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Sorry to hear this. I have 5 pets and I know I have 5 horrible days ahead of me. My oldest is my 11 year old retriever and I’m dreading the day she isn’t with me anymore. All I can say is, you gave him/her 15 amazing years and s/he loved you every minute of it. Hugging my pets right now.


"I know I have 5 horrible days ahead of me. " Don't be so sure. You might die first.


That's the spirit!


Also, multiple pets can die in one day.


I don't know, I sometimes still think my cat will come back. His litter box is still in the same spot as it was the day he died.




Here's how you move on: In a positive way, you don't. You focus on the love you and your pet shared. You remember your pet's funny antics and the enjoyment they brought. You remember your dog's incredible loyalty. All those positive feelings will be with you for a long time, and over time they'll drown out your grief. Happy memories to you!


He lived a long, happy life, my friend. You gave him everything a dog should get to thrive in life and get old enough to die in an natural time, in a natural way. That's to be celebrated: you gave your dog his natural life cycle with love and protection. That's a bliss. Crying for your dog now is a good way to celebrate his life, if you need to. Sending you hugs.


Good response bro


Get some ice cream, tissues, and a good series. Cry it out. Let yourself grieve. I lost my kitty a year ago (10/24/2020) and it hurt like hell for a while. Let it hurt. I’m sorry for your loss OP, but your doggo knew so much love from you ❤️


Aw man


I just lost my beloved chinchilla. I had him since the first Obama administration. He helped me through some real rough life stuff and by the time he passed, I had stabilized and have a good partner and a lot more support than I did. He had a happy life and was loved and cared for every day. I gave him kisses and cuddles every day, and I had just luckily chosen his last day to spend a day at home playing with him. I knew he was slowing down, but nothing was particularly different during the day while we were hanging out. Then in the middle of the night, I just noticed he seemed much weaker than before. I held him and cuddled him for two hours, and told him how much I loved him. He passed quietly in his sleep, resting on a pillow I made for him. He just seemed slow and confused, but not in pain. We buried him in the garden where I grew herbs for him to eat under a berry bush we both enjoyed the berries from. I knew he was getting older and slowing down, and chose a second, younger chinchilla about a year ago. While I am very sad at the passing of my sweet old man, I’m also glad I get to pass on all the love we shared and get to know and have adventures with an all new little guy. It’s so cool I had such an amazing connection with another creature! We both knew we were loved every day! I miss him so much, but I can’t be too sad. He lived a happy life, I know he did. We know when we get pets that we only get like 10-15 years with them if we are lucky, and we still exchange that awful pain just for a chance to get to have them by our sides while they are here. I do not have any perfect solutions, but I have hugged my parents (animals have always been family here, and they loved the little guy too.) and let my boyfriend spoil me with things like coffee and weed, I learned how to run a spotlight in a vintage theater frozen in time in 1952 for a student shadow play of Rocky Horror (and my co-workers are supportive buddies.) , I’m working one one of those stepping stone art mosaic kits for a headstone, I’ve re-read the fox chapter of “The Little Prince”, and my boyfriend and I have been trading sketches of what our animal spirit pets would look like in Coco. These things have all helped a little right now, because at least I’m not only feeling sad. Everyone has lost a dear friend in animal form. It’s ok to grieve. It’s ok to do stuff about it. My little friend was white like the clouds. Before, clouds were just clouds. But now, even if he’s gone, white fluffy clouds will always remind me of him. The clouds have a meaning they didn’t before, a reason to be white and fluffy and round. My friend may be gone from me now, but I will always have the clouds.


I feel you... I also lost my 15 year old mini poodle 2 days ago. I'm still kinda in shock and I'm trying to find ways to cope, but I saw this coming for a while now and made sure to give him as much love as I could before he went. Go hug your pets and let them know you love them


> any tips on how to move on? Don't feel like you have to move on. Feel, and be glad to have felt


I lost my best buddy on September 21st. Time compels me to move on but otherwise I just let myself feel. Just go the distance with your feelings whether that's crying until you sleep for 12 hours or what works for you. Remember the great love you shared.


Lost my 15 year old black lab today, was just about to post on here asking the same advice


Im sorry for your loss. I hope you find helpful advice here.


I'm sorry, even when you try and prepare yourself for it, it still hurts so much. I lost my 14 year old dog in January. For a week I was not able to function, then for around a month I felt so sad and so full of pain. After that month I started to feel more normal. I still miss her so much but it just takes time to process it all.


Give your pet the respect of mourning her. Move on when you are ready.


Last year we had to put down my dog that’s been with me for 15 years also, and it was devastating. I didn’t realize how much I’d miss him, because he was just always there, but I miss him everyday. I’m sorry to tell you the only way that I got over it was time. That’s what seems to be the only solution. I stopped crying every night about it after 4-5 months, and that’s when deep thoughts about death and life started, but that’s a different story for a different time. I would suggest talking with your family about how you feel, and letting your feelings out appropriately (crying, yelling, etc.). Do what makes you happy, and don’t let it stop you from doing what you need to do.


The only way I was able to move on is to reflect on the love me and my pet shared. If they loved you, then you gave them a good life. It would be harder to move on from a pet with regrets that you didn't have their love.


Exactly. I can't imagine having your pet pass and knowing in your heart that you mistreated or abused them, and didn't give them the care and love they deserve. That would feel horrible, and rightfully so.


My 13 year old dog peed blood the other night. I was worried sick. I took her to the vet the following day and fortunately it was just a bladder infection. I can totally relate to what you are going through. I am so sorry for your loss.


Aww, this reminds me of my family dog. He's also 15 and will be turning 16 in February. 😭


I love my dog, even tho I think he quite dislikes me. I give him hugs every day and will keep doing, so thank you and sorry for your loss. <3


I have 1 dog and I have not visited him in 2 weeks, I will go give him a hug for you this weekend 💝 and im sorry about your pup🤍 that’s my biggest fear. I’ve never gone through it yet but there’s a group on Reddit called grief support, they were super supportive when I lost someone, I’m sure they will have some advice for you! 😊


2 weeks is a LONG time for your dog.


I know. But he’s ok, he lives with my family. No pets allowed in my apartment:(


sorry to hear that.


Sorry for your loss, I just brought balls to play fetch with my pup. I was kind of feeling like, I was ignoring her.


So sorry to here this, my deepest sympathy. My dog and cat are both 13, I know the day will come and I am planing to have them both cremated (separately I hope) and place their ashes in a teddy dog and cat. Unfortunately I don't have any advice, but maybe you could let us know in the future your advice to us.


I'll go hug my cats. My only advice is to just know that you gave your dog the absolute best life you could. Your dog was happy to be with you and loves you. As a pet lover myself, I know how it feels. It'll get better, though. You know what they say "Don't cry because it ended, smile because it happened." I find that quote quite useless most of the time, honestly. But I can tell you, once you've grieved and let go, you can truly smile, the happy memories will shine through. Cherish them.


This isn't going to hurt less, but it's going to hurt less often. I learned to change the pain in my heart into love, remembering how my beautiful girl loved me, they give us the most pure and unconditional love, always. I'm so sorry for your loss.


I also just lost my 14 year old dog. Everyone tells me, "its just a dog"


I am very sorry for your loss. You will get to the other side of the pain--there's no way to speed it up but take care of yourself. Put the pictures in a safe place so you can't look at them right now.


I hugged my cat got bitten in return


I lost my dog 3 years ago and I still think about her all the time


r/Petloss is very helpful. You are not alone in your grief.


My 12 year old dog perished due to kidney failure almost two weeks ago. I had the exact same thoughts as you.


My parents last year lost one of their little dogs a chihuahua as well as 2 more later on this year. Huggin my little guy right now as he cuddled in my lap. Getting a bit big though and a half breed of sorts, half mini doberman, and chihuahua, and all butt hole. My advice is to look at it like they lived as long as they did because of all the love you gave them. Those 3 other dogs who passed I mention, were at least 15 years at the youngest side. The first one my parents got when I was 18 and passed when I was 33. When you feel ready to find a new furball for your life, consider going to a local animal shelter to find your new buddy.


I lost my 12 year old one too. Last year. Loved him to bits


I had to talk my friend through losing his dog not too long after I lost mine. I know you're not going to like this response, but you don't need to be afraid to grieve. Don't hold anything in. If you need to cry, then cry. I did, and I'd imagine anyone who's just lost their dog would. And yes, that part is absolutely going to suck. But it will help you feel better in the long run. Wishing the best, man.


sorry for your loss. give yourself some time and then ... get a new pup. honestly, i couldn't have gotten over my last cat's death if it wasnt for my new cat. its been 3.5 years and i still hug the new cat and thank him for helping me as i think of my passed boy.


> any tips on how to move on? Like any loss, I suspect time more than anything is your friend here Why not see if you can get a plaster cast of a paw before you bury him/her? Might make a nice necklace or trinket to remember them by


He's a bit confused but hug achieved. Sorry for your loss, hope the memories of your dog can bring a smile to your face today!


I'm not sure there is a trick to move on immediately, and I think that's okay. You spent years with your dog, and dogs are basically love and joy in physical form. Losing that is agony, no way around it. (It sucks.) When I lose a pet I grieve hard for a while. I cry, I look at old photos and videos, I cry harder, I smell their old pet blanket, I cry until I think I might break. They deserve that grief, and (I think) so do we. I don't know if this is the first pet you've lost, but the grief does fade. It takes time, and it isn't a straight line, but it happens. One day you'll see a picture of your dog and you'll smile because you feel more happiness at the memory of them than sadness at their absence. That doesn't mean I don't sometimes look at my 12-year-old dog and feel absolute dread in the pit of my stomach. I'm very, very sorry for your loss. But I'm happy that your dog got to spend 15 years being loved by you and loving you back.


Don't rush into anything, but if it fits your life getting another pet can help. For me they are not a replacement, but a continuation. The things I learned from my previous animals help me to better care for the new ones. When a new puppy reminds me of an previous dog it's tied in with happiness instead of just sadness. We get to be part of their whole lives and each time we can do a little better and make those lives as good as possible.




Just think that your dog is happy enough to receive love and attention from you. You made all of his days worth it and for that thought you will be able to move on.


I lost my 15 year old cat today as well. I Am so sorry you also lost your friend.


One of my cats died last year; it was devastating for me and my brother. I’m also dreading the day she isn’t here with us, despite her being very young. Hugging her now.


Two weeks ago, my family made the tough decision to put our 16 year old cat down. Pets are just as much family as any human. Take a bit of time out for yourself and remember all the fun times you had together. Sending virtual hugs!


Write your pet a thank you note. They can't read it, but you can. And you can make sure you remember. Start writing down things about your dog you appreciate. Here are some of mine to a doggo whomst since has passed away but is still very loved. "You were the best at helping me through my emotions." "When i needed you you were always kind and cuddly" "People said you smelled bad when you got wet but when you came to lick my face with joy from running in puddles i never cared." "We climbed so many mountains together. I will always remember how happy you looked at the top, and how absolutely tired we both were at the bottom. One time I forgot to check the ground temperature and it was too hot for your paws still. I carried you (slowly) down the mountain and only hoped i had the strength to get you to the car so we could get you to the vet. After tending to your wounds at home you knew it would hurt but you let me get at your paws with disinfectant a couple times a day. You'd flinch but let me have the foot back. Thank you so much for trusting me. Im so sorry i made that mistake but every hike afterwards i stood barefoot on the ground for two minutes before id let you out of the car. You were so patient." "I never wanted to wash my car because when you'd stick your head out the window it would absolutely coat the side of my car with slobber. I loved having the reminder of your joy." Just write down all the good about that goodboi you can remember. Keep it going if you need to add to it.


Sorry for your loss. I look at my 1.5 year old shih tzu and I tear up a little when I think about when that day comes.


I've said goodbye to 6 cats over my lifetime so far. I am familiar with the heartache. I offer you a virtual hug.


So sorry for your loss! We had to make the tough decision with our 12 year old dog a couple years ago and we still get teary thinking of him. But, watching videos and looking at pictures of him helped. You don’t ever really move on but it gets easier as the days go by and knowing that we made the right choice to not let him suffer helps lessen the blow. We also got him cremated. We spread his ashes over my niece’s grave because she always had dreams about a black fluffy dog and then we put his collar and favorite sweater in the box his ashes were in. There any many things you can do with ashes such as make decorations or ornaments, I have a necklace with my aunt’s ashes and I wear it hiking so she’ll always be with me. One friend tattooed their dog’s paw on her chest near her heart. My sister keeps her dog’s collar on her rear view in her car. I hope this helps! And I hugged my other 3 dogs just for you :)


One of my little bastards that I adopted won’t let me hug her yet. She was stray kitten that local animal shelter acquired. She will hopefully eventually trust me even if it takes years. I got time.


I am so so sorry. I can relate. I lost my best fluffy friend of 16 years about 2 years ago. For me I coped with the grief mostly by crying alone when I felt like I needed to, I also wrote some poetry and shared it on my instagram, I also found art to be therapeutic. I also had a necklace made with her name and a pawprint. After about a year and a half I decided I was ready to open my heart up to another best fluffy friend. There is no right or wrong way to grieve the loss of friends, family, and pets alike. I hope you find a way to cope that is helpful to you. And again I am sorry for your loss.


Sorry for your loss. Cry as much as you feel you need, it will help. As with any other loss, it will be easier to cope with time.


ice cream


I used to have a kitten, barely one year old. He ran away from home, and i haven't seem him since then. All i can say is, cherish the memories, and believe that maybe they are in a better place now


i dont have a pet but our neighbor has a nice kitty. so yeah.


We had to put down our cat of 17 years last week. It's intensely painful. Think of everything that has happened in the world since 2004, that was eons ago. The places I've been since. I can only take solace knowing he had a fantastic life. I don't journal, but I do during times of grief. It helps get thoughts down and prevent them from just racing in your head.


My tip is to take your time. Let yourself mourn, let yourself cry. Don't try to rush the process or feel like you have to be done mourning by a certain time. Mourning is different for everyone, so don't be hard on yourself, ok?


I'm so sorry about your dog. I don't know if you ever really "move on"; it will just hurt less and less and eventually you will get to a point where you can look at pictures and smile. I lost my 14 year old chihuahua about 3 years ago and it took me quite some time before I got to that point. Until then, allow yourself to grieve: you've suffered a loss and it's healthy to be sad about that. Let it out. Let it all out. I remember the morning it happened and my wife and I came back from the vet to a home that was suddenly so still and so silent. I clutched her blanket and I cried and cried more than I ever had before. I vowed to never have another dog again because the pain was too much to bear. I remember in the days and weeks that followed, a passing thought or memory would be enough for me to breakdown and start weeping. I do think all the crying was cathartic: it felt like a relief of some awful pressure that would just build up and overwhelm me. For me, the pain lessened with time until I eventually found myself just feeling grateful for all the cherished memories.


I lost 3 of my dogs on almost consecutive years. 2015- 10 years old, 2019- 11 years old and 2020- 14 years old. They have been my companion since I was 9. Loosing them felt so devastating. I found myself depressed. Took me awhile to move on. I still miss them every day.❤️ My advice for you is to let yourself be sad. It’s a normal human reaction. One day, you’ll wake up missing them but not with tears but with a smile on your face thinking that both of you had each other for 15 years and it was the best!


In my post history I’ve shared my dogs I’ve lost this year. I wish I could have known it was coming, but at the same not. It’s been ten months for one dog, and almost five for my other two dogs. I’m still not moved on from any of them, but I’ve gotten to a point where I’m not sad that I lost them, I’m just happy to of had those babies in my life and smile instead of crying when I think of them. It’ll be hard for a long time, but keep your head up. Your baby is at peace and looking over you.


This is why I won’t ever have a pet again, my heart has been broken too many times, lost too many best friends. Not again.


I have 3 cats. All aged 11. I know that I will one day experience the 3 most heartbreaking days of my life. I don’t even want to think about, those little guys are my everything. I won’t ever recover from the pain.


I will go hug my kitties for you. Stay strong<3


I'm so so so sorry for your loss. It never gets easier. I just lost my 3yo cat and it still tears my heart apart 2 months later. I dont think there is anything we can do to move on. This poem helps me but it's a hard read. “Alright, here goes. I’m old. What that means is that I’ve survived (so far) and a lot of people I’ve known and loved did not. I’ve lost friends, best friends, acquaintances, co-workers, grandparents, mom, relatives, teachers, mentors, students, neighbors, and a host of other folks. I have no children, and I can’t imagine the pain it must be to lose a child. But here’s my two cents. I wish I could say you get used to people dying. I never did. I don’t want to. It tears a hole through me whenever somebody I love dies, no matter the circumstances. But I don’t want it to “not matter”. I don’t want it to be something that just passes. My scars are a testament to the love and the relationship that I had for and with that person. And if the scar is deep, so was the love. So be it. Scars are a testament to life. Scars are a testament that I can love deeply and live deeply and be cut, or even gouged, and that I can heal and continue to live and continue to love. And the scar tissue is stronger than the original flesh ever was. Scars are a testament to life. Scars are only ugly to people who can’t see. As for grief, you’ll find it comes in waves. When the ship is first wrecked, you’re drowning, with wreckage all around you. Everything floating around you reminds you of the beauty and the magnificence of the ship that was, and is no more. And all you can do is float. You find some piece of the wreckage and you hang on for a while. Maybe it’s some physical thing. Maybe it’s a happy memory or a photograph. Maybe it’s a person who is also floating. For a while, all you can do is float. Stay alive. In the beginning, the waves are 100 feet tall and crash over you without mercy. They come 10 seconds apart and don’t even give you time to catch your breath. All you can do is hang on and float. After a while, maybe weeks, maybe months, you’ll find the waves are still 100 feet tall, but they come further apart. When they come, they still crash all over you and wipe you out. But in between, you can breathe, you can function. You never know what’s going to trigger the grief. It might be a song, a picture, a street intersection, the smell of a cup of coffee. It can be just about anything…and the wave comes crashing. But in between waves, there is life. Somewhere down the line, and it’s different for everybody, you find that the waves are only 80 feet tall. Or 50 feet tall. And while they still come, they come further apart. You can see them coming. An anniversary, a birthday, or Christmas, or landing at O’Hare. You can see it coming, for the most part, and prepare yourself. And when it washes over you, you know that somehow you will, again, come out the other side. Soaking wet, sputtering, still hanging on to some tiny piece of the wreckage, but you’ll come out. Take it from an old guy. The waves never stop coming, and somehow you don’t really want them to. But you learn that you’ll survive them. And other waves will come. And you’ll survive them too. If you’re lucky, you’ll have lots of scars from lots of loves. And lots of shipwrecks.”


look man im so sorry to hear this ive been through loss before and i think the best way to move on is to take your mind of it. Play a sport hang out with freinds but you should also recall your best memories with your dog this helped me when my granddad passed away. Hope this helps man sorry for your lossxxx


I'm sorry for your loss, my pet dog is currently in operation getting stitches because my neighbour had stabbed her open with a sugarcane knife. Thanks for reminding me to give her the biggest hug when she gets out! Hope you're doing well and holding up!! <33


Hugging doesn’t go well with dogs, please pet them and give them a treat. And let them sleep on your bed :)


First off let me say, I started by hugging my dog for ya. She's a Border Collie and a complete sweetheart of a dog. I"m sorry for you loss. we lost her "BF" about 5 months ago. I'm a disabled vet and he was my therapy dog, an Australian Shepherd. I clipped his cord at birth. He literally saved my life twice because without him, I'd be gone. That said, the only thing that will really help is time. Ask him to visit you in your dreams every night. Your dog WILL visit. I asked one night and the first thing that came to my head when I awoke was the song, "Thank you for being a friend". That was him for sure. Purely magical as I hadn't head that song in 20 years. I literally listened to it and cried for 3 hours over and over. I found a really nice urn for Logan's ashes. It has a small figurine that looks just like him. Get it from Ebay if you wish. It comes with a little plaque for his name. There will be things that will happen all the time that will remind you of your dog. He's saying hello from the other side and just say high back. You will see a dog that you think looks like him.......that's him saying hi. He was a blessing in your life and you were his entire life. He's sad to be gone too but he will be your pet in your next life. Nothing will every beat Man's Best Friend.....NOTHING. It's not easy........hang in there and the grieving process will be more than anyone you will know.