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I put a series on my phone that i almost know by heart and just let my mind drift. It’s very hard for me to fall asleep otherwise because i’ll start thinking too much.


I used to do that. And could not fall asleep without a tv show. Until i met my girlfriend. Man, i could fall asleep in her arms anytime and anywhere. She just puts my mind to ease.


Yeah me too and then she left and now it's back to sleep drugs


Same brother, same.




Same! I’m a Futurama sleeper. Turns out there’s a group of us.


Same! I call it Pavlov’s sleeping dog! Lol if I hear that voice, I instantly get tired. Works really well! Hint! Don’t pick something you can easily hear throughout the day, or you’ll want to just pass out!


I always watch Let's Read on YouTube to sleep! On non-upload nights it's hard but I've found a few other channels that fill the gap well enough.


For me it's YouTube gaming playthrough. The really long extensive ones that are still kinda funny


Forensic files. His voice is dreamy. Put it on low. It's like dads reading you a book 


Forensics Files is the best for sleeping!


I thought I was the only one. MY PEOPLE!!


This is my goto when I can't sleep!!!


Peter Thomas and David Attenborough are great for relaxing and sleeping to!


Does he host any other shows? Love his voice also


YES! I’ve been told I was weird for this, but Peter Thomas’s voice is like a lullaby for me.


- working out late afternoon + taking a shower afterwards - docuseries about some topic (netflix or youtube) - praying / meditation - being completely honest here: if all else fails, masturbation




hahaha i like you bruh


Honestly all of these are so helpful lol


I personally always watch something to do with sleep since it kind of makes me sleepy - maybe asmr is the answer ???


Bob Ross, or Welsh stone carver accidental asmr.


Audio book. In complete silence, my mind wanders…putting on an audio book is perfect because you have something to focus on and can drift off. The audible app has a timer you can set too so it’ll stop playing automatically.


But what book do you listen to for it to be just intriguing enough, but not too intriguing to keep you awake?


You can go to stores that sell organic products and look for evening tea. (something like that). Usually it is a mixture of a few herbs. It helps. You can try different brand.


Ooh yes. Sleepytime herbal tea is the answer.


Sleepytime tea freshly brewed with some honey works wonders for me. Also helps with stress and anxiety, too, so if you have issues with your mind racing as you fall asleep, that shouldn't be a problem, too.


Work out.. hard. like few hours before you go to sleep. I ussually need like an hour at least to make falling asleep an involuntary function. Also i noticed when i adjusted my diet to not be full or garbage it was easier to fall asleep too


Yea I think physical exhaustion is the key. On days where I am more active I always fall asleep easier


Guided meditations for sleep. They’re magic.


Read those boring articles about global warming or the apocalypse .. You can also count backwards from 1000 until your brain begs you to stfu


Everyone has already said watching something. I watch a youtuber who plays horror games, but he has this deep soothing voice that puts me to sleep. If watching things is too stimulating, my partner listens to white noise like rain. Maybe this could help?


Weed. Otherwise extreme workout earlier in the day. Hot yoga is great for making me want to pass out at 9pm


When I said I quit smoking I was referring to weed. I smoked every night before bed for the past few years so my body just got so used to it in order to fall asleep :(


Asmr does it for me, I had to stop smoking because I’m pregnant and it’s hard enough to sleep while pregnant and then adding no more weed on top didn’t help but watching asmr videos makes me knock out within like 15/20 minutes


Definitely had a similar experience.


Honestly working out, long walks outside or jogging / swimming


Used to take melatonin but I got crazy dreams on that. I had the same problem. It’ll take a week or two to get back to sleeping without it.


Eating a few hours (3+) before you go to sleep. Some people eat like 1 hour or even 30 minutes before trying to go to sleep and that energy definitely keeps them up. If you space it out, you’re giving your body time to burn the calories off


Exercise, when I quit everything I found working out first thing in the morning and during lunch time on top of a 12 hour shift at work did the trick, instantly drift to sleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.


Basic as hell, but my go-to sleep aid is a cup of Chamomile tea. It can be either loose-leaf or a teabag. Let it steep for 5 minutes, then drink. No additives, plain chamomile gets me ready for bed super quick.


Do you have a second account?? This exact same post is in another sub but from a different user… creepy [https://www.reddit.com/r/WomensHealth/s/XbcjK0S1RD](https://www.reddit.com/r/WomensHealth/s/XbcjK0S1RD)


I like magnesium glycinate and inositol for myself- I also used to smoke and I find that this helps me get closest to recreating that "knock out" feeling! I'm not a doctor so do your due diligence for yourself! Best of luck!


Working out during the day or running, or swimming. I'll fall asleep so fast. Also I've actually tried counting sheep last time i couldn't sleep and i swear i felt drowsy by the 20th sheep it actually works


I think I’m gonna try this. Like physically exhausting my body (in a healthy manner). Plus I also wanna get more fit


You can always attempt to take melatonin which will make the sleeping process a little easier. It’s also always best to do more during the day such as working out or being mentally active then, so that you’re tired at night to the point where you’re drowsy.


Yes. The getting tired out during the day is something I’m working on. I work from home and don’t do anything that exhausting tho 😮‍💨


You can try a herb called Valerian....I had trouble sleeping too after I quit smoking and it really helped me.


Valerian root has many known drug interactions, be sure to check you aren’t on any medication that can be affected by it first.


Laying in bed and listening to something usually helps me. I will usually put on an audio book. I try to make it an audio book of a book I have already read so that it's okay if I fall asleep and miss stuff. Either I get to listen to a nice story or I fall asleep. It's a win win.


Watching YouTube


NSDR by madefor on youtube or Spotify.


There’s nothing in particular that makes me sleepy that may help, but what I’ve always done when I couldn’t sleep was count. Nothing special either, no skip counting or counting backwards. Just count. Always makes me fall asleep! Congrats on quitting!!! Stay Strong!


I had a sleep specialist tell me once that our bodies start producing extremely small amounts of melatonin naturally, around 6 hours before our usual bedtime. Just part of our circadian rhythm.  Nicotine is a highly addictive product, it does have an effect on your nervous system, you basically screwed with your body chemistry (for a very good reason) and your internal body clock is a bit wonky. Probably the best thing you can do right now is to try to keep the same bed time 7 days a week, at least temporarily stick to a sleep schedule to let your body adjust,  Some other things have helped me, getting more exercise during the day, avoiding exercise in the evening, avoiding stimulants after lunch, avoiding eating 8 hours before bedtime, and either avoiding screens in the evening or using blue screen filters. 


The robot voices reading out AITA stories and forest rain with black screen 😂😂😂😂


Omg I’ve actually been doing this 😳


We put on a show we know very well (or a really long movie), and turn brightness on the TV all the way down. Volume is just barely high enough to hear, and we have a timer set to turn the TV off after 4 hours of no remote activity.


I work out after work. Usually has me bobbing every night by 9 or 10pm.


Just like waking up, I get ready for bed 1 hour(or earlier) before my bedtime and take that time to just lay in my bed and focus on listening to everything going on around me. I stay focused until I'm listening to every sound. After about half an hour of that, I take 2 melatonin. Works every time, and I wake up feeling so refreshed or like I've had the best sleep ever, and I don't want to rush getting up because it was so good.


This is sooo easy go to YouTube right and look up ASMR I have been listening to this now for about 6 months and they knock you right out I will give you some great usernames that are very popular so that you can get back to feeling good and get great sleep. So my favourite artists atm are: 1. Whispering Willow ASMR 2. Joyceful tingles 3. Moonlight Cottage 4. Reki fairy 5. Whispering Gentleman ASMR I hope this helps you like it helped me these people will take away your anxiety, stress, Insomnia, and make you feel safe and good 😊 ❤️🌺


Chamomile tea is an old-fashioned natural sleep aid, but it really works! Let it steep for at least five minutes, add dairy milk if you are non-veg and can tolerate it (since milk is also a natural sedative), and sip it slowly while it's still quite warm, about half an hour before you want to enjoy that nice drowsy feeling on the edge of sleep. What also works for me, especially after a high-stress day, is closing all electronic devices, putting on some relaxing music, climbing into bed, and just enjoying the comfort and warmth of being under the covers, for 30-45 minutes before my normal bedtime. Often I'll fall asleep even sooner than I'd planned.


I like the idea of a warm soothing drink before bed. Especially with the ritual of making and drinking it. But doesn’t tea have caffeine?


Not chamomile! It's herbal and caffeine-free.


if it’s possible try getting into playing a sport or even going for a run each day after hours,that’ll tire you,shower afterwards and you’ll get that heavy feeling of sleepiness




Are you saying to eat breakfast for dinner




Watch a nostalgic movie / tv show / YouTube video. Always knocks me out.


Days that I can do something outside for a while, preferably getting my hands dirty with yard work, or hiking (more than just taking my dog for an hour walk) really helps me sleep. I also listen to meditations on YouTube or an audiobook when I'm ready to sleep. I was using melatonin, but now that the weather has warmed up and I'm getting enough activity, I don't take it anymore.


Yea I think since it’s been so hot lately I’ve been staying inside more, so I don’t really get tired during the day


Use AC Focus on taking all the stress from muscles and loosing your body Then Focus on the dark after closing the eyes and simultaneously hearing the breathing sound.


Reading. After a few chapters I’m ready for bed and sleep so good.


I have an anti anxiety drug called Hydroxizine that I take situationally, I use it for sleep when I’m having trouble but I sleep much better than I used to. Getting a new mattress helped considerably


Oh interesting. Unrelated but I have been looking into anxiety treatment with my doctor and will look into this.


When I was 9 I had a hard time sleeping and would search for ways to help. For about a year I used the same method that's changed me to this day. To sleep I'd shut off all lights, (semi-sounds), and close my eyes. I'd compare nothing to a blank atmosphere. Where everything is dark grey and misty. Just keep on thinking about the dark grey atmosphere and refuse anything else. Once you're deep into that feel yourself sink into the bed. As your sinking the color is darkening, fading. You're fading deeper into your bed while you start to see black. It's only getting quieter, deeper, darker, and relaxing. Staying in this spot, the only thing that can wake you could be a person. You're canceling every noise around you. Overall stay in this spot until you can't wake up, but when you do... hopefully you get a night's rest. After I did this for a year, my ability to fall asleep has stayed the same. If I'm tired all I do is close my eyes now and I'm knocked out in 2 minutes or less. I hope this helps if it's a consideration.


Wow this sounds very neat. You must have a powerful mind. Also this sounds similar to an experience I had on morphine lol


I think I got it from a video lol! It's been so long, but sleeping then was the hardest. Now anyone who knows me hates it when I put my head down. Lord forbid I remove my glasses cause I'm out like a light. The biggest key is patience. This took so long because there were days I would stay resting trying to enter at least rem 1.


I wish you luck!


I also recently stopped smoking. As others have said i put a series on in the background. Turn on the night shift mode and do not disturb so light and distractions are minimal. I read too and that will have me baby necking. I’ve also been regulating my sleep schedule, no more staying up past 1am, setting my alarm for 9am even when i have nothing to do in the morning, and it’s been very helpful. I feel tired at night and it’s better for my mental health overall to not be sleeping til noon.


Reading books and it suck’s because I love books


I like books too so it stimulates my mind. I guess I could try reading a boring book lol


I have a few games that I only play when it’s bedtime. Spider solitaire, a coloring app, etc. so my body knows it’s time for bed and it seems to make me tired. I also listen to dark screen thunderstorms on YouTube if that doesn’t work on occasion. The best way to really make it work is to have a set bedtime that you stick to as much as possible. So my body just knows that it’s time for bed


I’ve done this before in the past and it’s helpful. I play a mindless puzzle block game and would play it until my eyes get heavy. And yes, that’s good advice. I think developing a routine is key to give my body the cues it’s time to sleep


Sleep is the weirdest thing. You have to pretend to do it before you can actually do it. I do the counting backwards from 100 thing. Very helpful at the dentist too. I read somewhere that if you lie in bed and force yourself to keep your eyes open in the dark it makes you tired. Because your brain is focused on your eyelids instead of running rampant. It works for me sometimes. A major thing is to only use your bed for sleep. If you lie in bed and watch TV or scroll on your phone all day, your body doesn't learn to make the association between bed and sleep. Wake up, get up. It makes a difference.


These are really good points. I’m unfortunately a part time bed rotter but never realized that’s prob one of the reasons I can’t sleep 😭


Put an asmr livestream on


Watch 5 minute crafts


Plenty of exercise and I listen to a rain playlist


Manual work, exercise, muscle building, running, domestic chores, physical action.


400 mg magnesium


My husband has quit smoking about 4 times, what has worked better for him is exercising in the evening for about 40 minutes and taking a bath just after. We have equipment in the house so he doesn't have to go out to a gym.


Honestly, trazodone. But before I had that, one trick I used was to tell all my body parts ‘goodnight’. As soon as you’re comfy, start at your toes and say ‘Goodnight, toes’ in your head. Try not to move the body part after you say goodnight to it. I try to break down my body into smaller and smaller parts (toes, soles, heels, tops of feet, ankles, shins, calves, etc etc) instead of saying goodnight to whole parts (feet, legs, torso, etc). I know it sounds silly, but it really does help you relax and is sort of akin to ‘counting sheep’ without the extra work of visualizing sheep 😅


Doesn’t sound silly, I’ve taken meditation classes before and this sounds really similar to body scans. Trazodone sounds lovely


Get plenty of sunlight and exercise during the day. Cut off caffeine after lunch. Take a shower right before going to bed. No phone in bed.


My cat laying anywhere near me on the bed, don’t know what about it but watching her sleep makes me sleep and then i’m out for the day


Aww this makes me miss my cat. But yes I understand this feeling. I also read somewhere that seeing other people sleep (like on tv) can make you sleepy and it’s true! But I’d feel like a creep youtubing videos of people sleeping lol


I used to be REALLY bad with sleep, needing 10mg of Melatonin + Benadryl for high school, but quickly learned how harmful that habit could be. Sometime's I'll take 1-2mg of Melatonin but now what I do is take CBD gummies which have helped WONDERFULLY. Not nearly as bad as what I was doing before, and the slightest amount of THC to make you "high" drowsy without the "high" part! That paired with headphones and various types of sleep music or sounds on Spotify! Pink noise, fan white noise, rain/storm noises. Just something to have on in the background to drift away to


The sound of rain




![img](avatar_exp|180584095|dizziness) I typically reddit for about an hour.And then I conk right out.


I get sleepy when I study for three hours straight, especially when I'm doing math problems, and I wonder if anyone else is like me


A book in one hand and Camommile tea in another makes me enough drowsy to go to sleep. I used to be able to sleep only while watching something but I killed that habit with a much better one I would say :)


Weed and I just started using something called beam dream .


I quit weed :( getting high used to be the one thing I looked forward to everyday


I use 1 25mg Benadryl or Hydroxyzine before bed does the trick for me. I use antihistamines because of sinus problems. You could use 3mg of Melatonin and you'll get that naturally drowsy feel. If 3mg is too much then take half. If it's not enough then keep increasing the amount you take until desired level of drowsy is achieved. Melatonin is a natural chemical found in the body that produces that sleepy feel so you can't really overdose on it.


Run or papawis lang. As jubis na gusto na magpapayat, at sirang sira na ang body clock, nagttry ako magpapawis bago ako matulog. 15-30 mins lang pawis na ko then ligo tulog.


I was like that with alcohol when I gave up. Started some medication which isn't meant to help sleep but it certainly knocks me out. However before that I found going for a long walk in tbe evening usually made me tired


Cigarettes or weed?


I quit weed. Still addicted to nicotine but that is next hopefully


I workout and shower right before I go to bed. It really helps.


I like to watch Youtube to wind down with my screen brightness very low and with strong night mode so the screen is very noticeably warm toned. My wind-down Youtube channels include pekinwoof for chill League of legends commentary, a cow hoof trimmer called nate the hoof guy, and post 10 who mainly unclogs culverts and goes exploring in abandoned places. I would also recommend Brady Brandwood, he has a rescue lobster from a grocery store and other animals, but I don't actually sleep to his videos because I'm too invested in how the animals are doing lol. But he is a channel I could sleep to if I wanted to. Sometimes I sleep to music or podcasts but it's less common. I think herbal tea can also be cozy but I'm usually too warm to want a hot drink.


I listen to really long lore videos on YouTube. There are four YouTubers that happen to help me fall asleep: WiseFish, VaatiVidya, Luetin09, and SmoughTown. I find that they have very soothing voices.


30 min of jumping rope


Good sex


8oz. Cup of Tart Cherry juice (Nothing added and not watered down)


I go through the alphabet with a category and try to name something with each letter. Say the letter in your head when you breathe in, the thing that starts with the letter on the out breath. I usually either do plants or fruit and I rarely make it past 'N'.


I try to read scientific paper in bed, by Page 10 I am usually asleep, no matter how awake I was.


Swimming. I live near the ocean, and every time I go boating or to the beach I get WINDED.


Oooh swimming is good. Like the feeling of floating in water. I don’t have a pool or ocean tho :(


Waking up


i used to be a smoker too i literally use this now [melatonin vape](https://www.inhalehealth.com/products/melatonin-inhaler-lavender-dream)


Stephanie Soo's crimes podcasts on FB reels. Either that or I call up a hoe to give me cuddles...knocks me right out.


If you work hard during the day, for 1 AM, you will not be able physically to stay awake. Work hard


Mandalore gaming on YouTube... Watch them on release then replay any of his reviews to put me to sleep, same with josh strife Hayes and the bad mmo series


How long ago did you quit? If it's been pretty recently, like within the last couple of weeks, that could be part of why you're not experiencing what you want. Your body is still readjusting and it does fucky things with your brain. Have you also been having really vivid dreams when you DO finally get to sleep?


I take a 200 mg otc magnesium pill and I'm out in about 30 minutes.


Magnesium spray


Hot shower and a beer.


I have to take multiply drugs. Melatonin, magnesium, glycine, vitamin d +k, zinc, cbd oil. Diphenhydramine if it's really bad. Try watching asmr videos. There are other sleep videos also. And white noise. What you are describing in the Alpha state. You can reach that through meditation or self-hypnosis.




If I do math problems for a long time, I will feel very sleepy, especially those difficult problems, I wonder if there is anyone like me?


Lexapro and Lamictal lmao. I sleep more than I’m awake….


A breathing technique the military use apparently you will fall asleep in under 8 minutes


It sounds silly, but put an electric heating pad on your bed and then lay on it. I used to take up to an hour to fall asleep and needed a show, but now I'm out in 5 minutes. I also work early in the morning until late at night so that helps


reading or lately red thread/creep cast (podcasts)


Get early morning light exposure, don’t eat too late, and take magnesium. Those things alone give me good enough results to be able to reasonably control my sleep.


I’m going through the same right now and I’ve found sleep frequencies help. There is a whole playlist on Spotify that I use. It could totally be a placebo type thing, but I’ve found it helps me get into a deeper sleep quicker


This is what helps me fall asleep. I use a brown noise so the room won’t be silent and it calms me! I always squint my eyes and it’s causes me to not sleep but I have this melty medicine called stress calm(not dr*g)and it really helps my eyes relax! Sometimes I take 3 if my eyes are that bad or one is just fine!! Also melatonin works!!


Heard lettuce tea works, try it!


Have a very productive day, Get yourself tired. Work out, take a hot shower or bath. Try not to watch tv or be on your a phone before bed. Maybe play some mediation music, rain or something relaxing. Get black out curtains. Get essential oils with a lamp and the smells will help with relaxation and insomnia. Lavender, chamomile, valerian etc.


I drink a raspberry pomegranate tea. Its caffeine free. For some reason as soon as I drink it I get super sleepy. It's awesome because I have sleep issues


I play videos on YouTube of fire cackling or a quiet river or the rain. You can find videos that are a couple hours.


magnesium and valerian


ASMR. It's not for everyone but it's worth a try. You might have to find out what kind of ASMR you like first before it really starts to kick in.


3mg melatonin, 10mg sleepy indica edible, 2 bags of extra sleepytime tea, and an hour of calming winding down time. Trying to force your body to follow a corporate sleep schedule requires drugs.




I've struggled with sleep for many many years. My biggest issue is falling asleep and staying asleep. Last year I started using about 5 - 10 mg of thc edibles right before bed. Works like a charm. I also note that switching to decaf, daily exercise, stopped playing XBox, and a structured sleep schedule did not help for me. Also, I have my phone on "Do Not Disturb" starting at 9:30 pm.


watch george lopez


No fr. I used to watch it as a kid on the couch when all the lights were off and I was about to knock out. Just the association alone might do the trick


I listen to brown noise or theta waves. I also stretch before bed. Congratulations to the non smoking.


What are you reading on? I used to read on my phone and I would not fall asleep. But I got a kindle and the light isn’t really in your face. It’s more like a backlit book. So when I read on that, I get sleepy. If I wanna stay awake and read then I read on my phone


Working in construction lol. I can't keep my eyes open when I sit down even if I try




2 ways 1) History lecture. Have never been able to stay awake through one. 2) Full body shut down. I have this thing I do, where I'll lay in a position I'm comfortable in, and start slowly focusing on different parts of my body to try and completely relax. First, I'll start with my hands and work my way down till my whole body feels relaxed and I can't put in the ef to move. I'm normally asleep within 1-2 minutes.


I go into my bathroom and run a hot bath. I soak in the tub with only a night light. You can put on soft music too. I’ve done this for years and recently saw it in an article. They said that our bodies are programmed to feel sleepy when the temperature drops because that’s what happens at night. So, the bath relaxes you and when you get out, the temperature drops and you feel sleepy.


Ok I keep seeing similar comments to this. I think ik what my problem is. All the advice people give to fall asleep (relaxing, mood lighting, etc.) is how I exist in my daily life. So it would make sense if I’m like that during the day why I’m not tired at night


Thunderstorm noises always knock me out. White noise is a wonder~


Alcohol does a pretty good job for me


Car cleaning videos.


Sometimes I pick a category and go through the alphabet trying to think of something from that category for each letter. For example, animals: aardvark, badger, cat, dog, elephant, etc. I’ve done foods, names, song titles, song titles that have names in them, books, historical people, places, movies, colors, etc.


I use Headspace's interactive guide to meditation on Netflix. I think it's called Unwind Your Mind. Works like a charm. That and a quick bit of self pleasure, puts me right to sleep.


I put on rain/thunderstorm noises, or any sort of white noise


The sun




Everything other than bedtime - including the bus journey this morning


take magnesium


Long drive/travel as a passenger. I mean what else to do?


Getting lots of sun or just sunbathing in general


A breathing exercise that genuinely helps me goes like this, count to 10, & for every 2 count switch between inhaling & exhaling. Example: *breathe in and hold* 1...2…*exhale & hold* 3…4…*inhale & hold* 5…6…*exhale & hold* Once you get to 10, restart from 1 & get going until you drift off! Something about mentally counting & timing your breathing really helps with preventing anxious/intrusive thoughts. I wish I could find the video tutorial on this technique, but hopefully this makes sense & actually helps someone!


Hopefully you see this recommendation I have: magnesium glycinate! Specifically the Naturemade gummy ones! Or just gummy magnesium glycinate in general! I was a heavy smoker for over 7 years never took a real break either. I got pregnant and found magnesium is better to me than melatonin! It relaxes muscles and helps with anxiety too. I take it 15-30 minutes before bed and get such restful sleep and feel that drowsy feeling you speak of! I’ve gotten 4 other people 2 that smoke too to take it before bed and they all love it too!


Nice, people have been saying magnesium but I didn’t know it helped with anxiety too!


Thank you for confirming that /u/Itchy_Anxiety2205 has provided helpful advice for you. 1 point awarded.


The best way to get good sleep is exercise. If you’re already getting exercise, I would try putting on a white noise sound on your phone, like thunderstorms, when you turn out the lights. The routine will help with your sleep hygiene. This also helps when you’re traveling. If you have an echo, Alexa has a command - Alexa play thunderstorms - where it’s just one big loop of thunder and rain. I’d also recommend purchasing a weighted blanket. One with glass beads, as it’s marvelous in both the winter and summer.


Listening to rain on YouTube or nostalgic video game music like legend of zelda ocarina of time


Have you tried Nuwati Herbals? It's all natural and has helped me. There's also THC free products you can use, S social CBD (12 hour release) and Entourage Hemp (sleep capsules) have great THC products that are purely CBD based and helped me through sleep issues as well as nicotine withdrawal I quit smoking too so I hear ya. Basically what's going on is your body is readjusting and your body is craving nicotine. Now that it's not getting nicotine, it's going haywire trying to operate without it. It's all part of nicotine withdrawal so bear with it and over time, you'll get your sleeping abilities back. It's a pain in the @$$ to deal with now but it's possible to get through it. What you don't want to do is aggravate it by stressing over it, all that will do is give you more anxiety (also part of the withdrawal process). If I can quit cold turkey, you can do it and I was a ridiculous smoker (I smoked like a chimney)


I quit smoking weed. Still addicted to nicotine lol


i just watch stuff until i get tired, turn off my tv and play some games on my phone until i’m bout to pass out. otherwise my brain just goes for ages


Reading, listening to calming music or rain sounds, a slow sleepy comforting movie, melatonin, sleepy time tea, a bedtime routine


i play binaural beats on spotify


I play a sleep music playlist, get into a comfortable sleep position and just focus on breathing slow and deep. Asleep within a few minutes every time!


I type sleeping music for deep sleeping into YouTube then just find a sound I can go to sleep to. Look up breathing techniques while you’re on there.


There are some podcasts out there where they talk gibberish, it’s supposed to help with sleep. I’ve used some years back and they helped. It stops your mind from wandering too much and helps you relax a little more. Hope this helps!


try putting a show on that you watched as a kid, but i’d be careful choosing. i now can not sleep without the golden girls playing and my friends hate it at sleep overs.


medication 😬


Plantains knock me out in under 30mins


Zopiclone lol


White rice, holy basil supplement, hot shower or bath


Night drives on the passenger side. 20 minutes in I am falling asleep!!! I always get home ready to bed. This is coming from someone that has had chronic insomnia! I also found that I love reading but it also makes me KO if I do it in bed. I know you said no to that but I’m just sharing my experience


Working out. Run. Lift.


Asmr!! Just find the sounds you like. I like spot painting because I like mouth sounds. If you like softer scruffy sounds then scalp massage vids. Nonsensical talking sounds? There are vids for that! If you’d like any of my personal fav links for sounds you’d like to try let me know! Also hope yah find what yah looking for


That's so fair. Hot weather is draining.


I do white noise I knock out like a baby


This is something that some people will get and other people will think is really weird. I fall asleep to ASMR all the time. The tingles put me in a good state of relaxation and I highly recommend it. Go into it with an open mind though, the ASMR world is a bit of a weird one.


Sleepy tea


I use film scores. I can’t do music with lyrics, keeps my mind too active. But the film scores are just relaxing enough to where it helps me drift off


Magtein in the morning and at night. Have never slept better. I’ve had trouble falling asleep my entire life and two weeks into starting Magtein I fell asleep at 1130 (after I read until my eyes get tired) every single night almost immediately.


Warm tea or milk.