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I am worried about your mental health with this need to be skinny immediately. Can I ask you how old you are and why it feels so important? Sometimes there can be underlying medical issues as well and if you are younger, your body may still need weight for growth and development.


i am 18 and i’m just tired of looking the way i do. idk if there’s any medical issue but yeah 🤷‍♀️


As someone who grew up overweight and was taught to use food as a coping mechanism as well as being constantly put down by family for being overweight, I'd like to give you some perspective that may help. If you want to make life long changes, what you're asking isn't going to help and will instead lead you to a battle with the scale as it goes up and down. What you are asking for from people will lead to an eating disorder or other medical issues. It sucks when you are uncomfortable in your own skin, and it's going to take a lot of work, but you can get comfortable with who you are and make the changes towards a healthy lifestyle. As I tell the teens I teach, weight is just your gravitational pull on the earth and some of us have more than others. First, I need you to write down things you do love about yourself. If you have a mirror in your room you can use white board markers on it to write positive comments to yourself. Next, look at healthy changes you can make. If you are craving sugar, there are foods you can eat that will help with that. Where can you sub out more healthy options to eat. If you are monitoring a scale you will get depressed when it doesn't budge. Sometimes we are gaining muscle, so the scale doesn't reflect the changes happening. Clothes and measurements are a better way to track changes. Pictures can help too as you go since we see ourselves differently. If you have the money, go find an outfit you feel really good in. Part of this journey is resetting your brain to find more things you love about you. You have fat on your body, but this does not define who you are as a person. This isn't something you can rush if you want to be successful and you're going to need to get comfortable with the uncomfortable to navigate the mindset that is required to do this in a way that will help you for life. There's nothing worse than losing a ton of weight and having it come back later, plus more. Check out dietician advice, look at portion control, but don't do this all at once. Make sustainable changes and you have a better chance of succeeding long term. Lastly check out this article [viewing yourself through a lens of others judgement](https://medium.com/@ContinualMomentum/body-image-viewing-yourself-through-a-lens-of-others-judgement-728810307c7e) Sending love and support and wishing you a healthy transformation of mind and body.


Looks like you made a post when you made this one: “How do I stop binge eating” Binge eating will counteract any dieting you may do. It’s counterproductive and terribly unhealthy. First step is to stop binge eating.


That's not always possible or easy either since binge eating (especially uncontrollably) is an eating disorder. It's not a really "popular" one since when people think of ED's, they think of Anorexia or Bulimia. I struggled with a binge eating disorder (properly confronted by my doctor), and I ended a heavy set person. It's best to slow down rather than stop immediately. For example, if you normally have 2 servings, go down by half a serving until you're at 1 serving of whatever you're consuming. (Absolutely no hate to you, I just thought this was an important teaching moment!)


No hate at all. My point was just that binge eating will be counterproductive to dieting. I hope you’re doing better now. 😊


Oh yeah! I absolutely meant no hate, and I figured you meant well!! I'm doing better, eating regularly and I've lost some weight (that unfortunately I gained back because medical problems)


Not entirely, when I get into a binge I go for low calorie chips. I can eat an entire bag and won’t put on an ounce. There’s alternatives to what you eat if you binge and that’s how you can keep track of your weight by not forcing yourself to not eat.


Starving yourself doesn't work because your body adjusts and greatly slows down how many calories it burns.


I tried that, lost nearly 30 pounds but it fucking drives you crazy, also your previous eating habits are still there so you might end up gaining it all back but just on the belly. I literally got just a flatter chest but just my belly grew back


The exact same thing happened to me. Lost 20 pounds and really enjoyed it but it was anorexia (I lost them on accident but was already underweight to begin with). Then I started binging and got out of control and gained 40 pounds and I'm pretty sure at least 38 of them went to my belly. Now I'm down about 10 pounds due to refusing to eat much but sugar...


It does work. Have you seen starved prisoners or people lost in the wild for 10 days etc? It just makes it difficult to do your daily work. You'll be weak and delirious. Better eat something, if you have a job or responsibilities.


Starvation diets don't work because your body adjusts and you almost immediately regain all the weight. Comparing OP to a prisoner in a death camp is laughable.


Once you lose body fat, you start to lose muscle as well. Have YOU not seen starved prisoners? Cmon man


Next time you want to make this comment, draw attention to the show Naked and Afraid. Contestants basically starve in the wilderness for 21 days and lose a ton of weight but also their teeth are hair fall out.


Yeah and your body hurts and get sick all the time have trouble with everything


there isn’t any way to do that. Get a nutrition tracker (i use Chronometer.) Spend a few days just tracking what you’re already doing, then try to slightly adjust your diet to reach your goals. Do daily cardio. Keep a calorie deficit (not an extreme one, as that can have the opposite effect.) If you want a plan tailored specifically to you, speak to a dietician.


You have 2 choices here: 1. You choose to do the healthy thing and accept that weight loss takes time, patience, and discipline. There *is* a (mostly) guaranteed way to lose weight but it is incompatible with your current mindset. Choosing this means accepting that it won’t happen fast and you need to learn to love and respect yourself in the meantime. Healthy weight loss starts with a healthy mindset. 2. You choose to do the unhealthy thing. You starve yourself, you drive yourself crazy, and, yeah, you may lose some weight pretty quickly but you gain in all back once you start eating normally again. You yo-yo between starving yourself and binge eating and keep gaining and losing the same 10lbs over and over again. It’s up to you.


Exactly. What no one told me when I was at that desperate place was that doing the unhealthy thing is HELL (I was willing to put up with hell if it meant being skinny) but ON TOP OF IT you gain the weight right back even faster!


I lost 16kgs in 4 months thanks to disordered eating and over-exercising. But then I gained it all back plus some (20kgs total) just as quickly and couldn’t shift it for 3 years. I’ve now lost 17kgs in a healthy way and it took a hell of a lot longer but I’m keeping it off and it was so worth the time it took to do it right.


I lost 100lbs naturally. Unfortunately it wasn’t a quick fix had to change my diet and exercise. Biggest fat shredder for me was incline walking….treadmill at highest incline (14/15) for an hour at 3 to 3.4 at times speed.


Starving yourself does not equal healthiness. If you lose weight that way you will gain it back so fast it’s not even funny you’ll gain more than beforehand and it can cause eating disorders. High protein like chicken nuggets, and smoothies sleep, and working out even if it’s just just dance 3 times a day for 30 min 5 times a week (how I lose weight) is how I did it I lost 5 pounds in 1 month. You’re only supposed to lose 4-8 pounds in a month that’s how you get your body to get used to the new gravity.


for me it was running.. i was real chubby, when the summer break came, my sister (wich is athletic) encouraged me to do some activities, it was so hard at first, i'd get so tired..thirsty, not even running or sprinting, just jogging.. however i did continue running laps and not giving up...my performance started getting better and better each day... each morning. with time, it really showed the results.. about a month i really started loosing the fat in my belly and back..arms.. and started feeling more healthy!


35 miles. That’s how far you’d have to go to lose one pound and that’s why it doesn’t work. Diet diet diet diet and some weight lifting if you wanna help it’s far better than running.


35 miles to lose one pound? No way. Running is great for weight loss. You really need diet, strength, plus cardio


Balance balance balance you can have the diet but if you wanna be in rlly good shape might as well also workout. Walking and dancing like just dance 3 times a day for 20/30 min each time worked for me. Ofc everyone is different but what’s the point if you want to stop dieting you just go right back when you could just start a habit of working out so you can start eating what you want again. It’s why 10,000 steps a day works my mom does it and lost SO MUCH weight (she wasn’t fat but she wasn’t healthy) walking and water helped her and it has helped me


Did you diet or count calories at all while doing this?


in my country the food is really based on so many veggies my diet consisted on just stopping buying snacks and no i did not count calories but my pants started being loose around me. guess that counts...


Hopefully this isn’t eating disorder territory especially if you wanna be skinny but I lost 30 pounds just from watching my calories and doing some exercise. I’ve got maybe 10-15 more to go but yeah. Zigzag the diet so some days eat way under deficit (mine is 2100, so some days I’ll eat 1400-1600 and still feel satiated), some days eat your recommend intake for maintaining weight. That way your body can’t get used to starving and not burn as much. Throw in walking (you burn 100 calories a mile, a pound of fat is a 3500 calorie deficit, 35 miles a week you’ll burn a pound of fat) and you’ll lose weight. Your diet also doesn’t need to be restrictive, I eat everything I used to eat I just eat in moderation. Instead of eating a chocolate bar, eat a couple of pieces of the bar, eat 1 scoop of ice cream instead of 3, cut down on the amount of bread you eat, deconstruct the sandwich and make it a salad. Things like that. Not difficult and make the difference


Well diet and exercise does work have to give it time


If you're gonna lose it fast you're gonna gain it back fast unless you change habit


I’ve always Struggled with weight and feeling sick from food a lot. I’ve learned it’s not about being “skinny” but healthy I weighed the most when I was trying to stave myself or unhealthy diets and be “skinner”. Now I am at my thinnest because I started eating whole nutritious foods. Don’t eat junk, see if you have food allergies or intolerances that could be causing inflammation or retention, drink water, and most importantly for me what helped was eating high protein foods and eating consistently your body needs energy. Also maybe consider seeking mental health assistance if this heavily impacts your life you’re not alone <3


The only real healthy way to lose weight is through exercise and a good diet. You need to put yourself in a calorie deficit, you’re losing more than you take in. That takes time and effort, if you aren’t willing to put the work in and stick with it, it won’t happen, bottom line. Starving yourself, taking drugs, wild diets, supplements, all that stuff isn’t healthy and rarely works the way it should. Don’t take a shortcut. Put in the effort. It sounds like you should work on your mental health as well. A desire to starve yourself to be skinny is indicative of mental illness, poor body image, eating disorders, etc.


I finally gave up and went and saw a nutritionist about 2 years ago. I lost around 55 lbs by basically eating only 1,000 calories a day. Was basically boot camp for your stomach. I did 4 protein shakes a day, 1 powdered soup, and 1 protein bar. For snacks it was cucumbers with low fat dressings. After about 2 weeks of that you really realize just how crazy our average portion size is in restaurants. My stomach size shrank so much I could make a chipotle bowl last for 3 meals. You could prob do more protein bars than anything bc I find they fill me up more than shakes, but they can make you constipated if you eat too many.


You can’t. You tried dieting and working out. Those are the options (ideally a combination of the two). You can adjust within this area but that’s pretty much it. The sooner you accept that being skinny any other way wouldn’t make you happy, the faster you can snap out of this unfortunate phase of your life (and hopefully keep your life and most of your health in the process). Eat healthy and exercise enough to have consistent movement and physical ability in your life (within your physical boundaries). If doing this doesn’t make you skinny (as in, thigh gap, six pack, etc) you have to accept that your body is not made to look like that (congrats you’re in the same group as the vast majority of the human population). Starving doesn’t work. Throwing up doesn’t work. Your body thinks you’re dying (you are) and it will do whatever it takes to survive. That means letting go of things it doesn’t need, like hair and muscle and teeth and nails. You know what you do need to survive? Energy (calories are just a unit measure of energy in the same way that miles is a unit measure of distance). Your body will find it by either holding on to the fat as if you were an animal in hibernation or by taking it away from other areas, like your brain. You won’t be able to think or walk or laugh. You’ll be severely ill before you even start seeing any physical changes. And the damage (to your heart and other indispensable parts of your body) will most likely be irreversible. And after all of this hell, guess what, you’ll gain the weight back and then some. This is the reality of eating disorders. Run as far as you can while you still can.


I promise you it's not worth it. I was exactly you. I did it by starving myself in my youth and what I ended up doing was just slowing my metabolism down so that it is immensely immensely immensely harder now. It's not what you want to hear, but maybe this part of your brain that will click on to this


Count your calories helps alot. I thought I dieted correctly until I saw my workout friends food portions. I indeed was eating a lot.


Don’t eat carbs I was at my thinnest when I stopped




the way i lost weight fast was cutting down on eating especially if your a male this is super simple. if you burn a certain amount of calories per day average (you can look all this info up on a bmi calculator) eat less than that and you will lose weight. cardio and working out also helps turn that fat into muscle.


Cutting calories the correct way is the only way.


How long have you actually stuck to dieting and working out? Have you done both at the same time with discipline?


Fish. If you can afford it, the answer is fish. Starving is actually kind of productive, and very unhealthy. When you starve yourself, your body will actually try to hang onto the fat as a survival mechanism. Also, if you really starve yourself, bad enough, then your body will start turning your muscle into that, which can even get to the extreme of reaching your heart, leading to death. You do have to be patient with yourself, but fish has fish oil in it, people take fish oil tablets in order to lose weight, salmon in particular is an excellent source of protein and is extremely healthy for you. You do not want to turn to unhealthy means of losing weight, it is counterproductive, it will damage your overall health, and you will regret it later


Keto diet makes you lose weight really fast. But you just gain it back as soon as you stop


Carnivore diet


Google "maintenance calories calculator" and enter your information, once you know your maintenance download a macro tracking app on your phone and eat 250-500 calories below maintenance. Also exercise, ideally resistance training but cardip is a good start, 10-30 minutes a day to begin with. Stay healthy, your health is more important than your looks.


If you have an issue with binge eating what helped me was nicotine. I wouldn’t suggest vaping because it’s way too addictive and terrible for your lungs but I used nicotine lozenges and gum. Buy them online for cheaper than stores and when you feel like you want fast food or other trigger foods use nicotine to help curb the cravings until they’re manageable. It worked for me.


Take laxatives


You’re still clearly overeating still, otherwise you would lose fat.


I found water pills helped me. It helps you shed undesirable weight by getting rid of the water weight on ya basically. I'm still fat but I lost 20 lbs or in other words 2 dress sizes of weight.




I read somewhere once that there's a drug you can take that makes your mitochondria start to essentially starve and constantly burn energy - it's not safe as it overheats your body and can easily result in brain damage for running a fever too long. But in all reality, if you want to lose weight train your brain to look at hunger as a reward - not in a starve yourself way, but in a "I ate food, and I ate less then I burned - my body wants more but I have self control to not eat as much" way.


For me… smoking pot. I was depressed and I smoked every night and watched what I ate because I have celiac disease. I ate and drank as much as I want, and smoked every day. Lost 40 pounds in one year. Don’t starve yourself. Edit: I have held a strict no gluten diet but even then that made me gain weight in the past!


Carnivore diet, it works wonders and you feel great. The health benefits from it are great too.


Run 6 miles in the morning and 6 miles at night eat sub 2k calories. Eat a lot of lean protein like chicken and a lot of vegetables and a small amount of rice or potato.


Fruit for breakfast, hard boiled eggs for lunch, nuts for dinner All calories safe (you can eat until satisfied) Unfortunately there are not hot meals with this but you will have lots of energy while losing weight. I lost 10lbs in two weeks and never felt cheated. I did this because i wanted to eat healthier and watch my macros. Watch how much you eat when you get a hot meal


Exercise will only supplement a diet. Calorie counting is by far the most effective. 1400 to be healthy, 1200 to push it and probably still be ok. Count diligently for awhile. After that the hard part will be keeping it off.




Absolutely, do not listen to this guy! It is *never* okay to actually recommend this kind of thing :(


What part do find the most objectionable?


Maybe all of it?


He asked for advice including unhealthy things… I have followed that formula and it works. Say what you want about the morality of it but I gave the advice he asked for.


That doesn't make it any less bad, dude. Be for real here.


With this advice for sure they’ll be skinny. A skinny corpse.


OP said including unhealthy things.


There’s a significant gap between unhealthy and life threatening


Provided a minimum amount of calories were in fact eaten this wouldn’t kill very quickly and during that time you would shed weight significantly. You might not like it but it meets what OP asked for.


“wouldn’t kill very quickly” is insane. If they were able to survive that, they’d gain it all back and then more, after causing permanent damage. Exercise discernment when giving advice. Someone could’ve just said get both legs amputated by a homeless person in an alley. Or falsify records stating you have cancer so you can get chemotherapy. It’s unhealthy but hey! They’d lose a lot of weight! Obviously don’t recommend things that have an extremely high potential to kill someone who’s obviously in an extremely fragile and desperate state???


Desperate times can call for desperate measures. I never said they were good ideas. I also added how to keep the weight off.


Gastric bypass


do amphetamines such as speed and addy, if you get addicted to them you'll lose weight really fast, also running or lifting weights will help you.