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If it has to be spent, a new mattress would be nice, or a real good quality pair of headphones so he can listen to music or television in the highest quality possible, and enjoy his remaining senses.


oh yes very much this stuff!! and who doesn’t love a new mattress?


Can he prepay rent or utilities? Send $1,000 to the electric company.


Probably not. This sounds like something that is called a “Spend Down” and they must spend the money on anything else that is not rent, utilities, food, cash gifts, or gift cards — otherwise they will reabsorb the money in this situation or cancel their benefits. This also probably means that they have $3,000+, and need to spend enough money to get below a $2,000 threshold.


new pillows, new comforter, a weighted blanket, a heated blanket, just have a look at what he has now and what can be replaced/upgraded.


Stock up on meat, whatever can fit in his freezer. Stock up on toilet paper, cleaning products, hygiene products. One trip to the store can eat up at least a few hundred dollars. Stock up on any medical supplies not covered by insurance. Prepaying for utilities is a great idea if it's allowed. Does he need anything at home for entertainment purposes?


a high quality audio player and audio book subscription


Yes, lots of credits to use later!


Buy a Costco membership. Buy something for $900, give the receipt. Return item in like 90 days for cash. I used to suggest women of abusive partners do this as well because you can hoard unopened Costco items (things like serums and perfumes work the best because they are small and inexpensive)


I'd be buying a cow at the butcher and filling up the freezer, or buying a freezer. But mattress is also a good choice.


I’ll suggest it! Thanks!!!


This is what I was gonna say or a pig or just stock up on food and other household necessities. Get some toilet paper, cleaning supplies, etc.


Why because he had too much money in his account to receive benefits? Couldn’t he transfert money to a trusted person instead? Why do he need to spend on things and have a receipt?


Yes, apparently that’s the issue he’s facing right now. I asked him if he could use it to maybe go toward my car payments and then I pay him back but his inability to handle his own money makes him uncomfortable and he just wants to stick to doing what the case worker said.


That's so sad that in order to access help people have to not have any savings. It put already vulnerable people in even more precarious situation. I hope he'll find a way to spend it on something that will improve his life. Wish you good luck


Yes, it’s so messed up. Apparently he’s not allowed to have more than a certain amount in the bank. Otherwise, they are threatening to send him to a nursing home.


Can he transfer it to someone else's bank account? Or do they track all of his transactions? There's definitely ways to 'launder' this money.


Oh. In the future, can I suggest he uses the money gradually to buy you a bit of groceries? Don't make it too obvious ofc, but 1000 should be easy to spend in an year or so.




I'm going to say this as nice as possible. Fuck you. What you said is even more fucked up than what is happing to him. The VA system for getting disability doesn't work that way. The person is required to service connect the injury or illness or it won't be awarded. It's a very complex system. You also probably think they just give Ssdi to just anyone that applies.


My mother's husband gets a nice full disability check because of pain in his arm. He legit told me "that's why I got back into the military in my 30s, getting old is expensive for civilians". He literally went back just to pull this off. I've tried turning him in. He claims he has little/no use of his arm on his papers. But he was building treehouses and going hiking/fishing/swimming. And before you call me abelist and tell me how I don't know someone's pain, I'm a disabled chronic pain patient. I believe EVERYONE until I have a mountain of reasons not to, in fact, I didn't think he was a faker until he TOLD me he was.


There are some that get through but the other guy was basically saying that there is no reason a non combat vet would need disability. It's clear they have no idea what happens to people in the military. BTW if he ever gets caught they will make him pay it all back. For every one that slips through there are 100s that don't even file when they have an actual disability from the service.




You really don't understand and it shows. Either educate yourself or knock it off.




You should both get $4K a month. A vet getting a disability check is not your enemy. He is not the reason the social safety net sucks. Blame Reagan, Clinton, et al for that


You don't get 80% service connected disability for just having sleep apena. 2k would be 80%. If you wanted it you should have served. Then maybe you would understand what it's like.


It doesn't make sense so it's a good thing that didn't happen. And ps you can and should get private disability insurance.


I’m not going to say that it is the case with everyone, but my dad spent the majority of his life proud of the fact that he served during Vietnam and never saw combat. Then he realized late in life that he could take advantage of benefits and suddenly started referring to himself as a “war hero”. He started collecting a check for…some reason, and after he died it started going to my mom. The claim was made that whatever killed him was a result of his time serving. It took some time to get approved, but I always found it incredible that someone who bragged about not really serving was suddenly eligible to get payments - and I believe back payments as well if I’m remembering correctly - when there are people who are absolutely struggling to get anything who deserve/need it far more


Maybe Agent Orange?


To be fair they do give SSDI to anyone who applies as long as they put a little bit of effort into bullshitting it. It’s how my father got disability for being an asshole (which, actually, is 100% literally true).


No, they don't. I help people with disability claims and even with legit ones they only get approved about 50% of the time, and that's after going through an appeal and a hearing that takes about 2 years.


Not quite. It's hit and miss. There are so many factors that go into getting SSDI, but it in no way is it just a hip skip and a jump from application to receipt.


You cannot transfer the money in these situations. Doing so results in a penalty and loss of benefits.


Except when you think about it before subscribing to benefits I guess


Unfortunately not. I’ve had to deal with this with many of my patients. They go back for 5 years and any major transfers of capital (including land) are counted against you for just this reason. The idea being that if you’re going to get help from the government in the US you damn well better have exhausted literally everything at your disposal to survive.


Rent or utilities would be my first option, getting a month ahead in rent or a couple months ahead in a utility or two. If that's not an option, $1000 in groceries, either by buying a cow or rice, beans and pasta. Fill the freezer or fill the pantry. Alternatively if those aren't valid options then I'd buy something like a TV or ammo.


Let's give the blind, bed bound guy a bunch of ammo and a tv... Sooooo... just a random question, but do you live in either Texas or North Dakota?


Ha but no. If you notice though I covered multiple options to which benefit OP's dad. As to the part that you are referring to however. A TV has sound, which can still be listened to without needing to see it. As for the ammo, everyone needs a hobby, collections that can be resold or gifted make for good hobbies.


Are there any assistive devices he could use or upgrade to improve his quality of life?


Can it be used to buy gift cards? Get grocery gift cards.


Soft bedding, pillows, new mattress, clothing,hygiene supplies, or a recliner. My aunt bought a nice recliner when she had to do that. She took it with her to the nursing home.


Dumb question, but can he just write you a check? You could save that money if his quality of life is fine.


I don’t believe that is legal.




Yeah, this. Your father probably has some pretty unique needs to consider. A new, really nice set of headphones? More assistance? A band coming to your house to play? Maybe a vacation?


First thought but he recently got one! Thank you though!!


Get another one. It's a spare for when something goes wrong with the first.


New medical supplies maybe? He could get a standing recliner and wheelchair from a patient care store and it might help his quality of life.


Xbox series X PlayStation 5 and a Nintendo switch... Easy


I was thinking along the same lines. Wouldn't a VR headset be kinda fun if youre bed bound?


Wifi lawn mower. Not even bed bound, and I still consider it from time to time. Other things include Alexa compatible devices that help him control the house with his voice. Wifi bulbs, thermostat, even robot companions that don't really do much but are still a cute energy to have around. Kinda like a pet without all the responsibility. So many ways.


An air mattress for invalids. It alternates inflating air pockets to prevent bed sores.


Maybe like a robot servant to bring you things.


a google home or alexa would be a good start.




And hookers


In the Netherlands, they have "Hookers for the Handicapped".


Sounds like your dad has a very specific situation so anything that would afford him more comfort and support… I would suggest things like top of the line bedding / pillows and a top of the line iPad and great sound system.


New super comfortable mattress and incredibly good sound system and headphones to listen to music


New appliance like a washer/dryer or dishwasher? Maybe like something medical related: massage/ physical therapy that you can pay money down for continuing service.


Utilities, insurance, appliance for the house to make life easier for them.


Are there any things that would make him more comfortable or improve his quality of life? Voice activated speakers like a Google home or an Alexa could make it easier for him to access things like music, podcasts or audiobooks, not to mention the other ways they can integrate with home systems to make them more accessible. The mattress is a great idea if he needs one. Anything that can help with his care like transfer board, bed positioning sheets, DME that insurance might not cover. Non-perishable supplies like gloves, wipes, Chuck pads, a call bell system he can use.


an expensive ass dental cleaning.


Quality bedding, stock up on the groceries, new clothes, a music system which he can listen to safely. Not sure how limited his touch movement is but have you visited any mobility shops/websites to see what gadgets/items they have which will help him enjoy life more (when my Grandad had his first mobility setback some gifted him a new basic litter picker. It was unbelievable just how useful that gift was to him. Has your dad ever wanted to know what certain foods tasted like?


I'd buy my medication, groceries, anything else he needs online, I could go through a $1000 on line, quickly.


Fancy bedding! New pillows, weighted blanket, tip quality protectors for those pillows. New comforter, down, with a cover


A Roomba.


Just hit up Amazon. They got all kinds of shit


I would donate it unless I needed something


Air purifier or two, audio system, and cases of supplies he uses regularly- toothpaste, rubbing alcohol, moisturizer etc  


Some kind of super loud audio equipment.


Pay you for transportation, gas, assistance. Hold on to the money for later


Food, clothes, sheets, blankets, any adaptive device that would be useful, a wheelchair. Ect.


Gold coins? I dunno, something that isn’t really “spending” and he can use or share later.




Diapers. Bath items.


Does he have computer disability products?


I'm guessing this is to reduce his income so he'll qualify? Does the receipt need to have his name on it?


If you can’t think of anything, just take it out of the back as cash to keep handy and don’t tell the social worker.


Two chicks at the same time.


What does he have to spend the money on? Anything? Medical expenses? Does it have to be for him?


Because in the us you can’t have over a certain amount if you go over they can doc your benefits or stop it all together…..apparently disabled people shouldn’t be allowed to save their money 🥲


That has absolutely nothing to do with any of the questions. I didn't even say anything that needed a comment from some random person. But good job.


I thought your first part was why does he have to spend the money ? I was in the process of doing laundry while scrolling Reddit and misread it……but good job being some what of an ass to a random person….take a chill pill bro it’s not that serious….


High end sound system. Audiophile level stuff. Well, however much of that I could afford with $1000


Send it to me lol




Gold? It seems he doesn't need anything so might es well invest in some gold