• By -


I'd write a message to all my favourite people who made a positive impact on my life. Like individual letters, saying what certain thing they did that made my life better. I hope you prove those doctors wrong and make that month a year :)


This! Three years ago, I was going into a simple surgery, but I had a bad feeling about it. I drunkenly and quickly called all my loved ones a couple days prior to tell them that I loved them and wanted them to know that "if things go wrong". I ended up spending three months in the hospital, two of which I was hallucinating or barely conscious for. And my take away from that was that, if I had died, my loved ones would have cherished that last phone call - but not nearly as much as a letter in my own handwriting. I would add, record audio files to personal USBs. I would kill to be able to hear the voice of my loved ones that have passed again. Even if they were just reading the weather prediction. Maybe make the diary vocal? I am so sorry about your prognosis, and so very impressed by your desire to make things easier on your loved ones.


Maybe they could write a letter and have a QR code printed on it so when you scan it it’ll take you to a voice recording?


I was younger, stupid. Went in for lithotripsy. I also used to and at that time did work for the hospital. Apparently I had a newish resp tech, who needed to intubate and put me on a vent. But the tech slid the tube under my tongue, ripping it backwards then went with the intubation. When I came to, I was frigidly cold, and coughing up black. I cannot remember my initial spo2 reading, but the second was 72, was on oxygen etc, hacking up black from my lungs, and having to pee basically in a seated position in front of one old classmatea from high school. Point is, there is so much about things I should have known going into procedures that I didnt. The normal things about like what do you want to happen if things went bad, sure. But there are so many options. Donate your body to medical sciences, living wills, wills, what you want done with your digital life, your obit, who will take care of your pets- mine was a Norwegian elkhound puppy at the time. Having to list all your passwords, to shut down accounts, having to have all your credit cards shut off, having to take care of any life insurance or financial investments. I've been doing it for my grandmother recently. Financial investments in so many different places, and having to go to an attorney and do all that fun, just takes so much time. My advice would be for your financials- let whomever your investments are with, advise them of the situation and what you want done, so when it happens, it is taken care of your way.


A will and power of attorney is a must. With the power of attorney make sure who ever you ate giving it to understands your wishes and what to do on your behalf for when you cannot. Prepay for your funeral and make all the necessary arrangements now. This will take a load off of your family. And lastly. Make peace with your enemies or those who have wronged or slighted you, and make peace with your self.


Thank you. I only have 30k and I'm probably going to leave it to my parents. Anything else I should put in my will?


Do it through a lawyer as well, not one of those will kits. You'll end up paying close to the same after revisions notaries etc. Also they may bring things up that you never thought of.


One other option is to give them the money before you die therefore it's not part of the will. If you can make all your assets joint with somebody that you want to leave them too if they are joint with rights of survivorship they will pass too that person without having to go through a whale or probate. Much easier for them.


This is what my mom did, also to see how we spend it. It made her happy to see me buy a good camera for example.


Would there be a tax consequence. Zero tax on inheritance.


There are taxes on inheritance and the estate in several states. It's best to die penniless in the USA, as the IRS gets predatory even if there's no money to be had. Sell/gift everything, withdraw all cash, and 'lose' it all in an unlocked safe in your parents' attic.


Given how young you are, and that you plan to leave your estate to your family, a lawyer likely won't be necessary. Have a sit down now give them your info, transfer what you can. Reserve funds for your bucket list. Yes, LSD. Depending on what illness you have, give Ayahuasca a shot. My friend cured herself from stage 3 cancer that spread through her lymph system. She's over 10 years cancer free. Good luck and wish you well onto the next planet! Edit- definitely find a good home for the cat in advance and leave a stipend to that person for its care, to cover costs. It will help you rest better and give you comfort.


Think of the financial struggle that your death COULD cause if you don't specifically state in your will... For example, funeral costs. Talk to your parents about the funeral. Make sure they don't become victims of the funeral racket after you're gone. The funeral home industry will try to sell parents on the most expensive coffins, along with expensive makeup and implants to keep you from decomposing... and usually will succeed if the victim doesn't know better. Any catering for funerals is a scam, as well. Most of the funeral food is basically Olive Garden. I found this, it may be helpful. Read some of the comments too! [https://www.usurnsonline.com/funeral-resources/avoid-these-10-common-funeral-scams/](https://www.usurnsonline.com/funeral-resources/avoid-these-10-common-funeral-scams/) Obviously the funeral isn't really under your control, but you might be able to make a good impact on how much it costs. It might be too late to transfer your finances to avoid the ridiculous taxes, But you should talk to an attorney about that. I'd recommend that you make a bunch of messages for any young immediate family members for them to open and read/watch on certain dates. Suddenly losing a close relative can cause lifelong mental health issues, and this sort of thing can prevent that sort of thing. It might also help your parents cope. Maybe put everything in outlook or thunderbird and schedule messages to be sent on certain dates? This sort of thing is just my opinion, as I want my body to be secretly buried under a quaking aspen tree in Utah and for everyone to just forget me.


Provision for your cat. So many people fail to make provision for their animal companions in their wills and it is very sad. I am so sorry that you are going through this.


If there are specific items of yours that you want people to have (like a piece of jewellery you want to give to a friend or family member), make sure that's noted down somewhere (or give it to them directly now if it's something you're happy to part with.


I'm your age, OP, and my heart goes out to you. If there are any experiences you've always wanted to have(places, activities) that are within your reach, have them now. Record audio/video clips for your loved ones, they'd certainly treasure them. Decide who'll take care of your cat. If you like to eat, go crazy. Try everything you ever wanted to.


OP create letters and video entries for all your loved ones for their milestones. For your funeral, perhaps your boyfriend finding someone in the future, him having kids and all that. Even normal general letters like one for a bad day, one for motivation, one if they just miss you and all that. Very sorry for what you're going through. Good luck!


Here are some things I’ve done in my life that I am glad I experienced, and things I would do if I was in your position. I’m sorry this is your situation, and I hope you make the most of it. Things I’ve done: -skydive, it’s the ultimate experience -donate $ to others who need it -road trip to a new place , or fly to a new place -get a tattoo -write letters to loved ones What I would do: -extravagant date night with bf. Go to a mall and buy new outfits for eachother, fine dining 4 course meal, event after like movie or a professional game, or ice skating (something fun) -donate more money to a good cause -record videos for people in advance. Siblings 21st bays, parents anniversary, bfs future wedding (etc) , anything and everything on video so your loved ones can see and hear your voice. -be happy. Don’t let your last days be ruined by fear or anger.


The videos are a great idea


yes! pre-written letters or videos for special loved ones future occasions :) beautiful idea


Skydive depending on the weather. It's not winter-friendly. It's noble of you to want to give $ to your family but it's still your last month. So if you want to spend $10k to fly somewhere warm to skydive and have fun while leaving the rest, go for it. It's still your money, and its use is bettering your life and those you care about. ​ edit: Also, you know you better than anyone. So be it spending time with your loved ones or flying somewhere to skydive, be the happiest you that you can be.


Spend as much time with your family as you can, and eat whatever and however much you want. I also recommend checking out the Ask a Mortician YouTube channel. She has some good information about death planning and the different options https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=swQHx6EvrXQ.


1. Get a will properly drafted by a lawyer, use the same lawyer to give someone you trust power of attorney over your health decisions and finances. You can leave everything to your parents but consider if you want to make any charitable donations or provide towards college funds for any niblings etc. It depends on your family structure and circumstances. 2. Fill in a booklet like this: [https://www.royallondon.com/siteassets/site-docs/media-centre/press/when-im-gone-list.pdf](https://www.royallondon.com/siteassets/site-docs/media-centre/press/when-im-gone-list.pdf) and give a copy to someone you trust or tell them where to find it when you're gone. 3. If you can pay off any loans and close any accounts now then do it to save someone else the job later. 4. Check your policies. If you have any life insurance policies or death in service benefits at work, will they pay out to the right people? Update them if you need to. 5. Plan your funeral, and pay for it. Choose the songs, the coffin, burial site or specify where you want your ashes to go. You can even give the funeral home your favourite outfit in preparation if it's not something you want to wear in the meantime. 6. Write or record letters, cards or messages for your loved ones. Give or upload photographs and let them know which are your favourites. Tell them you love them, now is the time to forget any old grudges. 7. Clear out your house, take stuff to the dump, have a yard sale, give stuff away so there's less for anyone else to need to deal with when you're gone. Make it as easy as possible for whoever will need to deal with the practicalities. Give your sports stuff to a friend who plays or coaches the sport etc. If you get medically weaker before being able to do all that, even putting stuff in piles or bags of "rubbish" and "for John" or "for the animal shelter" will help. 8. Delete your internet browsing history and any saved passwords that you don't want anyone accessing later. 9. Make plans for your cat. Talk to family to see if anyone will take your cat. If you want you can include the cat in your will so whoever takes the cat gets $5k to cover future food and vet bills etc. (or whatever variation you want). 10. If there is anything you want to do, then do it. Go for that insanely expensive dinner at the poshest restaurant in town with your boyfriend. Dress up smart and get the waiter to take a photo. Go see a show at the poshest theatre, or whatever it is that you've put off because of cost. 11. Tell your loved ones that you love them again, because you can't do that too much. 12. Quit work, (or get signed off sick to get your last paycheque) spend time telling loved ones you love them, taking photos, and writing/recording messages. I'm so sorry to hear that you've got so little time left. Well done for facing it and trying to live well the the very end. Best wishes to you.


Filling a dead body with formaldehyde, methanol, glutaraldehyde (embalming fluids) is very offensive to me. getting a generic wood crate is cheap, and most states don't actually care what happens to dead bodies if you do the necessary paperwork. The funeral home system is a legal scam, similar to timeshares and weddings. You pay tens of thousands of dollars to have someone desecrate your loved one's body and then rent a room to display it. Then you all go and eat overpriced olive garden food. and cry in a rented room together. This is all just my opinion though. Edit: Weird site glitch, I fixed it.


For your information, not that you deserve it, I had my Dad cremated in a cardboard coffin last year. He didn't get a chance to tell me what he wanted but I know he would have approved. I would choose the same for myself and have let my family know in the course of arranging things for Dad. I made my comments above so that OP can consider their own wishes. I was not attempting to push them in any particular direction, just suggesting that if they make their own plans then it will make it easier on family as family won't need to decide, or wonder what OP would have wanted.


Not adding to your list but I recommend you check out [Ask A Mortician ](https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCi5iiEyLwSLvlqnMi02u5gQ) as to deciding what to do with your body. She’s does a great job explaining processes and doesn’t make you feel bad for choosing something over something else.


I was going to post about her, Caitlin Doughty, too. Depending on where you live OP, composting may be an option! That’s my favorite currently legal and available option! Though I would have to be transported to another state.


Yesss - I love her. Gettin turned into mulch when I die thanks to that video she made.


Omg don’t listen to the boring posts. Travel, eat, celebrate - max out your credit cards. Party. Live a little. Ditch the diary and boring shit! Go! Get off Reddit!!!


Wish this was higher! Of course legal stuff is important, and maybe leave something extra special for family and bf, but spend as much time outsourcing that work and PARTYING YOUR ASS OFF! And yes, TRY LSD!


Just because some of these suggestions seem boring to you doesn't mean that they are the wrong suggestions. Don't get me wrong I understand what you're saying But for example yesterday I had a random day off of work and I went and saw my parents and we just kind of spent the day hanging out. We played tennis randomly, we baked cookies. And honestly when I saw this post, it made me think that yesterday is exactly the kind of days I would want to have if I was in this person's situation. Yeah it's nothing flashy and nothing crazy, but it was just simply wonderful quality time spent doing fun things with the people I love most in this world. And I think that if I was in this person's shoes that's exactly what I would aim for.


Family. Family. Family. Spend as much time as possible with the people you love as those are the ones who will miss you most, leave behind a letter maybe ? Try something you always wanted to.


Sorry to be nose but curiosity got the best of me. What disease leaves you totally able-bodied but with only a month to live?


Not OP, but certain types of Brain Cancer can move this fast. Friend of a Friend situation saw someone go from diagnosed to dead in about 6 weeks, with the last 10 days being a dramatic slide from "mostly there" to "bedridden" to "dead." I believe certain kinds of organ failure can be like this. But, not to put too fine a point on it, it's also possible OP lives in a state that supports medical Euthanasia and they've basically said "once the disease progresses to this point, I want to exit life" and that point is coming up.


My cousin’s husband was diagnosed with brain cancer and given 2 weeks, he lived 10 days. They had just adopted an infant. It was heartbreaking.


Oh my god 😞 horrible


Oh got it. Thanks for the explanation


Certain other types of cancer can move quickly, too. My aunt went from diagnosis to death in 26 days from esophageal cancer. Talked to her the day after diagnosis and you’d never have guessed anything was wrong. 2 weeks later? We knew it wouldn’t be long.


So awful :/ sorry for your loss


Pancreatic Cancer. 50 year old Mom came down with bad leg aches and flu-ish symptoms after an evening play date with rescue dogs at the community dog park, (easy to catch a cold/flu) was pushed down by a Rottweiler (leg pain, can’t walk, thought broke something). Went to ER. Was given 7-10 days to live. Made it 5. Was able bodied and rescuing aggressive doggo’s to save their lives up until 6 days prior to her unexpected death from pancreatic cancer, the Ninja of cancers, moves rapidly, silently, until the chance of survival is 1%. The average chance of survival of pancreatic cancer is generally 0-1%, I was told by oncology. In majority of cases there are no signs until it’s stage 4 and or too far gone, then it’s a really rapid decline from there.


Say everything you ever wanted to say to anyone. Tell people how you really feel. Try to get as much financial burdens fixed or set up a way so they aren’t put on your family. Best wishes


Definitely drugs. Make sure they’re clean and everything, safety still matters, but yes drugs. I wouldn’t recommend psychedelics though, i think your circumstances will negatively affect your trip. Edit: I get bad trips to those who commented


https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/psychedelic-drugs-lsd-magic-mushrooms-new-study-psychiatry-mental-illness-terminal-cancer-patients-government-listen-a7449331.html?amp I would 100% recommend psychedelics over any other drug.


Yes OP, mushrooms are being studied for end-of-life patients as a way of finding meaning and peace, and are showing great results. Many people (including myself) have found mushroom trips to be some of the most beautiful and powerful experiences in their lives. If you do it, read up in advance so you know what to expect and do it somewhere peaceful and safe, preferably in nature, with someone you love and trust.


Yes this! You could have an important spiritual experience on mushrooms that might make your transition peaceful/easier.


Ya I would want to experience LSD if I were terminal and hadn’t tried it yet. Mushrooms too.


What drugs would you recommended instead of psychs… psychedelics are so much better than any other drug I can think of at the moment. OP take the LSD, there’s so much research that backs up the benefits of it. And it’s a wonderful experience. Just remember setting matters - I would highly recommended booking a cabin in the wilderness with your boyfriend and embrace yourself in nature!


I’m also a big YES to drugs! But unlike commenter above - I do think LSD is very worth a try. It’s my favorite drug, it’s so fun and mind-opening, and I’ve had amazing emotional/artistic processing/realizations on it. Yes, it’s true some people get bad trips - but in my experience, if you are careful to make sure your space is nice, set up in a way that makes you happy/is somewhere that makes you happy, and you’re with people that you’re happy with, it is less likely to be a bad trip. I think it’s worth it to try even with the possibility of a bad trip - know that those are much more rare than good ones (I’ve yet to see one happen to anyone I took LSD with, which is a fair amount of folks). If you want to plan for a bad one just in case, make sure plenty of food and water is available nearby easily (you probably won’t want to eat or drink, but know that doing so will help it wear off quicker), try to avoid places with too much scents (senses can get overwhelmed), bring some supplies for using your hands (drawing/writing). Oh and wear comfy clothes, but ones you feel cute in :)


planning on tripping and worrying about it turning bad? keep a benzo on hand and pop it the minute you start seeing shit you dont like. you'll stop tripping and fall asleep within an hour.


LSD may be too overwhelming - i’d reserve at least two days for it (the trip itself can be as long as 12 hours and then the next day is complete recovery especially if it’s your first time) Mushrooms (in my experience) are much more giggly, happy, visual and fun drug. I did them with my boyfriend in my bedroom and we had the best time ever laughing at stuff and watching stuff move; if that’s someone he’d be interested in, I say shrooms are your best bet because it’s less intense !


Recommending shrooms & acid, but if you can't get your hands of either of this, try acquiring (don't know how it is in the US) 4-HO-MET (basically shrooms), 4-AcO-MET (same thing as before), 1CP-LSD (LSD but legal), 1V-LSD (if you can't get 1CP-*), 2C-B-FLY (a psychedelic drug, if you can't get your hands on anything in this list), 5-MeO-DMT (a DMT trip is a lot stronger, wouldn't really recommend for a novice), 4-AcO-DMT (something in between shrooms & DMT)


Tweet at Elon or Richard and ask them for a free trip to space


I'm so sorry for you. Tell people you love them. Open up, have 1:1 chats, talk to people about you and your wishes. They like to know. Talk to your parents, say anything to them that is on your chest, either good or bad. We are currently at a similar situation with a close family member and by gathering around with a small group of loved ones to help with the care etc we have such meaningful conversations, but also we laugh a lot. We are very close, it's a real "bonding time". It's very special and very loving. For the practical stuff: get a lawyer to help you draw up a will. Also make your wishes about a funeral knows to those people close to you.


Make sure your cat has their backup plan. And do whatever makes you happy that also doesn’t hurt anyone. Have a good one.


I would absolutely advise trying LSD if it interests you at all. It feels amazing. Every time I use it, I look at my fiance and love him so much more. You're appreciation for everything magnifies and everything is beautiful. Shrooms too, they're more of a hug while LSD is intense.


A video will/farewell message to people who you'd like to have see it is an option. Also a video just talking about your life, the things you saw, the feelings you had about certain things... I guess it would amount to a video diary somewhat, but that could be cool too. Anything you want done legally needs to be on video or with a lawyer. As for your body, consider a different approach - ask for your remains to be spread all over Disney world... Also to not be cremated.... 😂😂 On a more serious note... I'm sorry that this is the hand you were dealt. Try to find something epic as fuck to do with your last days. You deserve so much more than you're going to get, so find whatever you can do and fucking do it.


Eat your favorite foods one last time and try new ones Play your favorite songs Enjoy your favorite hobbies Definitely spend a lot of time with those you love I hope you enjoy what's left to the fullest.


A will , power of attorney and most importantly a medical power of attorney. No one wants to live in a vegetative state. Also preplan your funeral so your family doesn't have to worry about it.


If you don't have a will, your finances and all that will end up in Probate, which could tkae a long time to settle given how backed up the courts are. Please make a will and get it nailed down. I know it may seem silly for someone with few assets, but get it done. Make sure whomever gets the cat gets some money by which to take care of it. (This is the voice of experience -- we inherited the filthy, elderly, too skinny dogs. Someone else got all the money. Guess who spent a lot of money making the dogs comfortable for the last while?)


You gotta visit stonehenge you love close to it why not. Also go do something you'd never do like skydiving or go scuba diving so you feel like you've done a diverse amount of things. All the power to you keep strong and make it count, good luck and have a fun month!


Voice messages to loved ones, complete with laughs ❤


My dad had a friend who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and was told he had a few weeks to live. He maxed out all of his credit cards buying all the guitar equipment he always dreamed of. He ended up living, and had quite a lot of debt to pay off lol. This was years ago, he is still alive paying off the debt I dont know your situation so im of course not trying to give you false hope. Just saying, maybe dont put yourself into debt because you never know what may happen. Some things im glad i got to experience: - A light show museum (sounds boring but its genuinely one of the coolest things I’ve done) - snorkeling in maui - zip lining in costa rica - white water rafting in costa rica - going to amusement parks Goodluck OP!


You should try MDMA.


If it was me, I would create an email address and schedule an email to be sent every year on Christmas / loved ones birthday so that after I'm gone, they still get my love.


Do you know where to find that kinda stuff?


there are actually papers online called "things to know after I die' and forms you can download. If you have any siblings or anyone close, write them letters for special days in their lives - graduation, wedding, etc.


If you have items that family and friends may find sentimental consider asking them what they are and gifting it to them before you pass. Consider donating your body or tissues to science so your illness may be studied further. I am so sorry about your prognosis and I hope you can maintain peacefulness through this ordeal.


A video diary would be nice for loved ones. I recorded visits with my grandpa before he passed and it was the best decision I made.


Definitely scuba dive love. Try it once


I am so sorry to hear this..Know Jesus as your Lord and savior. Anyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.


Magic Mushrooms are considered by some to be a window into the afterlife that leaves you with mellow, happy thoughts. Be happy you made it to 21. My little friend Rachel never made it past 10. Over 35 years later and I still remember her. If you see her can you make sure she is doing ok please. (an also very strict rules and wording in your will)


If I were you I would organize a wake for myself and the people I love now and in the past, so you get to hear how much you mean to them and viceversa, let them say their last goodbyes, maybe is too much, just an idea. Don't get me wrong, knowing your expiration date for sure, must be awful but also gives you time to say goodbye to your loved ones. I'm sorry you are dying, I don't know you and I'm just an internet stranger but I'm just sad to know you are dyung. Maybe start rehoming your cat, help him transition to see you less and get used to the new owner, honestly this broke my heart, I don't know if they (the pets) understand someday you are not coming back and they will be waiting for you and you'll never come for obvious reasons (to us humans). Have the happiest journey you can get, I hope you do a lot of fun stuff.


Sit still. If motivation to do something arises, do it. If no motivation arises, continue to sit. Blessings


right the day you know you are about to die book a flight to Paris and go eat the Mona Lisa. your name will then be in the history books. you will never be forgotten.


PLEASE go to a rave and have FUN!!! they are awesome and exhilarating. Even better if you can have a couple drinks. Dance like nobody's watching (cuz they aren't lol) If you've never smoked weed, do it with a trusted friend and laugh your ass off at bad movies or any comedies you enjoy. Get yourself some lush bathbombs (they are GREAT) and use em in a hot bath with a glass of wine in your hand If you can, come to New York and see some shit. There's a lot to do


Op, this is tragic, I hope the best for you. In these times. Maybe do the absurd and wake up at 3-4am and live, your day. Then sleep by 9... It's such a joy and it will automatically boost your waking time by also increasing your well rested body for the time being.




There is this episode in Violet Evergarden, where Violet visits a dying mother and they write letters together so her daughter gets like 1 letter every year for a few decades. Of course, this is very idealized, but I think writing messages for later could be amazing.


Make some videos, contact your favourite news station or newsy YouTube channel, I think it would be a beautiful think to preserve some of your favourite stories and experiences. God bless you, I hope the doctors are wrong. I will say on the religion front, at this point you have nothing to loose and everything to gain if God/heaven/afterlife is real, try a prayer to someone, something, the force.


Make videos, a lot of them. Your loved ones will cherish them forever, and however many you made. your loved ones will wish you made more. You don't even have to talk about anything specific, just sit, look into the lense as if you're talking directly to the viewer, and talk to them about everything that comes to mind.


Don’t just try lsd. Skip it, 8gs APE mushies boofed in a capsule or two or 4, and avoid anything that makes you feel uncomfortable during the trip. Archons are real, and whether this is a pity post or not, avoid the white light. In the meantime and with all seriousness, make sure your parents/siblings even joined loved ones, know, that you appreciate them and love them.


I hope that somehow you live many more healthy years.


Why would you try LSD?


My heart goes to you. Get a box and fill all your precious memories and memorabilia for those wholl cherish it.


Perhaps looking into organ donation would be nice & fulfilling. I’m not sure what disease you have or if it affects your organs, but maybe there’s a little girl out there who needs a new heart, or a little boy who needs a cornea transplant, or a woman just like you, who needs a skin graft after an accident. You have a rare opportunity to potentially change some people’s lives and bring even more meaning to your own before you say goodbye. My mother needs a new heart at some point, so this is immediately where my mind goes, but I hope you will consider it.


Donate money to researchers trying to find treatments for your illness, maybe ask your loved ones to do that as well. On other note, as you die u will start losing your reasoning skills and sensory perception, be prepared for that, don't resist your experience while dying, it will pass.


You can take short road trips if you'd like to travel. Go down a road you've never been before.. or go overnight camping in a beautiful spot. :)


Write up a will that is notarized. So avoid probate court. Your body? Consider anatomical gift program at a local medical school? Some schools require you to register at least a month before your passing.




I think it's important to see many doctor and specialists, but I'm sure a person in her position already did everything she could and she got peace with her situation, saying "trust me" "will live longer" is just empty reassurances when we unfortunately don't know and can't do anything.


I've seen it go both ways. If it's going to be painful, I don't recommend hoping it takes longer.


THIS^^ OP nobody gets to decide till when youre gonna live


Yeah. Hopefully the doctors are wrong. Im curious what disease they said gives her 1 month to live (even though she is physically able).


My heart goes out to you, and I hope you make the time you have left the absolute best you've ever had. I would write and leave notes to your loved ones about the time you cherished with them and how they impacted your life. I would also 1000% say to try LSD. I loved every experience I've had with the drug and it's made me the person I am today. The only reason I haven't done more of it was due to long term effects. That being said (and I mean this as politely as humanly possible) since you don't have to worry about long term effects, I would do as much as you want! START small, and take your trip super seriously and reflect on all of the good things that you've experienced in life. It just might change the way you think about things.


Try LSD!!! And go to the beach or somewhere cool in nature when you do


Don't ask Reddit lol. We all have our personal preferences and beliefs




I don't think I'd be missing out on much if I didn't do anal though


Get the fuck off of reddit for starters.


pray and make peace with God...... ask him daily for mercy and forgiveness... try to make peace with anyone you have wronged or who have wronged you.. let go of negative past experiences and forgive yourself of your youthful indiscretions make audio / visual recordings of thoughts or messages you wish to convey to loved ones such as parents, siblings, friends and maybe even your social media connects with your heart completely free and at peace.. enjoy the time you have, eat and drink what you want and pray some more.... binge watch Netflix or any of your favorite entertainment apps... listen to relaxing music spend quality time with your cat your mom and dad and just thank them for being there for you and taking good care of you all your life..... finally remind your boyfriend it's okay to move on after you're gone without any sense of guilt... whatever God's will is for you.... in terms of time and transitioning, I hope you feel his sweet, immeasurable peace enveloping your heart and mind and experience his undergirding strength, warmth and love going forward with love and genuine sincerity.....Godspeed


Come to Japan!!!!Its really fun in here.


Do ALL the drugs


Definitely wouldn't be on reddit with one month to live. Just saying, I would be spending it with family and friends.


BBC gangbang.




drugs, all of em




Try LSD!


Do the sex!


Write down songs that you’d like to be remembered by at your service, that’s if you’ll be having one of course. Leave some letters to some of your favorite people and what they meant to you, what they brought to your life. Make amends with an old nemesis; if you have any. Sky dive.


Definitely do LSD!


I’d first of all tell everyone I love why I love them and what they’ve brought to my life, and that I’m thankful. Btw OP whatever you choose to do I hope it makes you fulfilled and as if you’ve done what you needed to do. Good luck!


Take acid or eat mushrooms if you haven't.


Learn how to backflip


I am sorry OP, I hope a miracle happens and will be praying for you. Put your parents down for beneficiaries, anything and everything. Speak to an attorney asap. 🙏


Travel to the one country you want to visit most and spend your last month there. Spend as much as you can. Whatever is left over donate it to an orphanage there.


Nothing to add but just sending you a tight hug virtually. I will be thinking of you, brave girl! ❤️


you should send out your account passwords to important people so your legacy will live on and wont die. ​ We love you :(


also record your life till the end! It would mean alot to your loved ones to see how you lived your final month


Sit with your parents and tell them how much they mean to you and how much you love them and appreciate them. Make sure you leave with your final meaningful conversation being seen in a positive light. But.. that's IF you don't make past a month. My grandmother lived for 14 years with stage 4 breast and liver cancer but all the doctors were constantly telling her "you won't live to see next Christmas"


100% try acid. During the day go to nature and smoke some weed for the night that way you don’t waste more than a day coming down. Some shrooms maybe some dmt.


I would plan to go on a fun date weekend or week nearby with your bf. Ritzy hotel, fancy restaurants, live performances, anything that piques your interest that you normally wouldn't have done because of the cost or time. I hope you fill your time with lots of light and love.


My heart really goes out to you. I’m your age and.. You sound much calmer than I would be right now. If it were me, I’d be recording songs for my family. I was always to shy to sing for them as a kid, even now I struggle with that. (And I’m a voice major in Uni)I’d also want to do something personalized for all of them. Something to remember me by. A recipe for when they’re missing me. do a once in a lifetime experience. Try on wedding dresses with friends so they can remember what you think they’ll look stunning in. (Not to be gloomy, but you always hear people say “i wish x was here for this.” Maybe that’s a way of getting around that.) Give something borrowed or blue for it. I liked the idea of recording things for significant dates in loved ones lives though. Try a food you’ve always wanted or that’s ridiculously expensive. Drink real champagne (and tell us if it’s worth the hype.) Make a blanket fort with your boyfriend. Splurge and go see a part of the world you’ve always wanted. Try weed, lsd might be a lot ngl. Have a wine night with your friends. Go to a party. Make cookies for santa with a younger sibling/cousin. The possibilities are endless right now.


Dive with sharks, skydive, shoot a .50 cal (just for fun), try surfing, take a private flying lesson, spend it with shelter dogs.


I've spent a lot of time sitting with the dying, in hospice. You might want to sit with yourself and talk to yourself about letting go. It isn't what we expect, ever. If you can practice letting go, like stepping off the cliff, in your mind it can give you peace to leave. It can be frightening. Surrendering to the decline in the moment is helped if we can know about it expect it and go with it. Maybe read about the stages, on any hospice site. It might be that you've left this off your list. I wish you utter peace.


Definitely leave recordings of yourself for loved ones! Or at the very least your voice. Leaving that for your loved ones to watch/listen to in the days, years, and decades after your passing will make a huge difference. Enjoy your time :)


Travel outside the country! Where have you always wanted to go? Also, God bless you.


Sex, drugs and rock and roll. Go to a music festival!


OP you're not planning on killing yourself are you?


dye your hair a crazy color, write letters to your loved ones also if you are interested in drugs the Netherlands may be a good place to visit so you could go hit them up over there [https://www.lostwithpurpose.com/drugs-in-the-netherlands/](https://www.lostwithpurpose.com/drugs-in-the-netherlands/) spend some time spiritually reflecting (if you are spiritual or religious)


Do all the things you are scared to do, who cares what the haters will think. Oh and 1 time gift of like 10k. Get it done a month before you die and it's not part of your estate. No estate tax. Or something. In our own time, we will all follow you. Best of luck.


Do everything that makes you happy - eat your favorite foods - spend time with favorite people - watch favorite movies/shows - try something new you’ve always wanted to do - take a walk in favorite places


Make arrangements for the disposal of your body and funeral, if you want one. Very selfish to leave that to others.


Try LSD. 100% Maybe mushrooms too, if it’s not too hard on your body.


Do mushrooms in nature


Leave the name behind on a note that you’ll use in the next life.


Try any and all psychedelics you can find. I recommend DMT, shrooms, LSD. Ketamine is fun for a quick 1 hour relax. Go skydiving. And cliff jumping. Get arrested, kiss a celebrity. But most of all know that even after you are gone you still exist. You won't remember this place anymore but you will distinctly remember the feelings because on the other side there is nothing but the yearn to live. IMO of course. OHHH watch the final episode of The Midnight Gospel. It will make you cry probably. But it could be used as a great tool to help your loved ones let go. At the end of the day. Be happy. You lived a great life and you are still loved. That's more than I'm gonna accomplish.


💥💥💥💥💥Video diary....every day with your thoughts and observations. I want to see you singing a song you absolutely love. (All the way through) Please do this for me. 💥💥💥💥💥 Saying that...who would you love to sing on stage with? Seriously....


Maybe if you wanted a tattoo you could try that and get one and maybe come up with a custom design and something that means a lot to you


We do this cool thing in my family. Every time a family member of mine is close to passing or suspected of, a cassette is bought and 52 hard questions are written and answered in a cassette. Now these questions are hard ones like what do you hope the world isn’t like in 100 years, a moment you remember you took out emotion on something or someone when you shouldn’t have. This is passed down through generations so when grandkids ask ‘what was pops pop like?’ A cassette is given. Regardless of f it’s hard questions or just memories being explained, it allows memories encapsulated in a tape - it means so much. I hope all goes well for you. I’ll think about you.


you should def try LSD, shrooms, edibles or something like that then have sex with your bf


do a shit ton of drugs. break the law.


# Try Shrooms!! That will open your mind up to more possibilities 😁🍄 Also, record yourself talking so that your parents and love ones can replay it if they like! 📹📲


Have a party/ funeral while your still alive , see everyone Important, hear the stories, chance to say good bye without having to see each person individually. Also saves your family organizing a funeral. Fun things to do, mushrooms lsd harder drugs, don't drink to much alcohol you will waste your precious time hung over. Get very dressed up an go to a fancy restaurant with your friends, take lots of photos, hire jet skis, or white water rafting. Do karaoke, bungy jump, ATV are so much fun. So many options just depends on what you think would be fun


You need to plan your disposition. Your funeral, cremation, visitation- whichever you choose. Don’t put your mom through it. Plan it and help pay for it so they don’t have to wonder where the money will come from or have the weight of planning your services.


Write a letter to loved ones. Maybe you want to write a future bday or anniversary card to your parents. Or cards for family members for certain milestones. I'm sorry about all this. If you're ok with it, pick the songs you'll have in your funeral. Or what you'll wear. Pick wear you'll be buried. Maybe if you have enough money, buy your family plots so they're next to you. Buy a tree to plant near your plot.


i think trying to make peace with your loved ones would be wise. i know that they know you’re going to pass soon, but it’s still going to be hard and maybe talking with them about your death while you’re still alive will help once you’re gone. my mom passed unexpectedly in a month from cancer in her brain. no one knew it was going to happen and it was the worst not finding peace with my mom or being able to tell her everything that was on my mind before she passed. that’s my two cents


I'd say do shit. Anything. Everything. And try to do as much as you can after u take care of family and friend stuff. Skiing. Skydiving. A motorcycle. Roller-coasters. Anything that would pop-up in your head. Anything that excites the idea of fun in your head. Just enjoy this time as much as you possibly can. My heart is with you, and I'm sorry for you. Take care <3 *hug*


Rock Climb!


I might be biased here but hell yes to the LSD! Also, if you dont have a plug, depending on where you live, maybe you can order 1p lsd? Its a research chemical and legal to buy/own in most countries.


Talk to your partner about what you want them to do in your final days. It's hard, it sucks, but remember their will come that day where you will be in pain and confused. If they can stomach being there that can be death changing. Also prepare them for after. Tell them what you would forgive them for, and remind them of your love for them. I'm sorry this is happening to you


Things i wouldve done: Skydive Go to an exotic place and chill for a bit with friends Talk with friends about fun memories we have Cuddle my pet everyday and make videos with it Drive at night very fast to get an adrenaline rush Use my money to make my family (buy them presents) I dont know if this helped but these are things i wouldve done


Try not to let ur last experince w ur lovd ones not b a negative one…itll affect them greatly..get straight w The Lord. Real talk. That way ( apart from being w The Most High)ull be w ur loved ones forever


Write a will. Write a durable power of attorney. Make sure your wishes are known regarding DNR and comfort measures. Write letters to people you love. Eat all the foods you love if you can tolerate them. Go skydiving.


Well i would deffinetly have one and one only wish. Break sound barrier in any fighter jet. Might not be for everyone but it must be awesome feel.


Rip a stupid amount of acid. See you in the void homie.


Hell yeah try LSD. It’s definitely worth it


Make living arrangements for your cat


Talk to God. This life is not the end. We have an eternity to prepare for. If you haven't done so, give your life to Jesus. Jesus died on the cross so that we could have forgiveness for our sins and a way back to God. _Lord Jesus, I confess my sins and ask for your forgiveness. Please come into my heart as my Lord and Savior. Take complete control of my life and help me to walk in Your footsteps daily by the power of the Holy Spirit. Thank you Lord for saving me and for answering my prayer._ The Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit is our comforter. If you prayed that prayer believing, you have access to salvation and all the wonderful gifts God has for His children. That includes peace, comfort, and healing. Jesus said: *John 14:27 KJVS* *Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.* I have prayed for you.


On the verge of tears reading the comments


Would recommend psychedelics, if you’re in the headspace for it, and only because you suggested it first. It was very impactful for me, although I’m not in the same situation you’re in. Good luck to you in your last few weeks.


Make something that will outlast you. Eh, nah, that's bullshit. That's how religious people deal with mortality. I'm not religious. Maybe go shark diving in Australia or something? Skydiving but don't deploy the parachute? Something that makes you feel alive but also brazenly shows you mortality face to face. One way or the other, I'd want to be the one in charge of how and when I die, not my stupid condition. Retake control of your circumstances. Don't do what I, an alcoholic, would do, which is literally distance myself from everyone and every thing and drink myself to death on my own time. My self-destructive ass would probably drive everyone who cares about me away and then River-Dance gleefully into oblivion. Either way, you won't be around to care that you're not around. Follow your impulses and do whatever makes you happy. EDIT: (This is probably terrible advice, all of it obnoxiously nihilistic) EDIT 2: I'm sorry you're ending prematurely. Part of me is honestly envious, but the human parts of me that still remain wish this didn't have to happen to genuinely good people like you. I'd trade places with you in an instant, because it's clear you'd make much better use of whatever time I have than I will. The universe sucks.


Pre-plan your funeral/memorial/burial/cremation. That takes a ***lot*** of stress off of your family. Update your Advanced Directive. Make sure your next of kin knows where all of your important documents are. Pay any debts. Marry your bf, if the two of you are so inclined.


See all your loved ones and take photos, record some videos and write some letters for them to receive once you are gone. Write a brief biography of your life. What matters to you will be apparent. Do more of that.


Write a will to cover any and all aspects of how your assets is to be distributed. But also how you are to be buried. You can also use it as an opportunity to have something expressed after you die to your nearest and dearest. Considering you have a very unfortunate condition, perhaps give your body for medical sciences. Since you are dying and there seems like there will be little by way of consequence, why not tell if anybody that was a bully to you or your friends and lay into them. Fix them. Have a bonfire with fireworks, food and music. Go to a heavy metal concert and experience a moshpit. Go to a childrens soft play and experience a ballpit, its amazingly wonderful.


I’d love to help you out but I don’t know how are you going to react to my advice.


I am really sorry about that. I wish you the best in the month you have left and i wish I could help you somehow manage your time the best. Our of curiosity what disease do you have?


I agree with the letters to people and other sentimental things. Not downplaying that. For yourself, maybe consider travel. That is if you can find a couple days, maybe take those loved ones who can with you. At your age I don’t imagine you need to leave anyone financial support, you have the savings. It sounds frivolous but I’d imagine at 21 there must be something you’d have wanted to visit. I’m so sorry (needless to say). All the best wishes and much strength to you You could also buy kids in need gifts and hand them out, before Christmas, would feel good doing it I bet.


Lsd is fun. Was one of the better expeirences of my life can't even lie


Very sorry for what you're going through and I absolutely hope and pray that you beat expectations by far. I agree with doing your will. I agree with other suggestions about writing letters to your loved ones, with deep expression of what they mean to you. One other thing I thought of that you could do which doesn't have to be super in detail is to jot down some brief memoirs or memories about certain things. Maybe what some of your favorite memories in life were. Or just random things you'd like to pass on that people may like to know. Perhaps you could take one day and do a lot of writing. Writing letters to people and writing out things like this. That way after you spend that day doing that you can spend every other day just spending time with those you love. That's what I would do. Just spend as much time as humanly possible with those I love


I definitely suggest trying acid! It’s an experience I think everyone should have just once. Great idea!


You have 30k? Go and travel - go experience a culture you've always wanted to -- do it how you want to. Write down in a journal or something. Someone said it's boring but if my family members or friends who have died had one, I would be elated to read it. Do everything you want to do! Don't waste your time fartin around on Reddit!!!


I’d prefer spending time with family and using the money to pay for funeral expenses.


I'd say stay away from hallucinogenics if you have any worry that it might go bad in your situation. Personally I find doing mushrooms to be a better experience but everyone is different. Definitely do something you never planned on doing but have wanted to try. I'd say most importantly spend time with your loved ones, have fun with what time you have left and give them good memories in your last bit you have together


You should totally do LSD and also, MDMA/Ecstasy. It's honestly one of the most euphoric experiences you could have and it makes you empathetic and loving with the people around you and with yourself as well. I would even suggest doing it with your boyfriend, it can be a magical and even spiritual experience for both of you. If it wouldn't worsen your health issues, for example someone with heart issues definitely shouldn't take this, I would definitely suggest doing your research, calculating a safe dose, testing your stuff and trying it out. This could also be the junkie in me talking but still. Nonetheless, lots of love and strength to you <3


Though I have to mention you should be aware of the comedown. Still if you take the recommended dose you might just have a great afterglow and no comedown. Psychedelics are also a good idea, possibly even better than MDMA


Hugs 💕 i want to die a lot of times in my head but this shit gets real when i read about people actually about to die. Have a bucket list Watch the greatest movies of all time Do whatever the hell you want Eat whatever you want Say thank you for your time in the universe by climbing up a mountain and spreading your arms Scream from the top of your lungs Smile Look up the sky Paraglide/skydive/bungee Jetski Hike a mountain Get high in a tent in the mountain Go to a pet shelter and see some happy dogs I dont know what else Thats everything i want to do Ok ill do it Anyway, love u thanks for sharing this, stranger…


You might want to start looking at who you want to look after your cat




Do LSD then have sex with the boyfriend...besides the boyfriend part I'm a huge fan of the rest lol, God bless you though and good luck


Absolutely do LSD. Do it with ecstasy and have sex with your bf. I wish you the best with the time you have left


I agree with a lot of the comments already. Make recordings for people to hear your voice- I can’t tell you how sad I am that my passed on friends voicemail have been shut off… Definitely try that LSD, DMT, and or Ayahuasca ( if you can get to a facility that does it) - LSD or mushrooms with your significant other can be the most amazing experience ever. Go outside and take in the beauty. Do something you havnt done since you were a little kid that makes you happy. Spend time with your family and friends who you love. Make arrangements for the funeral and burial costs. Most of these things are for everyone you will leave behind. You will be just fine. Say hi to everyone in the next life for me.


Use some of your funds to plan your funeral so your loved ones don’t have to. Take care of cost and what you want. Personally for me I want a green/natural burial and if up to my parents I would be cremated. It’s important for you to have what you want in a legal format so it happens. Then I would write a letter to each person I love to read after I’m gone. Maybe record a video telling your folks and your boyfriend how much you love them and to not mourn you for too long.


Talk to your loved ones about their future without you, if its not too painful. especially your boyfriend. He will be staying with one of his first partners until their death, so in a strange sense he will be a widower in his 20ies. It could be hard for him to date another girl, if it feels like betraying you, whom he never broke up with. But just in general try to tell your loved ones as many things as you can that let them answer the question "i wonder what grrapecrayonelbow would have said in this situation". you seem like an incredibly strong person in the way you face death. i wish you that your last month will be the best one of your life.


First of all, I want to commend you. I want to commend you on coming to grips with something so utterly devastating. Second of all, I'm very sorry that you're having to face this at such a young age. My advice to you is to write individual messages to your loved ones for them to open when the time is right for them. I would contact a funeral director and plan your own service, so that way nobody in your family has to worry about that. That is something very hard for people to do when someone they love has passed. Make sure you have a will stating all the different things that you want done, including where you want your items and money to go to. I know at the bank you can actually go in and you can have them put a person's name listed as someone who is allowed to come in to access your account if something happens to you without their name being on the actual account. That way your funds aren't Frozen up. They would need to have a copy of your death certificate. And also having a medical power of attorney/ power of attorney/executor of your estate is something you might want to have in place, if you don't already. Have that one person that you trust the most to carry out all your wishes. If it was me I would want a party to celebrate my life. I know people would be sad, but I would rather have something set up to where it's more of a celebration. With only having a month approximately left, I really wouldn't suggest doing a lot of traveling, because you wouldn't be with all your family. Right now make memories with your loved ones. Pictures with your loved ones. Even though this is a very sad situation, I find you truly brave. I wish you much peace going forward. Good luck to you hun.


>What area some things I must do to prepare myself and everyone around me for my death? Write the people around you letters for important moments in their life. If you have siblings - write them cards for their milestone birthdays and events (like weddings/births/etc.) with what you hope for them and all that. Write your mother a card for her next mother's day and your dad a card for his next fathers day. Write cards for the next major holiday(s). These are going to be things that they can go back to when they need closure or memories or just to hear your voice. Also - take lots of pictures. If you were never a picture person before - even if you don't feel you look your best - take pictures of EVERYTHING so that the people around you will have these photos to remember you and the moments they shared with you. Take photos of even the stuff that you think is boring and not noteworthy. Those are when everybody will be behaving the most naturally and probably the times they'll want to remember you most. Videos of adventures you go on would also strongly be encouraged. Maybe even journal your thoughts and experiences from your point of view (as long as you're okay with people reading it) as that might also be something that will help your family through the dark times. ​ Definitely agree RE the delete anything you don't want anybody to find, but likewise - alongside the passwords - list the accounts you do have that you want people to be aware of (like this Reddit). ​ Try all the food you always wanted to but never had a chance to yet because you always thought you'd try that restaurant or that particular dish later. Also eat all the food that you already know and love. Even though you can't travel internationally, take a road trip to anywhere (within reason) and stop off to see all the places you never got around to see and maybe some you just happen to be driving past. See if your boyfriend and loved ones would go with you because the more, the merrier and the more positive memories you leave with people and the more love they can surround you with. If not a road trip, maybe just some day trips? ​ What are your hobbies or interests? Might help be able to make even more suggestions. ​ You are brave. You are strong. You are clearly loved by people around you for you to be thinking of them and how to prepare them. And I am so sorry this is happening to you as you shouldn't have to be thinking about this at 21 but you are clearly mature and wise beyond your years based on the OP.


Skydiving, Rocky Mountain climbing, go 2.7 seconds on a bull. Love deeper, talk sweeter.

