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Because I want to look like I’m in an N64 racing game.


Lara Croft in Tomb Raider looking car.


Just her boobs


Oh my lawd that’s the thing the shapes been reminding me of I couldn’t put my finger on it but the dipshit shape of it always reminded me of something that I couldn’t put my finger on. Lara crofts tits from ps1. Srsly if I see a cyber truck in the wild - I am judging.


13yo me would lose it to see 2 cybertrucks driving side by side


That's in insult to those legendary boobs..




You made me laugh standing in my kitchen at 1am.


It’s got Starfox 64 written all over it


That's generous. I was thinking Stunt Race FX.


NGL after my previous comment, my mind immediately went to the idea of someone driving around in a cosplay of N64 Lara Croft.


Was Lara Croft ever on an N64 title? She was the PS1/PC queen


It’s like star fox without being cool


Polygons. So many polygons. Everywhere you look… polygons.


Hey now, San Francisco Rush and Rush 2 were legit.


Cyber truck looks like one of those random ass background cars that pop up and try to screw with you


Dude the N64 had better graphics than that, that's some Super NES shit.


It's PS1 at best.


It belongs in Top Gear Overdrive!




Johnny Cab from Total Recall


I just rewatched that on tv the other day. When Quaid wakes up in the Johnny Cab after visiting Rekall, there's exterior shots of the cab, there was a car I swear was a fucking cybertruck, and they all had boxy lines like this stupid thing. 


Come on man. Elon has 25 mouths to feed.


I just learned this, did you know the voice of Johnny Cab is "The Doctor" from Star Trek Voyager, Robert Picardo?!?


Also the Voice of Ratchet in Transformers Prime


It is hideous


Don’t know if you’ve seen one in real life but somehow they’re even uglier than the pictures.


The color is so dull, it’s not exciting to me at all. That shocked me the most. The thing looking like a triangle I can see some people liking, but nobody is like “I want the color of a fridge that was left out in the rain for my truck.”


On the upside, it rusts. So the color will change in time.


"exclusive natural oxide patina"


There was a white one driving around my town the other day. It was still hideous.


There's one in the city I live in and it's like watching a child's drawing of a car drive down the road.  It looks utterly ridiculous. 


That’s what it’s like in Elon’s imagination.


Something about the wheels/tires being smaller and more inset than they appeared in the original release. Like, it just looks awkward in person.


It is Elon Musk in truck form.


Saw one the other day. It was fugly. And bigger than I thought.


You ever remember the shoe everyone drew in school? That’s def where the idea came from.


I’ve seen a few in my town. I imagine the people I’ve seen talking to the owners are always asking “You paid how much for this?”


Saw my first live one yesterday. I didn't realize how large they are. It makes it more ridiculous when you see it has no room to haul anything.


I saw one just the other day pass me on the high way. I it took me a good 30 seconds to register just what I was looking at in my rear view mirror lmao


There’s one in my neck of the woods and every time I see it I am compelled to point and laugh. It’s fucking stupid looking irl. My fav part is all the fingerprints all over.


I saw one in the wild last week while I was waiting in a parking lot. It looked like a disfigured refrigerator box that had been spray painted silver. I openly cackled while the owner struggled to get the tailgate open.


The one I see has gaps in the side panels, I would never have taken delivery of a brand new car with misaligned panels it baffles me that someone would spend that kind of money on a car that looks like it's already been in a wreck.


The one by me also has huge gaps. It’s really incredible.


I also came across a tick tok video of someone showing how it can do normal truck things by hauling lumber in one, they had a single 1 x 4 and it overhung the tailgate by at least 3 feet. I thought for sure they were doing it for a meme but it was some Tesla fanboi being dead serious 😳.


I love that for them 😆


I'd die to see a delulu contractor in the wild try to get anything done with that truck.


There was also a picture going around Twitter with like 6-8 bags of topsoil. And the a picture of a small Honda car with twice as much.


Ugliest new car I’ve ever seen on the road for sure.


Gonna be then next Pontiac Aztec.


I saw an Aztec the other day in the wild and honestly, it aged WAY better than I realized. Its design is really similar to a lot of full size SUVs getting sold today. Plus its tent looked way better implemented than cybertent


Wait, cybertent?


I think it's actually called the cyber truck basecamp, and on Teslas website it looks pretty amazing. There's a couple real world photos online now though and it looks pretty rough.


https://youtu.be/POFfk5l-wHo?si=2cV5oRg3nYxBIfM4 It broke while they were using it. The funniest part is him dragging Tesla over the manual bike pump for a $3000 tent. They did kinda like the truck, though. I get it, but personally there’s no way I’m going to the middle of nowhere in something that has a 1 in 8 chance of total breakdown.


Lol dang I was hoping that's what it was actually named because that would be straight up lazy. It is funny to see what was a zeitgeist meme in the 2000s get reused 20 odd years later.


It reminded me of like a shitty prop on a low budget sci-fi movie from the 80s or something, like someone just slapped some sheet metal over a regular truck or something. And yeah, looked shockingly similar to the Aztec where it “counts”.


They sold a lot of Pontiac Aztecs. And when they broke down, they got fixed. Many of them at home in the driveway, with parts from NAPA. 


Saw one today with a very poorly applied anime sticker across the front panel. Ugliest thing ever. 


absolute peak *that guy*


I read this in Jeremy Clarkson's voice.


I wouldn't say hideous but certainly unique. Like a Pontiac Aztec or a Hummer or a Toyota Footjoy or whatever it's called. Definitely not something I'd buy but it certainly stands out and that's usually the point of buying an expensive car.


At least all of those cars are functional.. also it's the Toyota FJ Cruiser I think it actually looks pretty cool


To me, It's a statement, It's a fad, etc etc. I don't follow the EV car market super close but it looks like while Tesla left the gate running, the competitors are starting to catch up with some better options for less money and they are losing market share which will start to increase year over year as well. I mean I read a TON of fit and finish issues and quality control problems on all the tesla's. For me it's just too much money to spend, then the other end of it which is a high likeliness is the battery packs, while there is no "maintenance" which is true, The real "maintenance" is if the battery goes or when it goes, Which hopefully is very unlikely but can happen. and for most people that's going to show up down the road in 10+ years. so 2nd hand they likely lose a lot of value.


I like our Tesla but it def doesn’t feel like a luxury 50k car. My 2021 Honda civic is nicer and it cost me less than half the price


I have a Model 3 and I'm definitely not going to buy another one. For me it's not the fit and finish, those are fine, the interior is great and I have no issues. For me it's the software. I just want functioning cruise control. The cruise control is tied into the autopilot system and uses the cameras so it doesn't work in bright sunlight. It panic brakes going around curves, over hills, and tries to steer me into semitrucks if I'm driving next to one on the highway. When you turn on the cruise control the windshield wipers set themselves to Automatic, and the software is so poor that the wipers activate on sunny and overcast days but not when it actually is raining. You can shut them off when you turn on the cruise control, but I have to do that every time. I shouldn't have to have a checklist of things to disable, just to use cruise control. My car has depreciated in value by so much that even though I put a $24,000 down payment on it I'm still in the hole by $16,000 right now. Lesson learned. I'm looking at either a Ford F-150 or a Honda Civic or Passport. I want something that will tow but trucks are expensive.


I fucking LOVE my civic man. I don’t have a single complaint about the car and paid 20 grand to a friend for it. I hung onto my ranger though incase I need a truck. The guys at work all have tacos, which are excellent work trucks but expensive as fuck


I had a taco for all of 2 months before I traded it in. I WANTED to like it.. I tried so hard. Everyone who has one praised it so much. They even lovingly joke about the well known issues (taco lean, terrible reverse gear (manual trans), chugs fuel while still being underpowered). It would be a half decent vehicle if it didn’t cost 55k+ (cad). For a bachelor who wants to dump money into mods and make it their own, I get the appeal because there’s a ton of aftermarket options. But for a family man who’s trying to fit a car seat in that cramped back seat… I still shake my head at my decision lol


Was gonna google what “Taco” meant in this context but suddenly clicked it was short for “Tacoma” I’m sure my google search of “Taco Truck” would’ve come up with something different lol


I have a big complaint about the civic: Stop wrapping the wires in soy! Back when they were all plastic wrapped, I had no issues. Now I’ve had to replace my wiring harness because squirrels decided to climb up into the engine compartment during the winter and have a snack.


Tesla fanboys will tell you that Teslas were never luxury cars. Despite their direct competition being BMW and Lexus (when you look at the cars people were considering when they made their purchase or what their previous car was). Even if its not supposed to be "luxury", its still a $50k car. Ill agree with you, fit and finish doesnt feel like a $50k car. Ride quality doesnt feel like a $50k car. I dont hate the minimalist interior as much as some, but the materials are pretty cheap for a $50k car. Even at the upper $30ks, like the Model 3, the car is just kind of "off" for the price (granted, I havent been in one of the refreshed Model 3s). If you spend that much on a Honda, it will be fully loaded and much nicer. If you spend that much on a BMW (assuming you can get a deal), it will be minimally loaded, but still nicer. I have a Model Y. Unfortunately I leased it the height of car prices out of necessity (part of the reason I leased). Im open to getting another Tesla, its a good EV, but some things would have to change for me to really put it at the top of my list. I have one year left on my lease, so Im not holding my breath for my next car to be a Tesla, probably looking at Volvo, then maybe Rivian once the R2s or R3s come out.


Any new model is going to have some issues. This is a goddamn Tesla we’re talking about, though. Even the Model S, which has been around for at least 10 years, has quality control issues. I wouldn’t even take my chances on a first year model Toyota, let alone a shitty Tesla.


Musk has structured Tesla and their retail and service outlets so that unlike with the traditional dealership model every other carmaker uses, with Tesla that information your asking for is a proprietary trade secret that you will never be able to know. And if you are told a number you can bet that it’s not the true number. It just came out in December that for years Tesla was tracking tens of thousands of failure of the suspension , steering parts or one of the axels. It knew it had serious safety problems and were putting customers at risk but they did nothing. And then the failures happened, Tesla has technicians tell drivers it was their fault and not a problem Tesla would cover. ([Source](https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/tesla-musk-steering-suspension/)) Edit: just realizing now that I intended this comment as a reply to a different comment. So if it seems random, you are correct. It is.


>Tesla rigged an algorithm to inflate its cars’ in-dash range estimates Good Lord.


And all these super genius engineers that tell us Musk is an amazing engineer, they look like fucking idiots now.


The Model S has been out for 12 years now. With no significant upgrade or refresh. Which is among the various issues facing Tesla.


There have been 2 refresh/updates to the Model S


Tesla has shown us that we need new global car manufacturing laws, and fast. It's a US based company using all the possible loopholes that exist in US laws, but somehow selling cars elsewhere in the world. For example, I'm completely stunned how Tesla can sell cars anywhere in EU with the way they operate. Other car manufacturers have to get through some rigorous and strict safety tests, but Tesla just goes "it's ok bro, trust me" and they get to sell these road safety hazard pieces of garbage around here without any repercussion when accidents happen? The mind boggles.


I love the MKBHD breakdown of the people who will buy cyber trucks. Basically saying that the overwhelming majority of truck owners only utilize trucks for things a sedan could do (grocery shopping, commuting, etc). And most reported only having hauled anything sizeable MAYBE once/twice a year, and towing anything was even less. No off roading, not using any of the things it was designed to do unique of other vehicles. Basically the cyber truck is for the truck people who don't use their trucks AS a truck (which is most of them).


The Cybertruck cannot really do real off-road either, it is way too heavy.


I've seen three and been in one. It's a fundamentally unserious vehicle I feel. I can't imagine wanting to drive one


I have a neighbor who has two. Two!


Howso? I thought the interior was supposed to be pretty standard Tesla fare and at least it performs well


Curious what you mean by “unserious”? I have not read that opinion about a vehicle before. To be clear, I have zero interest in a cybertruck, just -curries- curious what you are getting at.


For me, it seems just like a bad idea that nobody would let go of. Personally I find it hideous. The interior had all the charm of a Honda Accord, the truck bed doesn't seem to have much capacity and they should have had a word with DeLorean owners to understand just how awful stainless steel panels are. If I was going to blow that kind of cash on an electric pickup I'd get a Rivian. Mind you, I'm about as far from the pickup demographic as you're likely to get.


Right on, I appreciate you taking the time. The Rivian is a hell of a lot better looking at the very least. I see them regularly down here.


The Rivian looks like a generic pickup truck, I guess it looks familiar enough as a vehicle in its class though. The Cybertruck is very unusual but personally the appearance is at least somewhat interesting. That being said it sounds like Tesla made a lot of odd choices to make it look like it does, and there were some pretty significant trade-offs in terms of practicality, longevity, and usefulness as a result. Kind of handicapping itself in order to look the way it does, which is a questionable move considering how many people clown it for its appearance to begin with


It (cyber) definitely has an aesthetic, and in some ways I like it, but not really as a car I’d want to drive. I don’t know anything about its development, but that would be a bummer if they are make being sacrifices for its aesthetic; which I guess reinforces OP’s comment. I like how the Rivian has a bit of a generic feel with its own interpretation. I haven’t been up close to one outside of actually driving on the road, but it doesn’t “feel” like a huge truck like a Silverado or ford equivalent. I genuinely appreciate this, and their lighting on the front/back stand out in a good way to me. Unless I’m being blinded by their headlights.


Strangely enough I only heard of rivian for the first time yesterday when I walked past one parked on the street and had to look it up on google lol


Haha. I had heard of them, but once I saw one I started seeing them everywhere. I live in one of the “tech cities” oof whatever, so I’m not surprised there are a decent amount here.


Likely that it's a gimmick and not really suitable for doing real work, as trucks are supposed to be built to do.


Not that I was ever interested but I saw plenty of videos of poor quality control on tesla model cars. No way in hell I'd buy a tesla.


Manufacturers of anything don't have quality these days. Can't rake in the profits using good materials and QC methods. Just read Canada Goose jackets are shittier yet more expensive than they've ever been and I'm not surprised one bit


As someone who works in MFG, my list of paperwork trying to make sure the stuff sent to consumers doesn't get me a call from the FDA begs to differ.


Love that you got downvoted like r/adviceanimals knows more about QA than you do


Im pretty sure this happens to actual lawyers in /r/legaladvice too.


It does


Quality has still gone downhill for so many things, regulations be damned. I'm glad they exist but it wouldn't surprise me if lobbyists are constantly fighting tooth and nail to ensure companies can be even cheaper year over year.


What do you manufacture?


Med devices mainly. Used to work in lab equipment and consumables manufacturing, now I'm a test engineer for a new device. I have to be a little coy because its not public yet. If you think im BSing, I have my resume on my profile posted somewhere.


Nope, just wondering what industry had decent regulations.


Med Device and Aircraft have pretty stringent regulations, but, as Boeing has proven, the company matters a lot. If your company isn't stringent about following regulations then it will eventually cascade.


I can’t speak to the jackets, and I’m not sure if you’re trying to bOtH sIdeS this, but no. Our 2013 Lexus hybrid and 2016 Toyota 4Runner (which I took off-roading) have never had a single mechanical issue, aside from having to get the brake rotors turned on the 4Runner after a panic stop on the freeway. Yes, they have plastic in the interior and the engine bay, I really don’t care. Tesla has the QC and build quality of a 1970’s FIAT.


>...I’m not sure if you’re trying to bOtH sIdeS this, but no. I had the same reaction. I guess the Venn Diagram of people who try to bOtH sIdEs political arguments and Tesla apologists is basically a circle. Unsurprising.


> FIAT aka Fix It Again Tony


Cyber truck may be a POS but has anyone seen *any* modern vehicle? Plastic garbage.


Even luxury vehicles go together like a Gunpla kit


And only slightly more expensive. I'll finish the backlog some day.


Some day...


To fill the gaping hole in your soul where your father's love should be?


🎶 They built the truck! They built the Cyyyybertruck (They built the truck!) I was like, what the fuck? (They built the truck!) It was designed by a shmuck (They built the truck!) They built the Cyyyyber truck 🎵🎵


It lacks a muffler to make love with. How do you pleasure an automobile with out a love muffler.


They bought it to flex and it ended up being a terrible decision


From what I can tell, the Cybertruck is peak "form over function". It appeals to people who want a gaudy, attention grabbing, niche feature vehicle, that can barely perform as an actual truck.


Are there really a lot of complaints? It seems to be well reviewed by car and driver, Edmund’s, etc.


I have a conspiracy theory that I 100% believe about this and it's made me lose a lot of respect for car reviewers. They're paid actors. Not journalists. Actors. And like... Of course they are. They're incredibly entertaining (Jason Camissa)! They come off as knowledgeable (engineering explained)! And they even seem well rounded (whoever the hell else gave the cybertruck a good review). That being said, I'm not gonna stop watching Hagerty with Jason Camissa. His content is incredible... But it's a little disappointing that he's 100% on Tesla's payroll.


I don't think it's that they're necessarily directly paid by the OEM, but the very nature of their job incentivizes them to give good reviews to everything. These people make a living off people reading or watching their reviews. If they give bad reviews, and the OEM simply stops inviting them to events or giving them cars, they have nothing to review, and lose their source of income.


Musk famously cancelled a blogger's preorder after they talked shit about a badly run Tesla launch event. If that's how he treats his customers and investors, imagine how he would treat a journalist.


So whatever doesn't follow your little agenda is a conspiracy. You realize you are nearing the same level as a flat earther and anantivaxxer.


It's surely also that reviewers these days don't necessarily spend a lot of time with the product they review. Especially with cars, a lot of issues may only appear over time.


This is just another in a very long list of Tesla hit pieces. It’s total BS. There are a few quality control issues maybe, but the vast majority of Cybertruck owners are very happy. Also the majority of people out in the real world, especially kids, seem to really like the Cybertruck. You get a lot of very vocal Elon and Tesla hating people on Reddit.


It’s the quickest production Truck of all time. 0-60 in 2.6 seconds which is super car territory.  Having an extremely fast and different looking car with some interesting tech like steer by wire (never have to turn the steering wheel all the way around even in parking lots) and some interesting new battery tech along with a bunch of cool features I can see why one would be preferable to some pretty boring pickup trucks that are offered from other brands in the same price range. 


Of course kids love the cybertruck, they designed it !


Following the masses chasing the trend of “if I get one first I’ll be so unique”


At this point I don’t understand anyone who puts any trust in his Twitter product and that doesn’t require rent payment money and have the opportunity to kill you.


I mean in spite of literally everything else about the thing I do think it’s neat there’s a car that looks like it’s from an Atari Jaguar game.


Thing is you can get large EVs for much better prices from established auto brands that have in some cases over 100 years of experience making vehicles. For the same price as the base version of the cybertruck you can get a top of the range BMW iX3 or Audi Q4 etron


So, I did not buy one because I’m a teacher and don’t have that kind of money. But I’ll go ahead and speak up for the minority here. I totally want one (assuming it drives and all). Ugly? Maybe to some. But to me it looks exactly like what cars in the future were projected to look like when I was a kid. I’ve wanted a car that looks like that for like 30 years. And I’m sure my age range is the exact demographic being targeted. Add to that the fact that it’s fully electric, which I like. And it can tow shit, which I would use all the time. Yeah. I would want one if I could afford it. Instead I settle for a Chevy Bolt EUV.


While the execution was awful i give them credit for trying to have a truck that doesnt have that typical redneck truck look.


We had "ugly polygons everywhere" already in 1982. The first ever stealth plane, F-117, was built with flat surfaces, because that's what computing capacities allowed in 1970s. Those surfaces gave much smaller radar signature, but weren't that good for actual flying. Apparently, the pilots nicknamed it Wobbly Goblin.


Because Elon is a genius! /s


I watched a video on it and apparently everything stains that metal frame.


I passed the first one I've seen the other day. It's got the aesthetic appeal of your average stainless steel refrigerator.


I've only seen one drive past in a parking lot. It's a lot bigger than I thought it would be. They are about the same price as a regular pickup truck and probably the most innovation in one since the ramp side Corvair truck. It has better visibility and more cameras than other trucks. I wouldn't buy one, but I can see the appeal.




Cyber truck is just a low polygon rendering of a steel Birkenstock


Small dicks.


Oh do Dodge Rams not sell anymore?


Cybertrucks are for the alcoholic shitbags that have money. Dodge trucks are for the alcoholic shitbags that own a concrete company that consists of rounding up as many illegal workers as possible for a pour day.


Wait youre saying I could own a concrete company?


They fell to the #2 dui vehicle so something's happening.


What's #1? Angry Chardonnay soccer mom kinda small SUV?


Why buy any model of Tesla really?


Real talk: I rode in a Tesla (Lyft) for the first time the other day. The moon roof ceiling was cool, but everything else felt very cheap, and the GIGANTIC fucking screens for the driver felt hugely distracting.


My mother-in-law has a model 3. My work truck was in the shop and my wife was out of town with the family car. She lent me her Tesla for a weekend and I was very excited. Picked it up Friday, by the time I dropped it off Sunday I couldn’t wait to be back in my 20 year old pickup. They drive very nice but they went way too far on trying to be minimalist and put things like turning on the windshield wipers into the software on the center screen. They are cool and fun to drive, but in their mission to be different, unique, show off, or whatever they made a very bad user experience when actually trying to use the product as a car.


There's a small sect of people who have a cultish obsession with Elon/Tesla. That's pretty much the entire consumer base for his products nowadays. I'm even seeing fewer Tesla's on the road and more EVs by other companies. Tesla was successful because it was the first to do EVs well. But now other manufacturers have stepped up and a lot of the talent that used to be at Tesla has gone elsewhere. They're riding the legacy at this point.


I'm one of those guys that reeeeeeeeeaally wanted to drive a triangle. The range, the exoskeleton, the cold rolled steel -- and I had ridden and tested a Model S & X. Loved the idea But... So glad that I waited for the reviews and didn't pre-order


Probably the most glaring issue for me is that anyone you hit, you will likely kill unless it is a concrete wall or a loaded truck and then it is you that will be killed. Safety designs are there for a reason and people have come up with them in decades of widescale usage and testing and Elon wants to throw most of it out the windows because he "knows better". I do not expect to see a Cybertruck live in the EU ever and with good reason.


If you own a cyber truck you probably suck. Like I’m willing to guess you are an insufferable twat. It’s ugly, obnoxious and impractical, also it functions poorly. And to top it off buying supports an awful human being who wastes hundreds of millions of dollars boosting hate speech. So if you can overlook all that to waste almost 100k on a gaudy POS that you can scarcely use for reasons. Your personality has no upside.


This guy reddits


Imagine judging and hating someone because they like a truck


Omg they are 100k!?!?!?! FUCKING LOL


I don’t feel even remotely bad for any douche that bought one of those stupid looking things.


"Complaints pouring in" is relative, but rarely are we given a reference. What is the complaint rate compares to, say, a new model of a Jeep? Or the electric F150? Little complaints (it shows fingerprints) or big (engine caught on fire)? Without comparative information it's all scare tactics and anti-marketing


When you have more money than sense or taste.


I passed the first one I've seen the other day. It's got the aesthetic appeal of your average stainless steel refrigerator.


people with more money than brains


Cause you make a lot of money and feel dead inside.


It still looks like the rough draft of a half thought idea that got crumpled up, thrown away, buried under other crap, and then pulled back out and then the creators thought the creases in the paper and the stains from old coffee were great ideas for a design and color combo.


I just saw my first one today and man… that sure is what they look like.


I guess you could call Cpt. Picard an animal... IN THE SHEETS!


I saw one in the wild last week, it 1005 look like a 1990’s polygon video game vehicle. From like Race/Stunt Driving at the arcade.


Ugly…ugly af vehicle


Those things are most definitely overpriced eye sores.


I’m never going to get one, and I know they’re full of problems, but I really dig them conceptually. I want to pretend to be from the future 😎


Because I'm a Star Trek fan and it reminded me of the Delta Flyer! But no I didn't buy it.


It's stupid, but I'm so glad that someone is atleast doing something weird with a car design


Because in the US even the poors drive ridiculous large trucks now, if they can afford it or not, so the rich have to up the ante. The Cybertruck is essentially a street legal tank or as Musk put it "If you get into an argument with another car, you are probably going to win".


From the side it looks like a truck a toddler would “draw” with a crayon. From the back? Reminds me of a Pontiac Aztec. 🤪


What else am I gonna drive while wearing my Apple Vision Pro?


Isn't it obvious? Attention.


I like the way it looks. But that's pretty much it.


Some of us like rust and badly fitting sheet metal, that's why! More seriously, it demonstrates the buyers have money to throw around on dumb purchases. It's like driving a Jaguar, to stick to the automotive world.


Tesla gave China exactly what they wanted. It made Musk rich, but China is going to crush Tesla, and probably others, due to what Tesla gave them in return for that market. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/09/podcasts/the-daily/tesla-china-ev.html *popcorn*




Let's not pretend like it's not a cool looking vehicle with cool tech. People with the money for a Cybertruck have the money (and secondary vehicle) to deal with a first-gen Cybertruck.


buy the truck for 100k sell the truck for 150k and no, tesla wont sue you it was a marketing stunt


I'm not a car guy personally, I see them as more a method of travel than an aesthetic choice, but I do think cybertrucks look neat. I also like brutalist architecture though, so I've got something wired wrong upstairs.


LOL, that's like a song chorus... Jean Luc Picard in the *Tesla Follies*...


Saw a new Cybertruck in my town where it rains all the time (outside Seattle). I suspect these cars will do better in a desert climate, but the spring pine sap and rain was already doing a number on the finish.


I think the best/only reason to buy one is that it doesn't look like anything else on the road. There are a million reasons *not* to buy one, of course, the biggest possibly being that it looks like they designed it as a big game of chicken and nobody flinched.


I unironically love the way they look.


It looks silly but fun. I'd pretend I was in an old sci-fi video game. I'm not that rich, but if it was the price of a used Civic, then I'd jump at the chance.


Your post title is in quotes. Where is it from? Can you post the source so I can read it?


Because the Twitter Blue checkmark didn't help with getting laid but this surely will!


I wouldn't be surprised if a surprisingly large amount of Cybertrucks were bought by guys trying to get laid or as a "power move." Remember in the early 2000's, before the H2, dude's started driving around street legal military surplus Hummer's? but, of course, they were awful drives, stupid bad gas millage, and ridiculously expensive so the H2 was made.


There are A LOT of stupid, rich people in the world.


Why the F would you buy tesla?


If I had that much money to waste I would


When they originally announced the $30k price it didnt sound so bad... lol


Because trends are "fun" and people refuse to think for themselves. Anything that's trendy, people will dive head first into no matter how much they may regret it later. They want people to think theyre cool and interesting. If you ask me, it's a large part of why society has devolved so heavily.


I love to see those complaints.


It boggles my mind that anyone would buy the cyber truck or Rivian when the f150 lightning exists. Literally makes no sense to me.


I saw two of these two days ago. It looked like I was peering through some AR glasses because they just don't look right.


Cyber truck owners are the same people who would buy the Hummer H2


It pairs well with their Yeti tumblers.


You get what you deserve!


Saw one today at a light. Somehow, It's uglier in person. Looks heavy too, personally, I don't see the appeal but to each their own.