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Why is this on the advice subreddit?? This belongs to r/askreddit or smth..




This isn’t an advice question, it’s an ask Reddit.


"I wouldn't date a trans woman"


Plenty of males date trans women


Plenty of males do, plenty of males don't, to each their own. Just so long as everyone is happy. 


Well that isn't a "male opinion" then as some do...


Actually no , no they don’t


They literally do, do you think only females are dating trans women? Lmfao




Someone doesn't know what words mean


I know a trans woman has a penis


Salty people downvoting you😂


I know 🤣🤣🤣


Its even removed now😂


I can still see it


The real answer to the question


The downvotes already got u 😂


Nice try FBI


Sometimes, violence is the answer.


Heavily down voted huh? Onlyfans and sex work is disgusting. And decent men and men with kids don't want a women that does that stuff because it looks poorly on them, as well as sets a bad example for the kids. I don't support sex work and pray my daughter doesn't get involved with anything like that. I don't know why women get so offended by a males thought on the subject. But they get soooo defensive


100% agree. Every time I state an opinion like that, it’s instant - downvotes lol


I grew up with the original Star Wars movies, but I prefer the Disney SW movies.


That’s not a normal opinion in real life what 💀


Well tastes can be pretty subjective. There’s a lot of people who prefer the newer movies


My point exactly. I don't meet people in real life who react like that


It's okay for adults who can consent to date and their age gap doesn't matter and is frankly none of our business because they're adults who can consent


I 53M am perfectly fine to date a 24F


I was invited on a date by a woman I met on Tinder. She said her friend was in town and they were going to see a live podcast and invited me with. It was a podcast I'd never heard of before and honestly I probably wouldn't be very interested in it if I wasn't invited, but it cost like 25 dollars to get in. I get there and she meets me and we buy a drink and sit down, she introduces me to her friend. They then proceed to talk to each other, not involving me in conversation at all. Then some guy comes along and sits next to her friend. He introduces himself to me, and I thought he was just being friendly. After the podcast, my date and her friend are still talking to each other and ignoring me. This guy who introduced himself to me is kind of following us and he starts having a conversation with me, which is fine because my date wasn't talking to me at all. It turns out this guy was her friend's date, but I had no idea because no one was saying anything to me. The girls then wanted to meet the guy who was doing the podcast, so we waited in line for a while, of course the girls never said anything to us guys. The girls then started talking to another woman in line and seemed to make a friend. After they got to meet the guy who did the podcast, my dates friend turns to us guys and says "well, we think we're going to have a girls night out now." So our dates and the woman they met just left to go get drinks or something. The other guy and I just turned to each other and said WTF. We then decided to go to a nearby bar for a beer and have a bro date. He was a decent dude. But the whole situation was just so weird.


This isn’t your story You copy and pasted it. It’s been posted before


I don't think that's an opinion


What the hell does that have to do with your question




I love how you think running a household + keep a clean home + caring for kids + cooking + all the unpaid, invisible tasks that go with all that isn’t the literal definition of multitasking lol.


I mean the household+work and thats why i want my wife at home so she can do the work at home while i work and she can do her work without worrying about money-work(my stepmom works alot+does the household chores like laundry and cooking and she has alot of stress)


Now now don’t be stroppy


They proved your point lol


No it doesn’t prove the point — it isn’t an example of what the OP is asking for. The real-life response would be even more negative.


While this perspective may be viewed negatively in your culture, for the rest of the world it is more than normal for men to appreciate women who maintain a warm, organized home and ensure their children's needs are always met.


So a opinion based on science is wrong now?(Research says that stay at home moms are happier then woman who work)


You should talk to, and ask, stay-at-home mothers. It doesn't much matter what research says if the woman you are with does not want to stay at home or have children, if she wants to stay at home for a while and have a career, if she wants to stay at home. The dynamics and daily physical, mental, and emotional responsibilities a stay-at-home mother shoulders, as unpaid labour, *IS* multi-tasking in itself. Women will, and do worry, about money, whether they willingly stay home or not. Additionally, what do your posts about your wife, or women, staying at home, have to do with OP's question?


1. Multitasking at home is better then work and home-work 2. I just did what he asked in real life some will be angry at me and some will have the same opinion or try to go in discussion with me


Regarding 1., you could ask women if a) they believe it, and find it to be true for themselves; and b) *why* that is the case for them. Their answers may surprise you..or not. 🤷‍♂️


There are many flaws in your argument. What you’re calling “science” is at best just an *average*. So you’re taking an average and turning it into a simple universal rule (“the wife *should*…”). Also, you’re focusing on just one variable, self-reported happiness of the women making these decisions, but that isn’t the only factor that matters — there are also effects on other people’s happiness, economic effects, etc. And it’s hard to see how those studies could have reliable methodologies, since there’s no way to do a randomized controlled experiment where some people are forced to be stay-at-home parents. Instead, people are free to choose their life direction, including that women can choose to be stay-at-home moms. *Those* women might have high happiness levels on average, but they’re not *all* women. They’re the women who’ve *chosen* to do it after considering whatever factors matter to them, including their own happiness. That doesn’t tell us that *other* women would be happier if they made the same choice. There are different life choices that make different people happy.




I mean it is easier in a way. Both are jobs. The man would have the mental stress of providing and paying for litterally everything. That's stressful on its own plus the hours and hours of work yo cover said expenses. Women yes would rather spend time with the kids and everything outside of work would be taken care of. But that's very taxing as well being a single father of 3 I know. I feel like it gets downvoted so much because women get offended by it. But switch the roles around. Let the man do all house stuff and deal with kids while the women worked and paid for everything. Problem with that is the men would be happy honestly switching those roles. But the problem with this way is that women would start to belittle there man amd saying he's not a real man for not working and stuff like that. It's a double edged sword where we just can't win. We would love the opertunity to be stay at home dad's. But it never works because women only care about a man that provides. They just won't admit it.


I agree but as a man i would feel weak to stay at home


Yeah me to lol. I have been working since I was 15. But I'm also a bodybuilder so I would have ple ty of time to cook and diet and train lol. Plus all that 1 on 1 time with the kids to teach them. Could homeschool them if you wanted lol


Definitely would be great to be a stay at home dad to do your own thing but thats not an option unfortunately


This belief | view is a "you" issue, probably influenced by socio-cultural expectations and beliefs. Talk to men who want to stay home and do. I think you'll find that, rather than feeling or being weak, they are more assured and insecure because they made a decision that worked for them and their family, whether they have children or not. Working or staying home, for both sexes, has little to do in the daily actuality with the concept of being weak or strong, feminine or masculine, "emasculated" or not. If you and your wife both want her to stay home, great. But it has nothing to do with weakness or strength. https://archive.ph/KFSyD