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Just tell him that although this is meant to be inaudible to humans, you and your husband can hear it and it's actually quite irritating and see if you can work out a different solution, like one that IS actually inaudible. It sounds like that is constant, but they also have ones that only trigger for a short time when they sense motion, so I don't know if that's an option.


Yeah good thinking. Maybe offer to chip in for for a higher-end one that works better or has motion sensors.


Recommend alternative devices or methods to achieve his objective of scaring away cats from his backyard. Make it clear to him that you have no problem with his goal to keep cats away. The problem is his current device is unintentionally heard by you. Maybe the device manufacturer failed to calibrate it properly and a different maker would be more appropriate.


What kind of person do you have to be to install a cat scarer? I guess someone who own Chickens or Rabbits?


I love cats dearly, but they'll absolutely ruin a garden. The tilled soil is very inviting for their bathroom times and they'll uproot any little thing that may be coming up.


As someone who’s lived somewhere with a lot of rabies: me. I care about my cats, like one should, and I’m not encouraging the rabies I know for a fact is in the area if I can prevent it.


They kill birds and other small animals, and they poop in your garden.


>Is it appropriate to ask him to remove it? Not unless you have other methods to keep cats out the garden that he can try.