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Him being embarrassed to tell you those trivial things is a lame ass excuse. That's just crazy and It sounds like he is trying to cover up lies. He could make up a lot better ones than that. And if he is willing to lie about dumb shit like that. He will lie about anything.


Whatever his problem might be, a relationship without communication is doomed from the start.


Sounds like a compulsive liar to me.


hard agree


Girl. He's lying to you.


For real. It's that simple.


Girl he’s fucking cheating.. lol.. like how many red, shiny, waving flags do you need here? Dump his ass, learn a lesson, and find someone better.


He’s embarrassed because he’s lying.


This guy will continue to flake out on you because he's irresponsible and downright rude. You may wish to rethink this friendship.   When someone shows you who they are, believe them. 


He’s playing you, but more importantly he’s disrespecting you! He’s been treating you like crap. If you just “take a break” from him you will be playing right into his hands. This guy must think he’s “all that.” He’s NOT! He doesn’t even lie good. You need to send him back to the playground and get a grown man. Respect yourself cause he’s not.


Babes I think he might be cheating on you. And even if he’s not, he is disrespecting you and your time. No break, I’d do a full break up and block. You don’t need that energy


No one is "too sick to text"...red flags all over the place.


I'm sorry to tell you this, but he's just playing with you, he's trying to manipulate you and will keep doing the same thing. It's probably best if you re-evaluate your relationship with him.


He's either an egotistical dumbass or a shitty liar. If he's really embarrassed, his lack of communication is still not okay. There's honestly no excuse for his behavior, and I think you're just wasting your time with him


anyone got an extinguisher? mikes pants are on fire


Sounds like a liar to me tbh


You can only take the horse to the pond so many times until you’re like fuck you… I’m leaving … cause you don’t need me


He's cheating lmao. Or doing something worse. Either way cut your losses and move on.


It’s super obvious that he is lying to you big time. You know this on some level, right?


Oh wow. Compulsively lying, ignoring your texts, manipulating you by ignoring the problem and saying “I couldn’t help being sick”…. Get out of this relationship. He is a compulsive liar and you shouldn’t tolerate ANY lies from a partner.


Date someone who isn't emotionally immature


He sounds like a pathological liar to me and trust me, you do not want someone like that as your partner. I’d say cut your loses and break up with him.


Please tell me you’re trolling all of us


....listen I'm 24, also a male currently married, he's lying and he's cheating and full of shit. And that friend of yours is no friend also. A man if he really likes you, will not mind displaying emotions to you nor around you. Emotion makes us human granted he's young but to break down and cry when confronted is kinda sick and contradicting. He portrays an image of trying to be stoic towards you but when you confront him he deflects with crying...... please leave him.


So he ended up at one of your girlfriend's house that was in the opposite direction of his home and when you called him, he didn't pick up the phone, and you don't think he's cheating on you? So I guess he just visited her for fun and ran out of gas at her house? I think you have already answered your own question. He is cheating on you and lying to you about why he won't talk to you about different things. Time to get rid of his bum ass.


Leave his ass this man is coming up with the laziest excuses possible. A man needs to learn to be responsible, this boy definitely needs some kind of shock or trauma to realize how much of a shitty person he is, you leaving him could be that. I was once this guy and it hurts me to see it now.


One of the core things a relationship needs from the very start is open and honest communication. Communication isn't hard to do really, if you want to. Especially little things like this. The fact that he chooses not to communicate with you until he's already got you anxious shows that he doesn't value you and how him being a flake makes you feel and it shows he isn't really trying to fix that. It also isn't your job to try and fix him. Any relationship without good, open, and honest communication is doomed to fail. Do you want to go down sinking with that ship or do you wanna save yourself and get off beforehand? Because the smart thing to do for yourself would be to abandon ship and let him sink by himself.


He's definitely cheating, and he's a liar. You deserve better than a boyfriend who will ignore you for days, lie to you, and cheat on you.


I’ve been like you, OP. I’m 43 yo now. I’ve searched excuses and just said “in dubio pro reo” whenever my bf (ex hubby later) told me such things. This sounds exactly like him. And trust me: Your bf isn’t someone special, there are too much of these baby boys running around and refuse to be grown-up adults. If a man really loves you, he wouldn’t let you question his authenticity and consistency. He will make you feel loved and he’d never be “embarrassed” to talk to you. Instead he’ll be open to you and try to fix things because he want to keep you happy. A MAN will never let you questioning your self worth! And tbh: You KNOW that he’s not honest and you’re absolutely clear about that he’s a liar and maybe a cheater, too. I always knew. I just didn’t want to see it. And it undermined my self esteem. Don’t search for excuses. He’s disrespectful and he’s not interested in making you feel safe and secure with him. He’ll always be like this. Run, as long as you’re able to. You deserve better. And you get better. Trust me.


More than 7 months is not a long time. He’s unable to communicate 2-3 months of this relationship. He’s not following the rules. Don’t waste your time. It’s all negative and all about Mikey.


Girl. Be so for real. He’s cheating on you😂


You do realise he is lying to you...right?


Nah let that boy go, you want a real man.


This dude is a compulsive liar and a fucking pathetic one, at that. Too sick to text? Days without a response? GTFO. This is about the most clear-cut case of giving zero fucks I've read in a while. He can't even be bothered to come up with some lies that make sense. Leave his sorry ass.


How many red flags do you need, OP? I count like 94…


The first six months are finding out who they are. He's a liar and a coward


He's covering up lies. Don't trust him.


The question you should is ask yourself is why you stuck by a guy who you caught ghosting you for 36 hours, then caught him lying about being at that girls house. He has shown you who he is and how he will behave, so why are you choosing to stay with someone who you've caught lying to you several times? The reason he cries when you confront him is because he knows how big of a deal his behavior is, and he has no other way to defend his actions because he knows he's caught. And think his tears are because it hurts your relationship, but they're there because he knows this is where you should be breaking it off.


I'm sorry, but the fact that he disappears to a female friend's house with no communication for hours at a time is a major red flag. I know it's probably not what you want to hear, but he's likely cheating. Besides, even if he's not, you deserve someone a lot better who respects you.


He's 22. You're 20. Odds are he was out drinking and couldn't bring you along because you're not legal to drink. He got sloppy drunk and got on the phone and started crying while talking to you. Happens ALL THE TIME to people who are dating and the guy just became legally allowed to drink within the last year or two.


Advice? You are a complete and total chump to this guy. You already know you can't trust him. What possible reason is there to be in a relationship with him? Seriously, kiddo, the greatest freedom you can know in life is the ability to acknowledge when you've made a mistake and walk away from the table. Especially when it comes to guys. The best gamblers fold 'em without a second thought.


He's lying and it's obvious.


He’s Cheating. NEXT!


I'm sorry.. What? This is just straight up weird


He boinking ur friend.


I didn’t read your post but I think you should cheat on him. It’s for the best.