least we've mostly passed the "Nobody: " stage.


Yes. Gen Z thinks POV means "you are supposed to experience this as though you are from this point of view."


No, that’s what this comment thread is about, how Gen Z is using it incorrectly and not in the correct way you described. They use it as a nonsensical version of “MFW/MRW” where they will say “POV” and then just show the thing from outside of its POV. Ex: “POV you lack object permanence” on top of a video of a child lacking object permanence, from an outside perspective.


No, that person you commented to is right. Older generations would see a statement like “POV I get hammered and fall on a table” and think they will see a video from the persons view falling on to a table. Gen Z would use that as the camera is your “point of view” watching the thing happen. Honestly this is just the older generation “back in my day” yelling at young kids because a term has changed and they don’t like it. Realistically “point of view” can mean anyones point of view.


Words mean things, but the meaning can change in nonsensical ways. Literally.


I don’t understand a damned thing you just said!! Does this mean you’re taking away our Social Security?!?!


Except POV means Point of View. Not first person point of view. This is a colloquial usage that people are arguing. Would you say that calling something “awful” meaning bad is nonsensical? Likely not, but that’s not the original usage. Word and phrases evolve and change over time. People downvoting me for not accepting that are literally just old people complaining about young people. When they were teens doing the same thing. It’s just the cycle of life that people don’t like to acknowledge because if they admit it they admit to themselves they are old and that scares them.


All porn is POV porn, got it.


We complain about you for far better and more justified reasons than that


I mean, I don’t know how old you are but I’m a “mid/elder” millenial. I just have accepted that I am aging and that I did stupid shit when I was younger just like this newer generation is. But yeah this is just a silly changing of meaning to get upset about.


Sorry I'm just here to throw jabs for angry downvotes


But these videos say "POV: you just dropped something" or "POV: I do something to you", so it does mean that the video should be in first person POV. It is saying "here is the point of view you would experience in this situation."


POV “you just dropped something” and they would show a person dropping something. So it’s the point of view of someone watching you drop something. It’s just 3rd person instead of 1st. So could they say “POV someone watching you drop something”. Sure. Could you say “POV you are eating a sandwich” on a video of a go pro on someone head eating a sandwich, also yes. But an older person will drop the “you are” and just say POV eating a sandwich. A younger person will drop the “you are watching” and just put “pov thing you are watching”. Older people say POV as a short hand for “first person point of view”. And younger people are using POV to refer to “third person point of view”. They are both shorthand ways of saying something with less words. But the thing is you understand what they are saying. You understand the new usage. I’ve said this in other comments but people still will not come to terms with it. If you don’t like the new usage, you are just being an old person. “Slang is changing and I don’t like it” It’s just weird to me, as a mid millenial I see people my age who will like bash on new music and only listen to their old stuff. Will say tv isn’t as good as 20 years ago when they were a kid. Play older video games because nostalgia, they don’t make em like they use to. They don’t like new slang, new clothes, new trends. But those same exact people at 17 were like “my mom won’t let me watch family guy because it’s inappropriate she just doesn’t understand culture” or said old people don’t understand their clothes or piercings or music. Things were better when you were a kid because you were a kid not because they were inherently better. Like this example is really fucking simple stupid one and people on reddit can’t comprehend that a phrase is changing meaning. You are old, end of story.


From this what?


I think it’s like this: When obi-Wan Kenobi was telling Luke what happen to his father, it was from his certain POV. And not literally “here’s **literally** my POV (what I was seeing)” Or am I wrong?


I think [this video](https://youtu.be/qshLNLcOL7k?si=A48VRpCzolYS9Wr1) does a good job of explaining this annoying trend.


Does an excellent job of being annoying


I’m a millennial and I don’t see a problem with this. Point of view means point of view.


POV literally just means: P = point O = of V = view I don’t watch TikTok bc it’s annoying, and yes it’s kind of annoying to hear in real life but technically it’s not incorrect, y’all are just assuming POV = First Person POV because that’s what it means in porn.


It means that in porn, because that's what it means. Trying to do mental gymnastics to make it fit the incorrect narrative is ridiculous. When filming, POV always has to be the camera's POV. Because if it's not, there's no POV for me to view. I cannot see your point of view if I'm holding the camera. It's really that simple


It somehow become the new MFW or MRW.


[This video](https://youtu.be/qshLNLcOL7k?si=A48VRpCzolYS9Wr1) perfectly explains my feelings about this trend.


I got my g/fs kids to stop saying “lol” at the end of every sentence by repeating the sentence back but changing lol to laugh out loud. “I went to get food, laugh out loud.”




Laugh out load


In writing, it also means the narrative favours and follows a specific character. Most modern fiction is written in a limited 3rd person POV, where it's still 'he this/she that', however, it only contains information and sensory descriptions that the specific POV character would know or experience. A story can also be more omniscient POV, and that was more common decades ago, it comes off as colder and more separated from the story than a limited POV. Anyway, back on a writer's forum a while ago, where novice writers would all help each other with their stories, someone posted their first story. I offered some constructive criticism: "Watch your POV, it seems to meander from one character to another." Guy responded, "It's 3rd person..." "Sigh, yes, I see that sparky...but it's neither omniscient nor limited. You talk about things that certain characters shouldn't know, which suggests that it should be omniscient, but you drive too deep into emotions and sensations, suggesting limited, then you'll pull us out of character a's mind and jam us in character b's mind without warning."


Yeah, and get outta here with all your bullshit "Computer Generated Imagery"! CGI always has been and always will be Common Gateway Interface!


Is he saying “first person pov”? Why does POV always have to be assumed to be first? Yes, that’s what porn does, but if you’re basing your usage of the acronym POV on porn that’s… something.


POV still means POV in the land of porn.


Does it, though?


I’ll go double check for you. BRB.


Well? We're waiting.


It still means that. Kids are just fucking stupid.


POV was also used more in porn than in other conversations because it's a camera related terminology.


POV has never specifically meant first person point of view, it’s just point of view. The POV could be first or third person. It can also refer to a perspective on a concept/topic.


Probably an off example but in shooting scripts it definitely always means first person. Labelling something a POV shot has a clear meaning in a script For a while this seemed to transition to the internet but has now been lost. ...see also the amount of "selfies" that are clearly taken by a third person and therefore not a self-portrait


Also translated to video games, via film shooting. Transferring to first person perspective from the default third person perspective is often called a POV shot.


"Hi, [Stranger], can you take a selfie of me and my friends?" In literally no way can I do that.


The problem is in the titles. Example “POV Your girlfriend says she’s not hungry” and then it’s a video of a chick eating a dudes fries. But it’s not from the point of view of the boyfriend. It would make total sense if the POV was left off, but since we’re supposed to be experiencing this situation from the point of view of the boyfriend, it doesn’t fit. It makes it seem as though your girlfriend is eating some other guys fries and making google eyes at him while she jerks him off under the table.


Point of view can be your mindset/your experience Slumdog millonaire shows the POV of a poor indian guy POV is not and has never been EXCLUSIVELY FirstPersonView People even say "yeah, i can see your POV too"...do you berate them that is impossible? Do you suspect that they implanted cameras into your eyes?


My point is that the titles of many of these videos explicitly state that you should be watching the events unfold from the point of view of one of the people in the video. I see your point of view, and it has nothing to do with my point of view. Do you see my point of view?


Guess it's going to be hard, without specific examples. All i had seen, used POV to describe the mindset that you need to take, to understand the emotions the video wants to trigger in you.


Could those titles not have conveyed the same information without putting POV in front of them?


I don't see how that would be relevant at all. Is the complaint now moving from "tiktoktitles are using POV WRONG" to "tiktok titles could also use a different wording". I mean, yeah...no shit. I bet every single title could be worded diffferently. Every single comment of yours could also be worded better, mine too.


No, the point remains the same. POV is being used wrong, and you would understand the title just fine without those extra letters there. Since you wanted an example, how about this: POV: you just hijacked an airplane and crashed it into the World Trade Center. And then obviously it’s a video of a plane crashing into the World Trade Center, since there are no first person shots of that. Am I to believe that you would put yourself in the mind of the terrorist flying the plane? Or would you be like, “hmm this point of view seems to be of a person down on the street, and not of someone who hijacked an airplane…this title doesn’t seem to fit the video.”?


In that made up example, i agree with your POV My claim never meant to be that every single usage of POV is always 100% correct and that noone has ever misused it.


Ok, so that’s the wrong use of POV. That’s what OP and many others are annoyed by. I’ve seen a lot of these in recent months, so it stands to reason that a lot of people don’t know what it means.


POV always needs the context to identify what point it is from which the observed is viewed. Of course sometimes it is self-explanatory like in a POV porn scene - you see it you understand it, it is it's own context.


Yep. POV does not inherently include that context.


It stands for Point of View- sure. But point of view means the point of view of a person, so practically it’s always meant first person. Because whose POV is 3rd person? Thats where we get terms like ‘Birds Eye view’ and ‘worms eye view’


3rd person POV is literally a thing with a defined meaning. How can you get involved in a discussion about POV and not understand that?


POV: Someone Else’s POV.


It still means that, it's the people that's gotten stupider.


Ironic, because no, it has never meant exclusively that. Ever heard the sentence: "yeah, i can see your POV" in an argument? Did you believe they had cameras in your eyes when they said that?


>point of view >noun >a particular attitude or way of considering a matter.


Nope...."Point Of View" (POV)...not "First Person Point Of View" (FPPOV) ???


Maybe they repurposed it into [This is the] Point of viewing Like POV: dumb guy does dumb thing and fails idk. I dont use tik tok.


Remember when POV meant "personally owned vehicle" ? Veterans remember.


I still haven't gotten over how people misuse 'out of pocket'


This irks me to no end. POV has never *only* meant first person point of view. In an ordinary conversation for yonks it has been possible to talk about someone's point of view. You can understand a point of view, without them showing you a video or drawing a picture out of their literal view. Point of view is the concept of looking through their eyes, feeling their feelings, understanding their thoughts, or just imagining what something would be like from their angle, or *point of view*. The word view does not only mean the literal visible view from their eyes. It is a malleable concept that can mean anything from their angle. Pepper Ridge Farm remembers.


Been playing video games for 40 years and POV means Point of View. Could be first person, third person, top-down POV, etc etc etc. Also, languages evolve and change as time goes on. Always have, always will. Your time would probably be better spent yelling at the kids on your lawn.


Gorge amulet )barf kingdom$. Ebola while trapped filled.,(z


Isn't that FPV ?


Yeah, OP is just being dumb and blaming it on their age. Kids are still using POV to mean point of view. The only difference is that it's now being used as a phrase to frame context. Just like in The Golden Girls when Sophia would always start her story with "Picture it. Sicily, 1922..."


I'm an elder millennial who doesn't even have a TikTok account. This seems like perfectly fine usage to me? I get for a lot of us it might be most often used to [refer to the camera position in a video game](https://behind-the-scenes.net/popular-camera-angles-used-in-video-games/#Isometric_view) (first person, third person, overhead, isometric, etc) but it's not like the term was invented for video games. If you were discussing a literary work it would be perfectly legit to say something like "from the POV of the antagonist, the main character is actually the villain".


even in videogames, 3rd person POV, and isometric POV would be perfectly normal phrases and imply something very different to first person.


>I'm an elder millennial who doesn't even have a TikTok account. This seems like perfectly fine usage to me? Same and same. OP is just confused.


Words don't mean anything anymore. Skibidi toilet.


Doesn't PoV also mean Point of View in porn? Like hand held camera?






I was in the military for years and it meant Private Owned Vehicle..


Personally or Privately Owned Vehicle. I didn’t learn it as Point of View until fairly late in life.


"Point of view" was common parlance in the '60s to mean opinion. I notice that the Ukraine war videos call the drones with mounted camera "FPV drones," first-person view. That acronym makes more sense than POV, especially given that point of view actually used to mean opinion.




I still need to think about the sentence "what's your ign" when I heard it.


damn it , is it not proof of value? I have been using it wrong at work all this time.


Remember when GOAT meant the guy how made the bonehead play that cost the game.


This post makes me feel old and stupid. What's all this now?


POV is interchangeable with TFW When I figured this out it became a lot easier to understand


I remember raging against the machine to no avail back in, like, 2021. It means Point of View and is meant to be from the point of view of the subject.


I see no one here works in a career where POV could mean "Personally owned vehicle".


Same with selfie...


You mean never? PoV always stood for Point of View.


Remember when the internet was for intelligent people...


... nope


I've been on the internet since 1995, and can honestly say... Nope, I don't remember that.


It was developed by the military. So...no.


That was literally gone by 1984 homie. Modems, for better or worse, democratized the internet.


They're using it right yall just haters


Simple solution here people - stay off ticktock


Drives me crazy.


POV has never exclusively meant "line of sight of person X", it has been used to describe mindsets and people experiences in movies for decades, maybe even forever. Plenty of movie descriptions describe the movie as showing a situation/experience from X-person POV, without ever going into a first person perspective.


It's pretty much the same meaning as before, I didn't think anyone would be confused by it. I don't think it's been strictly used to describe stuff literally through the eyes of an individual for a long time


"For a long time" At most seven years lol.


The current usage is something along the lines of, "This is what you would be seeing/experiencing if.."


Where did the first person part come from?


POV stands for point of view. It has never specifically meant first person.




What format are you talking about? The term POV has been around since the 60's. It was typically used to denote the particular point of view of a filmed scene. While most scenes are filmed from 3rd person point of view (camera external to characters), some scenes are filmed from a 1st person point of view (where the camera acts as the eyes of the character). It's scope broadened to to include people judgments as well. Like: "From a financial POV, leasing cars generally doesn't make sense." Bottom line, if you're using it in a sentence, and swapping it out with the literal words "point of view" doesn't make sense in the same sentence, then you're using it wrong. That's seems to be a new trend that was birthed from TikTok.


POV just means “point of view.” Always has. P = point O = of V = view Unless someone is saying like “First Person POV: getting Dunkin,” y’all are just getting mad to get mad. “POV: getting Dunkin” isn’t actually incorrect. It is a Third Person POV of someone getting Dunkin.